Report alleges Biden family has 150 Suspicious Activity Reports from Banks

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Video explains what SAR's are and query why there are more than 100 of them that are not being released.

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) today wrote the Biden Administration and several banks and financial institutions about Hunter Biden and Biden family and associates’ suspicious foreign business transactions flagged by U.S. banks. According to recent media reports, more than 150 of Hunter Biden and the Biden network’s international business transactions have generated suspicious activity reports by U.S. banks for further review by the Treasury Department to determine if there is illegal activity or a threat to national security. The Treasury Department used to provide these reports to Congress, but the Biden Administration has restricted access to them, raising questions about a possible effort to hide the Biden network’s suspicious business dealings.​
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Puddin Cakes for Christmas

1. Retail Sales Down
2. Inflation at record highs
3. A fortune to fill fuel tanks

I had a Facebook friend tell us he was going to the Dollar Tree for Christmas presents this year. My reply was that I heard that puddin cakes were a $1.25!

3 killed at Kurdish community center in Paris; shooter was known to authorities, had previously attacked a migrant center

3 people killed in central Paris shooting, local mayor says

Speaking to reporters, Alexandra Cordebard, the mayor of the 10th district of Paris where the attack unfolded, said “the shootings took place in the Kurdish community center located on Rue d’Enghien, as well as in a restaurant just in front of the community center and at a hairdresser.”

Quick Prayer- Blizzard Conditions in USA

Hi everyone,

You might want to say a quick prayer for everyone in this country being effected by the blizzard, apparently there are thousands who have lost power meanwhile temperatures have plummeted below 10 degrees, wind chills are way below zero and this situation could be very dangerous, president Biden is urging people to stay off of the roads unless necessary. You probably shouldn't go out in this, frostbite can set in within 30 minutes.

Lord God I lift up this situation with the blizzard conditions in this country to You and I pray for everyone who has lost power, that they would not be harmed by the freezing temperatures and that power would be restored very soon. I also pray for the Christmas holiday in this country that many who do not know You would come to know You as their Lord and Savior over Christmas, I pray that all American people who do not know You would have a supernatural encounter with You!

Praying is now illegal

Sadly, in the UK the police believe that praying silently in your head constitutes a breach to PSPO laws to protest or indicate approval or disapproval.

It's either the biggest mistake West Midlands Police have made in years else a sign of prosecution to come.

The question is whether the Christian community is going to do anything about it? Will you?

The 2 greatest commandments

Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”

37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

I have been pondering these questions lately, what does it mean to love God? What does it mean to love others "as ourselves", and what does "love thy enemies" really mean?

I could hardly think of "loving myself", in fact, the opposite has been true of me for most of my life, so can a person who does not "love" themselves, truly love others? The mainstream culture would have us believe we can't. We must "love ourselves first", before we can truly love another....

But then I get to thinking about how Jesus loved people while on earth and how he wants us to love others in the same way. Even in loving our enemies, Jesus wants us to behave differently than sinners, even though many people struggle with the concepts found in Luke 6:27-36 there is also the interesting passage in Proverbs 25:21-22 which says:

21 If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat.
If they are thirsty, give them water to drink.
22 You will heap burning coals of shame on their heads,
and the Lord will reward you.

This should be encouraging, shouldn't it?

Back to my theory: I think we "love" ourselves because we naturally take care of our own needs, and I think we are meant to love other people in the same way. It is not an emotion, it's an action. Jesus didn't just go around loving on everyone, giving them bearhugs - he did better than that - he helped them and he healed them.

So, what is the greatest commandment then?
“‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind."

If love is a doing word, perhaps loving God means obeying his will ( check) but isn't it interesting that the way Jesus describes that we have to love God is in a much greater way than we are to love each other? They're "equally important", but God is first, right? Do you think we humans have those commandments in reverse when we look at the reality of our relationship with God?

Please pray

Lord, reveal the work of God the Father to me, my people(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae), and to all who read it and pray, and let us know that the Father is in the Son Jesus and that Jesus is in the Father. The will of the true God, who knows all our needs, transcends our personal will. And that all of us will clearly see the Glory that God the Father gave to the Son because He loved His Son before the foundation of the world. Let Jesus Christ directly reveal the name of God the Father to us and see His glory. I Pray that all our glory be truly dedicated to your Son, Jesus Christ. And that we all shomer mitzvot regarding his commandments(keep his commandments) without failure. May God make possible what is impossible for man.

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The 'coercive bargain' theory of Christianity.

So, this is about what I call 'the coercive bargain' theory of Christianity. I will say from the outset, it's an idea I thoroughly reject. If you are a parent, you do not demand your children's love because you will only do good to them if they comply, and you will torment them unmercifully if they don't. Similarly, if you love God, and your neighbour, you will do good unto them because you love goodness, and need no other justification. If you need some promise of reward to get you to believe and to do good, what is left is a mere transaction. And if you believe the alternative is eternal torment, goodness is reduced to some petty, tawdry insurance policy against that. And it's counter productive. For who would really love a parent who inflicted their power thus?

Virtue, it is said. is it's own reward. Pursue it, then, for it's own sake.

Best wishes, Strivax.

The Adoration of our Lord

Let me preface this with: I am in RCIA new to the Catholic faith but I've been seeking Christ since I vocally declared him as my Lord and Savior for about 4-5 years now.

My first Adoration was a big event where I didn't understand the language I didn't feel much. But I had a new found respect for our Latin American community and how reverant they are.

Second Adoration absolutely tore my heart apart. I was a crying mess, I was shaking and I never wanted the love I felt to end. I was deep in the woods away from civilization chaperoning young teens who hated being there and were very disrespectful.

Third Adoration was a beautiful musical experience, but I felt almost nothing at all. I enjoyed the perfomance and gave praise to God. A good night, but I expected tears or some kind of response to our Lord again, but didn't.

Tonight, was my Fourth Adoration; again this one was within our Latin community and initially I was simply happy to be present before our Lord, but I did not feel anything. I decided in my heart that I don't need to feel anything at all to serve him.

At the end of the Adoration, oh boy, the Priest came up, lit incense and began to pray in Spanish before the Eucharist.

I can't describe the outpouring of love that filled me, it was out of no where, my mind was totally empty, no thoughts, only my eyes fixed on our Lord in the Eucharist.

I don't think I've ever shed so many tears. My poor bible study buddy Sebastian who invited me thought I was in pain or something considering my state.

I wanted to share this, because I am so grateful that we have these Adorations!!!

If you know of one happening near you please GO!

I find myself in the Chapel often, and yes I sometimes have strong reactions there too. But there is something special about the Adoration with members of the church and a Priest there present with you.

US Rep. Ferguson voted in Georgia county where he no longer lives, records show

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Flood Geology

In a recent online debate (here), Inquiring Mind asked me to consider a different view of geology. Perhaps most of those rock layers and fossils down there had been formed in a single global flood in Noah’s day. Really? Do we still need to answer this argument? Flood geology, as this view is often called, was popular in the seventies, but it was so badly defeated, even its followers tend to avoid the debate. Instead, they often identify as advocates of Intelligent Design, avoiding questions of how all those fossils got down there. They know flood geology is impossible to defend against the attack of informed scientists. But that message doesn’t always get down to the troops, who keep on fighting, thinking the war is still going on. Hence, the need remains to address flood geology.


Where did all those fossils come from? There are trillions of them. Mainstream geologists, of course, recognize that they were produced over a span of hundreds of millions of years as life progressed. But young Earth creationists cannot accept that explanation. It looks too much like evolution. So, they want another explanation. Many settle on flood geology. On the surface it sounds scientific. And it fits neatly with their theology. I understand the attraction. I was once there, devouring the flood geology line. But that was long ago, and my views have changed.

Flood Geology is Born​

In contrast to these modern flood geology advocates, creationists in the 1800’s were often quite open to old Earth views. Fundamentalists like Charles H. Spurgeon, C. I. Schofield and Benjamin Warfield accepted that the fossils we see deep in the earth could have been there for perhaps millions of years. Even William Jennings Bryan, the creationist lawyer in the Scopes Trial, testified at that trial that creation may have lasted millions of years.

These men saw little choice but to accept that the Earth was old. After all, geologists were finding rock layers down there with many strange fossils. British geologists had found two distinct rock layers in Great Britain that each had their own distinctive fossils. They called these the Devonian and Silurian layers. Where the two layers met, the Devonian rocks were always on top. So obviously, the Silurian rocks were laid down first. There must have been a past Silurian period followed by a Devonian period. Later, Adam Sedgwick noticed that rocks to the west were from a distinctly different third layer. He called these rocks the Cambrian layer. Where the Cambrian layer met the Silurian or Devonian layers, the Cambrian rocks always graded below the other layers. So now they knew of three time periods. They would soon learn of another period, the Ordovician. And wherever those layers met, they always followed the same order: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian.


Adam Sedgwick was a creationist, as were many of the other early geologists. They were simply recording what they saw. If God created everything, and we find there were different periods in the past when different creatures were on Earth, then these geologists figured that these creatures must be God’s past work. Perhaps God had simply made different life in different periods and had found the need to wipe out each previous period with a catastrophe.

And so, by the late 1800s, it had become clear that there was a series of distinct long periods of time with distinct life in the past. Geologists put together the beginnings of our familiar Geologic Column based on their observations.


Many fundamentalists had no problem accepting these long ages. Why fight science? Many found they could put a gap before Genesis 1:2 , which was a convenient place to insert these long ages. Others extended the length of the days in the rest of Genesis 1, so each day was actually millions of years.

But then, when Darwinism became widely known, it became obvious that these rocks were showing a picture of evolution on Earth. Many Christians could not accept this. They not only disputed evolution, but they also looked for ways to dispute the millions of years that life had been on Earth.

One creationist counter argument was popularized by Phillip Gosse in his 1857 book titled Omphalos, which is the Greek word for bellybutton. Gosse argued that Adam, to be truly man, was created with a bellybutton. Thus, Adam had the appearance of age, and of a birth that never took place. Likewise, all the fossils that scientists were finding were explained away as things that had been created that way from the creation of the world. Fossils in the Earth were like Adam’s omphalos. They were always just there.

The argument is silly. Why would God create all these fossils to look like animals that never lived?

There is overwhelming evidence that the earth is old, and overwhelming evidence that those fossils are real.

If we are going to state that God just created it that way, with all that history written in the rocks that never happened, why not just say that God created the world last Thursday, with all your memories implanted in you at creation? A God who could fake an entire history of the earth in rocks could fake an entire history of you in your mind. So, in the end, Omphalos arguments have little more validity than Last Thursday arguments.

There was an alternate view. Seventh Day Adventist, George McCready Price, taught that those fossils are the remains of animals that had been buried in Noah’s flood. But few people took his ideas seriously.

But then, in 1961, a hydraulics engineer, Henry Morris, and a theologian, John Whitcomb, wrote their book, The Genesis Flood. Morris and Whitcomb argued that all those rock layers had been deposited in Noah’s flood, and the flood sorted them out the way they appear down there. Morris promoted his view of geology and the flood and began the creationist organization, the ICR.

Creationists finally had a counter argument that at least looked more substantial than omphalos. Flood geology as a defined discipline was born. Although this hypothetical global flood required some miracles, flood geologists argued that, once things got started, natural laws caused those flood waters to form what we now know as the fossil record. These men called themselves scientific creationists. After all, they used what appeared to be scientific arguments to suggest that the fossil record was created through their model of creation. Yes, Virginia, there is a creation model.

But this was all built on a flimsy basis. The model totally fails to predict the rock layers down there. Clearly those layers came from something other than a global flood. Let’s look at what we see...

Excerpted from Flood Geology and Scientific Creationism at my website (
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Is Apostolic succession biblical?

From what I understand, the Apostles did select a new Apostle to replace Judas, which can be found in Acts 1:21-26 .

In other texts, such as Timothy 1:6 , Timothy 4:14 , and Timothy 5:22 , we see Apostles being reminded to "lay their hands" on elders, to confirm them as Church leaders.

...So in the Bible, we see the replacement of an Apostle, by the laying on of hands, as well as others who were selected for other leadership roles, by the laying on of hands as well.

Senate Passes Omnibus Spending Bill Funding Government Through Most of Next Year with 14 Republicans joining Democrats in passage

But that isn't the best part. The best part is that the Electoral Count Act was reformed in the bill so that a vice-president cannot unilaterally decide an election. I am heartened that 14 Republicans had the integrity to secure our elections and prevent further insurrections (including, to my utter shock, my own state's Senators.) There is also more assistance to Ukraine to stop Russia's imperialistic empire building in its tracks.

Since the House still holds its Democratic majority, it will sail through and be signed by the president, insuring that 2023 won't be marred by House Republicans threatening to shut down the government if draconian cuts aren't made to Social Security, etc.

What a wonderful Christmas present--to see our government working effectively together.

The Senate on Thursday passed a nearly $1.7 trillion "omnibus" spending bill to fund the government through most of next year, with 18 Republican senators joining all Democrats in sending the bill to the House, where it's expected to pass on Friday.

It came amid a showdown among Republicans over the sweeping legislation, which also includes reforms to the Electoral Count Act designed, among other things, to ensure that a vice president cannot unilaterally decide a presidential election. It also contains tens of billions of dollars in new funding for Ukraine.

The Orthodox View on The Papal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

I feel that this is a very good summary of Orthodox Mariology, anthropology, and Christology and why the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Immaculate Conception poses several issues if one understands Orthodox doctrine. I post it here because it summarizes so much Orthodox thought I felt it was a reference material.

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More people in the Netherlands giving up on faith: 58% are not religious

Residents of the Netherlands are continuing to abandon religion, according to research from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) that looked at the beliefs of people aged 15 and up. Non-religious people first emerged as the majority of the population in 2017, and since then they have continued to make up a larger proportion of society. Fewer than 13 percent of people said they regularly attend religious services.

The largest proportion of atheists and non-religious people was found in the 18-25 year age range, with 72.4 percent identifying as such.

The sharpest fall [in religious people] was observed among Roman Catholics. Some 27 percent identified as part of that religion in 2010, falling to 19.8 percent in 2020, and 18.3 percent in 2021. Although the proportion of Catholics has dropped significantly, it still represented the largest single religious group in the Netherlands.

The percentage of people calling themself Protestant fell from 18.0 percent down to 13.6 percent in 2021. During that time, the popularity of Islam also fell from 5.0 percent to 4.6 percent.

The drop in Islam is interesting, since many seem to clutch their pearls about being overrun, but I imagine that difference is around the same size as the limits of the accuracy of the poll.

Should a Christian just leave a hostile environment?

I lived in a big city. Not the worst part of town but within 3 miles from some of the worst areas. Keep in mind although cities seem big they are still in close proximity to bad areas, about 3 miles apart sometimes.

Recently less than one mile from where I lived someone was murdered at night. I have been targeted by criminals a couple of times. I have witnessed criminal activity in the city.

The crime statistics for where I live was that around 1 in 113 will be a victim of a violent crime.

I have never lived in such a harsh place, the area is bleak, a lot of people here are always on guard for good reasons and there is a lot of nasty personalities and rudeness.

Why did I live in the city in the first place? The reason is because I could make more money that way, that was the main reason. My parents told me it would be a good idea, even though they never lived in a city and in matter of fact when I grew up living with my parents we lived in a area where the crime rate was only 1 in 1,600! Much less chance than 1 in 110.

I have never for my 18 years ever heard or experienced something as bad living where my parents lived.

Currently I moved out of the city and closer to my parents.

As of right now the place I live has much less crime, it is 1 in 330 where I live now.

I am working towards moving into even safer areas.

Even though I won't make as much living in the city, I come to believe the safety is worth it.

Im not sure what to do....

So im in school again and im happy about it. Because of my credits in graduate by Dec 2023.. anyway. I get refunds from school. 3k in Jan and Feb. My Tax may be either 4/5k.

I feel like there's so much ai want to do. I want to move, get a car BUT since I lost CAPS( government funded daycare) they helped with the cost of daycare so much and without it.. I'll be shelling out 2777 a month for tuition for my kids.

if I use the 3k for Jan ill be left with 300bucks. Idkwhen CAPS will kick in. I called 4 times already and emailed and my application for it has been done since Nov 30th they told me they haven't touched or assigned my application and they're backed up and I have to wait.

I don't want to make the wrong decision and waste the money im about to get. I called other daycares and the prices are abt the same. One being 2030. My family won't watch the kids-- they don't have too. Just putting that out there incase someone asks about it.

I Just feel i have 2 ways to go about it. One is to use the 3k on the daycare until CAPS kicks in ( only issue is not knowing when it will) and prayerfully it'll kick in sometime in Jan or Feb. I'm just afraid it won't. I could find a job working from home but I'd be working just to put my kids in school.

Second is what my friend suggested. Just use the money to get a car ...BUT... daycares wont have spaces open until August. 7 months from now.

Idl im not aure what to do. I just dont want to waste money but i want to leave where im at bc its kinda toxic.

Any advice is helpful.

How to trust God? What does it mean?

Paul writes about trusting God in Romans. What does this mean? Does it mean I act with kindness because he did? Or just listening for Him and doing what He tells me?

Thank you!
In ancient greek the world faith means both faith and trust.Here it comes with the meaning of trust.
Trust in God because He knows what's necessary for your salvation.
An illness, an accident; Maybe.
You have to trust Him always.That's the most difficult part of our faith. Trust our God when all things go bad. At that time, God seems so distant and seems not to care for our prayers.
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Demonizing the unvaccinated was ‘incredibly dangerous’: Shawshank Redemption star Tim Robbins

Tim Robbins shared that while he used to get angry at people who didn’t follow COVID protocols, he now looks back on the attitude toward the unvaccinated as ‘incredibly dangerous.’

(LifeSiteNews) — An Academy Award-winning actor denounced the demonization of the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 outbreak and regrets his own anger toward those resisting standard anti-COVID policies such as masking.

Tim Robbins, famous for his leading role in the beloved film The Shawshank Redemption, decriedthe effect that COVID health “doctrine” “had on us as human beings” on British comedian Russell Brand’s December 18 podcast.

“We turned into tribal, angry, vengeful people,” Robbins said. “I don’t think that is something that is sustainable for the earth. That we start demonizing someone who doesn’t agree with our particular health policies and turn them into monsters. Turn them into pariahs. Say that they don’t deserve a hospital bed.”

Continued below.

PC Concern

This morning this little box popped up in the far right corner at the bottom on my windows 10.

It came and went so quickly, that if I had happened to be turned around at that time, I would’ve missed it.

Without. regretfully, writing down exactly what the message said, I went right ahead. And started searching for answers on Google.

I saw things talking about how to go to security center… Properties… Service status… And so on. But the directions they were giving me stopped matching what I saw on screen.

I’m guessing it isn’t something very serious, since the message went by so quickly and didn’t necessarily sound way alarming.

Please pray for me to know what to do, if anything, so that I don’t have any problems with my PC. Thank you.

Sean Hannity Testified He Didn't Believe Trump's Election Fraud Lies 'For 1 Second'

Sean Hannity Testified He Didn't Believe Trump's Election Fraud Lies 'For 1 Second'​

is in the Huff post and new york times but they claim Fox declined to comment and there is no link to the court transcript
Has anyone found the court transcript ?
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