If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

Yes, they were brutal in those times, if you did not believe the state religion you could end up tortured or dead. Unfortunately there are still pockets of hatred left over, twice I've been to countries during their celebration of Guy Fawkes Day, which celebrates the torturing and killing of a Catholic named Fawkes. It really gave me a creepy feeling. Catholics too paid a dear price if caught trying to bring the English version of the Bible, the Douay Rheims, from France and distributing it in England. I never saw it at my school growing up, but my mom always remember arriving at her elementary school and seeing the American flag had been taken down and replaced with the Klan flag. I spoke with a lady who told me she had no animosity toward Protestants, but she didn't understand as a girl why they chained the doors of her Catholic Church and they had to worship outside in the rain and the cold. It's encouraging that today they mention at the Tower of London that in the back of their chapel are the graves of both Protestant and Catholic martyrs, and a Beefeater offered regret for the torture. That was encouraging, we're not going to get the full forgiveness Jesus wants us to have until people quit pretending it was all one-sided. I've mentioned before the role of William of Ockham and Marsilius of Padua in promoting Scripture alone.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, and gave Peter the Aramaic name "Kepha" which means "Rock."
I believe St. Paul's message is clear however you take the meaning of obedience.

To them indeed, who according to patience in good work, seek glory and honor and incorruption, eternal life But to them that are contentious, and who obey not the truth, but give credit to iniquity, wrath and indignation. Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that worketh evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Greek [Romans 2:7-9]
Obey your prelates, and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account of your souls; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief. For this is not expedient for you [Hebrews 13:17]
Those verses do not contradict what I wrote. Faith leads to obedience. Obedience is the fruit of saving faith. You will do good works if you have saving faith. You can't just pull a verse out and make it teach something contrary to the rest of Scripture. What then do you say Paul meant when he said salvation was "not of works?" Here you are saying works are necessary. So which is it? Was Paul wrong? Yes, our works will be judged but not at the Great White Throne judgment which is the judgment concerning salvation. They will be judged for rewards but not for salvation.
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Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

You've completely changed the subject.
You said it's all choice.

I said that just an opinion ( negative stereotype
Opinion) based on neither study nor experience.

You are what you do. I am a lesbian as identified
by my actions.

If you are dissatisfied with being identifed by what yiu do
perhaps you can decide to change.

Better still if it was a hasty statement that isn't really how you see things. People. Like me.

That's all about your thu ki g, not some " status quo" which is,
if anything, still very discriminatory.

The subject was, is it a choice.
For me personally, it is not. Same with others
I know.

I nor you can speak justly of those we don't know.

Now, to the topic you introduced here later-
Men in women's room?? Subjecting women to...??

As a woman I can only be far more opposed than you.

As a woman who has been raped, my privacy and safety is an intense issue.

But that wasn't it. Just your talk of " choice".

I hope you see my pov and will hpgive some revised thoughts to the idea that all of lgb... is " choice".
Ok? Friends?

I'm not into " facts" which are actually
personal opinion with zero way to confirm them.
Sometimes you can't change the way you think, but I would hope that you can choose your actions.
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What where is now?

I do not understand why the Bible says that no one knows the time. We know the Church age (Age of Grace) is 2,000 years and then we have the 1,000 year reign of Christ. Then we have a new heaven and a new earth. I am not sure if the reign of Christ is literal or symbol. Also I do not know how we transition from one era to the next. Also there is a question of what does it mean that we rule and reign with Him? So I have more questions than answers.
And most believers say RAPTURE , but there is no Greek word for RAPTURE at all , and if do not believe it , just check the Greek text and see .

And I believe that the next thing to happen is found in 2 Thess 2 :1 on account of the COMING // PAROUSIA , even our gathering together unto Him

Then in verse 3 says that no one should be thoroughly deceived you in not one way because , EXCEPT // ME is a DISJUNCATIVE

PARTICLE NEGATIVE , the DEPARTURE // APOSTASTIA , { also used in Acts 21:21 } should come FIRST // PROTOS , and the Man of Sin be Revealed the son of destruction

These is the parting line BETWEEN the Departure of the BODY OF CHRIST and the GREAT TRIBULATION .

dan p
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I wish I were a believer, but...

Welcome to CF!

I would start with a prayer to God, asking Him to help you with your unbelief.

Mark 9:21-29 said:
And He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. It has often thrown him both into the fire and into the water to kill him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!” But Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, “I do believe; help my unbelief!” When Jesus saw that a crowd was rapidly gathering, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him and do not enter him again!” And after crying out and throwing him into terrible convulsions, it came out; and the boy became so much like a corpse that most of them said, “He is dead!” But Jesus took him by the hand and raised him, and he got up. When He came into the house, His disciples began asking Him privately, “Why is it that we could not cast it out?” And He said to them, “This kind cannot come out by anything except prayer.”

It may feel weird to pray to a God that you don’t believe in, but you do need to do that. Ask him to accept you in the basis of Christ’s sacrifice, pray for a sign if that’s what you think you need, ask him to help you with your unbelief, pray for help. You need God to send the Holy Spirit into Your life, to help you believe, so keep praying, keep asking, for the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
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What is freewill?

That's really beautiful Love that you have, there.
I just stated a fact about compassion.
Did you get it from your Heavenly Father who got it from His Heavenly Father?
I believe it's the Eternal Spirit, if that's what you're asking. If I may ask, why do you have a succession of heavenly Father's in your question? Elohim and Most High?
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Texas woman shows her love of the Eucharist by pedaling pilgrimage route

GALVESTON, Texas (OSV News) — Patricia Galindo’s handwritten sign towered over her, often fluttering about when a breeze from the Gulf of Mexico blew through Galveston Island.

In large black ink, Galindo wrote a bilingual message in English and Spanish on white cardboard declaring, “Eucharist: My Source of Strength.”

A journey of faith and perseverance​

And by finally reaching Galveston Island June 2, the feast of Corpus Christi, Galindo finally reached the home stretch of her biking journey, one that took her along the path of the St. Juan Diego Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage.

Her visit to St. Mary Cathedral Basilica and Sacred Heart Church in Galveston marked the beginning of the end of her biking pilgrimage. She had started her pedaling alongside the Eucharistic processions in her hometown of Brownsville, Texas, and followed the pilgrimage group as it slowly wound its way up the Texas Gulf Coast.

Joined by a close friend, the two committed to accompany the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage group all the way from Brownsville to Beaumont, Texas, and see that the group made it to Louisiana.

Atop her tricycle, she biked as much as she physically could handle, often seeing the “perpetual pilgrims” at Mass, prayer vigils and other events as the route continued through Corpus Christi and Victoria, finally reaching the Houston area. She’ll pedal alongside the Eucharistic processions that coursed through various Texas towns and cities, moving from parish to parish.

Overcoming challenges​

Continued below.

Rep. Paul Gosar introduces legislation creating $500 Trump bill

Gosar Introduces Legislation Creating $500 Trump Bill

Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), issued the following statement after introducing H.R. 8620, the Treasury Reserve Unveiling Memorable Portrait (TRUMP) Act, legislation requiring the Secretary of the United States Treasury to print $500 Federal Reserve notes featuring a portrait of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump:
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Tea Party Patriot elections board member refuses to certify Georgia primary results (others certify results over her abstention)

Leaving elections in limbo? Trump wants in on that!

Trump Allies Sue to Allow Election Officials to Refuse to Certify Results

The America First Policy Institute is representing an election-denying election official who wants the discretion to refuse to certify results

In recent years, Republican election officials have refused or delayed certification of election results at least 15 times in eight states, as Rolling Stone previously reported — part of efforts to call elections into question based on Trump’s election lies.

Adams’ lawsuit marks the first legal attempt by Trumpland to help sway Georgia’s election results in November, but not her first involvement with election denial tactics. While it has been reported that Adams served as a director for the Tea Party Patriots, a pro-Trump group that helped organize the “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, Rolling Stone and American Doom have found she served with another prominent election denial group that was at the forefront of efforts to overturn the 2020 election and has continued that work into 2024.

In an undated biography at the Virginia Public Policy Institute, Adams is listed as the “southeast regional coordinator” for the Election Integrity Network (EIN),Rolling Stone and American Doom have found. EIN is the brainchild of Cleta Mitchell, seen as one of the most prominent leaders of the election denial movement and a lawyer who has advised the Trump campaign.
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Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

As the old saying goes, an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I can think of a very logical reason why Clement might not have mentioned the date of December 25. He wasn't trying to prove or disprove that date. He came up with his calculations to prove the supremacy of Moses over the Greek philosophers by developing a chronology of the world from the creation. The date he gives for the advent of Moses and the advent of Christ is where they fall within that chronology. Whether that chronology for the age of the earth since creation is correct is a matter of debate, and therefore so are his dates for the advent of Moses and of Christ.

I guess I would say that perhaps it would be best to not draw any conclusions based on just one of these early documents. I understand that you have a lot of confidence in Clement's dates because his date for the crucifixion happens to match up with the date you have calculated. But that doesn't justify depending so heavily on Clement as if he is the only early witness, a nearly infallible witness, to the exclusion of all other witnesses.

In Christ,
Actually, in this particular context, the absence of the evidence is precisely the evidence of the absence. The writer mentioning an event, tying a group of possible dates to it, and omitting the very date you allege to be so universal and recognized throughout the church is a very telling omission. No one in the fourth century, when it actually was universally recognized, had any problem mentioning it.
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The rise of menace as a mainstream political tool

Colorado Republican Party issues call to burn all Pride flags

The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.”

Valdamar Archuleta, president of LGBTQ+ conservative group Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado and current candidate for the state’s First Congressional District, said, “It’s alienating a large group of people within the party. Not just LGBT people, but our friends, our allies, our families. This was a massive mistake. We need to work on unifying the party and growing the party, not isolating people with divisive messages like this.”

Good luck with that.
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A better and updated SCOTUS

Im concerned about what kind of chaos would result from deciding:

1. How the ideological makeup of each panel would be sorted from the 14 total justices.

2. how and which cases are distributed among the 2 panels considering the inevitable different ideological disposition of the 2 different panels.

The Justices would be seated the same as they’ve been for the last 200+ years. The President nominates a candidate, the Senate Judiciary Committee questions him/her, and then the whole Senate votes either to confirm or deny the appointment. If there should be a conservative President and Senate majority, then each new Justice will likely be conservative. And vice versa if the Pres. and Senate are liberal.

And I stated in the OP that the 2 panels will decide together which cases are heard.
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I don't have a problem if you want to believe in a Pretrib Rapture--it's not a matter of orthodoxy for me. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe that as the Son of God he died for your sins, to give you the hope of eternal glory? Do you believe we're all sinners in need of Christ's redemption, who with repentance can be Born Again into a New Nature?

Do you believe we've been given the Holy Spirit as a gift to be with us forever, guiding us in the ways of Christ? Do you believe in the eternal judgment of all men? Do you believe, therefore, in the Trinity, that God the Father sent God the Son as a sinless man to atone for our sins? And do you believe the Holy Spirit aids in our conversion and helps confirm our eternal inheritance?

Where among these things is Pretrib? It isn't a test of orthodoxy, but a single opinion within the general belief that Christ is coming again to establish his eternal Kingdom. God bless.

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Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

Didn’t say it does. But if Trump believes in God and Jesus and says he is a Christian, then u would have to be accusing him of lying or using a no true Scotsman fallacy.

Furthermore, if he can put forth more Christian policies and point people towards God, he’s better than Biden for the job.
If you are looking for a leader to draw more people to Christianity, then Trump is just about the worst option.
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Trump presses oil executives.... again

This makes the Arctic an incredibly rich area. It is about the same geographic size as the African continent - about 6% of Earth's surface area - yet it holds an estimated 22 percent of Earth's oil and natural gas resource.​
Almost half of these 6% area belong to Russia, the next big part belongs to Canada, then I#m not sure whether USA (Alaska) or Denmark (Greenland) has the third place. If you are less lazy than me, you can look it up, e.g. on Wikipedia.
That kind of 'gas'
it is expensive to get it, perhaps there will be drilling when prices are rising. It is rather unlikely that there will be much drilling if the big companies fear the prices might go down.
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Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

How would preventing kids from bullying other kids who might be gay or transgender or whatever, force you and me into any kind of "lawless revolution?

It's interesting that you don't view widespread, state-sponsored celebrations of men becoming women and women becoming men as a form of lawlessness.
"Widespread, state-sponsored" seems a bit hysterical, even by normal homophobe standards. And of course, it's not lawless, since there aren't laws against it. Well, maybe in some states where the hysteria reached epidemic proportions...

21st century Christians can no longer recognize natural law that was obvious to even the pagan world.
Actually, homosexuality in the Hellenistic and Roman periods was rather widespread and socially acceptable.

We're very different, because I view a billion dollar industry that markets transgender ideology to children as true oppression.
I stopped believing in boogeymen a long time ago. But I'm kind of old fashioned. As the famed Little Old Lady from Dubuque remarked, "Iowans don't much care what other people do, as long as they don't do it in the streets and scare the horses."

But hey, that's free-market principles and good old fashioned American liberty in action, I guess.

Yep. God punishes sin and the state punishes criminals. A pretty good system, I think.
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MTG Introduced Amendment to Defund NATO; 46 House Republicans vote for it

Full List of Republicans Who Voted to Defund NATO

Greene called for an amendment which would have struck over "$433 million in NATO funding" from the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill, she told members of Congress while speaking on the House floor.

The usual cast of characters (selected):

  • Andy Biggs of Arizona
  • Lauren Boebert of Colorado
  • Tim Burchett of Tennessee
  • James Comer of Kentucky
  • Byron Donalds of Florida
  • Matt Gaetz of Florida
  • Bob Good of Virginia
  • Paul Gosar of Arizona
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
  • Anna Paulina Luna of Florida
  • Thomas Massie of Kentucky
  • Andy Ogles of Tennessee
  • Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
  • Bill Posey of Florida
  • Matt Rosendale of Montana
  • Chip Roy of Texas

Biden, 81, Showing Signs Of Decline .

"President Biden’s cognitive decline has become obvious and concerning to several high-ranking congressional lawmakers, according to a bombshell new report — which describes how the 81-year-old commander-in-chief increasingly relies on cheat sheets in meetings and at times has closed his eyes for so long that people wondered if he had drifted off. Some of the more than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers interviewed by the Wall Street Journal also described a president who spoke so softly during meetings that participants struggled to understand him."

Outside Link to the New York Post: Biden, 81, showing signs of decline as pols and aides detail use of cheat sheets, closing eyes for extended periods of time: ‘Not the same person’

New York Post is the source for this thread because it's not behind a paywall; everyone who wishes is free to go to read the original article from, link the Wall Street Journal entitled Behind Closed Doors Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

I have to say I'm not in the least bit shocked, in fact I was remarking elsewhere on this very topic about 12 hours before this article was posted because I no longer think Biden has the ability to conduct the office of president.

I had my doubts as to Bidens cognitive abilities in 2020, as Bidens cognitive decline was fairly serious even then.

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And Biden has at this point gone so far downhill since then I need confirmation he can even run the country. He has to be led off stage constantly, he's led around like a child.

I don't trust he could drive me to the convenience store let alone run the nation.

This is serious... He avoids press like the plague, sleeps more than any president in the history of the republic and he still can't seem to manage...

Is the open border and other such insanity caused by the fact Joe Biden is unaware of what's happening?

Who is actually running the country?

Why are they hiding the tapes of Biden from the American people?

Are they hiding the fact that Biden is no longer in charge, if he ever was?

If you are led by the Spirit, you are NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW

Not sure what you mean by "law of the flesh." In the context of Gal. 5, when Paul uses the word "law," he is talking about the 10 Commandments and all of the statutes and ordinances designed around it. Most translations render v. 18b as "you are not under the law." It means that Christians are not subject to the law's eternal consequences (i.e. lake of fire judgment). In Rom. 8:9a says, "However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you." So every Christian has the responsibility to prove by his lifestyle that the Spirit of God lives in him/her by living after the Spirit - that is, living by faith that God is guiding their life choices. Otherwise, their conscience becomes bothersome, does it not? This is what Gal. 5:16-25 is about. Our motive for making decisions in life is based on Jesus' love, not on conformance to the 10 Commandments.
Personally, I think that Paul changed subjects.

He was talking about not being subject to the Law/Old Covenant but then goes on to talk about "walking in the Spirit (& love)" and segues into how to walk in the Spirit by not walking according to the law of the flesh.

Gal. 5:13 (segue)
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh
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