Abortion facility that led to Roe v. Wade reversal becomes furniture store

Terrific news that the facility has been shut down.
However, I would have preferred to see the building torn down ...
and then to have a priest and others pray over the cleared property.

Too much death has happened at the facility for me to be comfortable visiting it as a consignment shop ...
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Survey: Decline in Vocations to the Priesthood Is Worse Where Priests Serve Larger Flocks

Perhaps our Eastern priests could assist in Roman Churches.
Sadly, their own flocks are small.
Although they have a greater chance of gaining priests due to this generation wanting to at least consummate in a marriage. I don't often hear of innocence among our youth.

Somethings gotta happen.
So keep on praying.
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Jesus was NOT Crucified or Killed: Quran, Sura 4

I agree. That they would come to a saving knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
This is what happened in Egypt in the 60's I think when Our Lady appeared over the Church frequently.
This is what occurred in African countries.

Keep on praying all.
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Please, please help Home Depot to STOP!

That’s great. I posted info for you before I saw your last post. I hope you can get info on whose sending the items and tracking numbers.

God bless!
Thank you so VERY much! I hope others will read the link:

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Christions and Mesienic Jew

But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless titus 3.9. I'm not interested in your religion and the new testament warns against following it-stay away from me!
Warning to avoid foolish disputes about those matters is not warning against all discussions concerning those matters, just the ones that are foolish disputes. The books of Matthew and Luke contain genealogies, so there is a time and a place for discussing them, but there are also ways of discussing them that are foolish disputes that we should avoid. Much of the NT discusses God's law, so Paul was not saying that we should avoid discussing it general. In particular, in Titus 3:1-8, Paul exhorted us to do good works, and according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for equipping us to do every good work, so Titus 3:9 should not be interpreted as Paul turning around and speaking against exhorting people to do good works in obedience to Scripture. The NT warns against sin and sin is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4).
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What is yall's take on Randy Alcorn?

I have a book by him called "Heaven", picked it up used some time back, but haven't made myself read it yet. I think it's over 500 pages. A former Sunday School teacher did recommend it, said it's quite good.
I have read it also. I thought it was quite good as well
it is thought provoking and fun to read. I would suggest it. We don't spend very much time thinking about heaven in the church anymore seems like. It was nice to see what randy had to say. Go for it!
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Did God Ordain Everything?

Sorry Mark I don't buy you're trying to make it seem like there's a big difference. I don't believe God intended the lady to be victimized nor did he want it. You're trying to say God intended an insidious thing happen to an innocent victim but that doesn't mean he wanted it. I still don't believe your position makes rational sense.
Was God's intention of Christ to be crucified any less heinous? (Acts 2:23) Or is that just necessary collateral damage of salvaging an otherwise botched attempt to get freewilled people to obey and go to heaven?
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Man with animus against Jewish community arrested in Los Angeles shootings outside synagogues, sources say

The Los Angeles Police Department has arrested a suspect in the shootings of two men outside synagogues in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of L.A. over the last two days.

The man has a history of animus toward the Jewish community, law enforcement sources told The Times.

In a statement late Thursday, the LAPD said that “the facts of the case led to the crime being investigated as a hate crime.”

The first shooting occurred around 10 a.m. Wednesday near the intersection of Shenandoah and Cashio streets, when a man in his 40s was shot in the back while walking to his vehicle, authorities said. The second was around 8:30 a.m. Thursday near Pickford and South Bedford streets — about two blocks away — when a man walking home was shot in the arm. Both victims survived the attacks.

Was it Kanye?
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Is cable TV a thing in of the past?

I like cable tv, because it has an order and regularity in the way they broadcast shows that streaming services don't. Some people may prefer the latter, but personally when I watch a 1-hour show it becomes a 1.30 hour task because I take pauses here and there to do something, plus I may binge on a show if I'm enjoying it, even if I have things to do. Like social media, I prefer to stay away of things that have potential to distract me.

Another thing is that I don't feel I'm being manipulated, because like social media apps, streaming services follow algorithms that show you content so you will spend more time using them, and to promote their not-so-good shows with false ratings. Content in cable tv is more general, it doesn't creep me out as much as netflix or other services.

Having said that, I still using streaming services. I'd use more cable if it were cheaper and had less ads.
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A bird with a T. rex head may help reveal how dinosaurs became birds

This right here tells me you don't really understand how things work. Google searches include how many times each word in the search occurs. Think about how often the word "and" occurs.

And those are some of the hits you got in that Google search. And I suppose I'm supposed to read and research all of them, even though there there's a good chance you didn't.
I never cease to be amazed by how many psychics and mind readers there are on the Internet.

I think at best like most you just dabble in this and have acquired a certain amount of surface knowledge/jargon. Like Greta Thunberg

Much like invoking Vice President Gore, mentioning Ms. Thunberg suggests more about your knowledge of climate change than it does about your interlocutor.
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50 Years of Deafening Silence Confirms Radioisotope Halos Have Destroyed Evolution - It's Time For A Proper Burial

Murderers are usually silent when they kill - and they smile slyly when they do it. Many of them wear white lab coats and delude themselves by thinking their 3,200,000 numbers are greater than the billions upon billions of angels and inhabitants of unfallen worlds and Bible believing Christians...and smile with contempt at anyone who refuses to believe ridiculous lies about millions and millions of years of what took God six literal days.
I am a conservative evangelical Bible believing Christian whom God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to bless with an excellent education and a healthy mind so that I could participate in the sharing of the gospel without commingling it and contaminating it with rubbish! Indeed, there is nothing at all in the Bible that even remotely suggests that the earth is less than 4.54 billion years old.

For proof from the Bible itself that the young earth interpretation is seriously incorrect, please see especially the 648-page commentary on the Hebrew text of Genesis 1-11 by Claus Westermann, and the commentary on the Hebrew text of Genesis by John Skinner, Principal and Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature, Westminster College, Cambridge. For further supporting evidence, please also see the commentaries on the Hebrew text of Genesis by Ephraim A. Speiser and Gerhard von Rad, scholars who are also internationally known for their in depth knowledge of the Hebrew language.

(For an excellent article on the age of the earth written from an evangelical Christian perspective, please see the following: Radiometric Dating )

CMI and other young earth creation organizations claim that the rate of decay of radioactive atoms is not necessarily constant, but no deviations have been found from the equation for radioactive decay as it relates to geological time [D = D0 + N(t) (eλt − 1)]. Moreover, no young earth creationist has ever explained from physics how it could even be possible for the rate of decay of radioactive atoms to change significantly. For an explanation of the physics involved, please see the article linked to above.
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Confederates Win! If Stonewall doesn't die.

In Burns' masterpiece, Shelby Foote points out that the Union fought the war with one hand held behind it's back. The annual Harvard/Yale regatta was held every year during the war for example. If the war had started going truly badly, the Union would just have pulled that second arm out.
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