What where is now?

# 5 Just because you may saved by Grace , Eph 2:8 NO ONE GOES TO HEAVEN . Why
I have heard we go to heaven for 7 years for the wedding feast of the Lamb.
Then we return to Earth for 1,000 years to rule and reign with Christ.

People say mansions in Heaven.
John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions"
I have even had a dream about my pastors mansion. He died when he was 100.

2 Corinthians 12 2
"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven.
Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows."

Did you ever hear of entanglement? Everything in the Universe (Creation) past, present and furure is connected.
I wonder if Eve and Mary were to have a conversation, what would they say to each other?
Perhaps Mary would tell Eve about Jesus and Eve would be amazed.
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The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

N.b., as Musk is not native born, he's not eligible to run.
The is true. Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, not the US, so that means he is not a native citizen. :)

Had to make a joke though, as Elon's name is one letter off from the word fElon.
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How To Understand : Acts 2:38

I believe that baptism is necessary, but not absolutely necessary. So God is perfectly able to save anyone, and does.

Or of those who believe, but have not yet received Baptism.

So to you, baptism is not necessary, since even those who chose not to get baptized but could have, God can still save them

Those that could decide on baptism and chose not to, they might be still saved.

Baptism is thus not necessary, there is no such thing as necessary, but not absolutely necessary. It is either necessary or not.

But you just got done answering my question, saying that believing 1 Coirnthians 15:1-4 is necessary for salvation, and yet God can save people who don't believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, i.e. infants.

So either something can be necessary but not absolutely necessary; or either something is necessary and it must always be absolutely necessary.

The difference between our views is that your scenario, infants, those who are aborted etc, could not even believe 1 Cor 15:1-4.

Those in your hypothetical scenario do not even have a choice to believe 1 Cor 15:1-4.

That is why I regard your scenario as contradictory, compared to the one above.

Hope you understand the difference between could but choose not to vs could not.
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RNC makes plans for trump to accept nomination from prison

In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week for falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to a porn star, President Biden (46%) now leads his Republican rival (44%) in a two-way race for the White House for the first time since October 2023, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.
Overall, 52% say Trump’s conviction was a “fair outcome meant to hold him accountable for his own actions”; just 35% who say it was “an unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.” And 49% think Trump was “more of a criminal” in the trial, versus 34% who consider him “more of a victim.”

So far, it seems the conviction is hurting Trump, not helping him, as his followers predicted.
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Good Reasons to Trust a Courtroom, Over a Scientific Laboratory

If your assertion were correct, the US wouldn't have Federal laws passed because of juries letting guilty defendants off because they were white. That way if a jury refused to convict someone clearly guilty, the Federal government could indict on those charges and bring them to trial outside of a local court where juries were biased.

This presents a conundrum. If juries are, as you claim, more reliable than the scientific method, then you have to say those juries who "just happened" to let off white defendants in trials of crimes minorities were absolutely correct to do so. There is also the conundrum of Federal juries then convicting those same defendants for the same acts based on Federal charges. How, then could these defendants could be innocent in one court and guilty in another? If, as you assert, juries are more reliable than the scientific method, how can one of the juries be wrong?

I think that your objection, does not take into account that part of the fair rule
of law in America, explicitly addresses bias due to race, sex, age, and other factors.
If a defendant thinks that he has not been handled justly, he can appeal the
decision of the court.

The article that I referenced, deals with courts using the fair rule of law,
in America, versus the (sometime) claim that a scientific laboratory can do
analysis, that is more accurate than the deliberations that go on in
American courts.

Note that American courts, can include any and all scientific information about
a case, that passes the tests of being relevant and sound. So that the logical
choice is not courtroom process VERSUS scientific method, but includes both.
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John 3:16 (Can John please clear up Kosmou(s) for us?)

Thats the world of the elect as well. In other words the world of Jn 3:16-17 and the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel Matt 15 24 are one and the same.

You said all nationalities in John 3:16 but that contradicts Matthew 15:24.
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Free will and determinism

Are you saying that you want me to ask you something about free will that's not connected with free will? It sounds like you are. Maybe I could reword it:

Do you always have reasons for the decisions you make?

Yes, I do have reasons for drawing upon something like Kant's Analytic/Synthetic distinction, as well as bringing in more contemporary concerns involving Lexical Semantics, particularly if imprecise terms like "free will" and "determinism" are being studied for their ranges of possible meaning. :)
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Repent and Be Baptized

That's all symbolic of baptism. They passed through the waters, not in them, and the cloud guided them and overshadowed them, as the Spirit came down upon Jesus in bodily form as a dove at His baptism, and the Spirit also comes upon us and within us, and guides us.

And in 1 Cor 10:2 reads in the Greek text , And ALL WERE // PAS , is in the Greek NOMINATIVE CASE , which is the subject , and in the Greek , PLURAL , meaning all were BAPTIZED UNTO Moses .

All were BAPTIZED // BAPTIZO , is in the Greek AORIST TENSE and that means that all were BAPTIZED unto Moses , and is in the INDICATIVE MOOD , meaning YOU better believe it and is also in the Greek PLURAL

Also the Greek word for WATER // HYDOR is not in the Greek Text .

dan p
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How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

The only way I see to initially obtain this “Love” is what Jesus taught us in Luke 7: 36-50 (he that is forgiven much Loves much), so if we humbly accept as pure undeserved charity,
Ok, or as simple as, "We love Him because He first loved us" 1 John 4:19.

I've been dealing with a friend who's lived about as wild and fleshly and licentious and drug-filled a life as one can live but who's Christian now due largely to the fact that I've continued to accept and love her despite her past-it's been a long journey. Anyway, she responded to that-she's almost 60 now. At the same time she needed to get to that point where she finally realized that her life wasn't working as she'd been living it. And she wanted something more, something better. Either way, yes, turning to God is the only path to this love.
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My take on Biblical inerrancy


One of my favorite thoughts is that Theology won’t be 100% correct until the very Physical Presence of Jesus Christ is before us! If we can agree on this… it does my soul well.

All Love in Jesus to you, Sibling in Him, who searches Him out daily.
Amen that, brother!
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North Korea sends Balloons full of Manure and Trash over the border to South Korea

Oh no, the South Koreans have fired back! This could start a massive WAR!

North Korea sent trash balloons. Activists in the South sent K-pop.

A South Korean group launched balloons containing anti-Pyongyang fliers and thousands of USB drives with local pop music and TV — all illegal in the North.

That music and style of dress is immoral! Kim may blow a gasket over this!
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Standing in the liberty…..

Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.

What are these precepts, and how are we to seek them?

Romans 12:

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that
good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Blessings, for in the walking before Him, will the experiencing of Him be found…

Oh to that finding….

A fellow follower, Not me
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Romans 4, water baptism?


Can 1 Cor 15:29 also be irrelevant also , in being BPTIZED for the DEAD ?

And in Rom 6:3 it reads , Or are you IGNORANT , that as many as were BAPTIZED // BAPTIZO , into Christ , were BAPTIZED // BAPTIZO INTO his Death ?

Where is the WATER // HYDOR in the Greek text ?

And if you believe in WATER BAPTISM ?

# 1 How can you WATER BAPTIZED into Christ Jesus and be WATER BAPTIZE into his DEATH ??

dan p
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Putin ‘invokes Cuban Missile Crisis’ as he moves ‘nuclear-capable’ ships to Havana

As long as we don't have a Chernobyl. Also, where the US first nuclear power plant was there was sickness down at least 30 miles of the Deerfield River. One day I went tubing there and the guy up at the dam letting the water out said there was high radiation in the water. That was in 1993.
Some say nuke power isn't as clean as it claims, and there is always that coolant water that can get contaminated.
Yeah, but Chernobyl was due to negligence, same with the water issues in the US. But, I pray that we do not have a Chernobyl-style incident.
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condition for people to be saved in their last moments

I believe I should clear a misconception not to let my hurt cause me to teach falsely if a person repents of their sin truly such that if they were in the same position they would not judge others they will have same reward as Jesus looks at the heart as Jesus was saying He can do what He wants with His own things and there are last who will be first and there are first who will be last but they have to change truly from heart to be more charitable but some are not as virtuous to be charitable to people less but they can still be saved but have less reward but a person may not get opportunity to repent of his uncharitableness to certain people to have less reward so one always should be however one atleast needs to atleast seek to be charitable to others and it may be if you are a believer you would have once done good by accepting another believer and full gospel message from them and if you remain believing that was right you are accepted but I dont know it may be you must still seek to be charitable so that if there is a need you have to seek to do incase one dies when not seeking and if one does not die it will be done.
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