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Is anyone else getting a bug with quotes?

Everytime I try to quote someone the quote box gets so big and all of my text appears in the quote. I can quote posts manually but my typing still appears all over the place with no way of editing. I included a screenshot of what I'm talking about. Is anyone else having this problem? And will there be a fix? Thanks.


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Continued stress.

Asking for prayers for my family and I. We are continuing to struggle. Ends are barely getting made. I constantly struggle to keep up rent which I pay weekly at a hotel, find a way to work (buses don’t reach that far and to boot, I work too late), continue to keep food in the house and figure out health insurance for my husband who constantly has problems (today feeling bad enough we might have to call an ambulance). I need prayers or a miracle please. Thank you.

Was "the Word" Jesus before He/It became flesh?

The Word became flesh...
It seems we are too quick to conclude that Jesus WAS the Word before He/It became flesh.

Just to be clear, I am a Trinitarian. I am not questioning the Trinity in this topic.
What I want to discuss is the "mechanics", for lack of a better term.

John 1:14 NIV
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
a word, the Word
From lego; something said (including the thought); by implication, a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specially, (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ) -- account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.

John 1:1-3 NIV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

My take...
In the beginning was... the Word, the reasoning, the motive, the Divine Expression, the intent, the reason. The logos, the logic, the reason, the answer BEFORE the question "Why"?

Was "the Word" Jesus before He/It became flesh?
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Repentance is God's Salvation

"One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, 'Are you not the anointed one? Save yourself and us!' But the other rebuked him, saying, 'Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? We deserve this, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.' And he said, 'Joshua, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' And he said to him, 'Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.'
– Luke 23:39-43

We often treat repentance as a means to an end, that is, for the forgiveness of our sins; but the message that is carried throughout the Scriptures shows us that repentance is that very gift that the Father bestows to humanity. A common misunderstanding is that repentance is simply a turning away from sin, but Scripture reminds us that it involves a turning to faith and righteousness (Matthew 3:8). Salvation chiefly centers around the change that occurs in the mind and heart of a sinner, because, having "once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and mind, we were by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind" (Ephesians 2:3). God has called us for holiness, and without repentance, there is no way of growing in it. We speak of regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification, forgetting that all of these are stages of God's work carried out through a continual change in direction from the position we stood on and the way we lived before. Repentance is the true heart of the gospel message, for reconciliation with God cannot be found outside it. We should not see this change as the mere beginning of our faith, but the very path that we are called to walk and the end of it, too.

The criminal that confessed to Jesus his destitute condition and unworthiness displayed the only true condition and worthiness of Paradise, and was granted entrance into that heavenly abode. Let this be a reminder that God seeks more than reconciliation, but also the conforming of His people to the image of the Son (Romans 8:29).
"For we are His workmanship, created in the anointed Joshua for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
– Ephesians 2:10

Why "Absent From The Body" Does NOT Support Immortal Soul Doctrine

Verse by verse exposition in red of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 KJV which explains why the Immortal Soul crowd's failure to recognize that Paul speaks of 3 options - not 2 - leads them to misquote and misunderstand verse 8, and wrongly conclude that the entire passage teaches the moment we cease to be alive down here, we're immediately alive in the presence of Jesus up there:

[1] For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
(We know if our mortal body returns to dust, God has reserved for us an immortal, resurrection body.)

[2] For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
(In our mortal body "clothes" we groan with desire to change into our resurrection body "clothes".)

[3] If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
(If our desire to change into our resurrection clothes is granted, we'll not be found naked without any clothes.)


[4] For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
(While in our mortal body, we groan with desire to be done with life's burdens - not by resting in peace in the grave, lying naked, unclothed, without a body, dead, awaiting the resurrection - but for the eternal rest our immortal, resurrection clothes provide.)


A blind man can see the only way to remain contextually consistent, as well as demonstrate common sense, is to interpret "naked" and "unclothed" here as having nothing to do with being "spiritually lost" but as Paul plainly intended: the state of not wearing either a mortal or immortal body, resting in peace in the grave, lying naked, unclothed, without a body, dead, awaiting the resurrection.

[5] Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.
(The same God Who bought for us our resurrection clothes with the Gospel also gives us assurance by His Spirit.)

[6] Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:
(We're always confident despite knowing while we're down here in our mortal body, we're not up there in our resurrection body.)

[7] (For we walk by faith, not by sight: )
(By faith we must walk the Path of the Just)


We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
(We're confident in our promised resurrection clothes, and our preferencial desire is to immediately strip off these mortal clothes, skip resting in peace in the grave, lying naked, unclothed, without a body, dead, awaiting the resurrection, and go on to be present with the Lord in our resurrection, immortal clothes we get resurrection morning.)
Paul knew he wouldn't put on his immortal, resurrection clothes at death, but he himself says when he will in verse 10 - "For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ" - at the end of time "at the last trump" when "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" Paul says "this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality". "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" is a misquote, distortion of Scripture. Upon such deception, sound Biblical doctrine needs no such reliance.

Israel revokes residency and deports Palestinian activist over ‘breach of allegiance’

Israel revoked the residency of a Palestinian activist and deported him to France Sunday over what it called a “breach of allegiance to the State of Israel,” threatening to spark a diplomatic fight with Paris and amplifying international condemnations of Israeli policies toward Palestinians under occupation.

Salah Hammouri, a French Palestinian lawyer and activist, was deported to France at 6 a.m. local time on orders given by right-wing Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked. She has accused him of having ties to a banned militant group, though he has not been charged in the current proceedings.

Following a years-long process that France has repeatedly objected to, the deportation comes as Israel prepares to swear in the most far-right government in its history. Among its highest-ranking members is Itamar Ben Gvir, the radical leader of the Jewish Power Party, who has promised to expel “disloyal” citizens as part of his platform to reassert sovereignty amid the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Since March, Hammouri had been held in administrative detention, a legal category in which Israel holds thousands of suspected Palestinian militants for undefined periods of time, without charge or trial. When his administrative detention expired early this month, Shaked announced the decision to revoke his citizenship and deport him.
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Hebrews 6:1-3

'Therefore -
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,
let us go on unto perfection;
not laying again the foundation
.. of repentance from dead works,
..... and of faith toward God,
...... of the doctrine of baptisms,
........ and of laying on of hands,
.......... and of resurrection of the dead,
............ and of eternal judgment.
And this will we do,
if God permit.'

(Heb 6:1-3)

Hello there,

Am I correct in thinking that this list of doctrines which the writer is saying the Hebrew believers were to 'leave', were themselves 'foundational', and, 'the principles of the doctrine of Christ'. Looking at them, the list includes:-

a) Repentance
b) Faith
c) Baptisms
d) Laying on of hands
e) Resurrection
f) judgment everlasting

'Repentance' and 'Faith' are internal and doctrinal.
'Baptisms' and 'Laying on of hands' are external.
'Resurrection' and 'Judgment everlasting' are future.

* Looking at the majority of threads which occupy the forums I have visited, these categories, in various forms, are what occupy the subject matter of most threads in the Bible study sections. Does this mean that the majority of believers attending are content to remain babes, do they not want to go on unto 'perfection' or full growth?

* Each of these subjects require careful consideration, and cannot be dismissed until an understanding of them is firmly established: and it would seem that 'going on,' is subject to God's permission ('if God permit'), for the believers to whom this epistle was originally sent: and if you read on you will understand why?

* Does anyone have anything to say concerning this passage of Scripture?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

Lack of nuance and increased tribalism when discussing politics

Tribal and identify politics has infected and taken over the internet. To the point where it’s impossible to have any nuanced discussion about complex issues we face. If you find yourself saying “liberals always do Y” or “conservatives always do X” then congratulations you’re part of the problem. People just want to pick a side and that's it and avoid any nuanced or objective conversation. How is tribalism the way to go in society and why do people gravitate towards that more?

The Great Revivals

One subject that has had little attention in the last few years on CF is the Great Revivals.

Have you read about them ???

What lessons can we learn from them ???

Do they confirm that the gifts of the spirit are still in operation???

What are the barriers to such movements of God breaking out among the lost, and in the church today ???
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Cleanse the Holy Land and give us Strength, we Pray

Psalms 68:1-35 Let the Lord arise, let His enemies be scattered. Let those who hate Him be gone! Let the Lord’s enemies perish in His fiery judgement 1, like wax before a fire and as smoke is dispersed.

Lord: summon Your strength, use it now as You did for Your people long ago. Rebuke those wild beasts, those proud and arrogant sinners; all those who love violence and war 2. All power and strength belongs to the Lord, enthroned on high. Cleanse now Your holy Land and give strength to Your people, we pray.

The Lord says: I shall bring My enemies together into the place of slaughter, from wherever they are. I will smite them there, their blood will flow out so that you can bathe your feet in it and your dogs will lick it up.

When the Lord speaks out in mighty thunder 1, kings and their armies will flee in terror. When the Almighty scatters those evil peoples and clears the holy Land, snow will fall on Mt Zalman 3.

We sing the praises of our Saviour and Redeemer. He who rides on the clouds, He is our Father and the defender of His righteous people, but those who refuse to acknowledge Him will remain in the desert 4.

When the Lord saves His people, there will be thousands of vehicles for them 5, as He leads them to safety through the barren desert. The earth will tremble and rain will pour down to replenish the holy Land 6. There Your people will settle, for in Your goodness Lord, You provide for the poor and needy.

The procession of all Israel comes into view; into the Holy city. First the singers, then the musicians. The little tribe of Benjamin will lead, with Judah, Zebulon and Naphtali following, marching on their way the Zion’s holy mountain: on to the Temple in Jerusalem. Kings will bring gifts and envoys will come from far off nations to honour and praise Israel’s God. His Majesty and blessing is over the holy Land , the Lord enthroned in heaven will give strength to His people 7.

Praise be to God!
Ref: REB, CJB. Psalm 68 in a chronological order.

1/The Lord’s judgement by fire; an earth directed explosion of the suns surface: Isaiah 30:25-28, Malachi 4:1, Isaiah 66:15-16, Revelation 6:12-17, 2 Peter 3:10

2/ The Islamic peoples who love war and death: Ezekiel 35:5-6, Proverbs 1:16

3/ Mt Zalman – near Shechem. [Nablus] This detail informs us that the Day of the Lord’s wrath will happen during a Northern winter. Judges 9:48, Matthew 24:20

4/ Then all of the Lord’s people are gathered, all of the faithful Christian peoples from every tribe of Israel from every race, nation and language, are then ‘passed under the rod of judgement’. Ezekiel 20:35-38…’those who revolt and rebel will not enter the Land’. Deuteronomy 32:36, Isaiah 35:1-10

5/ The Lord will provide transport! Isaiah 66:20, Psalms 107:1-32, Isaiah 60:1-9

6/ All of the holy Land will be regenerated and become fertile: Ezekiel 36:8-11, Isaiah 35:1-2, Isaiah 66:12, Joel 2:21-26, Amos 9:13-15

7/ Strength and comfort to His people: ALL Israelites, by faith or by descent. Isaiah 40:29-31, Jeremiah 31:21-26, Zech. 10:12

Note: that the Lord remains ‘enthroned in heaven’. The glorious Return comes later. The Lord's true Christian people, from every tribe, [of Israel] every nation, [of the world] every language, [ethnic group] will gather in Jerusalem. Revelation 7:9.
WE will build the Temple, Zechariah 6:15.
WE will elect leaders, Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11.
WE will greet Jesus after all that is prophesied takes place, with the shout: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!

Joseph and Jesus(Yeshua) Similarities and symbolism; Gen 37:1-40:23

PARASHA:  “VaYeshev”  (and he settled)   GENESIS 37:1-40:23

     In this study, the focus in on Yosef, who is going to be in the limelight of God.  Things seem to be going from bad to worse for this young teenager.  it wasn't all his fault we could say.  His father Jacob held him high up on a pedestal, “Papa's favorite”.  Always when there is family favoritism among sons and daughters, there is bound to be trouble, especially from the other siblings who are the “less preferred”

     Papa Jacob makes him a “coat of many colors” This coat was a symbol of leadership; The Torah doesn’t specify that it was of “many colors” only that this type of garment was one that had sleeves down to the wrists and that reached the ankles.   this is like getting a kid a three-piece suit made of fine silk, and then sending him out to the fields where his brothers are wearing overalls and straw hats.  This is going to get jealousy aroused. 

These brothers are boiling mad, and to make matters worse, Yosef is given dreams by YHVH and he doesn't keep them to himself, he shares them.  He shares them not to be haughty, but just to let his family know what is happening, or rather, what is “going to happen” in the future.  But I don't think that at that time, Yosef understood the meaning of these dreams .

     We understand that the dreams include sheaves of wheat that bow down before Yosef’s sheaves of wheat.  How might one see this?  Here’s an idea.  Wheat is made into bread, and Yeshua is the “Bread of Life”.  Yosef is a “type or symbol of Messiah” He saves the known world from physical starvation, and Yeshua saved the whole world from spiritual starvation.  Just like Yosef’s brothers bowed down to him in honor, the whole world will “bow down” to Yeshua, who is the “Bread of Life”.

     To make a long story short, he gets out to the fields, the brothers strip him of his coat, rip it, dip it in goat's blood, and plan to kill him. Judah talks them out of it, and instead, they throw him into an empty well, wait until a group of Ishmaelite traders comes by, they sell him to the buyers for 20 pieces of silver, and that is how they are rid of brother Yosef, “daddy's boy” the dreamer, yet unknowingly, they are playing right into the perfect plan of YHVH, they are “investing” in their own future welfare. 

 One interesting fact about these events is what happened before Yosef finds his brothers in Dothan. 37:15 reads;

 “A certain man found him wandering in the field, and the man asked him saying what are you looking for?”

 Israel sends Yosef to look for his brothers in Shechem, but when he gets there, he doesn’t find them because they went on to Dothan.  Josef is now lost, just “wandering” so the man says that they said “let’s go to Dothan” So the man redirects Yosef to find his brothers and continue in Adonai’s perfect plan for his life.

     Who is this man? No one knows, perhaps he was just a man who happened to be there near Yosef’s brethren and overheard them talking.  Some rabbis believe it wasn’t just a man, but an angel who was sent to give the “message” to Yosef that his brothers were in Dothan.  Angels (Malachim) are “messengers” to help us in times of need, and Yosef was in need at that time. 

     God, who looks down from beyond the heavens, from a multi-dimensional universe, sees the end before it happens, and this man was essential to fulfill the words of the Torah and the promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Without this man, Yosef would not have found his brothers, and they wouldn’t have sold him into slavery.  He never would have made it to Egypt to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams and save the world from starvation.  The sons of Israel would not have moved to Egypt, and the prophecy of “Israel being in Egypt” might not have come true.  Yet it all DID because God had that certain “Man” (or an angel) in place at the right time. 

     Little may we know it but we probably have been in the “right places” at the “right times” to help people achieve their goals because we have a God in the universe that oversees all things and places people in those places to fulfill his will in them and in others.

     But let's go back to the events.  How do these events symbolize, and compare with Messiah Yeshua?  We do not see any blemish on Yosef, as if he is “perfect and righteous” as Yeshua was/is “Tzadik v' Kadosh” (Righteous and Holy” Yosef is the “victim” of his own people (his brothers).  As Yeshua was given up to the Roman governor, by a group of religious leaders. 

     We know that Adonai is with him, and he is going to be a testimony to those around him, namely the Egyptians.  The name “Yosef” is spelled (in Hebrew) “Yod, Vav, Samech, and Pey sofit” When we add up the letter values, we get 156 in gematria.  We can look at this in two ways, “1” is Adonai as “Echad” (One in unity) “5” is the number of grace, and “6” is the number of man.  One way to understand these numbers is to say that “Yosef is a man that will have a close relation to Adonai, and show grace to those around him.  As we will see in the future, to the Egyptians, and to his brethren during the years of famine.  1+5+6 = 12.  Yosef is part of the 12 tribes, the 12 sons of Israel. 

Here is something interesting, Psalm 81:5 reads; “This he ordained in Yosef for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt..” what did He ordain? He ordained his “Torah” So Yosef was a testimony for Adonai before Pharaoh and before the Egyptians.  The spelling in verse 5 for the name “Yosef” is “Yod, Hey, Vav, Samech, Pey sofit”. ( Y + H +V + S + F)   “YHosef” This is the only place in the Torah where Yosef’s name is written so.  We see that Adonai has placed one of his names (YaH) in Yosef’s name. Those two letters are the first two letters in Adonai’s most holy name YHVH.

    The brothers stripped Yosef of his coat, the coat was dipped in goat's blood.  Yeshua was stripped of his clothing and was beaten, his flesh “ripped” by a Roman whip, until the blood poured out.  The “goat's blood” reminds us of “Yom Kippur” where goats were sacrificed and one was “set free” the blood of the goat reminds us of our sins “covered by the blood” (back then) but now, our sins are “erased” by the blood of “God's chosen LAMB” the “Lamb of God” which taketh away the sins of the world. 

     Yosef was thrown into a pit, an empty cistern, void of water.  Scripture doesn't say, but I imagine that his brothers tied him up with a rope and lowered him into the pit by the rope.  A “water well” symbolizes “Life” but when it is empty, it can symbolize “death”.  Just try to climb out of a deep pit with dirt sides without anything, you can't, might as well be dead.  Yosef being lower into the pit can symbolize Yeshua's death, and his descent into “Sheol” yet when the Midianites came by, the brothers pulled him “out” of the pit, which could symbolize Yeshua's “resurrection unto life”.

  Before the pit, Yosef was part of his immediate family, after the incident of the pit, he is on his way to a “new life”, with trials, testings, troubles, suffering, and finally, rewards! Doesn't that sound like our life today? The waterless pit can also symbolize the Torah itself.  The pit without water is a place without the Torah.  This can also point to the time of the evil King Antiochus (since we are approaching Hanukkah) who ruled “No Torah” in Judea until Y’hudah Ben Matityahu (Judah Ben Mattathias, the Maccabee) kicked Antiochus out of Judea and restored the Torah to Judea. 

     Yosef was sold for “20 pieces of silver” by “Y'hudah Ben Ya'akov” (Judah son of Jacob)

     Yeshua was sold for “30” pieces of silver by “Y'hudah Ish Kariot” (Judah, a man from the region of Kariot).  The price of a slave was 20 pieces of silver in the time of Yosef, and through inflation, it rose to 30 pieces in the time of Yeshua. 

      Y'hudah Ben Ya'akov was part of Jacob's family, whose name changed to Israel.  Y'hudah Ish Kariot was part of Yeshua's family of talmidim (disciples) by “name only” not spiritually.  The name “Israel” comes from “Yasher-El” (straight to God) “Yeshua” relationship is “straight to God”.  The difference between 30 pieces of silver and 20 pieces of silver is “10” the number of “Torah”.  ALL is recorded and written down in the Torah, and Yeshua is the “Living Torah”.

     In Chapter 38, the scene switches to “Judah”.  We see that Judah is not doing a very wise thing as he goes into a Canaanite woman.  He leaves his brethren and has kids with a Canaanite! The first two are evil and Adonai kills them, Shelah is his third son and he hesitates to marry him to “Tamar” yet she poses as a prostitute and deceives Judah into sleeping with her and getting her pregnant.  But the question is why was he looking for a prostitute?

     Believers can wander away from God’s will for their lives in such ways, marrying unbelievers, committing adultery or fornication, the list can go on.  Adonai still loves us and will continue to reach down to us and redirect us, even though it hurts at times, at times, the chastisements can come in the form of sadness and depression, a loss of love and excitement for the things of the LORD because we know we are “doing wrong”.

     The result of Tamar’s pregnancy was that twins were born, the first one pushed his hand through the womb and the midwife tied a “scarlet thread” on it to say, “this is the first-born” yet the baby pulled back inside and his brother came out, then HE came out in second place…yet…he was in “first place” (if you get my drift). 

     There is symbolism in these births.  A way we can look at this is that the scarlet thread can symbolize Yeshua the Messiah, and his “first coming” then, his “second coming”.  Tamar is part of the lineage of King David, and from King David come Mary and Yosef, who are the legal guardians and adoptive parents of Yeshua!

     Here is something else.  Yosef Ben Israel went DOWN to Egypt, not by his own accord, but as a slave.  Yeshua Ben Yosef, Ben David went DOWN to Egypt with his parents, yet returned home later on.  Yosef Ben Israel returned to Canaan to be buried, yet BOTH are enjoying fellowship in Heaven today! 

The Year Ahead

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders...who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32)

The end of one year and the dawn of another is always a reflective time. Some years ago in reading another writer I respect, who wrote in another era from our own, I came across the obscure passage, from the book of Chronicles highlighted above. He highlighted it to reference the critical need of God's people, in each era in which they live, to understand the movements of God, the movements of the times, and to know for their day what "Israel" ought to do. The scripture seemed to be burned into my heart by the Holy Spirit from that day forward, making an impression deep within me that has lasted until this day. Some scriptures are like that I have found. Some words never leave you.

If there has ever been times in which we as His people should seek God for understanding as to the day in which we live it would be today. I sometimes wonder if many of us truly understand the extraordinary times in which we presently live? In answering a response to a thread I interacted with recently I wrote the following:

{Begin Quote} I do see the storm clouds growing as you express here. We would be naïve to think otherwise. Like most evil movements of man, they come in such small increments that people don't even realize when they are finally trapped. The headwinds grow daily, but things become so commonplace in such a short matter of time, that people don't even realize the succession of things building is really a tsunami. They just treat it more as a new ripple, then they turn to see the whole land flooded and everything they once knew gone and wonder how we got here. Well, how we got here has been going on for some time, but when the lusts of man are raging against one another to get what they want, truth becomes irrelevant, perhaps it only becomes relevant again when people realize it is too late.

All the more reason we as His people need to bring our own lives to the cross, to live out from what is truly Spirit and Truth. How important will it be to know the true meaning of "Being in the world, but not of it". But Jesus passing through the midst of them, went His way (Luke 4:30) That would be the word I would want to live by when it, like it did Him, tries to lay hold of us, sidetrack us, and throw us off a cliff. {End Quote}

I have found myself in earnest prayer for God's people over the last several days. It seems one thing the Spirit has led me as imperative to pray is to know His Spirit as the Spirit of Truth. I have been praying for this breakthrough in you dear reader. I have been praying He would shine the light of His glory deep within your Spirits, that the gates would be flung open and the King of Glory would come in! Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; And the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle (Psalm 24:7-10) .

Then ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).
However when the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth... He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, He will take what is Mind and make it known ( John 16:13-14).

We desperately need this breakthrough for God's people. We need this understanding for our day. We need to be Issachars. We need this light to shine in the darkness to dispel all the lies. We need the King of Glory to Come in mighty in battle , to take what is truly of the Lord and make it known. We need people to be set free, error to dissolve in His Holy light. The way forward made known. To See things as they really are. The way in which they really need to be seen. I am praying dear reader for the King of Glory to come in. That He will dispel all the lies, He will break the enemy's power. I am praying He will Speak truth to you in love. He will snap your chains and set you free. He will tell you things you did not know. And teach you to walk in a different way. A way you had not known. He is seeking a people after His own heart. One's who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Who know Him as Lord. Who worship Him as Lord. Who are obedient to Him as Lord. Who follow Him as Lord.

Will you know Him as Lord? Will you be obedient to Him as Lord? Will you from this day forward follow Him as Lord? Step out dear believer. Seize this day forevermore. Throw off everything that hinders. Leave the old you behind. Take on all the new man. Bring the full sacrifice. Walk with Him in a different way. From this day forward and forevermore. He is waiting. The Spirit is ready.

We live in perilous times. The World and our nation are at a major inflection point. The Spirit of Truth desires to break in. Men are on the move and demons are on the move it is true. But it is also true that God is on the move. God is on the move in this day as much as men and demons are on the move. Be sure if you believe one is true, believe also the other is true. But yet Jesus walked through the midst of them. These things did not cling to Him. (Luke 4:30).

Be in the world but not of it dear believer. Know what to touch and what not to touch. Be emptied of all your thoughts of how to serve Him, and know what it means to truly serve Him. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be (John 12:26). The truth will set you free. Jesus is the only way through the midst of it. Be in the world but not of it. Let it not cling to you. Be detached from it. Be not ensnared in it. Walk freely though it. Only He knows the way through it. May the King of Glory come in. May you lay everything down. May you lay yourself on the altar. May He take the offering with fire. And may you walk that day forward new forevermore. It is the only way through. Let the King of Glory come in. Open ye its doors to its new beginnings. This is a new day, a new year, lay hold of it!! Surely the Truth will set you free!

Hi all

It seems to me, that this site is full of a bunch of cry babies who:

1.) Cannot have a decent conversation and or arguement without feeling being hurt
2.) Cannot have a serious talk about anything without admin censoring the $&%* out of it
3.) Result to name calling when proved to be ridiculous and contradictory of common sense.

I wanted to be on this forum to get insight on the view of fellow Christians, but have realized that there is another theme on this site: censorship and disinformation. My view, is that Jesus is our savior as I am sure most here would agree, where that likely ends, is that i also believe Jesus to be a destroyer: of what? We will see I suppose...........point being, I dont think that Jesus would approve of the overall [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]assness and weakness of this site, and therefore, I will not be a part of it any longer. A short stay, but I see a trend coming, And dont want to be a part of it. Thanks, and God bless you all.


2 Cor 4:16 reads Therefore , we do not lose courage , but since even our OUTER MAN is being utterly CORRUPTED yet our INNER ( MAN ) is being made NEW .

#1 Paul is the ONLY that I have seen that talks about the OUTER and INNER MAN .

#2 We do not lose courage .

#3 The OUTER MAN is being Utterly corrupted .

#4 The INNER MAN is being made NEW .

#5 We also see that the Outer and INNER man occupying the believer at the same time .

#6 We are indwelled by the Godhead .

What say you ?

dan p
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BREAKING: Vatican dismisses Father Frank Pavone from priesthood

This is unbelievable, I pray and support Fr. Pavone.

Father Frank Pavone, a well-known pro-life activist and national director of the organization Priests for Life, has been dismissed from the clerical state for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop,” CNA has learned.​
In a Dec. 13 letter to U.S. bishops obtained by CNA and confirmed by multiple sources as authentic, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, wrote that the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy issued the decision on Nov. 9, adding that there was “no possibility of appeal.”​

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What is normal life?

I came to this site in the hopes of finding the Christian fellowship I could not seem to find in my local churches and the need to stay "on-track" in my walk of faith was becoming extremely difficult in my current situation which is fairly isolated. Even though there has been some discussions with others on this site that have been helping me to change my perspective on some issues I've been facing, the vast majority have been far from truly edifying and have actually set me back somewhat and bought out my "old man". I suppose it's something I should have expected, since this past year, I cannot seem to find the help and understanding I seek within myself or from other people. Perhaps this has been God's way for me to really understand I cannot rely on anyone but him alone.

Anyway, it seems I am more an isolated case than I initially thought, because if this site and the content is anything to go by, it's often that people are either splitting hairs over scripture or they respond to posts with it and not much of their own personal experiences so they can "back-up" what they understand from scriptures to be true... or perhaps, this is just my assumption and people have had experience but are often unwilling to share it online, especially in a public forum? I don't know. I personally have always been an "open book" so to speak (often to my own detriment), and it's come so naturally to me that I don't try to hide or disguise who I really am with other people.

This past year since being "saved", has been a lot of experiences that have propelled an extreme shift in my view of life and the world. Unlike some others who choose to believe the bible and enter "Christianity" in faith, my experience happened somewhat in reverse.
I grew up in "Christianity", was never taught correctly about The Holy Trinity or who Jesus really was, (other than he was the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins). But in my heart I always believed in the heavenly Father as God and even when I "turned away" from faith, that feeling deep down was always there and I could never truly deny there was/is a God, like some others. Due to my religious upbringing and trauma surrounding that, I never could truly pick up a bible, read or understand it for myself - so I never did - in fact, despite having many promptings that I understand now looking back, to have been from God - not once did I ever consider the bible as being the source of his truth. In fact, I got to a point a few years ago where I utterly despised "Christianity" and I even scoffed at those who believed that a man who lived 2000 years ago was actually God. (Of course, this view I regret and feel a fool for now) but it is what it is.

Fast forward to about a year and bit ago, and my whole life was changed instantly when I had a revelation of Jesus after I "cried out" to God in my utter misery and despair and due to the previous 10 years of what I now understand to be spiritual attacks and other strange supernatural occurances - I did not have the faith to believe or do what I had been shown by Jesus to do, so I put the entire experience in the "crazy" basket and continued on my own path. A month later, I got the shock of my life when I was attacked by demons who initially led me to believe the "source" of information I was receiving was from God. If it weren't for my childhood religious teaching of God giving humans "free will", I do believe I would have been possessed, but perhaps God already knew the choice I would make and that I would not have willingly chosen satan had I thought before that time satan actually existed. (Which I never did before that experience).

The reason for my detailed post is to give the background as to why I'm in this current state of feeling like I entered the "twilight zone" and no matter how hard I try to get "back on track" with day to day life, I just can't seem to see anything the same way any more. In my attempts to attend church and return to being a "good little Christian", I found myself on the outside looking in, realising that many people in this setting of a traditional church tend to focus on "following the bible", fellowship with others in the church and doing community service outside of it. Most seem to have "normal" lives and "normal" problems, not much different to those of secular society, and I found myself kind of envious that they seemed to enjoy the peaceful ignorance of the spiritual reality that exists, something that I desperately so wanted to have my entire life.

Often, a Christian will read something like this and suggest I read scripture and seek God. I've often told others the same thing after expressing my view from my own experiences, but even though I know this is necessary, I cannot seem to do this for myself. Partly due to old trauma and the spiritual attacks that have left me feeling more vulnerable than I did before, which is a feeling I absolutely detest, but also because my childhood view of the heavenly Father "watching over" everyone has changed and I no longer understand how I'm supposed to relate to him. And I'm not "open" to more "supernatural" stuff, after countless emotionally triggering situations and experiences this year, I just want to close my eyes and bury my head in the sand but I know so long as I do this I'm not making any progress in getting closer to God or spiritual growth. I also don't believe I have the Holy Spirit "indwelling" in me. I have heard him speak and felt his presence, but due to my "salvation" day, something I won't go into here, I have come to believe we have to make a choice and be truly "open" and vulnerable in order to receive the Holy Spirit and subsequently, be "born-again". I personally made a choice to put my wall up at that time and I've often thought I better hurry up or I'm going to lose God and end up worse than i was before, but the overwhelming fear of being open to his Spirit truly prevents me from moving forward.

Has anyone else had trauma and issues surrounding closeness and vulnerability with others and how has this affected your openness to God and your progression in your relationship with him?

Why did Jesus tell the thief that he would be in paradise with Him that same day?

Jesus said He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth following His crucifixion in Matthew 12:40

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth

But Jesus also said to the thief on the cross "today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43

And Jesus said unto him,Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise

So this seems like a contradiction, doesn't it? Was He in two places at once? The heart of the earth, where Jesus went to preach to the spirits in captivity as per 1 Peter 3:19, is surely not paradise by any stretch of the imagination.

Acts 1:2-3 mentions that He had not yet ascended to heaven, but was with them for 40 days.

...until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen
After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God

John 20:17 Jesus tells Mary not to cling to Him for He had not ascended yet.

Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God

Acts 1:9-11 describes precisely when Jesus ascends to heaven.

After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight
They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.
Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

Question: why did Jesus tell the thief on the cross that he would be with Him in paradise "today" when scripture clearly teaches that Jesus descended to the realm of the dead and then resurrected to spend 40 days with His disciples?

Answer: The best answer I can think of is simply that God views time differently than we do, I guess.

Can anyone resolve this seeming contradiction?

8 Times Our Federal Government Ran A Protect-Biden Racket

For years, our federal government has quietly operated a protect-Biden racket. The public, however, has only recently — and haphazardly — learned of the lengths federal law enforcement officials and government employees have gone to safeguard the Biden family secrets. Here are eight times our government squelched scandals.
1. Censoring the Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The most recent and most well-known example of the feds protecting the Biden family stems from efforts by intelligence agencies to squelch news coverage of the New York Post’s reporting that Hunter Biden “introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.” The Post discovered that detail, and many more implicating Joe Biden in a pay-to-play scandal, in a cache of emails and text messages recovered from a laptop Hunter had abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store.

Josephs coat symbolic of ....?

Ive been going through genesis, and learning that josephs coat that was given from jacob, was a symbol of status, privelege and birthright, and that working men did not wear tunics like this. Especially in how Joseph seemed to be a supervisor over his brothers. In Ch. 37

And in Josephs two dreams it was stated that, best-case scenario, in joseph telling his bros about them bowing down, he displayed a great lack of tact. And worst case scenario, he was gloating.

Then the coat was withheld and torn. Covered in blood and used in a lie, concealing israels sons crimes in regards to joseph.

Which brought me to potiphars wife. After joseph is so succesful "supervising" again, that potiphar only had worry about what food he ate....now gen 39:11-18 josephs coat is withheld AGAiN by potiphars wife and used in a lie to cover her crimes and in turn, again, put jiseph in shackles.

Do yiu think there is any parralel between josephs coat and his self-reliance/pride that God was purifying him from?
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