Free will and determinism

Sure, but as I said that's insufficient to capture my experience of my will in operation. The decision wasn't forced upon my will by prior reasons.
No, but they were determined by them. And you have no control over the reasons. Even if it's a preference, you prefer something for a reason. Over which you have no control. I just had tea instead of coffee with my breakfast. For no other reason than I preferred it. You can then say my preference was the cause and deciding to have tea was the effect. What caused my preference at that moment? I don't really know to be honest.

But I do know I didn't decide to prefer it. I didn't choose to prefer it. I had no conscious control over my preference as I stood in the kitchen.
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

I don't know exactly what happened - but the article made it seem as if this one kid reached toward either his waist or the waist of one of the other kids - I don't recall - but he moved and reached after being instructed not to.

In a lot of police involved shootings those shot would lie on their weapons - or conceal another - and I have seen footage of officers being shot and killed after they had already shot the suspect who feigned death.

When I was trained to be a Federal Law Enforcement Officer - we were taught to aim for center mass and unload.
NO. The article said the shooter claimed that. It ends with the police saying that video evidence contradicted those claims.
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

Good point. Also the recertification does not seem to include any training, just testing. And the change to 6 month recertification is recent. Sadly, in many things people get grandfathered in, meaning that even if the current licensing rules and training are excellent there could be a lot of guys who have been security guards for decades who in fact have no training at all.

Also, this is Washington. I gave information for California because I live here and also bicycle a lot. The last 2 Saturdays it was supposed to warm up during the day, so I started early enough to finish before it got really hot. It failed to warm up on schedule and was still unpleasantly cool when I got to a synagogue which has a security guard. It is on a corner and I usually turn right at that corner and then stop for a water break. Instead, I stopped before the turn and chatted with the guard. Him I trust. He is also equipped with pepper spray and a baton. No chance he would stand over a guy and fire. He has 2 other ways to be sure someone is disabled, but not murdered.

I sure don't trust anyone who is supposed to be trained who says there was not time to call 911 before engaging with trouble. That they called and their hand was forced perhaps, but not to even try is absurd. If I'm walking into trouble I want backup and medics on the way.
In that situation I would have called the police and tried to be a good witness.
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A Warning from 2 Timothy 4:3 - The Gospel is not a Cafeteria

We just put it under the Blood and the devil flees from the blood so that is not much of an issue.
Jesus didn't make anyone in our present forms sinless, in case you missed it

And sin is and remains of the devil, scripturally speaking

Devils on the other hand are never forgiven
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

I don't know exactly what happened - but the article made it seem as if this one kid reached toward either his waist or the waist of one of the other kids - I don't recall - but he moved and reached after being instructed not to.

In a lot of police involved shootings those shot would lie on their weapons - or conceal another - and I have seen footage of officers being shot and killed after they had already shot the suspect who feigned death.

When I was trained to be a Federal Law Enforcement Officer - we were taught to aim for center mass and unload.
I doubt you were taught to unload by any law enforcement agency. We are taught to shoot to stop the threat. Not to unload
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Vanished: In The Blink of an Eye (Left Behind Series Fanfic #1)

[another chapter]

Chapter III

Lucille Moise grew up in Mount Prospect until she graduated from Prospect High School. She began attending the University of South Chicago and was staying in a dorm. She hardly visited, except during holidays. Her brother Harold and sister Cheryl went to Prospect High School, and were active in the YMCA and YWCA.

Lucille had also been to church when she was a little girl, but religion never occurred to her. She attended New Hope Village Church. There, Pastor Billings spoke of the rapture, as he often did. Though Lucille had no what to make of it.

Lucille Moise and Evelyn Burton became roommates at the University of South Chicago. There, Evelyn would be reading her Bible and doing devotions in their dorm in the morning before classes and at night after classes.

”So, you believe this stuff?”, asked Lucille.

“Yes. It takes a one little faith”, answered Evelyn.

“And Jesus is going to come to take His people to Heaven?”

”Yes, that’s right.”

”When that is supposed to take place?”

”No one knows the day or the hour. Though it could be any moment. That’s the important part about being ready.”

They exchanged in conversations during the freshman college year. Evelyn even gave Lucille some booklets that explains the Gospel, and need for salvation.

”Thank you”, said Lucille, “I’ll think about it.”

”Don’t wait to long, though”, said Evelyn, “You don’t know much time you have.”

”What do you mean?”

”There’s no knowing what will happened tomorrow or next week or next month or even next year.“

Evelyn made a prayer list when she got ready to leave for college. She looked through it again- for her brother Robert, that he would make time for family and for God; for another brother, Aneurin, that he would make better choices; for her sister Molly that she would grow up to live in purity; for two other brothers Samuel and Oliver that they would not stray away; for Lucille Moise and her salvation.

Lucille was enjoying life at college. She also enjoyed hanging out and rooming with Evelyn. Evelyn often invited Lucille to attend church close by. While she attended from time to time, Lucille wasn’t the kind of person to attend church every Sunday. It just wasn’t her thing.

There were even some other students on campus who were also Christians. They would carry Bibles in their dorms and attended church close by. Lucille would read through the papers that explained the need for Salvation. Though it just didn’t add up. How soon should she realize the importance of family, friends, and God.

[College is a huge step in life. But those who start college tend to fall away and stopped attending church.]
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

I was trained to shoot center mass as a LEO but I was also trained that there are certain conditions that must be met before deadly force is used, specifically ability, opportunity, jeopardy and preclusion.
Does the person have the ability to kill or cripple? Does he have the opportunity to kill or cripple? Would a reasonable person believe that their life was in jeopardy? And preclusion; was there anything else I could have done?
Considering what was known and observed - I think it is reasonable for deadly force.

Unless you believe that kids are unable to shoot and kill someone with a firearm?
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

A range test doesn’t teach you WHEN you can and can’t shoot though. (He hit what he was aiming at). He may have had training, and may have been a good guy who just made a bad decision. The part about grabbing the guy and then the part about standing over the kid while he was laying on the ground and continuing to shoot him don’t give me confidence that he had a lot of training.though
Good point. Also the recertification does not seem to include any training, just testing. And the change to 6 month recertification is recent. Sadly, in many things people get grandfathered in, meaning that even if the current licensing rules and training are excellent there could be a lot of guys who have been security guards for decades who in fact have no training at all.

Also, this is Washington. I gave information for California because I live here and also bicycle a lot. The last 2 Saturdays it was supposed to warm up during the day, so I started early enough to finish before it got really hot. It failed to warm up on schedule and was still unpleasantly cool when I got to a synagogue which has a security guard. It is on a corner and I usually turn right at that corner and then stop for a water break. Instead, I stopped before the turn and chatted with the guard. Him I trust. He is also equipped with pepper spray and a baton. No chance he would stand over a guy and fire. He has 2 other ways to be sure someone is disabled, but not murdered.

I sure don't trust anyone who is supposed to be trained who says there was not time to call 911 before engaging with trouble. That they called and their hand was forced perhaps, but not to even try is absurd. If I'm walking into trouble I want backup and medics on the way.
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What where is now?

And a verse that ( Who return for 1000 years to rule and reign with Christ ) ??
Did you skip over the: "I have heard". I do not know the meaning of this verse, do you? I am the one asking here. Do you know the answer as to who is going to reign with Christ for 1,000 years?

Revelation 20:6 "Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years".
So where is a verse that we ( who is the WE with a verse ? ) for a wedding ??

Revelation 19:9
Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

Revelation 19:7,8
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready…

Revelation 7:15
I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
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The common thread in Trump's defenders

This is a Poe, right?
No. What was the federal crime that Trump was covering up! There was none. Which is why the judge told the jury to literally make it up! If they BELIEVED Trump was concealing a federal offense, regardless of any evidence, by golly, that is good enough for him.
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From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

You both are, but hey, you do you.
I think it is appropriate for schoolteachers to be discussing their sexuality with their students? Keeping secrets from their parents?

You think children can consent to puberty blockers, hormones and elective surgeries that will change their lives forever?
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From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

From the article: All but two Republicans voted against the Senate bill, which opponents claimed was not only unnecessary but problematic, in that it failed to protect religious freedom for employers and providers who believe contraception is immoral.

Trying to make Catholic hospitals give out contraception. Glad it failed.
An excellent argument for separating health coverage from employment. Single payer.
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Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

I am a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer, and we were trained to aim for center mass and unload.
I was trained to shoot center mass as a LEO but I was also trained that there are certain conditions that must be met before deadly force is used, specifically ability, opportunity, jeopardy and preclusion.
Does the person have the ability to kill or cripple? Does he have the opportunity to kill or cripple? Would a reasonable person believe that their life was in jeopardy? And preclusion; was there anything else I could have done?
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The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

Actually, I think one can make a case that there's some political motivations intertwined within the documents case.

That's a unique one in that Trump was definitely a bad actor (in that he got called out on the carpet for having them, and decided to throw a hissy fit and merely claim he could "will things into a state of declassified")... whereas, the other people involved with such things promptly returned them (which is the sensible thing to do).

However, the fact that they even went down that rabbit hole in the first place specifically because "it's something we can get Trump on" is how it comes across.

Then after they did that, they started looking into who else may have some, and found that Biden and Pence both did (which, those two did the sensible thing and promptly cooperated)

Despite Biden returning them promptly when asked, the fact that there were a few boxes of them sitting in his garage since 2009 would lead one to believe that that's not typically a thing they're keeping a close watchful on eye and doing regular audits on.

Had Trump never kept documents, or had they not busted Trump on it in the way they did (which subsequently required them to look into other people to keep up the patina of even-handedness), there's a 99% chance those boxes of ones Joe had would still be sitting in his garage to this day collecting dust for another 10 years.

It's one of those things that's definitely an infraction...but one of those infractions that tends not be uncovered unless someone is in "looking for something...anything" mode.
AFAIK, your description of things is not accurate. The Archives know that some documents should exist and be accounted for. IIRC, they were expecting some set of documents to be delivered upon Trump’s leaving office and the fact that some of them were missing was what kicked off the investigation. They didn’t just go poking around Maralago.

I don’t know what docs Pence and Biden had, but presumably, they were ones the Archives didn’t know about and weren’t expecting.
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The common thread in Trump's defenders

Because I've already spelled it out for other people.
You did? I saw you make claims and list charges - but I did not see an explanation.
What is it with you guys and not wanting to do any reading for yourselves?
What is it with you guys being unable to explain what you supposedly read?
I don't have much of an opinion on what is "reasonable" in this case.
Why is that? You seem pretty opinionated to me.
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From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

From the article: All but two Republicans voted against the Senate bill, which opponents claimed was not only unnecessary but problematic, in that it failed to protect religious freedom for employers and providers who believe contraception is immoral.

Trying to make Catholic hospitals give out contraception. Glad it failed.
Nothing says “I look out for women” like advocating deceptive medical practices and allowing their employers to decide their medical care, lol.
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Right wing media is facing a reckoning for lying to consumers

One of the reasons for the 25th Amendment is that one President, Wilson, suffered a severe stroke paralyzing one side of his body. The problem is that Wilson, himself, did not believe he was so paralyzed and planned for a 3rd term though his wife and aides kept him sheltered. People with a similar stroke often do not believe they are paralyzed on one side at all, though they are severe, and they get angry.

Reagan in the last year or so of his term was suffering dementia and his wife and aides sheltered him, too.

I can't figure out how that relates to my post. And it hits too close to home for me to address. My mother was diagnosed last year with dementia too and is now in assisted living in another state. I have yet to reconcile my feelings about it.
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The common thread in Trump's defenders

No, it hadn't expired.
Yes it did unless there was evidence that proved Trump was trying to cover up a federal crime. There are literally only two legal possibilities:

1. Trump falsified documents to cover up a federal crime. Which would result in a federal trial.

2. Trump is charged with falsifying documents in violation of state law which will inevitably be tossed out because it is past the statue of limitation.

However, the left decided, screw it! We will have our cake and eat it to. We are going to convict Trump for federal crimes in a state court without providing any evidence that such crime had occurred under the presence that a state law was violated long after the statute of limitations.
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