‘American’ and ‘you guys’ among words considered harmful by Stanford group

PALO ALTO, Calif. (KRON) — Stanford University’s IT department introduced its Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI) in May, aiming to recognize and address words that could be considered harmful. On Monday, the EHLI published a long list of words that it says fall under this category.

The list contains more than 100 different words and phrases that are deemed harmful, including an explanation for why they are harmful and a word or phrase to use in lieu of the harmful term. Among the terms on the list were “American” and “you guys.”

“American” was deemed to be “imprecise language,” and the EHLI said “U.S. citizen” is preferred. “This term (American) often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important country in the Americas (which is actually made up of 42
countries),” Stanford EHLI said.

Is this perhaps an instance of a "self own" on behalf of the people pushing for it? A situation where someone takes their own idea (that may have been noble/good 'in theory'), and takes it to such an comical extreme that it basically becomes an manifestation of the reductio ad absurdum arguments people on the other side would've made about 3-4 years ago... A "proving the other side's slippery slope argument for them" of sorts?

The End is Coming...What it Means for Us

The end is coming. The end of what? Jesus in Matthew 24:35 says that heaven and earth will pass away. Does that assertion come under the Old Testament Doctrine, which is the basis for the Elementary Doctrine of Jesus that Hebrews 6:1 tells us we should leave? After all, what Jesus says here is also mentioned in Isaiah 51:6. Is not Isaiah part of the Old Testament? For that matter, does not Psalms 102:25-26 mention the end as well?

But in the New Testament, Jesus is not the only one that says the end is coming; it is also stated in 1 Peter 4:7. We can presume, I believe, that whatever is stated in the Books of Peter has gone beyond the Elementary Doctrine that Jesus derives his teachings from; the end, therefore, should be of concern to all Christians.

When is the end coming? God only knows. Jesus infers that much in Matthew 24:36. From an existential standpoint, what is the end in relation to us? After all, nobody except the Almighty can stop it from coming. So what does the Bible, being the breath and inspiration of God, expect from us? Keep in mind that every Verse in the Bible is inter-related; that is, each Verse applies in some way to the things we draw from the Bible, so it is not always required that we consider the context of each Verse.

So, the Bible expects us to be strong in the faith. Ephesians 6:10 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” I tell you that to be strong in the Lord is to be strong in your faith in Him. What does your faith in Him entail? It involves the promotion of mankind, which includes giving your love overall and giving help where necessary, contributing to the lifting up of mankind. God in Genesis 1:28 commands us to be fruitful and multiply.

What’s that? You say that’s just Old Testament Doctrine? Well how else do you measure one’s faith in God? Are you ready to discount Jesus’ warning in Matthew 25:41-46 in which he says that those who don’t help the poor and needy will end up in the eternal fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels? Or will you be drawn to Jesus’ promise in Matthew 25:31-40 of entry into God’s Kingdom if we help lift up the poor and needy?

What is the reward in terms of the coming of the end? 1 John 2:24-25 promises you eternal life with God. Regardless of what will happen to the heavens and the earth, you will continue to exist along with God. And this includes those whose flesh has been lying in the ground, as inferred in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. So, once the book on you is shut, your faith is sealed; and the extent of your faith or lack thereof will determine where you end up, once the end comes.

The Gospel of Cognitive Dissonance

In the last few years, we've witnessed the woeful effects of the destructive policies of the Department of Education on our young people. From one public university to another, policies which can be shown to have been formulated and implemented by occultist enemies of Christ (such as former U.N. under-secretary Robert Muller's admission that his "World Core Curriculum" - of which the "COMMON CORE CURRICULUM" is a carbon copy - is based on the ideas and philosophies of supersonic Luciferian Alice A. Bailey) have resulted in a new generation of young people who cannot tolerate any opinions which challenge their own. Critical Thinking skills are left undeveloped, while heavy emphasis is placed on leftist agenda indoctrination. When confronted with such challenges, their response usually ranges from mild rudeness to fiercely violent verbal and physical attacks, along with appeals to an authority to silence their opposition.

Why? Cognitive Dissonance.

When you've been told year after impressionable year that Global Freezing/Global Warming/Climate Change is going to kill us all, and then are confronted with the fact that the 1980 explosion of the Mount St. Helens volcano bombarded the atmosphere with as much Ozone-depleting material as everything expelled from every single smoke stack and exhaust pipe on the planet since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution - and, yet, we're all still alive and kicking with all these other volcanoes ceaselessly erupting - well, such facts don't only cause cognitive disharmony, they also inflict emotional and psychological harm. When a person finds himself holding as true two diametrically opposed views, the resulting cognitive disharmony is too much to bear and the cognitive "coping mechanism" kicks in, where the "uncomfortable new truth" is rejected and the "comfortable old truth" is retained in order to restore cognitive harmony. However, as we get closer to the coming of Jesus and the warning to "take heed that no man deceive you" goes more and more unheeded, those seduced by satanic leftist thinking have now elevated their beliefs to the level or religion - the mind which was once an arena of ideas is now an ideological battlefield and anything perceived to be a threat must be neutralized - ideological tolerance will not be tolerated.

So, what about Christianity? Is it possible a new generation of Christians - so emotionally unstable, so intellectually stunted, so devoid of the Holy Spirit while convinced they are His favorite vessel - are found vulnerable to similar cognitive issues?

Can it be it's now more important to cling to "old comfortable truths" that have been a crutch for so long than it is to heed Paul's admonition to "despise not prophesying, prove all things, hold fast to that which is good"?

Does "new uncomfortable truth" so disturb Christians that instead of plucking up the courage to responsibly and maturely reexamine both "truths" until it becomes evident which is actually true and which is false - the response to theological challenges is to report "offensive", "mean", "abusive" posts to the "authorities" so that the opposition can be silenced and we can go back to our "safe space" echo chambers and enjoy "free speech" as long as that speech agrees with our own?

The job of the Holy Spirit is to "convict" us of wrong and "guide" us into all truth, which by definition requires that He lead us out of our error. A mature, genuine Christian will be tolerant of those perceived as holding wrong ideas because time and time again, he's been shown the darkness in which he's been stumbling when the Holy Spirit shines the light of truth - but the professing Christian who resorts to the same tactics as our unbelieving friends? That speaks encyclopedic volumes about their their spiritual health.


YHWH's Table (Part 15)

Continued from: YHWH's Table (Part 14)

(CLV) Lv 7:1
This is the law (תורה) (Turah) of the guilt (אשמ) (Asham) offering; it is a holy of holies.

Direction (תורה) (Turah)
Guilt (אשמ) (Asham)

(CLV) Lv 7:2
In the place where they slay the ascent (עלה) (Olah) offering they shall slay the guilt (אשמ) (Asham)offering. Its blood shall one sprinkle against the altar round about;

Ascent (עלה) (Olah)
Guilt (אשמ) (Asham)

(CLV) Lv 7:3
and all its fat shall he bring near from it: the fat tail, the fat covering the inwards,

(CLV) Lv 7:4
and all the fat which is on the inwards, the two kidneys and the fat which is around them, at the hips, and the protuberance on the liver; along with the kidneys shall he take it away.

(CLV) Lv 7:5
Then the priest will cause them to fume on the altar, a fire (אשה) (Asheh) offering to Yahweh; it is a guilt (אשמ) (Asham) offering.

Fire (אשה) (Asheh)
Guilt (אשמ) (Asham)

(CLV) Lv 7:6
Every male among the priests, he shall eat of it. In a holy place shall it be eaten; it is a holy of holies.

(CLV) Lv 7:7
Like the sin (חטא) (Chata) offering so is the guilt (אשמ) (Asham) offering. There is one law for them. The priest who makes the propitiatory shelter with it, his shall it become.

Guilt (אשמ) (Asham)
Sin (חטא) (Chata)

This verse covers sin and guilt. I'm letting this sink in. They become the Priest's who makes shelter with what was brought to him.

(CLV) Lv 7:8
And the priest who is bringing near a man's ascent (עלה) (Olah) offering, the hide of the ascent (עלה) (Olah) offering which he brings near is for the priest; his shall it become.

Ascent (עלה) (Olah)

The hide for the ascent becomes the Priest's.

(CLV) Lv 7:9
And every approach present (מנחה) (Mincha)which is baked in a stove and all that is made in a cooking-pot or on a flat pan is for the priest who is bringing it near; his shall it become.

Gift (מנחה) (Mincha)

(CLV) Lv 7:10
Yet every other approach present (מנחה) (Mincha), mingled with oil and drained, shall be for all the sons of Aaron, each man as his brother.

Gift (מנחה) (Mincha)

(CLV) Lv 7:11
This is the law of the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim) which one may bring near to Yahweh.

Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
(Zebach) of Peace (שלמים) (Shalomim)

(CLV) Lv 7:12
If he should bring it near for an acclamation (תודה) (Tudah) then along with the acclamation (תודה) (Tudah) sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) he will bring near unleavened perforated cakes mingled with oil and unleavened wafers anointed with oil and well-mixed perforated cakes of flour mingled with oil.

Thanks (תודה) (Tudah)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
Here we introduce a new word to this series, Thanks (תודה) (Tudah).

(CLV) Lv 7:13
With perforated cakes of leavened bread shall he bring near his approach Offering (קרבן) (Qorban) present, along with the acclamation (תודה) (Tudah) sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of his peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim).

Offering (קרבן) (Qorban)
Thanks (תודה) (Tudah)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
(Zebach) of Peace (שלמים) (Shalomim)

Here we see that a sacrifice of peace can be a thanksgiving.

(CLV) Lv 7:14
And from it he will bring near one of each kind of approach (קרבן) (Qorban) present as a heave (תרומה) (Trumah) offering to Yahweh for the priest who is sprinkling the blood of the peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim); his shall it become.

Offering (קרבן) (Qorban)
Offering (as lifted up) (תרומה) (Trumah)
Peace(s) (plural or pluralis excellentiae?) (שלמים) (Shalomim)

Notice that YHWH says to bring near one of each of the qorbanim. It should be interesting to discover how many different types of qorbanim that there are; as we go through this study.

In this verse, yet another new word is introduced to this study, Offering (as lifted up) (תרומה) (Trumah).

Notice that in this verse that the (שלמים) (Shalomim) isn't directly associated with a (זבח) (Zebach)

(CLV) Lv 7:15
As for the flesh of the acclamation (תודה) (Tudah) sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of his peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim), on the day of his approach (קרבן) (Korban) present shall it be eaten. No[n]e (not) of it shall he leave until morning.

Offering קרבן (Qorban)
Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
Thanks (תודה) (Tudah)

(CLV) Lv 7:16
If his approach קרבן (Qorban) present is a vow (נדר) (Neder) or a voluntary (נדבה) (Nedabah) sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach), it shall be eaten on the day of his approach (קרב) (Qarab) with his sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach), and on the morrow the rest of it may be eaten.

Approach, as in draw near (קרב) (Qarab)
Offering קרבן (Qorban)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
Voluntary (נדבה) (Nedabah)
Vow (נדר) (Neder)

Notice that with these qorbanim, that they need not be eaten in the same day, as with some others. Obviously eating what is brought before YHWH's table, in the same day, has a deeper meaning than potential bacteria growth.

(CLV) Lv 7:17
Yet the rest of the flesh of the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) on the third day shall be burned in fire.

Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

(CLV) Lv 7:18
If any of the flesh of the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of his peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim) should be eaten, yea eaten, on the third day, the one bringing it near shall not be accepted; it shall not be reckoned to him. Vile shall it become, and the soul eating any of it, he shall bear his depravity.

Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

(CLV) Lv 7:19
As for flesh which is touching anything unclean, it shall not be eaten; in fire shall it be burned. As for other flesh, everyone clean may eat of the flesh.

Everyone? Notice that what has been brought forth, starting with verse 15, has not been assigned to the sons of Aaron. Is this congreational barbeque?

(CLV) Lv 7:20
Yet the soul who eats flesh from the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim), which is to Yahweh, while his uncleanness is on him, that soul will be cut off from his kinsmen.

Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

(CLV) Lv 7:21
When a soul touches anything unclean, the uncleanness of a human or an unclean beast or any unclean swarmer, and eats any of the flesh of the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim), which is to Yahweh, then that soul will be cut off from his kinsmen.

Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

Regarding the question posed for 7:19, this verse seems to complete that thought; as the next verse appears to begin a new thought.

(CLV) Lv 7:22
Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying:

(CLV) Lv 7:23
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, You shall not eat any fat from a bull, sheep or goat.

(CLV) Lv 7:24
The fat of a carcass and the fat of that torn to pieces may be used for any work, yet you shall not eat, nay eat it.

(CLV) Lv 7:25
When anyone is eating the fat from the beast of which {he brings near}* a fire (אשה) (Asheh) offering to Yahweh, then the soul who is eating will be cut off from his kinsmen.

Fire (אשה) (Asheh)
* This is a very interesting translation.

We just saw the root of this word (יַקְרִיב) back in verse 16.

Approach, as in draw near (קרב) (Qarab)

is also the root of "Offering"(קרבן) (Qorban).

When (י) is injected into (קרב) to give us (קריב) ; it gives the word a slightly different meaning.

It means near as in neighbor, kin, or kinsmen.

Adding the prefix (י) (third person future tense), would render this word (יקריב) (Yaqrib), or (he will draw near as a neighbor etc.)

This understanding gives this verse a slightly different meaning.

Am I missing something concerning my understanding of Hebrew grammar?

(CLV) Lv 7:26
And no blood at all shall you eat in any of your dwellings, of flyer or of beast.

(CLV) Lv 7:27
Any soul who eats any blood, that soul will be cut off from his kinsmen.

(CLV) Lv 7:28
Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying:

(CLV) Lv 7:29
Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, {The one bringing near}* the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of his peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim) to Yahweh, he shall bring his approach(קרבן) (Qorban) present to Yahweh from the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of his peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim).

*There's that word again. I'm going to leave this alone for now.
Offering (קרבן) (Qorban)
Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

(CLV) Lv 7:30
His hands, they shall bring the fire offerings אשה (Asheh) of Yahweh. The fat with the chest, he shall bring it, the chest to wave (ניף) (Neep) it as a wave (התנופה) (Tenoophah) offering before Yahweh.

Fire אשה (Asheh)
Shake (ניף) (Neep)
Wave (התנופה) (Tenoophah)

I wonder the purpose of the wave and the shake, and what is the subtle difference.

(CLV) Lv 7:31
Then the priest will cause the fat to fume on the altar, and the chest will come to be for Aaron and for his sons.

(CLV) Lv 7:32
The right leg shall you give as a heave (תרומה) (Trumah) offering to the priest from the sacrifices (זבח) (Zebach) of your peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim).

Offering (as lifted up) (תרומה) (Trumah)
Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)

I wonder how the lifted offering compares or relates to the wave and the shake.

(CLV) Lv 7:33
The one of the sons of Aaron bringing near the blood of peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim) and the fat, he shall come to have the right leg as an assigned share,

Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)

(CLV) Lv 7:34
for the chest of the wave (התנופה) (Tenoophah) offering and the leg of the heave (תרומה) (Trumah) offering I take from the sons of Israel, from the sacrifices (זבח) (Zebach) of their peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim), and I shall give them to Aaron the priest and to his sons as an eonian statute, due from the sons of Israel.

Offering (as lifted up) (תרומה) (Trumah)
Peace(s)(שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
Wave (התנופה) (Tenoophah)

(CLV) Lv 7:35
This is the anointed right of Aaron and the anointed right of his sons from the fire (אשה) (Asheh) offerings of Yahweh on the day he brought them near to serve as priests to Yahweh,

Fire (אשה) (Asheh)

(CLV) Lv 7:36
which Yahweh instructed to give to them on the day He anointed them, from the sons of Israel. It is an eonian statute throughout their generations.

(CLV) Lv 7:37
This is the law (תורת) (Turah) for the ascent (עלה) (Olah) offering, for the cereal approach present (מנחה) (Mincha), for the sin (חטא) (Chata) offering, for the guilt (אשמ) (Asham) offering, for the consecrations (מלאים) (Meelaim) and for the sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach) of peace offerings (שלמים) (Shalomim),

Ascent (עלה) (Olah)
Direction (תורת) (Turah)
Firstfruits (מלאים) (Meelaim)
Gift (מנחה) (Mincha)
Guilt (אשמ) (Asham)
Peace(s) (שלמים) (Shalomim)
Sacrifice (זבח) (Zebach)
Sin (חטא) (Chata)

(CLV) Lv 7:38
as Yahweh had instructed Moses on Mount Sinai on the day when He gave instructions that the sons of Israel bring near their approach (קרבן) (Korban) presents to Yahweh in the wilderness of Sinai.

Offering (קרבן) (Korban)

Shabbat shalom.

Musk removes suicide prevention features from Twitter.

in his ongoing mission to turn twitter into a cess pool, that advertisers will avoid, Elon makes another ‘class’ move.
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Are Christmas Trees Pagan according to Jeremiah 10?

Are Christmas trees pagan according to Jeremiah 10. If they are, we shouldn't use them. But is this what Jeremiah 10 talks about? This is what It says:

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

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Most days I wake up from a dream about sex.

like, I can't control it, that's just what I end up waking up thinking about, and it's pointless for me to even think about, being unmarried and unmarriable.

I've prayed about it to have something more glorifying to God as I wake up but no fruit.
Just useless fruitless sexual desire I can do nothing about to fulfill and the promise is that I will never fulfill the longing, only have it taken away
so why does God wait on that, why let it be sin bait for me that I can't handle?
Why not remove it now since the plan is to just lobotomize those desires out of us?

It's just shameful for me that the first thing I wake up thinking about.. is sin.
not Christ.

How do you get Biblical Wisdom?

If there is one thing that you want to get, it is Biblical wisdom. You have that, you have a huge amount of understanding. I'm here in a very poor country. A lot of the reason of the poverty is because there is not a lot of Biblical wisdom. Watch this short video and tell me what you think.

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Asking God for forgiveness when I wouldn't go back and change what I did if I could?

Example: I told a half-lie to my boyfriend; I did something, minor, that seemed like a minor accident, but it was on purpose. I felt horrible immediately after, and I apologized, and that was that. But the way the incident happened, it seemed like an accident.

I recently read in a book that if we do something on purpose that we have to confess the sin ("I did this on purpose") and ask for forgiveness, versus only saying we're sorry in the case of an accident.

But do I need to confess every single evil thought I've had to other people (ie, my parents, or my friend)? Especially if what happens isn't a big deal and they forgot about it? I'm stuck on the deceit part--where I let them think it was an accident. Deceit is wrong but I just can't bring myself to review every little incident where I did something minor, but on purpose, and tell them "these things that looked like accidents were actually on purpose." I feel awful that there's a lie of sorts floating around, but I also wouldn't take it back because the alternative seems so extreme--to confess every horrible thought I had.

So, since I'm sorry about the whole thing--about the actions, and the deceit--but I wouldn't go back and change my deceitful apology to a confession of sin, would God still forgive me? I would go back and not let any of the situations happen in the first place, if I could.

Put in other words, in order to obtain God's forgiveness, do I need to get to the mindset where I would, if I could, change what I said when I apologized, to convey the whole truth? Do I actually need to sit down and write out all these instances and bring them to my boyfriend and anyone else I've wronged in the same way?

New Convert - Understanding How Little I know

I'm new to Christianity. 21. In coming into new life; God has taught me that the devil plants seeds in areas we're too prideful to admit that we don't know all about.

For me, over the last few months, I've realized that the area my seeds of weeds have been planted is throughout the unmapped self image.

To be friends with the world before God truly turns you into a shell for unhomed spirits.

I've been too prideful to share my full testimony with those around me. It's been putting out my flame. Hence, I wanted to put it here.


At one time, my life was filled with addictions. From age 5 I was addicted to masturbating, not having God fearing authorities in my life. From age 9 I was addicted to wallowing in self doubt. By the time I hit 14, I'd fallen fully into hibernation, sleeping full summers of my childhood away. Building myself upon things people around me liked, I feared being myself. After graduating high school, I fell into New Age teachings. They give you just enough truth to believe; but not enough to ever help you progress. They flame into your pride, greed.. and shackle you. By having all these addictions by 20.. Marijuana, nicotine, sex... I was never satisfied. I became lazy and lost, stopped going to college.

But then, after realizing I'd been living with an incubus for a year (the hard way), I began to pray without ceasing. I would pour my heart out to Our Father. My grandma passed. While I was mourning, alone in the back of a parking lot.. a woman came to my car to comfort me. God's love poured through her. He didn't stop there, reminding me every day I was loved and there was hope through his son, my savior, Jesus Christ. I realized that all of my friends had bonded with me over unhealthy habits. All those who "loved" me only would look for my scars. Isn't that a weird way to love?

He saved me, so that I could be reborn through him, and (as undeserving as I am) that I would share my testimony and that I'd have a chance at a better life, through the ways of our King of Peace. Now, through learning about Jesus and being eager to sense his presence, I run full speed at my goal of fully welcoming Jesus into my heart, and letting all ways of my old self be put to death.

A Dark World

I've experienced depression and melancholy since I was a teen. It seems to be a part of my personality. What I struggle with the most is not having others like me. I am surrounded by exuberant family and friends. Honestly, they're probably just normal. I wouldn't describe myself as goth or anything particularly aesthetic, but there is a darkness in me that feels comfortable and familiar. I'm not evil, just....Idk. I wish I could glorify God in the shadows. I use to write poetry but have no one to write with anymore. It's hard to explain. I've often thought about giving into my dark world, to investigate it, and trust Christ to be there. I am scared of well, scaring people and need a strong Christian friend who sees the world like me and can keep me on the narrow path.
I've been rejected before for being blackpilled and crazy. I remember one time, I created fan art for Ophelia in my multimedia class in HS and my teachers had a meeting about me--- They thought I was suicidal. It hurts to be rejected like this. Again, I really don't know what I mean. I am an introvert, and my heart beats on my sleeve. I guess I go through a lot exposing myself and then when I am not accepted, it crushes my world.

I'm sorry. Is there anyone else who feels or thinks this way? Do you like art and poetry? Do you want to express yourself and can't?

A church for the 'pure' is heresy, Francis warns Curia

From Pope Francis' end-of-year address:

Pope Francis has warned leaders of the Roman Curia against the “heresy” of becoming a Church that is only for “the pure” and which refuses to translate the Christian message into contemporary language and thinking.

Delivering his annual end-of-year Christmas speech on 22 December, the 86-year-old pontiff said the “form” of Jesus’ message can constantly change even as the “substance” remains the same

During his speech, Francis emphasised the need for the Church to adopt “kindliness, mercy and forgiveness”, to recognise that the path to holiness is something that comes in “fits and starts”, and to give people second chances.

“A Church that is pure and for the pure is only a return to the heresy of Catharism,” he stressed

I love this man. A church that is for the pure is heresy. Amen. As the Theotokos said: God has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts, brought down the powerful, lifted up the lowly, filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty. That's the Christmas message the church needs to proclaim and embody.

Please pray for me. I am angry at God for giving me autism.

Please pray for me. I am angry at God for giving me autism.

If I did not have autism my life would be different. I would be employed graduate from College, living on my own, slim, married to a beautiful woman with kids. But no he cursed me.

Instead I am, obese, have never been in a relationship, have Phobias, unemployed and still living at home.

Yes I try to socialize but it always ends in nothing meaning the conversation ends before it begins. I try new things but it's the same outcome again don't socializing. Then I have to hear about every normal person in Church who is blessed while I have none of that.

My biggest fear in life is dying alone.

A list of Trump's Legal Challenges--From Stolen Documents Hidden in Mar a Lago to the Georgia Phone Call

There are so many, of course, but it's kind of good to see a list from time to time to see what's still pending and what's been resolved (the Trump Organization's criminal conviction for 15 years of tax fraud...)

We Tasted All of the Grocery Store Eggnogs to Find the Best

Maybe you enjoy it dairy-free, or maybe you spike it with brandy. Regardless, we've got opinions on the best eggnog money can buy.

Whether you’re for or vehemently against eggnog, a product that easily wins the title of “Most Polarizing Beverage” of the holiday season, there’s no denying that it is — and should be — a personal journey of discovery. To help guide you in that creamy and sweet saga, team Food & Wine tasted as many different cartons as we could find in New York City grocery stores at the start of the holiday season. While this isn't an exhaustive survey of every eggnog on the market nationwide, we tasted nearly 15 different options that came from brands with wide (and local) distribution.

Some were fairly traditional, others flavored, and several fell into the rapidly expanding dairy-free nog category.

Before we dive into our favorites and what we loved about them, let us ask ourselves some fundamental questions: How did eggnog even become a fixture of the holidays? Are there real eggs in it? And, is it even worth drinking it without booze?

What Is Eggnog?​

Continued below.
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idk if this belongs here or what? But i have to be getting this all wrong...

So, Idk where to start this. But I have a confession to make, I dread heaven, the new earth, whatever. Now before you attack me, let me explain.

I love Jesus. I love God. I am not an atheist trying to knock the faith. I have had experiences that I can only attribute to God, so I know hes real. However, I still dread heaven.

Ive been taught by multiple people that all we do in heaven is have one big old sing along around the throne. Bowing down for eternity. And I thought "nah theres no way thats right. That the INFINITE God is making heaven less diverse then present life". So I approached the scriptures, I studied, and studied, I looked at different meanings. And all I see is singing, singing and more singing.

I have no problem bowing down to God, in fact I look forward to it. But like all things, you want to do it only so much at a time. I, thanks to being made in Gods image, love to create. I write music, I like exploring, I like building. And I like seeing my creations being enjoyed, just like God does. Again, we are made in his image, so we have alot of the same characteristics. However, I always hoped to be able to do this on the new earth as well. Go exploring? Write music? Explore different cities that popped up around the earth? But from what I can see...its just singing...? Perpetual worship.

Just executing one command again and again and again!

Why? How is this supposed to excite me? All it does is make life purposeless. Why would I develop skills in this life if im not even going to be able to use them in the next? Whats the point of ANYTHING then?!!

I know this seems blasphemous. It probably is. But Ive kept it inside for way too long and I need to get it off my chest. Its not like God doesnt already know I feel this way...


Hi, I’m JohnArran. I’ve been married now for over 40 years. I’m retired. My Christian faith can best be described as conservative evangelical. Writers like J I Packer, J R W Scott, M Loyd-Jones and more recently J Piper and D A Carson have shaped my thinking. My greatest trial has been depression which has dogged me most of my adult life. It has taught me to rejoice in the Lord and trust in a way I may not otherwise have done. Before retiring I was a Secondary schoolteacher. The Bible, I believe is the sole authority in faith and practice.

Jury finds Michael Capps, former Kansas legislator, guilty of federal COVID-19 fraud

Michael Capps, a 44-year-old Wichita business owner, was found guilty Wednesday of 12 felony charges for lying on applications for federal COVID-19 relief aid while he was a member of the Kansas House of Representatives.

The jury found Capps defrauded federal and state agencies out of $355,550.

At trial, Capps admitted to including Clendenin’s daughters, ages 10 and 14, as employees in a Paycheck Protection Program application and to “comingling” federal funds with personal, business and charitable funds.


Capps' previous claim to fame was working to get "In God We Trust" signs in all public buildings and schools in Kansas. Maybe he should have focused on one of those Ten Commandments monuments instead.
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Prayer for the Christmas Holiday

Hi everyone,

We need to pray for the Christmas holiday this year, that all who do not know Christ would have a supernatural encounter with Him, for world peace over the season! The whole world will break out in celebration, it is interesting to look on YouTube, you can search for videos on the Christmas celebrations around the world, truly every nation in the world celebrates this in their own way! Mexico City celebrates Christmas for 4 weeks straight, even Iran, which is 99.5% muslim, celebrates Christmas anyway just because they like it!

Lord God I lift up the Christmas holiday this year to You and I pray for the salvation of all the people and nations of the world this year that do not know You, I pray that all would have a supernatural encounter with You! I pray for peace on earth over the season and also especially for Iran, that You would pay the people of that nation a visit and they would all come to know You and for their deliverance from Islam, I also pray for Your intervention in the current situation with the unrest and for freedom for Iranian women and the people, that the hijab laws would be struck down, and for deliverance from the dictatorship! I claim Iran and it's people for the kingdom of God now in Jesus' name, I pray for conviction on the ayatollah and Mahmood Ahmadinejad and for their salvation and also for their deliverance from Islam!

Report alleges Biden family has 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from Banks

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Video explains what SAR's are and query why there are more than 100 of them that are not being released.

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) today wrote the Biden Administration and several banks and financial institutions about Hunter Biden and Biden family and associates’ suspicious foreign business transactions flagged by U.S. banks. According to recent media reports, more than 150 of Hunter Biden and the Biden network’s international business transactions have generated suspicious activity reports by U.S. banks for further review by the Treasury Department to determine if there is illegal activity or a threat to national security. The Treasury Department used to provide these reports to Congress, but the Biden Administration has restricted access to them, raising questions about a possible effort to hide the Biden network’s suspicious business dealings.​
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Puddin Cakes for Christmas

1. Retail Sales Down
2. Inflation at record highs
3. A fortune to fill fuel tanks

I had a Facebook friend tell us he was going to the Dollar Tree for Christmas presents this year. My reply was that I heard that puddin cakes were a $1.25!

3 killed at Kurdish community center in Paris; shooter was known to authorities, had previously attacked a migrant center

3 people killed in central Paris shooting, local mayor says

Speaking to reporters, Alexandra Cordebard, the mayor of the 10th district of Paris where the attack unfolded, said “the shootings took place in the Kurdish community center located on Rue d’Enghien, as well as in a restaurant just in front of the community center and at a hairdresser.”


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