Free will and determinism

Yeah, well, the believers are still going to believe their is a supernatural soul pulling on the levers to control the body.
Problem gets worse then when you consider then, is a soul good or bad, and who is it that decided whether a person would get a good soul or a bad soul?

Nobody has mentioned it so far. So I have no idea what anyone who believes that they have one thinks about its relationship with a free will. How I'd address it I'm not sure. It might be difficult talking to someone about something I don't think they have affecting something I don't think exists...
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Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

My forefathers rendered the Hebrew Text into the OG LXX.
Who therefore is the one with a problem with "Jewish relatives"?

Indeed the Hebrews 2:7 quote from Psalm 8:5 is a break in theological background context: for the forefathers who rendered the OG LXX surely read me·Elohim as with the definite article implied, (me·ha·Elohim), and that is clear by the fact that they read the text as Angels or Messengers, (aggelous), instead of Elohim.

And ha·Elohim in this manner would be, of course, "the Elohim", which is more specifically a Henokian-Tzadokim doctrine which may be found in Henok 20 where the seven holy Malakim who watch are named, and those seven are indeed called ha·Elohim, meaning "the Angels", specific to those seven morning Stars of the opening creation account.

This doctrine is reinforced and taught from the very beginning: for both Henok and Noah walked with ha·Elohim, the seven eyes of HE WHO IS, and Noah found grace in the [seven] eyes of HE WHO IS.

Gen 5:22 (ha·Elohim), Gen 5:24 (ha·Elohim), Gen 6:9, (ha·Elohim),
Gen 6:8, Dt 11:12, Dt 13:18, 2Sam 15:25, 1Kgs 15:5, Psa 34:15, Prov 15:3, 1Pe 3:12,
Zec 3:9, Zec 4:10, Rev 5:6 ... . ...

Ha·Elohim are the seven holy Elohim-Malakim who watch, (Henok XX), the seven eyes of HE WHO IS AND WHO WAS AND WHO SHALL BE, which are sent forth into all His land, the seven Spirits before His throne: and this is most assuredly a Henokian-Tzadokim SCRIPTURE doctrine which your forefathers rejected following the events of 70-135AD.

My forefathers produced the OG LXX (Torah) 1300 years before your forefathers produced the M/T.
I can only interpret your post to mean that you're greek!.
Fare the well in the protest and search of the hyper prefix
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Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

How does identity trump reality?
Well for example when someone believes they are overweight when they are grossly thin, or believe parts of their body should be removed because they think its dysfunctional or diseased. Or how some believe they are a Furrie, that seems to be the most recent where people identify as animals or toys. This type of deluded thinking happens throughout history as a social contagion. For example eating disorders like Bulimia or self cutting. Usually known as mass hysteria.
I can imagine identities which would be incompatible with our shared culture, nation or our humanity (A person might identify as a Martian, for instance) but I haven't met anyone who identified as a Martian in real life. If I did, I'm not quite sure of how it would "trump my reality."
It would trump reality because we have no evidence for aliens actually in society. We know theres no life on Mars. But what if some say 25 year old identified as a 45 or 65 year old. Would you go along with their identity, make it real in the world so that it trumps the facts. Allow then to say compete in senior competitions against older people.

People can identify with whatever they want but this should not trump reality our lived reality.
Culture itself is a socially constructed idea.
Not completely. Culture is also influenced by common human thinking and behaviour. For example all cultures have a belief and moral system. Belief and a moral sense are natural to humans. Many of the core aspects of culture are universal. Even genered behaviour has a natural basis.

The idea that males play with trucks and girls dolls is reflected in other species especially primates. The sex hormones associated with mascullinity and femine cognitions influence thinking where males think more spatially about things and females more socially about relations and emotions.

But culture can build on this and will express this in different ways. Even reconstructing things into the opposite. But studies have shown if you try to raise a boy as a girl playing with dolls they will still be inclined to play with things like trucks and tools ect.
They still do. Even American LGBT people identify as Americans and participants in American culture.
It doesn't seem to be that way for many young people who attack their own nations as colonialist oppressors. Or want to disrupt everyone else to undermine the system.

I don't see the US as the same as it was when it had a clear unified nation. It has weakened a lot over the last couple of decades. I am talking about where the culture has the same belief and worldview. As nations have allowed many more immigrants into the mix and have not integrated them we are seeing conflicts and a fracturing of national identities and a growing instability.

You say LGBTIQ+ are participants in American culture. Yet it seems that it is these minorities that are siding with Hamas against the US and our way of life. Like they have a completely different ideological belief about the world, about the west.

Not just LGBTIQ+ but other groups like environmentalist like Greta who now has switched from chastizing the boomers to backing the Palestinians. There are many young people thinking this way today. Its subversive and going back to the radical days of the Campus civil rights conflicts.
Or maybe we are just less tolerant of religion being used as an excuse to say hateful things.
Ah yes we are a much more tolerant society today. Have you seen social media, the trolls, the shaming, the cancel culture aiming to absolutely detroy others who think and believe differently in the name of DEI. We are less tolerant today than ever.

The problem with identity politics is that there will always be a conflict of identity rights because one groups rights is another groups denial of rights. That is the very nature of identity politics or making identity the truth and reality.

If we are to be tolerant and inclusive of all then you should not be saying that expressing religious beliefs is hateful as that is being intolerant of anothers belief and conscience. Or is the determination of what is hateful in the eye of the beholder and subjective.

See how it works, or doesn't work for that matter. Its unreal to think we can have tolerance and inclusion and be united at the same time toleranting everything without some basis beyond ourselves to unite us.
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Another look at the moon landing.

This is not what Rob's wife 'Sheila' claims .............. She claims he was murdered while in Hospital.

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Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

Thanks, I am not a big fan of many of Michael Heiser's "Ancient Near-Eastern (ANE) Myth" views. He gets too many things wrong.
I actually didn't learn about it originally from Michael Heiser. I first read William Lane Craig's In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration. However, I didn't find much fault in Craig's reasoning and categorization of it. Maybe you could point it out to me. I'll watch the video within this week
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A look at Ezekiel 44:15-31 and Luke 5:1-6:49

EZEKIEL 44:15-31

In this prophetic book, the Prophet sees into the future, the future priests of the third temple, (to be built in the near future) the descendants of “Zadok” will be the priests in the millennium, and the same high standards are for these priests as well. It also states the job of the priest: “And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean” This should also be the goal of every Torah teacher, rabbi, minister, pastor, etc. to teach the WHOLE TORAH in their place of worship and study so that their sheep might follow their shepherd wholeheartedly and secure.

The problem today is that a few "hired shepherds" are there for the money, and their heart is not in the job. Some will preach what the "people want to hear" not what they NEED to hear. There are "prosperity gospels" and "if you are not healed it is because your faith is weak" kind of messages.

What is Holy? Yeshua/Jesus is Holy, and we need to become like HIM in all ways, little by little, growing spiritually in the WORD and in faith. It all starts with the "New Birth" (John 3:3) The Commandments teach us what is clean and unclean, Holy and unholy. So, what should be taught by the Shepherds who keep their sheep?

1. We are all sinners and have come short of the glory of God. 2. God loves everyone and because of His immense love, He came to earth in human form, to die in our place, taking upon our sins and the curse of death. 3. We must ALL (individually) accept the one-time sacrifice of Yeshua/Jesus on the Cross, in a personal way, knowing that "he died for YOU!(specifically). 4. The Bible is the inerrant WORD of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, His message for ALL mankind. It is our Basic Instruction guide Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E.) 5. We have eternal life with God and all believers. And Yeshua/Jesus will return soon as the "Lion of Judah" to set up His 1000-year Kingdom, which we will be part of. 6. There is a Heaven and a Hell, and a Lake of Fire (no joke) Eternity is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Our position with God now determines our future in eternity.

LUKE 5:1-6:49

Yeshua speaks to the people, from a boat. After teaching, He and Kefa go out on the lake, resulting in a boatload of fish. Kefa hears, yet protests, “We fished all night and caught nothing” yet still obeys and “reaps the harvest” many fish, to take home to sell and eat.

In the other incident when Yeshua caused his talmidim to catch a boatload of fish, the number of fish caught summed “153.” Why is this number recorded? Is it significant? Perhaps Yeshua is making a statement through the fish caught. The statement in Hebrew “Ani Elohim” ( I AM Elohim) sums “153” in gematria (using the “vav” in “Elohim”) Yeshua tells Peter 3 times to "pastor and lead HIS lambs and sheep" Who are HIS lambs and sheep?

One way we can look at this symbolically is that a "lamb" can be a "very young believer, perhaps just "born-again" and needs a lot of instruction. The "sheep" are the more mature believers, who still need more instruction (more Torah!) So, that is the job of a rabbi, pastor, Sunday School teacher, Torah Teacher, to instruct and lead the "lambs and sheep" of "his or her pasture"

With simple obedience through faith, we can all reap the blessings that YHVH has in store for us. A little bit of faith, trust, and obedience, will bring in a big catch. Now, Kefa is promoted to be a “fisher-of-MEN” rescuing men’s souls from the grasp of HaSatan and bringing them into the Kingdom. Are you a fisher of men (and women) or are you still content with the small “fishy” things of life? You decide!

Yeshua also, after the blessing of many fish, healed three people; one who had “Tzara ’at” (a skin disease) a person who was paralyzed, and a person who was “worldly-minded.” To the first He said; “be cleansed” To the second one He said; “Your sins are forgiven you” To the third, (Who was Matthew) He just said; “Follow me!”

In all three cases, we have changed lives. When our sins are forgiven, through repentance and accepting Yeshua as Messiah and LORD, we are “cleansed” (internally) and at times, physically. And then, we “follow Him” which should be the logical reaction.

“I have not called the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32)

We must understand that everyone who is “righteous” (in right standing) similar to “Kadosh” was at one time “a sinner” (living a lifestyle of sin and rebellion). So, it is a change for the better, from a lost sinner to a “righteous” one who has been “born again.” The lost sinner needs to be instructed by the Torah unto righteousness, and the righteous need to be instructed by the Torah to “stay guided on the Path of Righteousness”

Baptists (and others)-- Wives submit to husbands? Wives and husbands equal partners?

People are free to disagree with ruling authorities too. And they are free to disagree with a husband.
But if by divine command she must submit, she's not really free, is she?
You never addressed this aspect.
Because I think it's too completely different to be relevant.
You don't seem to acknowledge the headship relation of wives submitting to husbands as any more than a cultural concession.
I don't acknowledge control of wives by husbands - including by telling wives they must submit in a way that husbands do not - as anything other than cultural, and indeed, a product of fallen culture which is antithetical to God's will.
But the arguments for it are not describing cultural concession.
I can argue for something on all sorts of grounds, but those grounds may not be the reason why I have to make the argument in the first place. Just because Peter or Paul, in acknowledging the unequal reality of first-century marriage, make remarks about that which are Scripturally or theologically resourced, doesn't mean that Scripture or theology mandate that inequality.
A wife who willingly submits because it is fitting in the Lord was not controlled.
Telling wives they must submit "because God says" is a sort of control. It's a form of spiritual abuse.
Nor do any of the texts tell the husband to control.
But you cannot have one-sided submission without the other side being control.
First of all, I listed two means of recourse, and you only addressed one of them.
Because most abuse will fall into that area.
Second of all, yes the church is a resource. A church that is following Scripture principles would not tell her to go back to physical abuse, or constant derision, or unchristian behavior, or infidelity, etc. and not address the husband. And they might even involve the authorities, depending on the situation. And there are churches that do this.
That's not good enough. Unless by "unchristian behaviour" we mean any time he seeks to control her in any way, but most just reinforce the problem.
I didn't say anything about control, because that is your word. That is not what the text says. He is called to headship and imitating the love of Christ. She is to cooperate through submission to her husband, plainly stated in various texts.
And any time "submission" turns into, he's in control, that's abuse.
You keep inserting your word control.
Yes, because that is the heart of the issue. If he can exercise headship, leadership, whatever, and never ever coerce or limit or control her or expect her to submit and obey, then there's no issue.
This is an admission that the nature of submission is different for both.
It is, in a culture where a man literally has the legal right to kill his wife. It is perhaps less so in a society more like ours.
But the submission does not look the same for each party. Now you just need to acknowledge the reason. And it is not concession to the culture.
I disagree. The only reason is the different cultural situation of each.
A . Explain the various methods of resolving it.
There are whole books out there on the topic. You can do your own research. My only point is, giving one person an automatic trump card by reason of their biology is not the only possibility.
B. Nothing is stated about chromosomes.
Well, I was tempted to express myself more crudely, but decided to refrain. The only difference is biology.
But the only portion you seem to have an issue with is the part of the Scriptures where wives are asked to submit in a way husbands are not:
I have an issue with any time anybody tries to use Scripture to set up relationships of control, which is abuse.
And control is your word. It is not in the text.
No, it is not in the text. I am arguing against the use of the text to require women to submit to being controlled by men.
And that gives me plenty to be hung up on, as it is a tall order.
And yet here we are, once again having a man explain to women why we need to submit to male control.
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"Overeager staffer" posts video to Trump's personal Truth Social account predicting “the creation of a unified Reich” if he wins in 2024

An economic boom and prosperity. That's Biden's record of the past free years, despite global inflation which we addressed more quickly than other country.

The Trump record:
and a tax cut that gave the 99%:
Chump change.
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Will it be justice if Abbot Pardons him?

or… just maybe… folks on your side want to excuse what the guy did because you don’t like the politics of the people he drove at. don't see me defending Chauvin and any number of other cases.

No....I don't like the politics of the other side....but that has nothing to do with who is guilty or innocent.

For the record, I never said Rittenhouse was anything other than stupid.


And I was referring to your pushing the Clinton bodycount conspiracy:

I listed a lot of dead associations of the Clintons. That's not a conspiracy....they worked with a lot of people who died rather early.
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Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

Do you have an issue with my Jewish relatives?

My forefathers rendered the Hebrew Text into the OG LXX.
Who therefore is the one with a problem with "Jewish relatives"?

Greek pigs may have cloven feet but they're incapable of chewing cud hence being non-kosher

Indeed the Hebrews 2:7 quote from Psalm 8:5 is a break in theological background context: for the forefathers who rendered the OG LXX surely read me·Elohim as with the definite article implied, (me·ha·Elohim), and that is clear by the fact that they read the text as Angels or Messengers, (aggelous), instead of Elohim.

And ha·Elohim in this manner would be, of course, "the Elohim", which is more specifically a Henokian-Tzadokim doctrine which may be found in Henok 20 where the seven holy Malakim who watch are named, and those seven are indeed called ha·Elohim, meaning "the Angels", specific to those seven morning Stars of the opening creation account.

This doctrine is reinforced and taught from the very beginning: for both Henok and Noah walked with ha·Elohim, the seven eyes of HE WHO IS, and Noah found grace in the [seven] eyes of HE WHO IS.

Gen 5:22 (ha·Elohim), Gen 5:24 (ha·Elohim), Gen 6:9, (ha·Elohim),
Gen 6:8, Dt 11:12, Dt 13:18, 2Sam 15:25, 1Kgs 15:5, Psa 34:15, Prov 15:3, 1Pe 3:12,
Zec 3:9, Zec 4:10, Rev 5:6 ... . ...

Ha·Elohim are the seven holy Elohim-Malakim who watch, (Henok XX), the seven eyes of HE WHO IS AND WHO WAS AND WHO SHALL BE, which are sent forth into all His land, the seven Spirits before His throne: and this is most assuredly a Henokian-Tzadokim SCRIPTURE doctrine which your forefathers rejected following the events of 70-135AD.

My forefathers produced the OG LXX (Torah) 1300 years before your forefathers produced the M/T.
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The Triumph of Bidenomics!

Or sweet corn. Where the heck does sweet corn in January come from? Kenya? And for $0.71 an ear? In September, it's a quarter.

What I want to know is where they're getting coffee for $6.12/lb. Is that the lowest grade pre-ground coffee? I can't get whole bean for less than $9/lb.

I'll agree that many of the prices seemed off to me, as well. At the same time, for coffee, I'm thinking they are talking about something like Folgers, which my local Walmart has for just under $10 for 25.9 ounces -- which would be about $6.17/lb.
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How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug

"How can Christians graciously & compassionately argue against homosexuality, adultery, perversion, sexual assualt, rape, abortion alcohol and/or drug addiction?"

That's a long list, and the items on it are quite varied in nature. For actions like rape that clearly harm another person, you can describe the kind of harm that rape does. (Does your friend truly disagree that rape is bad?)

For the items that do not clearly harm another person, one option is to use "I" language. For example, "In my religious tradition, we do not drink alcohol, because <reason>. When I am tempted to drink alcohol, I do <action> instead, and it helps me to resist the temptation." I've had some gracious interfaith discussions that used first-person language like this.
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Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

Why is it so difficult to respond to one post with one post instead of two or three?

There are many quotes from the OG LXX in the writings of the Apostles, including Paul, which you now apparently double down and call "pigs over a cliff". Moreover who cares if Greeks were pig farmers? What does that have to do with the Apostles of Meshiah who were mostly fishermen and surely not pig farmers?

Here is another quote from the Epistle to the Hebrews quoting the OG LXX:

Hebrews 2:7 T/R
7 ηλαττωσας αυτον βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωσας αυτον [Psa 8:5 OG LXX] και κατεστησας αυτον επι τα εργα των χειρων σου

Psalms 8:5 OG LXX
5 (8:6) ηλαττωσας αυτον βραχυ τι παρ αγγελους δοξη και τιμη εστεφανωσας αυτον

"You have made him a little lower than [the] angels", which in the Hebrew Text says מאלהים, (me·Elohim), and is therefore debatable in the Hebrew Text because the mem prefix takes the place of the article if indeed the article is intended, and why some translators simply choose not to believe what the OG LXX actually says, and which is quoted herein by the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Psalm 8:5 KJV
5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

Psalms 8:5 ASV
5 For thou hast made him but little lower than God, And crownest him with glory and honor.

So according to your judgment, (as it appears, now that you have doubled down), the above text from the OG LXX and the word-for-word verbatim quote in the Epistle to the Hebrews is pig slop from pig farmers?
I'm glad that you are capable of writing hebrew. It's a Gift .
When paul was given a commission to explore . I wonder if he was told to find the helenes jews with his m knowledge of the books of censuses.
Being a pharisee I imagine that he had access to lineages and families of jews after keeping the books for Greco-Roman leaders.. Kinda like mathew the tax collector but on another level .
A Northern road and all reminds me of a person sent forth to find shem.
To even dare venture as far as where chattel hebrew slaves were traded. Ie Rome!
I think that Paul was sent to share the gospel to jews living in captivity under pagan rulers. And that kefa was founded in where he was strong in the hebrew community.
Only Paul the lawyer could navigate the stranger's laws with precision after considering that he knew them well. Acts
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The 45th President evidently wants to be the New Hitler

Meh, this is a nothingburger. That's just what happens to be the headline (and it was an actual headline - in the 1930s) on the newspapers in the stock footage that they used. There's also a couple others that include mention of World War 1. I'll happily take any opportunity to criticize Trump (seriously, read my post history), but this is literally nothing, and all the people making hay over it are idiots.

You can see the exact same stock footage in other places:
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the Prince to Come

Daniel 9:27 makes it clear that the final 7 year period is divided into 2 halves.
Christ is 'cut off', at the point of completion of the 69 weeks, that is 483 years after the Prophecy commenced.

The fact alone of there being no definitive seven year point after Jesus was killed and resurrected, is sufficient to place that final period in the end times, to the last 7 years before the glorious Return. Where it fits with the Prophesies of Revelation.
That is not exegesis--that is eisegesis. It's logical, but not what Scripture is actually saying.

Where, for example, is it explicitly said that there are two separate halves of the 70th Week that have to be fulfilled in the endtimes? Nowhere!

So I won't speak for the Holy Spirit. You can guess, or you can speculate. But you can't interpret for the Holy Spirit unless you are exercising the gift of interpretation.

To teach is to follow the word of God. To prophecy or to interpret tongues is something else altogether.
The agreement; as described in Daniel 9:27 is not a covenant as such. Parties do not make terminating Covenants. They do make fixed term treaties and the one which will be made between the peoples in the holy Land and the Leader of the rest of the world, will be viewed by God, as a serious violation of His relationship with the holy peoples. Daniel 11:32 describes it correctly.
I'm not sure what you're saying here? I'm talking about God's Covenant with Israel. And I think it is indeed speaking of such. The entire message from the angel to Daniel has to do with God keeping His covenant with Israel, under conditions that do not make it look likely.

Dan 9.4 I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments."

The angel came to answer this prayer.
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Learning Foreign Languages

The university where I live offers adult classes in conversational Spanish. I've thought about taking them. Not exactly cheap, but some Spanish fluency will likely be useful in the years to come. And I can watch Telemundo to maintain what I've learned.

I'm reminded of a saying attributed to one of the old King Louis's of France: He spoke French in his court, English to the British ambassador, Italian to women, Spanish to his servants, Latin to God, and German to his horse. :oldthumbsup:
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"Overeager staffer" posts video to Trump's personal Truth Social account predicting “the creation of a unified Reich” if he wins in 2024

curious - why did you choose not to include the link for the video?

Which would you not want in America?

It's not that I don't want these things for America, I just don't believe -- largely based on his past track record -- that he can deliver.

  • An economic boon
  • Prosperity

These two seem largely the same and weren't something that Trump left us with at the end of his last term. His successes were not any better than what Obama had left him, other than his tax decreases to "grease" the economy, but that was slowing even before COVID hit. There is no indication of what Trump might do that would create more prosperity -- particularly since much of his early political capital will have to be used just to get the extension of his tax cuts for individuals and families.

  • Border closed

Why will he be able to do it this time, when he couldn't the first time?

  • 15 million illegals deported

Again, where is his plan for how he will accomplish this; particularly since he wasn't good at it his first term? This seems to be much like his medical plan that was supposed to replace Obamacare but ended up being “nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.” I can just see him making a similar comment.

  • Peach through strength

Again, what is the plan? I will admit, based on his comments, he will likely try to force Ukraine to concede a peace treaty to the Russians in exchange for military equipment to better protect themselves "the next time." After all, appeasing Putin to end the Ukraine war will merely embolden Putin to try again in a few years, to take more of Ukraine.

I'd be genuinely interested in how he might try to solve the issues with the Palestinians and Israel; though maybe, like his last term, he can get someone like Afghanistan to sign a peace treaty with Israel (even though they haven't actually been at war).

  • Law and order

Again, plan? The issue I see here is that "law and order" tends to be a local issue and has to be solved with local police, DAs and courts; the federal government has no real role in enforcing local laws. As such, it is hard to see what Trump could do for "law and order" -- other than his promise to pardon lots of his supporters who have broken laws (which doesn't really help law and order).

  • The American Dream

Not even sure what is being talked about here, beyond everyone getting a house with a white picket fence, a car in the garage, and a ham in the oven. This is little more than a catch phrase being thrown out to appeal to those who "yearn for the good ole' days"; but the truth is that Trump is not going to reverse inflation, fix "law and order", or even fix the border -- though I'm sure he'll bluster a lot about how great he is.

Which of those is abhorrent to you?

Again, my issue isn't with the things claimed, it is instead that Trump has shown no real plans that will improve on any of these nor does his track record inspire confidence of his ability to improve things.
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The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

I am trying to use plain language so you understand. IF your car is broken and your mechanic fixes your car did he violate natural law to fix your car. You seem to think he does. God is not lawless and He does not break His own laws.
The laws of nature are just equations that describe how nature behaves as we have observed to date. No court handed them down.
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The sun was struck dumb and did not set for about a whole day

I am trying to use plain language so you understand. IF your car is broken and your mechanic fixes your car did he violate natural law to fix your car. You seem to think he does. God is not lawless and He does not break His own laws.
I am trying to use plain language so you understand.
The 'laws' (for want of a better term) as instituted by God over His creation are there so that creation can function without Him directly doing everything. However God has plenty of ways that He can interact with His creation & can bypass the mechanism that He put into His creation for it to run by itself.

To use your mechanic analogy, God is to creation and the laws of physics as the mechanic is to the engine. Just as a mechanic can take apart an engine or manipulate the fuel lines or cooling system or lubricant system or the engines computer to test it, analyse or fix the engine so too can God manipulate the natural laws to achieve His aim. Just as a mechanic has various ways he can interact with an engine so to does God have various ways He can interact with creation
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Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Could you elaborate on this? (I know, I'm sorry everyone else). What is a synopsis of Peterson's hypothesis? What I got from a fast skim of his video was that totalitarians like order and orderliness and are disgusted by disorder. Does that seem a fair description?
They are some of the traits or psyche that controlling thinking and behaviour would display. He also mentions conscientiousness as a trait which would seem contradictory considering its often seen as something positive. But these are normal human traits that have been cognitively distorted.

Peterson is explaining the psychology behind how Totalitarian thinking develops and then relating it to society. He has other pod casts that may go into how this relates to todays society and also how this all fits in with the evolution of societies.

I guess his overall hypothesis is revealing the psychology and to a lesser extent the evolution of human behaviour and relating it into todays context and how this can help people understand themselves and society better.
Peterson had been preaching to young men to be more orderly. Is he priming them for totalitarianism, or did he not consider the consequences of his advice?
I know he can get controversial but what psyche with insight into human behaviour wouldn't speak out if they seen negative behaviour in society that may cause harm and can offer some therapy. The 12 Rules for Life which is mainly aimed at young males is just common sense stuff. Rule one is standup straight with your shoulders back and eyes up looking at the world.

The second is clean up your room or space. The idea is that posture can reflect mindset and that you can't cleanup the mess in your head or other peoples problems until you start with cleaning up your own backyard. Pretty simple psychology.

But the rest of his Rules or principles are about thinking rationally, spotting negative thinking and beliefs like Totalitarianism that will lead to negative behaviour. Free speech and the right to speak the truth as that is important for self and society and reality for that matter.

(Keeping my bed unmade to prevent fascism.)
Lol, if thats avoiding facism then I'm a liberal.

But it does work. Sorting out stuff sorts out your head or at least puts you in that frame of mind. When its all too hard start with the simple stuff and that will help you get your head into some order as well lol.
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FBI Authorized Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid

The sexual assault charge was in a civil lawsuit and I'm certain that it will be reversed on appeal. The current trial in New York City is a farce. The judge is biased, corrupt and inept in this trial. The prosecution's star witness is a perjurer and an admitted thief with a personal vendetta against Donald Trump.

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