Was jesus a nutcase?

Romans executed all kinds of people for the most trivial reasons, as long as you weren't "important" to them. And even if you were important, you probably had enemies that would stab you in the back just to take your job.

In the earliest Gospel, Jesus is secretive about being the Messiah. This is known by scholars as the "Messianic Secret". He wasn't going around saying "I am the messiah" or "I am the son of God" to the crowds out in the open. But as his popularity grew, it more or less forced the issue.

Maybe, you`re right, but I still doubt a little that a completly moral person would gain popularity, you say he did supernatural things, that would of course make him popular, but you know, it`s still supernatural
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How to get rid of a spanking fetish

Yes, of course. So sorry for responding only just now! It turns out my email account (the one I set up for this forum) was suspended, which is why I didn't notice I was missing incoming messages (because I wasn't necessarily expecting replies if people didn't read this). But yes, let's talk! I'm not sure how that works on this platform, so you can send me a private message or do you need my email address?
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Woman charged with aggravated battery after alleged attack on elderly pro-life activist

According to the law firm representing the pro-lifer, the elderly man was shoved by a 'Planned Parenthood client' who 'was furious that Ross had parked in front of the abortion mill. She screamed at him and then shoved him into a fire hydrant.'

SAN MATEO, California (LifeSiteNews) — A woman has been charged with aggravated battery after she allegedly shoved 88-year-old pro-life sidewalk counselor Ross Foti outside a California Planned Parenthood abortion facility in October, causing him to fall against a fire hydrant and suffer serious injuries requiring hospitalization.

Life Legal Defense Foundation, the pro-life law firm representing Foti, made the announcement in a March 1 press release.

According to Life Legal, Foti was shoved by a “Planned Parenthood client” who “was furious that Ross had parked in front of the abortion mill. She screamed at him and then shoved him into a fire hydrant.”

“Even though the woman found another place to park, she screamed at Ross and then charged at him, ramming him with her arms and pushing him into the fire hydrant,” the legal group said.

The 88-year-old, who has spent the past 30 years praying outside Planned Parenthood facilities and counseling abortion-seeking women, reportedly “suffered a punctured lung and other serious injuries and was hospitalized after the assault.”

Following his release from the hospital after four days, Foti remains “in pain and requires ongoing treatment,” according to the press release.

Continued below.
Who the heck shoves an 88 year old? Yikes. There is a concept in the law that states "you take your victim as you find him". If one is dumb enough to shove elderly people around, who are known to generally be more susceptible to injury, one really shouldn't be participating in society. But young victims can have particular health issues too that make them quite vulnerable. Moral: Keep your hands OFF everyone else.
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Arrest Made in Firebombing of Pro-Life Organization Thanks to DNA Found on Burrito

Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, was arrested in Boston on Tuesday and charged with one count of attempting to cause damage by means of fire or an explosive. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

A Wisconsin man was arrested and charged with violating federal law in connection with the May 2022 firebombing of a pro-life organization’s Madison office. The case was solved thanks to DNA evidence taken from a half-eaten burrito out of a trash can, the Department of Justice said.

Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, was arrested in Boston on Tuesday, just before getting on a flight to Guatemala City, according to the DOJ. He was charged with one count of attempting to cause damage by means of fire or an explosive. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Continued below.
About 27 of these pro-life organizations have been firebombed or vandalized after the whole "RuthSentUs" incitement (those people have never been charged), and this is the first arrest I have seen.
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Does God change His mind when we pray?

The farmers benefit all.
Rain is but a short day or so...
Question: if it ruins crops if it rains or helps? I'm confused.

Lots of farms have both early summer and fall crops. You can have crops ready to harvest that can be ruined by too much rain (rotting) and especially if the rain contains hail. At the same time you've planted your next round of crops that need rain or they'll die before they start to thrive.

My priest growing up used to just pray for good weather for our crops. He gave up trying to pray for specific weather because in some farmer's mind whatever it might have been was not a good thing.
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Sharing in His Sufferings

Matthew 20:17-19 ESV

“And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, ‘See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.’”

Jesus’ Ministry and Death and Resurrection

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who is the second person of our triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – left his throne in heaven, came to earth, was born as a baby to a human mother, conceived of the Holy Spirit, with God the Father as his birth father. So when he lived on the earth, Jesus was fully God and yet fully man, yet without sin. And at around the age of 30 he began his 3 years of ministry with 12 handpicked disciples.

Jesus Christ, during his years of ministry on the earth, healed the sick and afflicted, raised the dead, delivered people from demons, performed all sorts of miracles, fed the hungry, and comforted the sorrowful. But his primary ministry was to share the gospel of salvation with the people, so he began by telling the people that they needed to repent of (turn away from) their sins, and they needed to follow him/God in obedience to his commands.

But most of the Jews did not accept him for who he was/is, their promised Messiah, and many of the religious rulers and people of influence opposed him strongly and harassed him at every turn. They were always criticizing him, looking for ways to trip him up with his words, and laying traps for him, hoping that he would fall into the traps (not physical but mind traps). For they were jealous of him and of his temporary popularity among the people.

So, they plotted and they carried out his death on a cross, which is what Jesus was predicting here would happen to him. But their plan backfired on them, for Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day, as he said he would, and he appeared to many people and to his remaining eleven disciples (Judas, the disciple who betrayed him, hung himself). And then he ascended back to heaven. And then he sent his Holy Spirit to indwell and to empower his followers to continue on in the ministry of sharing the gospel.

And the truth of the gospel is continuing to go forth via the Lord’s servants and messengers who are willing to tell people the truth, even if it costs them their lives. For the message of the gospel brings to us the hope of life eternal with God and salvation from our bondage to sin. For Jesus Christ died on that cross that we might die with him to sin and live to him and to his righteousness. He died to free us from our slavery (addiction) to sin so that we can now live godly and holy lives in obedience to him, in his power.

Opposition to the Truth of the Gospel

But there are still people on this earth who are opposed to the truth of the gospel, and many of them are the religious, some of them pastors and elders of church congregations. Now they may not be followers of liturgical and ceremonial laws, like the Pharisees were, but they have their own religion of choice which they follow. But in both cases they are those who are also following the ways of man and of the flesh and not of the Spirit. And many of them are sinning in secret like the Pharisees were, too.

And so many of them are on the all out attack against the servants of the Lord and against the truth of the gospel, and they are teaching a diluted and altered gospel message which makes room for people to continue living in deliberate and habitual sin without guilt or remorse. For they are opposed to Jesus’ message which says to follow Christ we must deny self, die daily to sin and to self, and follow our Lord in obedience to his commands (under the New Covenant).

And so what they are teaching is that we can make a one-time profession of faith in Jesus Christ, have all our sins forgiven (past, present, and future), and have heaven guaranteed us when we die, but regardless of how we live. But Jesus said that if we hold on to our old lives of living in sin and for self that we will lose them for eternity. But if for his sake we die with him to sin and live to him and to his righteousness, then we have eternal life with him. For he also said that not everyone who says to him, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one DOING the will of God the Father.

[Luke 9:23-26; Matthew 7:21-23; Romans 6:1-23; 1 John 3:4-10]

But what Jesus taught is not the message of the gospel which is widely being spread across America today. What is widely being taught is a gospel which is created in the minds of humans based off Scriptures taught outside their context and twisted to say what humans want them to say, to appease their own fleshly appetites. And that gospel does not put sin to death in the life of the sinner, but it pampers them in their sin and teaches them that heaven is secured for them regardless of how much or how often they sin.

So, if we are teaching what Jesus and Paul and the other apostles taught, in context, we are going to be treated much the same way in which Jesus was treated. And in some countries, Christians are being severely persecuted and put to death. In America we are not yet at that point, but if you are teaching what Jesus taught, you are most likely being persecuted, rejected, hated, cast aside, mocked, falsely accused and opposed strongly. But we are to rejoice in our suffering because we are sharing in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings, becoming like him in his death, to the glory of God. Amen!

Persecution of Christ’s Followers: [Matt 5:10-12; Matt 10:16-25; Matt 24:9-14; Lu 6:22-23; Lu 21:12-19; Jn 15:1-21; Jn 16:33; Jn 17:14; Ac 14:22; Rom 5:3-5; Phil 3:7-11; 1 Pet 1:6-7; 1 Pet 4:12-17; 2 Tim 3:12; 1 Thess 3:1-5; Jas 1:2-4; 2 Co 1:3-11; Heb 12:3-12; 1 Jn 3:13; Rev 6:9-11; Rev 7:9-17; Rev 11:1-3; Rev 12:17; Rev 13:1-18; Rev 14:1-13]

For Our Nation

An Original Work / September 11, 2012

Bombs are bursting. Night is falling.
Jesus Christ is gently calling
You to follow Him in all ways.
Trust Him with your life today.
Make Him your Lord and your Savior.
Turn from your sin. Follow Jesus.
He will forgive you of your sin;
Cleanse your heart, made new within.

Men betraying: Our trust fraying.
On our knees to God we’re praying,
Seeking God to give us answers
That are only found in Him.
God is sovereign over all things.
Nothing from His mind escaping.
He has all things under His command,
And will work all for good.

Jesus Christ is gently calling
You to follow Him in all ways.

Men deceiving: We’re believing
In our Lord, and interceding
For our nation and its people
To obey their God today.
He is our hope for our future.
For our wounds He offers suture.
He is all we need for this life.
Trust Him with your life today.

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Did Jesus give us an Eleventh Commandment?

Brother, Paul is deep and most of what he says is a summary of what is expanded elsewhere as he tells us in the following passage. You need to read more than misunderstood selected pieces to understand his message. Most of what Paul says is not for "infants in Christ". He addresses "spiritual people" in ways that are difficult for "infants in Christ" to understand.
Is this your justification for trying to pass off your edited version of scripture to readers?

Am I an "infant in Christ" simply because, unlike you, I do not edit the word of God
Paul assumes the listener knows what is written elsewhere and uses summary words like "the law" where the word has already been expanded elsewhere. Here is evidence that when he uses the word law, unqualified, he is referring to the law of Judaism Jesus has freed us from as accepted in the Jerusalem council expressed by James. The Jerusalem council did not abandon Moses and everything that came before Moses when it provided a seed list to add to, allowing the adoption of Moses and everything before Moses by the gentiles who were turning to God free of the added human traditions of Judaism that Jesus was against in the following passage.

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either. “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are! “Blind guides! What sorrow awaits you! For you say that it means nothing to swear ‘by God’s Temple,’ but that it is binding to swear ‘by the gold in the Temple.’ Blind fools! Which is more important—the gold or the Temple that makes the gold sacred? And you say that to swear ‘by the altar’ is not binding, but to swear ‘by the gifts on the altar’ is binding. How blind! For which is more important—the gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? When you swear ‘by the altar,’ you are swearing by it and by everything on it. And when you swear ‘by the Temple,’ you are swearing by it and by God, who lives in it. And when you swear ‘by heaven,’ you are swearing by the throne of God and by God, who sits on the throne. (Matthew 23:13-22 NLT)​
How is this relevant. The fact that the Pharisees distorted the Law, and that Jesus was opposed to this, does not mean the Law continues! This is simple logic - it is perfectly coherent for Jesus to both repudiate the Pharisees for their distortions to the Law and declare the imminent end of the Law of Moses.

What does Paul mean here:

But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the [h]Spirit and not in oldness of the letter.

Please be sure that whatever reply you offer, it actually explains these very words from Paul. Feel free, of course, to talk about context as much as you like. But unless you can provide an explanation of these words of Paul you will have failed to answer my question properly.

I take Paul at his word - we no longer conduct ourselves in accordance with the Law of Moses. What do you think he is saying here?

James was not limiting what we need to obey, he was giving us permission to adopt Moses without forcing the human traditions of Judaism on us Gentiles,
I see nothing at all in your text from Acts that refers to "forcing human traditions". So where is this reference to human traditions. Here is the text again:

When they had finished, James stood and said, “Brothers, listen to me. Peter has told you about the time God first visited the Gentiles to take from them a people for himself. And this conversion of Gentiles is exactly what the prophets predicted. As it is written: ‘Afterward I will return and restore the fallen house of David. I will rebuild its ruins and restore it, so that the rest of humanity might seek the LORD, including the Gentiles—all those I have called to be mine. The LORD has spoken—he who made these things known so long ago.’ “And so my judgment is that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead, we should write and tell them to abstain from eating food offered to idols, from sexual immorality, from eating the meat of strangled animals, and from consuming blood. For these laws of Moses has been preached in Jewish synagogues in every city on every Sabbath for many generations.” (Acts 15:13-21 NLT fixed)

Now then, where is there is anything here about human traditions?
as we turn to God by giving us a seed, a beginning to add to. James saw us as the fulfillment of the prophecy where God would "restore the fallen house of David" as we listened to Moses every Sabbath.
The text does not say this! It does say that James saw us as the fulfillment of a prophecy for the inclusion of all humanity in God's people. But there is nothing in this text that forces us to conclude that anyone will be listening to Moses being preached on Sabbaths going forward. James does indeed say that Moses has been preached, but this does not necessitate that he will be preached going forward.
What that means is the equivalent of continuing Judaism without human traditions.
Again, there is zero reference to human traditions - you are adding this idea in on your own.
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Jesus descension into Hades and Colossians 2:15

Do you believe there is a connection between Colossians 2:15 and 1 Peter 3:19 ?? Is Colossians 2:15 alluding to 1 Peter 3:19 ?
If we read the entire passage it is clear that it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ of Nazareth preaching in Hades. It has to do with His humble servant Noah who preached salvation to the wicked from the comming destruction.

1 Peter 3: 18-22

18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 19 by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, 20 who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. 21 There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

Colossians has to do with legalism.


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Pope Francis and the Search for Solutions to the Bad Sermon Phenomenon...

From the very first moments of his pontificate—when he emerged onto the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica and famously asked the crowd gathered outside to pray for him—Pope Francis has garnered praise for his approachability and common touch. He has continued to win fans for displaying these same attributes throughout his pontificate, often making headlines for dramatic gestures of compassion. On more than one occasion, Francis has even managed to connect deeply with average believers by speaking to a topic that likely seems minor and basic to outside observers (but not to regularly-churchgoing Catholics): the quality of sermons. In 2015, 2018, and most recently in January of 2023, the Pope has said what most Catholics would likely say when asked about this subject—that is, that homilies are often bad, and unnecessarily long.

The need to reduce the length of homilies has consistently been a part of Francis’s message, with him repeatedly calling for priests to limit their sermons to ten minutes. Most recently, in remarks to a gathering of liturgical directors at the Vatican in January, he modified the standard to “eight to ten minutes” and was blunt on his assessment of sermon quality: “in general, the homilies are a disaster.” While the word “disaster” drew a fair bit of reaction (and concurrence) from outlets across Catholic media, the sentiment was nothing new from Francis. In the past, he has found it necessary to explicitly warn priests that “your homilies should not be boring” and stated outright that “sometimes there is reason to get annoyed about an overly long homily, one that lacks focus or that’s incomprehensible.”

Continued below.

Visiting 7 Churches on Holy Thursday? The Origins Behind This Ancient Catholic Tradition...

Following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, there’s an ancient Catholic tradition to make a pilgrimage to seven churches.

Each of the seven churches mirrors the final seven places Christ visited – from the moment he entered his Passion to His Death at Calvary (listed at the end of this article).

We can trace the origins of this Lenten tradition to the mid-16th century in Rome.

Saint Philip Neri (1515–1595), also known as the ‘Second Apostle of Rome’ after St. Peter, led many devotees in a walking pilgrimage through the cobblestone streets of Rome, visiting the seven basilicas of Rome.

Born into a noble working family in Florence, Italy, Saint Philip was destined for a much greater purpose. He left everything behind to start a life in Rome as a missionary and healer of broken souls.

Continued below.

The most searing of Jesus’ suffering: Pope’s homily (Full text and images)

Forsaken: Pope Francis looks at so many situations where we live abandonment: the unborn, those who are alone in illness, the broken bonds of love.

Pope Francis celebrated Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square this morning. The procession with the palms led to the obelisk in the middle of St. Peter’s where the Holy Father was taken via popemobile. He was able to step off the platform and looked to be feeling in good health.

His homily focused on the words from the Responsorial Psalm, and considered those who experience the feeling of abandonment that Jesus endured for us – including the unborn whose lives are taken with abortion.

Here is a draft translation of the Pope’s homily; the definitive translation will be available later today.

Continued below.
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GameFi and charity work: Together we help stray cats.

GameFi and charity work: Together we help stray cats.

  1. GameFi - The combination of gaming and financial investment.
GameFi (Game Finance) is a new trend in the world of gaming industry and cryptocurrency. In recent years, the GameFi trend has grown rapidly and attracted the attention of many players around the world. It combines features of gaming and finance to create a unique experience for players. GameFi games often have a token issuance feature, where players can earn virtual money and use it to purchase in-game items or even exchange it for real money.

The special thing about GameFi is that it is changing the way players approach and engage with electronic games. Instead of just being for entertainment, GameFi offers players the opportunity to earn money or create passive income by investing in tokens within the game. Additionally, GameFi is also attracting the attention of those who are passionate about digital finance, as it provides them with a way to combine investing in cryptocurrency with their love for gaming.

  1. GameFi - Play games, do charity, and help the community.
GameFi is not just a game to make money, but it can also be combined with humanitarian activities. For example, we can create a game related to helping stray cats. Players will be paid daily for playing the game and accumulating a certain amount of money. They can use this money to support rescuing and caring for abandoned or lost cats, or they can use the money to buy sand, food, and supplies for their own pets, so that they can have a better life.

With this form, players can not only have fun but also do volunteer work and contribute to the community. This is a great way to combine playing games and doing volunteer work, helping people and animals in need.

Therefore, if you are a game enthusiast and want to contribute to society, join GameFi and play community-minded games such as helping stray cats. You will not only have great experiences but also be a part of helping and caring for vulnerable creatures.

  1. Join the Fairy Cat game - Together, let's protect stray cats.
Do you love cats and want to help the stray cats around you? Join the game Fairy Cat to create a fund to help homeless cats for yourself and for other cat lovers to earn extra income. Fairy Cat is the latest game designed for the cat lover community, with a message calling for our community to focus on protecting stray cats.

With Fairy Cat, you can enjoy a combination of gaming and charity work. By participating in the game, you will have the opportunity to earn game tokens, which you can convert into cash to buy sand and food for your cats or donate to homeless cats. Additionally, you can participate in various activities of the game to earn more rewards and exciting prizes.

The benefits of the Fairy Cat game do not just stop at providing entertainment, but it also helps you understand more about love and responsibility for pets. Join Fairy Cat to help the cats in need and simultaneously enjoy the fun of this exciting game!

Sands of the Sea

Isaiah 10:17-27 The Light of Israel [the Lord Jesus] will become a fire, its Holy One a flame which in one Day will burn up and consume His thorns and briars. The splendour of his forests and fields it will completely destroy, as suddenly as someone falling in a fit. Only a very few trees [righteous Jews] will be left. Jeremiah 12:14

On that Day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob will rely no more on foreign help, but without wavering, will truly rely on the Lord: the Holy One of Israel. A remnant of Jacob will return, to their Mighty God.

Israel, your people may be as many as the sands of the sea, but only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, overwhelming and righteous. The Lord will carry out the destruction upon the whole Land.

Therefore, says the Lord, My people, dwellers in Zion, do not be afraid of foreigners, though they oppressed you. Very soon My anger against you will end and My wrath will be directed at them, as I have done in times past.
On that Day, the burden they laid on you will be removed and your yoke broken.

In one Day, the Lord will destroy His enemies by a CME sunstrike. This will be the Lord’s Day of vengeance and the Sixth Seal of Revelation. The Land of Greater Israel will be cleared and burned over. Ezekiel 20:47-48, Zephaniah 1:14-18, Jeremiah 4:26-28 Jer 10:18
On that Day, His righteous people will trust completely in the Lord. They will settle into a regenerated and prosperous Land, as described in Ezekiel 36, Isaiah 35 ++

Ezekiel 34:11-31 For the Lord says: “Now I will take thought for My sheep [every true Christian, Rev 5:9-10] and search for them”. As a shepherd gathers his flock when they are lost, so I shall rescue them from all the places that they were scattered in a Day of cloud and darkness. I shall lead them out from the nations and gather them from all the places where they were scattered and bring them home to their own country.”

The pasture for My people is the Land of Israel. They will thrive and find rest there. I shall search for the lost, bandage the injured, strengthen the sick and give My flock the proper food.

Now, I shall judge between the fat sheep and the lean. You rams and goats,
[bad leaders] have taken the best pastures and muddied the drinking water. Therefore I will save My flock and they will be ravaged no more. Zephaniah 3:1-8

I shall set over them My servant David he will care for them and will be their God. I shall make a covenant with them to ensure peace and prosperity. The Land will bear great crops of fruit and produce. When I rescue them from the power of their enemies, then they will know that I am the Lord.

Then they will know that I am with them and they are My people. You are My flock, that I feed and I am your God. John 10:1-27, Isaiah 62:1-5, Hosea 3:1-5
His Christian people found and rescued from wherever they are after the ‘Day of cloud and darkness” - another description of the Lord’s Day of vengeance and fiery wrath. They are brought home to their heritage, the holy Land. Ephesians 1:11, Acts 3:25 All of His people, no matter what their health or age, will thrive and find rest. But first, they will be judged and those priests and leaders who have led their flock astray will not enter the Land. Jeremiah 14:14-16

When His faithful Christian people are rescued – then they will know that; “I am with them and you are My people”. Not yet as a visible Presence, until the Return of Jesus. Jeremiah 14:11-16, Ezekiel 20:34-38

Jeremiah 33:6-9 & 14-16 Now, I shall bring healing and care for Judah and Israel and let them see lasting peace and security. I will restore their fortunes and rebuild them as they once were. I shall cleanse them of all wickedness and sin that they have committed and forgive all the evil deeds of rebellion against Me.

This city will bring Me renown and praise, when the nations hear of the good things that I bestow on her. They will be in awe and trembling at this.

The days are coming, says the Lord, when I shall bestow on Judah and Israel all the blessings I have promised them. In those days and at that time, I shall make a righteous branch spring from David’s line; he will maintain law and justice in the Land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will be undisturbed. This is the name it will be called: The Lord our Righteousness.

Judah and Israel: the Jewish people are the House of Judah and the House of Israel is now the Christian peoples, all the true Israelites of God. Galatians 6:14-16

All the Lord’s true followers are healed, cleansed, forgiven and will live in peace and security., under the New Covenant He will make with them.
Jerusalem will become a city that will be admired and envied worldwide.

The Lord says: “I will keep My promises to Israel and Judah. A leader from David’s line will appear”. Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11 Eventually it will be Jesus as King.

Hosea 6:1-3 Come, let us return to the Lord. He has wounded us, but He will heal us. After two days, He will revive us, on the third day He will raise us to live in His presence. Let us strive to know the Lord, whose coming is as sure as the sunrise. He will come to us like the spring rains that water the earth.

His people have been punished, but the Lord will ‘bind up their wounds’, on the Day He sends His fiery wrath. Isaiah 30:26 Just before the end of the two days [two thousand years since Jesus’ Advent] there will be revival, His people will come back into the Land, and then on the third day they will live in His presence. That is: during the Millennium, after the Lord Jesus Returns in His glory. Luke 13:32.

1 Corinthians 2:7-9 I speak God’s hidden wisdom, His secret purpose framed from the very beginning to bring us to our destined glory. None of the powers that rule the world know that wisdom. Scripture tells us of things beyond our seeing, beyond our hearing, beyond our imagining – all prepared by God for those who love Him.
Reference: REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses abridged.
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Subjugation of subtle satan

The wicked take out themselves. Arrogance and ignorance. Proverbs 5:22. His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be Holden with the cords of his sins. The wicked don't have spirit of slumber. They won't repent, and are insolent and arrogant. Those who do have spirit of slumber are different story. 8:7. For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips. The wicked follow satan. The light is sound doctrine. The wicked stay darkness. What's the contrast between false doctrine and sound doctrine?. 8:13. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride and arrogance, and the evil way, and the forward mouth, do I hate. God's election have holy spirit. The wicked have a unclean spirit. The wicked are repulsed by God and Christian people. Do you think the wicked are coming to the light. The wicked don't want accountability and equity. Satan doesn't believe he's subject to God. Satan doesn't believe in God's word. The wicked follow satan. Psalm 73:17. Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I thier end. 73:18. Surely Thou set them in slippery places; Thou casts them down to destruction. The wicked destroy themselves. Many people at the end of millennium will follow satan into lake of fire. What church am I from ?? Revelation chapter 2:8 church of Smyrna. 3:7 church of Philadelphia. God's Election are these two churches. They teach sound doctrine and expose the kenites. Romans chapter 8, chapter 11, ephesians chapter 1, and first Peter chapter 1 to document God's Election. The Election are predestined, chosen before foundation of the world. The election dont have free will. I documented this.
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Revaluations 6:9

Revelation 6:9. John Baptist was beheaded. Other Christian people were persecuted and killed. Emperor Nero should come to mind. Romans chapter 12, Vengeance belongs to God. On judgement day, at end of millennium, the wicked are blotted out, turned into ashes. Read psalm chapter 37. These Christian people at the altar are asking for vengeance. No one gets away with anything.
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I think God is talking to me but I have OCD so I cant tell, im so stressed, how do I tell?

May I ask for scriptures for this if its not too much to ask.
Mark 12:25, Philippians 3:20-21

We will be like the angels in Heaven AND conformed to Christ's body, so we will also be like Jesus. Jesus ascended into Heaven in front of the disciples and we know that angels fly, so to limit us in Heaven is not good, that alone proves we will fly.

John 5:17 "In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”

Jesus admits that He is always working and so is the Heavenly Father, even to this day Jesus is in Heaven and so is The Heavenly Father, and they are always working so we will have work to do in Heaven as well, not as a slave labor or to pay for rent but to serve in the Kingdom.

Trust me these are just verses, if you look up testimonies of people who have had near death experiences they describe what Heaven is like and you will get to see a lot of what Heaven is like. It is not floating around and just singing, but just to let you know singing and music in Heaven is something you have never experienced. If you like Lord of The Rings vocal songs that sound like angels this much more and I will have my own way to play music like this wherever I am, it will be amazing and our songs in Church pale and are nothing in comparison to music in Heaven.
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