Gog and Magog in Revelation and Ezekiel

The angels as lights are not even seen in the daylight. When the angels come to earth, that does not change the sky during the day. It will only change what heaven looks like at night.

No one is claiming the sun and moon are gone after the Second Coming. That is after the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

In the next creation, the NHNE of Revelation 21 is when this glory of the Lord will light the world.
According to Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

Verse 19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

20 Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.

I just cited the salient texts, but if you read Isaiah 60 from 1-22, you'll find it is referring to the millennial kingdom with Gentiles (unsaved mortals that survived the GT to enter the millennium) paying homage to the saints. When the 1000 years expires, the GWTJ will be set up and no flesh will remain. With this in mind, Isaiah 60 clearly plays out during the millennium - and verses 19-20 tell us that the sun and moon will no longer be the light in that age, but the glory of the Lord.
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7 teachings on Hell from St. Thomas Aquinas...


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Essentially Fellowship is defined as a discussion of topics of association, of companionship - i.e. discussions of things like friends, family, work..... these are fellowship posts. And posts that genuinely offer friendship would certainly be described as fellowship.

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Does Trump stand a chance is 2024?

Trump has a good chance at winning the nomination.

However, I think that he has little chance of winning in the general election. Huge amounts of money from Republican donors will be donated to fund various efforts to defeat him (while supporting Republican candidates for the Senate, the House and state legislatures).

The Democrats are NOT on good shape. Top republican donors want to retake the Senate and perhaps even the House. If Trump is the nominees, these donors will look to 2024 when they would very likely to win after 8 years of Biden.
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Monet’s Water Lilies Masterpiece is Recreated Using 650,000 Lego Pieces

If you don’t know who Ai Weiwei is, he’s an artist who likes big, statement-setting installations, but in a new exhibition he is throwing it back to the Impressionists, with a massive interpretation of Water Lillies by Monet, made from 650,000 Lego bricks.

Titled Water Lillies #1, it’s the largest Lego sculpture the Chinese artist has ever made, and it will go on display in “Ai Weiwei: Making Sense” at the Design Museum in London, UK, from April 7 to July 30.

The nearly fifty-foot-long sculpture takes up a whole wall at the museum. The gentle flowing colors are interrupted suddenly by a dark portal that represents the underground tunnel built by his father at the family house in China’s Xinjiang Province—where they would often hide from the authorities.

Continued below.

But Now Take Courage

Haggai 2:1-5 NASB

“On the twenty-first of the seventh month, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet saying, ‘Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people saying, “Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? Does it not seem to you like nothing in comparison? But now take courage, Zerubbabel,” declares the Lord, “take courage also, Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all you people of the land take courage,” declares the Lord, “and work; for I am with you,” declares the Lord of hosts. “As for the promise which I made you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!”’”

The temple of God today is the church, the body of Christ, the people of God who have trusted in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of their lives, who have been crucified with Christ in death to sin and raised with Christ to walk in newness of life in him, no longer as slaves to sin, but now as slaves to God and to his righteousness. So it is not a physical building but a spiritual building. And it is made of living stones, which are the believers in Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone, and as its builder, too.

So, the temple of God, the church, the body of Christ, is not of a church denomination, and it is not incorporated under the state, and it is not a civic center, nor is it a social club, nor is it a place for good clean-cut family entertainment. But that is what it has been turned into in America in the majority of what is being called “church.” Yet, the true church does exist within these gatherings, but so many have compromised with the world so that it is barely distinguishable between the church and the world today.

So, when this passage of Scripture asks the question, “Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory?,” I don’t really know the answer to that question today, for I am not sure at what point things really began to shift away from the biblical role model of what church is supposed to be to what it has become today. For I believe the shift has been slow in coming, and it has been very subtle on purpose so that most folks didn’t even realize when it was changing from what it used to be.

So, I can speak from my own experience. The church gathering I went to growing up was certainly not perfect, and it had its issues, but what I remember of it was that the truth of the gospel was taught. Holiness, godliness, repentance, and obedience to the Lord were stressed. And when we took communion, it was a very solemn and spiritual time of spiritual reflection and prayer. And some people sang out without anyone leading them, but as the Spirit led, and we had testimony times, too.

I learned there what it meant to walk with the Lord in holiness and in righteousness and in obedience to my Lord. And I knew the conviction of sin and I knew repentance and obedience to my Lord. And I took God and his word very seriously from early on. And we had Bible studies in people’s homes throughout the week where we continued to grow in our walks of faith and where we had wonderful times of true biblical Christian fellowship, and where we encouraged one another in the Lord.

But then, after I was married, and we had our second child, we moved away, and it has been an adventure ever since then living different places and attending various gatherings of “the church.” And there have been some good and positive experiences, but probably more experiences that were not so good. And eventually the Lord began to open my mind to see the shift that had taken place in evangelical Christianity. And that was 24 years ago I first began to see the change, and it has changed so much since then.

And what I was seeing when my eyes finally began to be open to what was happening to the church was that what is now called “church” really is not the body of Christ, although Christians are part of these “churches.” But what I realized is that most of what is called “church” are really businesses being marketed to the world. And so they are entertaining the world in order to draw in large crowds of people from the world into their gatherings, and so they ceased to be the church, the body of Christ, as a unit.

For now they were becoming places of entertainment and good clean fun and enjoyment and laughter and games and gimmicks and watered-down gospels and play time and acting and performing and jokes galore, etc. And the “worship” services were more like stage productions. And the biblical language was being altered in favor of words that were less offensive to human flesh. And so “sin” was replaced with “messed up,” and repentance and obedience were out, and being “seeker sensitive” was the key.

And the gospel became “Pray the prayer to invite Jesus into your heart and now you are saved, all your sins are forgiven, and now heaven is guaranteed you when you die, and nothing can take that away.” No repentance. No turning away from lifestyles of sin. Or if repentance is mentioned, it is diluted to a mere acknowledgment of sin. And no talk about walks of obedience to the Lord or the consequences of continuing in deliberate and habitual sin and of not obeying the Lord Jesus.

Now, this does not describe every gathering of “the church” here in America. But it does describe the majority, it appears. So many of them have gone the way of the world in order to draw the world into their gatherings. And so the gatherings are a conglomerate of people from the world, people making shallow professions of faith in Jesus without repentance or obedience, and some genuine followers of Jesus Christ who are continuing with these “churches” because it is the only means of “church” that they know.

But not all is lost! There is an encouragement here which I believe we can apply to our situation today based on the fact that the book of Revelation, in particular, speaks of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ during the tribulation. And that encouragement is that we need to remain strong in our faith, and keep on believing that people will come to genuine walks of faith in Jesus Christ, and that the body of Christ will grow to maturity in Christ so they will be ready for when the Lord returns.

We just have to keep obeying the Lord Jesus, and we must keep speaking the truth and exposing the fruitless deeds of darkness in hopes that people’s eyes will be opened to the truth and that they will forsake their sins to follow Jesus in obedience, and that they will now worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. So, even if all looks hopeless now, and even if we are largely ignored and/or opposed now, God can take the seed we are planting and he can use that in people’s lives even years after it is planted.

[Matt 7:21-23; Matt 24:9-14; Lu 9:23-26; Rom 1:18-32; Rom 2:6-8; Rom 6:1-23; Rom 8:1-14,24; Rom 12:1-2; Rom 13:11; 1 Co 6:9-10,19-20; 2 Co 5:10,15,21; 1 Co 1:18; 1 Co 15:1-2; 2 Tim 1:8-9; Heb 9:28; 1 Pet 1:5; Gal 5:16-21; Gal 6:7-8; Eph 2:8-10; Eph 4:17-32; Eph 5:3-6; Col 1:21-23; Col 3:5-17; 1 Pet 2:24; Tit 2:11-14; 1 Jn 1:5-9; 1 Jn 2:3-6,24-25; 1 Jn 3:4-10; Heb 3:6,14-15; Heb 10:23-31; Heb 12:1-2; Rev 21:8,27; Rev 22:14-15]

For Our Nation

An Original Work / September 11, 2012

Bombs are bursting. Night is falling.
Jesus Christ is gently calling
You to follow Him in all ways.
Trust Him with your life today.
Make Him your Lord and your Savior.
Turn from your sin. Follow Jesus.
He will forgive you of your sin;
Cleanse your heart, made new within.

Men betraying: Our trust fraying.
On our knees to God we’re praying,
Seeking God to give us answers
That are only found in Him.
God is sovereign over all things.
Nothing from His mind escaping.
He has all things under His command,
And will work all for good.

Jesus Christ is gently calling
You to follow Him in all ways.

Men deceiving: We’re believing
In our Lord, and interceding
For our nation and its people
To obey their God today.
He is our hope for our future.
For our wounds He offers suture.
He is all we need for this life.
Trust Him with your life today.

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U.S. and Canadian Bishops Join Vatican’s Condemnation of Colonialist ‘Doctrine of Discovery’

The USCCB and CCCB, with the encouragement of the Vatican, are ‘exploring’ the establishment of an academic symposium for continued dialogue between indigenous and Catholic scholars.

The U.S. and Canadian bishops released statements Thursday praising the Vatican’s repudiation of the “doctrine of discovery,” which has been used in the past to justify European colonialism in the Americas and throughout the world.

The doctrine of discovery is a philosophical, political, and legal theory that posits that European colonizers have the right to expropriate indigenous lands and property.

The theory has been said to have its origin in certain 15th-century papal bulls including Dum Diversas, Romanus Pontifex, and Inter Caetera, and has been invoked by many, including the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1823 case Johnson v. McIntosh.

On Thursday, a joint statement of the Vatican’s Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development formally denounced the doctrine of discovery, saying it “is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church” and that the Church “repudiates those concepts that fail to recognize the inherent human rights of indigenous peoples.”

Continued below.

Christ’s Passion ‘Written in Blood’

New Shroud of Turin replica is unveiled in D.C.

WASHINGTON — The display of a replica of the Shroud of Turin at the Catholic Information Center in the nation’s capital opened on March 28 at a most appropriate time — just ahead of Holy Week, the liturgical time when the Church commemorates Christ’s suffering and death on the cross.

Myra Adams, who leads the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) project, first saw a depiction of Christ with all the markings of his passion on the crucifix in the historic St. Peter’s Chapel in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

She said the graphic crucifix, which depicts wounds similar to those reflected in the image on the shroud, brought home to her the reality of Christ’s sacrifice.

Continued below.

Anti-Christian Hate Crimes in Jerusalem Soaring This Year; Catholic, Orthodox, Armenians and Others Say Problem Much Worse Than Reported

Church sources accuse Israeli police of downplaying acts of violence towards them, and attribute Jews' vandalism to a growing national legitimization of discrimination

Vandalism and assaults targeting Christians and Christian institutions in Jerusalem have risen sharply since the beginning of the year, something leaders of churches in the city link to the tone of the new government.

Church sources say the police do not treat the situation seriously enough and refuse to identify the growing list of violent incidents as a trend. According to the sources, only a small percentage of incidents are reported to the police, and the extent of the phenomenon is unknown. A document of the Jerusalem Inter-Church Center, which coordinates among the city’s various Christian denominations, quotes an Armenian priest as saying that he has been spat on more than 90 times in the year to date. Most of the reported incidents took place in the Old City of Jerusalem.

On January 2, two Israeli Jewish teenagers desecrated more than 30 graves at a Protestant cemetery on Mount Zion, breaking crosses and smashing headstones. They were later arrested and charged. Just 10 days later, anti-Armenian and anti-Christian slogans were scrawled on the walls of the Armenian monastery in the Old City, and a Maronite Christian community center in the Western Galilee community of Ma’alot-Tarshiha was vandalized. In two separate incidents in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem in late January, Christian teenagers were assaulted and young Jewish men threw chairs at customers of an Armenian restaurant.

Continued below.

Chest pain while praying

Health doesn’t matter if you don’t have the lord. In my opinion If health is more important it leads to the same place wouldn’t it? Not to start a debate or anything an no one has to agree. But I want to figure it out one day an hopefully it’s a good thing. But I am going to take it slow. 2014 I remember the first time it happened all to well that pain was there for days or atleast a week or 2. There wasn’t palpitations. But I mean it was dark a I was alone in the wood on a small incline dirt I called that a mountain like a kid would do. The brightness was quite weird however, the pain was abnormal a yet I was in my teens. I asked my mom about it. But she didn’t know. The second time I took it better than the first time, After I was tired a needed rest the 3rd time happened the night after the 2nd time happened now the pain I wish wouldn’t be there but the peacefulness an the rest however, last time it happened I was laying down as the coldness started to happen again which was weird so it wasn’t like pouring water on my head an it slow an equally straight went down to the chest area than stopped However It was like sideways. Risk taking maybe a good thing or a bad thing. Who knows.

But everyone has different experiences it could be possible where not talking about the same experience which I can understand your awnsers. An I’m not meaning to bumbared on them but this one is very interesting an I have to understand it. Perhaps you’re right . perhaps Not. So I won’t take the answers given as null an void them out as wrong. Thanks for you time
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Is the new Covid-19 variant beyond the vaccine?

Every flu strain morphs within a year or two such that the prior vaccine no longer works. I suspect Covid works the same way -- at least to some extent.
Well, all I can say is that I suspect the Covid 19 tests doesnt pick up some of the variants as we got sick with basically the same symptoms and duration as the original Covid 19 and yet now the tests do not show it positive for Covid 19, and others are seeing the same thing. Very curious..
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Who think, fundamentally, libraries are a good thing?

I see what you are saying, but giving only information on one side of an issue or only highlighting information about certain issues and not others; then "information" becomes a "vehicle of social preference". That's why I can see why some people may get upset with the library.
Well where but the libraries do we get to “fight” about what is contained in them?

If your “preference” is to let legislators “decide” what “free-speech” is, with appropriate legislation, then that’s not conservative at all, though it is right wing.
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A Needed and Neccessary Bible Version!

Thank you ...I located the used book on "A" 37.50 (not sure if using the full name is against rules)
I appreciate the info .... The study sounds intriguing.... Gods blessings in you research.

You can always post the name of the author of a book, article, website, blog, etc. I did attempt to post excerpts of a sermon from a well-known pastor, pointing out the lies. The idea was that people could watch the sermon for themselves and, using my notes, see for themselves the lies. But I used the pastor's name and was quickly informed that doing that was a no-no!
If you desire to learn more about the Jewishness of the New Testament, there are two bible versions I would recommend to you.
One New Man Bible, revealing Jewish roots and power, published by True Potential Publishing. You have to order the book direct from them. The other is The Complete Jewish Study Bible, published by Hendrickson. One New Man has three companion volumes associated with it; all three are available on Kindle for a low price. Very helpful! If you are interested in a good book, try The Jewish Jesus, by David Hoffbrand, also available on Kindle. If you have never ventured into the study of the Jewishness of the New Testament and you read any of these, you will be pleasantly surprised and amazed about the things people are not being taught.

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Release International Prayer Shields, Nigeria and India

Prayers For Our Persecuted Family.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for our persecuted family so we produce a daily prayer shield which gives a specific need that you can pray for each day. You can see today’s prayer, plus those for the last 6 days, below. You can also sign up using the form above to receive our Email Prayer Alert which we send out whenever we become aware of a specific and immediate situation which requires urgent prayer.

Children’s Prayer Sheet
It’s not only adults who can pray for our persecuted family. Every month we produce a prayer sheet aimed specifically for children. Each sheet has specific activities and prayers which will help children learn more about how persecution affects children in other countries. You can visit our Children’s Prayer Sheet page here.

Prayer Shield


Pray for God’s people in Nigeria – that they will place their trust in His steadfast love and not lose hope, amid the violence and intense persecution.
Prayer Shield


Pastor and taxi-driver Sukhdev Mark gave a gospel tract to a passenger in Haryana state, India. The same man booked the pastor’s cab a second time and lured him into an ambush where Pastor Sukhdev was stabbed. Pray for his complete healing.
Prayer Shield


Pray for Durgawati and her nephew Gulsan who were punished by their family and thrown out of their village in India for refusing to stop sharing their faith. They now live with a pastor in a nearby village.
Prayer Shield


India’s 30 to 70 million Christians make up only five per cent of the population. Pray that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains – and change societies.
Prayer Shield


Pray for justice in India for Madhab Gorai whose close relatives are suspected of his murder in West Bengal. Madhab’s wife and son had publicly threatened to kill him after he refused to reject Christ.
Prayer Shield


Pray for believers in Karnataka state which officially enacted anti-conversion laws in September. Such laws in other states in India have frequently been misused against religious minorities.
Prayer Shield


Pray that God will thwart the efforts of Hindu-nationalist informants, present in nearly every village in India, who report on the activities of believers.

Amazing praise (in Mizo) at wedding reception

Hi Everybody! This is the second time I found a wedding video with amazing worship from the small state of Mizoram in India. There's a lot of the standard wedding speeches and stuff, but if you go to 1:28:10, the worship starts cranking up. (The video should start there automatically.)

Then it notches up even more at 1:33:50. I only know a few words of Mizo, but I can tell they are praising God big time :amen:

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Baptism, part 6

All of the men I quoted would claim they were "men of God" who strove to teach Scripture to the common people. All of them are held in high esteem, not just in the Catholic Church (except Luther), but among many historians and commentators. I doubt if any of them were true believers! To say the horrible, evil, and wicked things they said and thought cannot be reconciled with how Scripture portrays a believer, especially how a teacher of Scripture should think and speak. Yeshua clearly taught that a believer should "love his enemies," and even if these wicked men thought the Jews to be their enemies, they had been commanded to love the Jews!
Concerning the teaching of Scripture, by their very words they all showed that they knew very well the importance of the teaching in the O.T. They knew that if the people discovered the truth of this that the people would find out that they were being taught a false image of Scripture and would reject their teaching.
Everything they worked toward was to create a picture that God hated the Jews, had rejected the Jewish people as a whole, sent Jesus to create, start from scratch, the "Church," which was strictly Gentile in nature, that the "Church" had replaced Israel. The promises and blessings for the Jewish people had been transferred to Gentiles and the "Church" represented the "true Israel", the Israel God had "imagined."

It wasn't enough to eliminate any trace of Judaism when "presenting" the gospel to pagan Gentiles, the had to present a faith that would appeal to the Hellenistic view of life, philosophy and religion (Hellenism was the dominate cultural influence among all Gentiles, regardless of nationality or bloodline). To the average Gentile, even if they did not personally dislike the Jews, the "religion" of the Jews was strange and unlike any of the pagan religions. So, to make "Christianty" more appealing, it was presented as if it was Greek in nature.
And today, the fact that the New Testament ended up as thousands of Greek manuscripts, to the point that most people believe that the writers of the New Testament all spoke and wrote in Greek. That the New Testament was specifically written in Greek because it was a language used by many different cultures in the known world and this would enable Gentiles to be able to read the New Testament for themselves, or for those who literate, the New Testament could be read to them in Greek.

The separation sought by those evil men hundreds of years ago has borne much fruit. The idea that the O.T. and N.T. are separate books of the bible, that the O.T. is only concerned mostly with Jewish history and presented as if its main goal was to show how Yeshua, prophesized and pointed to by the festivals and sacrifices, had finally arrived. and the New Testament is completely focused on the "Church" and future events, the end times and that Jesus never looked back to the O.T. As if Judaism no longer played any role in the N.T era. I distinctly remember "pastors" talking about theology when in the N.T., but I can't recall any talk about the "theology" of the O.T. I only discovered this when at a book store and I saw a book titled Old Testament Theology, a few weeks after I began to study.
However, what those men started, others got on that train and added to what had been accomplished. The testaments had not only been separated, men had turned things around to the point where not only the two books not connected, that God acted one way in the O.T. and in a completely different way in the N.T. That with the Jews He was harsh, mean, vindictive and demanding. In the N.T. He is all about love, love, mercy, and kindness. In the O.T. He told you what to do and if you disobeyed, there was a price to pay. In the N.T. He hopes you will choose to obey Him. In the O.T. God did as he saw fit, He did as He wanted to. In the N.T., God can only have a desire, "God wants to..." They went so far as to create a "personal devil" who acts in the same way, with the same power, as God did in the O.T. in an effort to explain how and why the "bad things" that happened in the O.T. and are still happening in the N.T., were no longer a direct result of God taking action, but were the work of "the enemy." Let me show some examples of how things are taught in the O.T. compared to the N.T
O.T. God is sovereign
N.T. God is only in control.

O.T. Worship was to bow down and obey God.
N.T. Worship is singing, playing music and giving money.

O.T. God punished sin
N.T. God overlooks sin.

O.T. God doesn't love all people, only the Jews and a few Gentiles.
N.T. God loves everybody.

O.T. God was angry, vengeful and filled with wrath.
N.T. God is all about love, kindness and mercy.

O.T. Temple
N.T. Church

O.T. the tithe was on food, food products and livestock, not every Jew tithed.
N.T., the tithe is 10% of everybody's income.

O.T. The tithe was to be eaten.
N.T. the tithe is put into the bank.

O.T. The tithe went to the Levites first.
N.T. The tithe goes to the church leaders.

O.T. God caused sickness, disease and natural disasters.
N.T. Satan/demons cause these things.

O.T. God made man in His image.
N.T. Man made God in his image.

O.T. God chose who He purposed to be saved.
N.T. Man decides if he gets saved or not and God has no say about it.

O.T. God's will is the most powerful force in the universe and no man can stop God from preforming His will
N.T. Man's will is the most powerful force in the universe and God is unable to go against man's will

When I started to study, I greatly emphasized the Greek language and Greek words. I believed this because this has been the main attitude among scholars and others for many years and the Greek words gave a more exact meaning of Scripture. So, when I was in the O.T., Hebrew was the focus, and Greek words in the N.T. I had thought that every Greek word used was the exact equivalent to the Hebrew words spoken in the N.T.
But the longer I studied, the more I learned. But, I also became aware that things I didn't know were in play, things that directly affect the study of Scripture. The first and most important fact was that everything in the New Testament is Jewish! There is nothing from the Gentile world that is taught in the N.T. Then I learned that everything taught in the New Testament (Except for Paul's teaching of marriage between an unbeliever and believer) comes straight from the Old Testament. And then I learned that Strong's Concordance and Thayer's Lexicon were not 100% accurate. Not only did they give the wrong definitions, Strong's included made-up words!

And then today, I came across something that showed why Strong's included made up words. From a site called The Torah Source, "...the "definitions given for any particular Hebrew and Greek word listed in the Strong's Dictionary are simply all of the English words chosen by the KJV translators for a particular word. Thus Strong's "Dictionary" is not actually a dictionary at all, and clearly not a lexicon, but rather a listing of the words that the KJV translators deemed appropriate.
Rather than Strong coming up with a dictionary of his own on the Greek language and how the Greek words were used by the KJV translators, he was forced to define the words as the translators used them in the KJV! That explains why he had to make up definitions. He didn't makeup words, the KJV translators made up words! And then Strong had to make up definitions to fit the KJV! And, I have to cut those translators some slack as their knowledge of the ancient Hebrew and Greek available to them was very limited to what is now known.

In the next post, I will start addressing the subject of baptism, but I had to first lay down the background and groundwork of what I am about to show. So, hang in there.

End of part 6

Why do people make fun of the 72 virgins in the Islamic paradise?


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