Should you give to bums on the street when you know they are using drugs?


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Oct 31, 2012
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You could consider that "hope" as being so heavenly minded that you're not of any earthly good. Have you ever walked down a street and been asked for money to buy a cup of coffee? Try taking time out of your schedule and say you're willing to go to a coffee shop and pay for that cup of coffee.

Hope and praying is one thing, doing is another. The first part of my previous sentence is akin to virtue signalling, the latter takes work.

I have not, because I'm not in an area where I walk down the street. My sister had an experience where someone wanted money and she gave him a sandwich, he cursed at her and threw it. She never gave to anyone on the streets after that. I get where you are coming from, it allows you to weed out those are who not being truthful. Of course, those people could then trade off clothes or food for money, but that's just a rabbit trail.
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Oct 19, 2015
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Does anyone have to be worthy of help and concern? Does anyone morally deserve or not to be helped? I strongly believe the contrary. Everyone deserves concern & help, what a homeless decides to do with this help is his own concern. What is given does not belong to the giver anymore. But I deeply believe that any kind of 'morality' of the needer shouldn't be a reason to refuse to help. You could buy them food if you feel more comfortable with it, or even just give a smile if it fits you better, but I don't think it is our place to judge the morality or lifestyle of someone in such a situation and to let that inspire our actions.
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Branch Theory Proponent
Apr 14, 2020
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Now I'm not the world's most perfect man, and I've definitely not given before, so I won't hold it against anyone here to not have given - for any reason.

But I will say that my general philosophy with these things is to give if I have the cash. I always ensure they know it's not from me, but from the Lord, and that they receive a blessing on departure.

I think that it is best for me to show mercy in these times. For the Lord shows me mercy when I do bad. How? By not killing me on the spot.

I think too, I should show the same mercy to men. In the end, it's mercy and love that brings the Word to man.
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May 17, 2020
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It is our job to be good stewards of the money God has given to us. Giving someone money so they can keep up their drug habit contradicts the very reason one would give them money. It is not judging them to offer them real help instead of throwing good money away and end up supporting their self-destructive habit.

It is a fair and reasonable assumption, though. We have panhandlers that spend 10 hours a day standing at street corners begging for money. The police in our stopped my parents after they gave money to a panhandler. He explained that many of the "homeless" in our town are that way on purpose because they are trying to hide from child support payments, or they are sexual predators and would be required to put that on job applications or rental applications. They would have to register as a sex offender in our city, as well. In some cases, the panhandlers are not homeless at all. They did an expose our local news that caught them driving home in SUV's or pretty decent cars. They can make up to $100 a day completely tax free, better than working a regular 9-5 job. So things are not as they seem in some cases and it is wise to know to whom you are giving money

That's not an excuse that is going to hold water. We should not be enabling that kind of "coping" mechanism.

not an excuse- it is a very real thing. people who work with addicts and in mental health wil ltell you that. but i do agree with you that it is not to be enabled. i tend to be led by God as to whether He wants me to give direct to them or to a charity which will see the money put to good use. i live in a city in the UK where they have an electronic booth type thing where you can swipe tour contactless debit card and donate 2 pounds to a project that helps the homeless. churches and charities are involved in this scheme and the money helps to secure a bed for someone in need whilst signposting them to organisations that can help them. i love this idea and find it helps ease any worries i have about will the money be spent well? but sometimes God nudges me to give direct. the gratitude on their faces when i give them a hot coffee or a sandwich or a fiver almost breaks my heart. most of them are so grateful. we also have a magazine in the UK called the Big Issue where homeless or vulnerably housed people can sell on the streets and the money goes to give them a small wage
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May 17, 2020
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Does anyone have to be worthy of help and concern? Does anyone morally deserve or not to be helped? I strongly believe the contrary. Everyone deserves concern & help, what a homeless decides to do with this help is his own concern. What is given does not belong to the giver anymore. But I deeply believe that any kind of 'morality' of the needer shouldn't be a reason to refuse to help. You could buy them food if you feel more comfortable with it, or even just give a smile if it fits you better, but I don't think it is our place to judge the morality or lifestyle of someone in such a situation and to let that inspire our actions.

Jesus had the attitude that we are all a mess and yet He showed us compassion by dying so that none of us will perish, if we receive Him! Jesus was not exclusive. however, discernment is good. i think it is ok to say no to a beggar as long as we are not thinking badly of them. and if we have no money to give maybe a kind word or a smile?
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May 17, 2020
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I live well below the poverty line right now. I am not homeless but I make far less than what most people can live on. But I make it work. So I would not be too quick to pass judgement on me. You have no idea about what is or is not obvious. You have no idea who I am what I have to deal with and are in no position to look down a self-righteous snoot at me.

Well yes, but there are charities in our area that also help by providing job interview clothing, like suits and ties for men and business attire for women. These are not dumb people, but people who simply need a hand up, in most cases.

I didn't say it was a free ticket. I said it was just the first step.

But getting some a job so they have a chance at getting out of poverty is far better than your solution, which is "just give them money" which perpetuates an ongoing life of self-destructive choices. Your approach is no solution at all.

No, it is about taking charge of your own destiny. It's about restoring someone's pride and giving them some hope and implementing REAL solutions to a problem.

But I am not talking about rags to riches. I am talking about just getting back one's feet and making a better life. No, they will never be rich, but it's not about getting rich.

It's not nonsense and it is a far better idea than your approach which keeps people in poverty by just throwing money at them and letting them destroy themselves.

Getting a job is great and i love charities which do that. some are uanble to work due to disability or ill health and there are also charities which can signpost them to organisations to get them help. grants, welfare schemes etc i do agree giving cash to beggars directly is not always appropriate , which is where discernment comes in.
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Apr 15, 2009
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Christian giving is not a utilitarian endeavor. We do not give in order to get results. We must first ask "what is true" before we ask "what is useful". Otherwise we may just as easily serve a cause that is useful towards evil, as one that is useful towards goodness. The purpose behind our giving must always be obedience to God, in faith, because it is through faith that we discern truth. Only after this will we be able to do something useful towards good, as God defines good.

The scriptures say that we should give alms, having sold possessions. What does one have to give, having sold possessions? Money. When you sell something, you get money. I think the most obvious interpretation of the scriptures is that we are to give alms to the needy, and that alms quite often mean money. Furthermore, God's purpose in giving this command has as much to do with the effect on the giver as the benefit to the needy person.

Giving is not about rewarding deserving behavior, but a matter of unmerited grace to those who deserve only death. God gave freely to me, and I should give freely as well. I think it is good to convey this to a recipient so that they may be encouraged toward humility and repentance as well.

32 “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

from Luke 12, ESV
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May 17, 2020
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Does anyone have to be worthy of help and concern? Does anyone morally deserve or not to be helped? I strongly believe the contrary. Everyone deserves concern & help, what a homeless decides to do with this help is his own concern. What is given does not belong to the giver anymore. But I deeply believe that any kind of 'morality' of the needer shouldn't be a reason to refuse to help. You could buy them food if you feel more comfortable with it, or even just give a smile if it fits you better, but I don't think it is our place to judge the morality or lifestyle of someone in such a situation and to let that inspire our actions.

Jesus showed charity and mercy to us when we were still sinners. I don't require anyone to prove to me what they will use the money for when I give it. However if I knew someone was going to use it for drugs and I was certain of it, my concern would be that am helping to destroy them. I don't want that in my conscience

I like to give to local charities who I know will help
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May 17, 2020
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Christian giving is not a utilitarian endeavor. We do not give in order to get results. We must first ask "what is true" before we ask "what is useful". Otherwise we may just as easily serve a cause that is useful towards evil, as one that is useful towards goodness. The purpose behind our giving must always be obedience to God, in faith, because it is through faith that we discern truth. Only after this will we be able to do something useful towards good, as God defines good.

The scriptures say that we should give alms, having sold possessions. What does one have to give, having sold possessions? Money. When you sell something, you get money. I think the most obvious interpretation of the scriptures is that we are to give alms to the needy, and that alms quite often mean money. Furthermore, God's purpose in giving this command has as much to do with the effect on the giver as the benefit to the needy person.

Giving is not about rewarding deserving behavior, but a matter of unmerited grace to those who deserve only death. God gave freely to me, and I should give freely as well. I think it is good to convey this to a recipient so that they may be encouraged toward humility and repentance as well.

32 “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

from Luke 12, ESV

And those of us who don't have possessions to sell like cars or yachts or designer clothes, we can still give alms. Money, food, blankets, facemasks , hand wash etc. It all good
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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I believe in the Bible believers were to help support other believers (but the Bible also says something about believers not working). Not sure about giving money to just people off of the street (even though i have)

For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
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Aug 23, 2020
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IF you know if someone is asking for money but he is going to use to buy something illegal, should you give him money? How do you know if that person is going to buy a gun, and start killing everyone in the church?

I've given on many occasions to homeless people as scripture as told me and I cannot see where the problem is in doing that.

16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

10 “What should we do then?” the crowd asked. 11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

I will talk to the homeless sometimes and tell them to take care of themselves, even more so if they seem they really need help. I have used public transport in the past and in three instances I have given money to some and shared a kind word, one was an old man and he smelt really bad and many moved away including myself, the stench was too much to bear. But as I was leaving I spoke to him, gave him some money, told him to take care of himself and that he was a brother. I thank GOD he has soften my heart towards others as in the past I would have walked past each and every one and not had any concern for them.

I think from my experiences that some need to know others care and this can make a change in their lives. Some have just given up and feel worthless, unlovable and I believe kind gestures and caring can help them think others do think about them. Everyone has a story to tell and it's about time Christians took the time to listen to the down trodden, those in darkness, the lost and lonely and try to lift them up spiritually, and help financially for their basic needs if able.

As for giving food as some have suggested, this tends to not make that much difference. Some will sell it, some will eat it, some will give it to dogs and others I have seen, throw it away. I truly believe helping to let others know you care, that they are worth something, at least to us as Christians and some kind words make a hugh difference.

Many charity organisations take hugh amounts of money out of charities to for pay for ordinary people working in them and I'm pretty sure some of that money will be used for ungodly purposes, drinking, drugs, fornication, adultery etc. On listening to what others have to say about not giving to a homeless person for reasons of their ungodly conduct, the same should surely apply to many charities if this is the criteria for not giving.

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him

We no longer look to be served. We look to serve and give our lives for others. No longer fight for privilege, influence and status. We esteem others better than ourselves and put their interests above our own.

Peace be with all those in the body of Christ
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Jul 29, 2018
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IF you know if someone is asking for money but he is going to use to buy something illegal, should you give him money? How do you know if that person is going to buy a gun, and start killing everyone in the church?

Giving money to someone that going to harm them selves or others would be a bad thing. However if you can see the person is in need of food then a meal makes sense.

Recently I was in Target getting a few items and I noticed a local homeless man was there getting some socks and a Sprite. There was also some other item in his hand that was in a box. I noticed that his hands and face were scrapped up and his feet and ankles were very messed up. He had no socks and some old sneakers. He was going to the register and must have had some money.

I had an inspiration, after feeling real sad for him, and remembered a $20 in my wallet. I walked up to him and said hey and handed it to him. He took it and kept moving. I suspect he as some bad mental issues. I pay for my stuff and left.

I'm not a rich person and that $20 would have helped till payday, but for some reason I felt that he needed it more than I did. I only go to Target a few times a year and this time was a whim to get a small snack. My reflection is that the urge to go was so I could help him.

Is that Biblical? Maybe, but either way I feel good about it. I think the best expressions of Charity, Love by another name, is random acts of kindness.
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IF you know if someone is asking for money but he is going to use to buy something illegal, should you give him money? How do you know if that person is going to buy a gun, and start killing everyone in the church?

No, this falls under the category "when helping hurts". Giving to someone who is only going to hurt their self, or others, is not helping.
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Wise old man
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Nov 29, 2011
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IF you know if someone is asking for money but he is going to use to buy something illegal, should you give him money? How do you know if that person is going to buy a gun, and start killing everyone in the church?

How do you know that he is going to use to buy something illegal? How do you know if that person is going to buy a gun, and start killing everyone in the church? How do you know that he isn't desperate, cold, hungry and just trying to survive?
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Take them to Burger King and let them get anything they want.

I did that once to man who was clearly a drunk. He choked down the cheeseburger I bought for him but clearly wanted the handout for booze. When he was finished I gave him a couple of dollars and told him to have a beer on me. We both had a chuckle over that.
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