Emergency First aide kit


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Being a long time RN, and occasional camp nurse, first aid is important to me. If there is a major disaster, or power outage, the stores will empty or close. So, an emergency first aide kit is important, imho. It should contain what you need for emergencies but also be usable every day so things can be replenished. I include basic OTC meds.

Disclaimer - I am not trying to discount any doctor, and anything you read here, please check with your own doctor or medical authority that you like. This is just a suggestion, and what I do for me and mine. You may be allergic to some things - so you need to check what is okay for you.

This is what I have in my emergency first aide kit:

  • Soap - cuts and scrapes need to be washed. It is the number one way to prevent infection. I prefer castile soap - namely Dr Bronners pure castile soap. It is handy for lots of things, but gentle for cuts and scrapes yet good.
  • Band-aids of various sizes, and a mix of fabric ones and plastic. Make some non- latex as there are allergies to latex
  • Steri-strips
  • Gauze 3x3 or 4x4s
  • Roller gauze
  • Ace wraps
  • Splints of various sizes
  • Baggies for ice
  • Tape - you can use cloth, I prefer a plastic based one that sticks.
  • Triangular bandages - scarfs work - for slings
  • a few instant cold compresses
  • scissors
  • tweezers
  • gloves - make some non-latex. Some folks are allergic to latex.
  • Antibiotic ointment - this is a choice. IF you wash with soap, you should not need it. However, some wounds are particularly dirty. You can buy a brand name, or you may chose to use something like lavender essential oil in sweet almond oil (a non-cooking oil). Some sources recommend honey which has a natural antiseptic effect.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - some recommend it to clean wounds but several doctors have told me it inhibits healing and two of those that said that are plastic surgeons. It is handy in getting out small stones in abrasions (I was a school nurse for a number of years-can you tell?)
  • Eye cups for when there is something in the eye.

Medicines I have on hand:

  • Imodium for diarrhea. I do not use Pepto-Bismol. IMHO, it is junk and my doctor agrees. Keep in mind that if it is something bad that you ate, 'better out than in' is my opinion. However, you do not want to get dehydrated.
  • Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. Each has their benefits and drawbacks.
  • Tums or similar
  • Gwei Hua Balm or Icy Hot or Sports Creme or your choice. I use Gwei Hua for lots of things. For instance, if I have a headache, I will dab it on my temples, and it really helps. It is wonderful for when you have a crick in the neck. Don't get it in your eyes because ..ouch!
  • Camphor Spirits - this is a camphor oil in alcohol product and will kill the eggs a bug may lay in your skin. It will help the sting and itch, but may sting initially if the skin is broken. If you live where there are botlass flies like I do, you would love this stuff.
  • Camphophenique - for itching bug bites. It is more antiseptic and soothing than Camphor Spirits as there is no alcohol in it.
  • Benadryl - for real itchy bites. ICE is good too
  • Tinactin or Micatin cream or generic equivalent - good for athlete's foot and ringworm as they are the same fungus.
  • Vapor rub - buy or I make my own.

Food items for first aide use:
  • Cough drops - commercial or make your own. Here is one option.
  • Cough syrup can be made - 4 TBS lemon juice, 1 c honey, 1/2 cup olive oil. Heat it up to mix. The recommendation is 1 tsp every 2 hours.
  • Cornstarch (3 parts) and lemon juice (one part) - make a paste and use on bee stings. As it dries, it may pull out the stinger. It also soothes. Be sure and wash the bite with soap first. Bugs carry germs too.
  • Baking soda and salt (equal parts) - mix with a bit of water to make a paste and that also can be used for bee stings. Wash with soap first.
  • Baking soda and water can be applied to irritated skin from bug bites. I was bitten (not stung) by a sting-less type bee and site of the bite was irritated - about 4 inches by 2 inches. It was warm and red. This really soothed it. Of course, I washed with soap first.
  • Ginger- in the hospital, up to at least 1980, we would open a ginger ale, let it go flat and then give it to post op patients for nausea. It helped. Real ginger ale is hard to find. I make ginger tea for stomach upset. Here is a recipe.
  • Salt - add about 1/4 tsp salt to 1/4 cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with it (and spit) when you have a canker sore and it takes the sting/pain out for awhile.
Essential oils and alternative choices.
I was highly skeptical of essential oils. I still do not believe just anything online about them and do not trust the multi-level marketing stuff about them. But I have talked to trained herbalists and trained Ayurvedic practioners, and with some experiences, I like essential oils for many uses. Keep in mind that in most all cases, they are not for internal ingestion. You need to learn how to use them and they usually need to combined with a carrier oil . I keep:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Lemongrass
  • Sweet orange
  • Tea tree
  • Citronella
  • lavender
  • Clove
  • Rosemary
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Frankincense (sound familiar?)
  • lemon
  • Cinnamon (cassia)
  • Neem topical oil - not an essential oil
I use them in bug repellent, cleaners, homemade vapo-rub and more.
Since i live in a tropical area near jungle, bug repellent is of high importance. See this post.

Itch cream - see this option. It is good for minor bites like most mosquitoes.

Here is a DIY vapor rub.

Disinfecting surfaces is a health issue imho, and this is a recipe that I use:

1/2 cup Vodka
1/2 cup Water
15 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
25 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil
15 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
15 drops Lavender Oil

Mix all ingredients together and add to a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle frequently while cleaning.​

However, instead of vodka, I use 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol and 1/4 cup vinegar. It helps with mildew, too.

The cinnamon oil has been shown in studies to be an antibacterial. When I moved to Belize, I did not know any doctors,and live away from town. I have MS and have to take a med that knocks down my immune system. As a result, I am prone to certain infections like urinary tract infections. So it happened, and I did not know where to go. It was getting worse every day despite my best efforts. I met an expat who was a chiropractor in the US for a long time and is an herbalist. She recommended one drop of cassia cinnamon oil in tea when I got home, one at night, then one a day for a week. JUST one drop. The next day, I was dramatically better. Later, when I was in the US, I saw my doctor (MD) and told her, and she was familiar with it, approved and suggested that I add Vit C when dealing with it. It is not for regular use. I probably would have gone for the antibiotics had I been in the US - but this was great. Chat with your doctor if you have questions.
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For personal insect control - mosquitos, no-see-ums, sandflies for example - NEEM is my personal choice.

I had heard about it and was given some Neem soap. When going to Belize for a 3 month stay in the summer in the rainy season, I had Off and Skin so Soft (SSS). The mosquitoes were eating me up even using both of those. Then I remembered I had the bar of Neem soap, so used it one morning in the shower. We were late and I left without applying OFF or SSS. Guess what - no mosquito bites all day. They were so bad in the area, Belize even sprayed a week later to kill them because of fears of Dengue fever. The Neem worked.

Since then, I swear by Neem lotion and soaps. I make my own lotion by buying Neem oil and mixing 1 1/2- 3 tsp with 8 oz. lotion, then add essential oils for a better smell. Or I will make the Neem lotion and then spread it with a good smelling lotion like Bath and Body Works Eucalyptus and Spearmint lotion. Neem is medicinal smelling and needs something to make it smell better. But if you live in a place where there are mosquitoes, it is wonderful.

So I use Neem soap, and Neem lotion with something nicer smelling, and there is one more thing. Sometimes in the evenings, we would be out and I would need more. So I made up my own bug spray to carry around.
This is where I started:
Homemade Bug Spray Instructions
  1. Fill spray bottle (I used 8 ounce) 1/2 full with distilled or boiled water
  2. Add witch hazel to fill almost to the top
  3. Add 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin if using
  4. Add 30-50 drops of essential oils to desired scent. The more oils you use, the stronger the spray will be. My personal favorite mix is: Rosemary, Clove, Cajeput, Lavender, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus… it works great and smells good too!
Mix all ingredients together and add to a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle frequently while cleaning.
I mixed Rosemary, Clove, Citronella, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oils. But then, I added one more thing - topical Neem oil. I added 2 drops of the Neem topical oil to a 2 oz sprayer bottle of the homemade bug spray. Without the Neem, the spray is supposed to help for an hour at a time, but with Neem, it is longer, especially if I had used the Neem lotion that morning.
Overall this is way less expensive than buying bug sprays.

To be honest, if I am going into the jungle, I might also use a spray with Picaridin in it.
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Dec 17, 2006
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Great list FreeInChrist thanks!

Thats one thing I didnt know about that Camphor spirits, I made a note of that

I would add (which either have worked for me or some was reccomended) in addition to what you posted the following

Packing strips
Quick clot or blood clotting sponge
Turmeric Circumin (which is potent natural anti inflamatory)
Magnesium suppliments (great for leg cramps, muscle cramping)
Fish anti biotics
Probiotic acidophillus (friendly bacteria)
Colliodal silver
Siang pure oil (supposed be killer pain relief)
Salonpas (pain relief patches)
DE (food grade)
Extracting forcep (dental) good to have on hand for a back tooth that might need pulling
Clove oil
D- Mannose (urinary tract health/ infection)
Local honey (wonderful for helping with alergies) and anticeptic

Here is someone I ran across looking these things up

This was helpful also

I edited the above because I posted two of the same videos, I changed out the first one
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Big as life and twice as ugly
Sep 1, 2015
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Here's a list of the med kit that every one of my employees carry at all times unless the weight and bulk need to be released for a fast offensive action with shock value. Even then the kits are carried by vehicle or personnel not involved directly in the action. Fast acting blood clotting wound sealants are the most vital, if you stop bleeding quickly a person can survive quite some time and is even able to fight until relief or relocation can occur.

(2) Emergency/Survival Blanket
(6) Nitrile Glove, LG, OD

(2) SOF Tactical Tourniquet, Wide
(1) Blast Bandage
(1) Israeli Abdominal Bandage, 12”
(1) Israeli Emergency Bandage, 4”
(1) Israeli Emergency Bandage, 6”
(4) Compressed Gauze

(1) HALO Chest Seal, (2/pk)
(1) TMM-CR, Cricothyroidotomy
(1) Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed, 6.0 mm
(1) Hemostat, Kelly Forceps Curved, 5.5”
(1) Scalpel, Sterile, #10
(1) Syringe, Sterile, 10 mL
(1) Tracheal Hook, 4”
(2) Bolin Chest Seal
(2) Decompression Needle, 14 g x 3.25”
(2) Nasopharyngeal Airway w/ Lube, 28 Fr WOUND / BLISTER / BURN
(1) Burn Dressing, 4” x 16”
(1) Burn Dressing, 4” x 4”
(1) Cloth Tape, 2” x 10 yd

(1) Splint, Grey, 4.25” x 36”
(2) Cravat Triangular Bandage

(1) Sharps Container
(2) TMM-SL, Saline Lock (each contains)
(1) MicroClave w/ Smallbore Ext.
(1) Needle, 18 g x 1.5”
(1) Saline Lock w/ Ext.
(2) IV Catheter, 18 g x 1.25”
(1) Syringe, Sterile, 10 mL
(1) IV Start Kit with Tegaderm
(1) Tegaderm Dressing
(1) ChloraPrep Sepp
(2) Gauze Dressing, 2”x2”
(1) Latex-Free Tourniquet
(1) Medical Tape Roll
(1) IV Site Label
(1) EMT Shears, 7.25”
(1) Permanent Marker

(1) Tactical Combat Casualty Reference Card
(4) Tactical Combat Casualty Care Card

(1) Flat Duct Tape, 1.89” x 2 yd, OD
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Great list FreeInChrist thanks!

Thats one thing I didnt know about that Camphor spirits, I made a note of that

I would add (which either have worked for me or some was reccomended) in addition to what you posted the following

Packing strips
Quick clot or blood clotting sponge
Turmeric Circumin (which is potent natural anti inflamatory)
Magnesium suppliments (great for leg cramps, muscle cramping)
Fish anti biotics
Probiotic acidophillus (friendly bacteria)
Colliodal silver
Siang pure oil (supposed be killer pain relief)
Salonpas (pain relief patches)
DE (food grade)
Extracting forcep (dental) good to have on hand for a back tooth that might need pulling
Clove oil
D- Mannose (urinary tract health/ infection)
Local honey (wonderful for helping with alergies) and anticeptic

I meant to add sanitary napkins - they are great for putting pressure where it is bleeding.

I also use Turmeric daily in some way - caps, the spice, curry spice. I make tea sometimes. It is good stuff.

Also for magnesium, I keep Epsom Salts for foot soaks or bath. It absorbs through the skin. Here is an article for those that are unfamiliar with it.

I also keep DE - Diatomaceous Earth, food grade. Primarily I use it for ant control in cupboard and in front of the doors, outside the house. But it is useful orally too. But I would start small (1 tsp in water or juice), drink at least 8 oz of water and be sure there is a bathroom around in a few hours. ^_^ It helps my nails for sure. My friends swear it is good to remove parasites that may be ingested. Here is a good article about it- http://diatomaceous.org/

Speaking of parasites, add Lugol's iodine solution. A vegetable wash of 2 cups water, 1/2 cup vinegar and 3 drops of Lugol's iodine solution will do a great job removing anything that should not be eaten. It helps prevent foodborne illnesses.
I absolutely do not suggest taking Lugol's internally without medical advice ( For those unaware of the solution).
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I meant to add sanitary napkins - they are great for putting pressure where it is bleeding.

I also use Turmeric daily in some way - caps, the spice, curry spice. I make tea sometimes. It is good stuff.

Also for magnesium, I keep Epsom Salts for foot soaks or bath. It absorbs through the skin. Here is an article for those that are unfamiliar with it.

I also keep DE - Diatomaceous Earth, food grade. Primarily I use it for ant control in cupboard and in front of the doors, outside the house. But it is useful orally too. But I would start small (1 tsp in water or juice), drink at least 8 oz of water and be sure there is a bathroom around in a few hours. ^_^ It helps my nails for sure. My friends swear it is good to remove parasites that may be ingested. Here is a good article about it- http://diatomaceous.org/

Speaking of parasites, add Lugol's iodine solution. A vegetable wash of 2 cups water, 1/2 cup vinegar and 3 drops of Lugol's iodine solution will do a great job removing anything that should not be eaten. It helps prevent foodborne illnesses.
I absolutely do not suggest taking Lugol's internally without medical advice ( For those unaware of the solution).

I was so worried about getting fleas in the house some years back, and we were spending so much on these frontline flea treatments for the dogs that I looked into alternatives. I had read the various things DE could be used for. Without looking into it too far, we sprinkled that and salt in the carpets but because of how fine a powder it is, it screwed up the vacume cleaner over time. But we didnt see fleas (having 5 dogs at the time) in the South here where that is problematic. We still have a 50 pound bag (only ever used a cup or so) but it seemed like a useful thing to have (whether for bugs internally or externally) ...ew... I hate bugs^_^

And yeah, Espom salt is good for your plants too, I read something about a little of that mixed in water fed to your plants does wonders or something. And I have a few bags of that set aside but for that purpose (for the most part).

The turmeric actually does seem to help inflamation, I would have that for my back first, and if I dont get that in check I will be hurting but I gave it a go and it worked for me, so I keep that around.
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Legend 3/17/05
Mar 17, 2005
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Here's a list of the med kit that every one of my employees carry at all times unless the weight and bulk need to be released for a fast offensive action with shock value. Even then the kits are carried by vehicle or personnel not involved directly in the action. Fast acting blood clotting wound sealants are the most vital, if you stop bleeding quickly a person can survive quite some time and is even able to fight until relief or relocation can occur.

(2) Emergency/Survival Blanket
(6) Nitrile Glove, LG, OD

(2) SOF Tactical Tourniquet, Wide
(1) Blast Bandage
(1) Israeli Abdominal Bandage, 12”
(1) Israeli Emergency Bandage, 4”
(1) Israeli Emergency Bandage, 6”
(4) Compressed Gauze

(1) HALO Chest Seal, (2/pk)
(1) TMM-CR, Cricothyroidotomy
(1) Tracheostomy Tube Cuffed, 6.0 mm
(1) Hemostat, Kelly Forceps Curved, 5.5”
(1) Scalpel, Sterile, #10
(1) Syringe, Sterile, 10 mL
(1) Tracheal Hook, 4”
(2) Bolin Chest Seal
(2) Decompression Needle, 14 g x 3.25”
(2) Nasopharyngeal Airway w/ Lube, 28 Fr WOUND / BLISTER / BURN
(1) Burn Dressing, 4” x 16”
(1) Burn Dressing, 4” x 4”
(1) Cloth Tape, 2” x 10 yd

(1) Splint, Grey, 4.25” x 36”
(2) Cravat Triangular Bandage

(1) Sharps Container
(2) TMM-SL, Saline Lock (each contains)
(1) MicroClave w/ Smallbore Ext.
(1) Needle, 18 g x 1.5”
(1) Saline Lock w/ Ext.
(2) IV Catheter, 18 g x 1.25”
(1) Syringe, Sterile, 10 mL
(1) IV Start Kit with Tegaderm
(1) Tegaderm Dressing
(1) ChloraPrep Sepp
(2) Gauze Dressing, 2”x2”
(1) Latex-Free Tourniquet
(1) Medical Tape Roll
(1) IV Site Label
(1) EMT Shears, 7.25”
(1) Permanent Marker

(1) Tactical Combat Casualty Reference Card
(4) Tactical Combat Casualty Care Card

(1) Flat Duct Tape, 1.89” x 2 yd, OD

That's an awesome list but most of that stuff I don't even know what it is...points toward good first-aid & trauma training for me...but some say even having this kind of stuff on hand is valuable because in an emergency there is a very good chance someone will know how to use even if I don't..
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Oct 30, 2006
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Yes, thanks so much for posting all this great info!

Also, recently bleeding from a tooth extraction for 2 hours, I found my solution was a tea bag. I'm not a medical person and This is NOT intended as medical information in any form or fashion just passing along an idea for those who want to check it out. Anyway, one source is http://www.castledental.com/our-blog/why-using-tea-bag-great-gum-health
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May 28, 2015
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1/2 cup Vodka
1/2 cup Water
15 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
25 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil
15 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
15 drops Lavender Oil

Mix all ingredients together and add to a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle frequently while cleaning.
However, instead of vodka, I use 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol and 1/4 cup vinegar. It helps with mildew, too
One correction here: Mix everything together and shake well except the Vodka. Use mixture as spray, drink the Vodka.:idea:
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One correction here: Mix everything together and shake well except the Vodka. Use mixture as spray, drink the Vodka.:idea:

LOL! Perhaps that is why my husband balked at using it for cleaning. It is not something we buy but he does like the occasional drink and think it is much better to put it with cranberry juice and lime.
Rubbing alcohol works good for cleaning.
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I thought I would add this recipe in, I been looking at how to make various things we use, and this is one my husband uses.


Ingredients: Bentonite clay, baking soda, sea salt, essential oils, glycerin (optional), pink kaolin clay (optional).


Why bentonite clay: Bentonite clay is a base used in a lot of dermatologic formulas, and is currently being studied for use in battlefield wound dressings since it seems to help them heal better. It also acts as a shield against urusiol, which is an oily organic substance found plants such as poison ivy and poison oak. If you happen to encounter poison ivy or something of the like, applying benotonite clay afterwards will draw out the oil, thanks to its unique way of binding elements.

Why baking soda: Baking soda is alkaline, which means it’s the opposite of acidic. When you suffer from a bug bite or something of the like it is higher in acidity. Adding baking soda neutralizes the acid and thus relieves the uncomfortable itchiness and irritation. Calcium hydroxide is what is used in store-bought calamine, and you can track it down, but baking soda is much more common and does essentially the same thing.

Why tea tree/essential oil: Essential oils do more than just make things smell good-certain ones like tea tree or lavender are great at soothing itchy, inflamed, skin.

Why sea salt: Sea salt sloughs away dead or dying skin cells and can help relieve swelling, inflammation, and any matter of infuriating itchiness.

Why pink kaolin clay (optional): Kaolin clay is great for people with sensitive skin, and is a very gentle exfoliator. It does not draw toxins out with the same force as bentonite clay, although it does help, so we use it here mainly to add the pink color to calamine without iron oxide, and to make the lotion that much more effective.

Why glycerin (optional): The glycerin makes the calamine a little smoother and softer, as it traps in moisture and also draws moisture to your skin.

You will need…
-1/4 cup of fresh water (roughly)
-4 teaspoons bentonite clay
-4 teaspoons baking soda
-1/2-1 tablespoon of sea salt
-10-15 drops of tea tree or another essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile, or a combination
-1/2 teaspoon glycerin (optional)
-2-3 teaspoons pink kaolin clay (optional)


Note: You can add any essential oils that are known to be good for skin care. Common ones include eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, and tea tree. Feel free to make up a combination or stick to using one.

In a small bowl, whisk together the baking soda, salt, bentonite clay, and the kaolin clay if you’re using it.

Add water, stirring constantly, until a paste starts to form. Continue to add water until desired consistency is reached-I usually use around a quarter cup, but it will depend on whether or not you include the pink kaolin clay.

Add in your essential oils at this point, and the glycerin if you’re using it. Stir until thoroughly blended, and store in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid.

You can keep this in the refrigerator for up to a week, but an easier way is to simply keep a jar of the dry ingredients blended together on hand. Then, when you need it, take a small spoonful of the powder and just add enough of the liquids to make your lotion as needed.

From http://everydayroots.com/homemade-calamine-lotion

Now this recipe does not contain zinc oxide, which is the main ingredient in store bought calamine lotion, and I cant figure out why its not included in this recipe, but I ordered that as well "Pharmaceutical Grade, Non-Nano, Uncoated and Kosher certified zinc oxide" I will make it the way as set out above first why not? if the first works just as well without it then great, if not, then add that in.
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Haven't tried this one yet although I have the essential oils to mix this one up if any one has a better one please post it

Homemade vapor rub


Commercial vapor rubs are typically petroleum based and add camphor which has been synthetically derived from the oil of turpentine and menthol, which is typically synthetically made.

I decided to make my own vapor rub containing natural essential oils that contain complex compounds that not only knock out symptoms, but can also help the body heal itself.

Whipped Vapor Rub Recipe
Ingredients & Supplies
  • ¼ cup room temperature coconut oil
  • ¼ cup room temperature shea butter
  • 25 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • stand mixer with whipping attachment or hand mixer and bowl
  • spatula
  • clean glass jar with lid
Using your mixer, whip the coconut oil and shea butter for about 30 seconds. Use your spatula to bring it all back into the middle of the bowl. Add your essential oils.

Whip it again for another minute, then use the spatula to bring it back into the middle of the bowl one more time. Whip for another minute, then scoop it into a jar with a secure lid. Be sure to label what you’ve made!

Store in a cool, dark place. My whipped butters typically last for a few months – longer if you scoop it out with a clean utensil/hands.

To Use
This rub doesn’t pack the same punch as a commercial vapor rubs. Instead, it seeps in slowly, with a very mild tingling feeling.

Just apply a small amount to the chest during a cold or when you have a cough. You can also apply the rub on your upper and middle back as well. Apply every couple of hours.

If you rub it into your hands, you can also cup your hands over your nose and inhale deeply a few times.

From http://www.diynatural.com/homemade-vapor-rub/

Edits in, I see FreeInChrist posted a vapor rub so this is a double to hers, she posted one earlier, missed that one.
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I am printing off some of these newer ones and I figured I would post them here


From here http://titus2homemaker.com/2013/01/homemade-decongestant/

This homemade decongestant is good for breaking up chest congestion so you can clear it out. Anyone old enough to eat honey can take it.


  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 5-7 radishes
  • 1 small red onion
  • 6 garlic cloves (If my cloves are super-small, I use a couple more.)

  1. Wash, peel, and trim the vegetables as appropriate, and cut the onion into 2-4 chunks.
  2. Dump everything into the blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Strain.
  4. Refrigerate between uses, for up to a week or so.
  5. TO USE:
  6. Adults take 2 Tbsp. once a day, or more as needed/desired.
  7. Children take 1 Tbsp. once a day, or more as needed/desired.
  8. Should begin expelling within 24 hours. (We have typically noticed it kicking in within the first couple hours.)
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I am sort of stuck, I see so many homemade recipes for Tiger balm (I am looking for one because my husband loves that stuff when he is sore) but its pricey (worth it but if I can save some I like to do that) and so I want to make it. I have been keeping the tins I have so that when I attempt to make it I can store it in its own reusable tins.

The 2 active ingredients are camphor 11 % and menthol 11%

But would anyone know if its better to use the oil or powder form of these when it doesn't specifically state "oil" by either?

I do have a camphor oil (not a menthol oil) but when I searched these again on Amazon I saw there are powdered forms of both, and people leaving reviews on them for their own homemade topical uses. And I had a second thought, thinking, maybe its not the oil that is used here (but the powder) because in its list of other inactive ingredients it states "oils" (more specifically). These ingredients being cajaput oil and cassia oil and clove oil (all essential oils that I have) even though I cant figure out what this other "dementholised mint oil" is, because when I search the same to purchase it on Amazon it just takes me to the product Tiger balm itself (which is what I am trying to duplicate). The last ingredient being paraffin petrolatum.

Also anyone know what dementholised mint oil is? Or what might be a better substitute for it?

And also if anyone knows if there is a decent substitute for paraffin petrolatum? That appears to be petroleum jelly or something so similar. Maybe Burt's Bees Baby Bee Natural Multipurpose Ointment? Thats what I am thinking.

I don't know if anyone will see this post addition up here because its under a sticky thread now, so hard to bump it up and get it noticed, but I will order the powder forms and go forward that way if I don't hear from anyone. Its good to experiment.
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Dec 17, 2006
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Okay, I just found a recipe for a homemade healthier alternative to Petroleum jelly (for the above recipe)

Three ingredients, pomace olive oil, bees wax pellets and a few drops of vitamin E oil

Short video

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Sep 13, 2011
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A few items I didn't notice in any lists; forgive me if missed someone's.

face dust masks
aloe vera
scalpels or other fine tip blades
vinegar, white and raw unfiltered ACV
iodine or betadine
baby oil
pure silver to make colloidal silver
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