Age of the earth.


He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Adam and eve lived 6,000 years ago. The church age has been 2,000 years. The 1000 year reign of Christ will be one thousand years an it will be the sabbath where man will rest from his works. The Bible has many layers of meaning. The Rabbi say up to 100 layers of meaning. Every day in almost every post we talk about the RULES of Bible interpretation and I continue to be amazed at the people that want to break the rules. 2 Peter 1:20a "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.".

Interesting that the very first thing we teach our sunday school students when they are about a year old is about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. So you not believe the evidence that Jericho is a real city with history? I studied ancient history in HIgh School and the teacher was a holocaust survivor. I can assure you he took things very serious and I am very grateful for what archeology and history teach us about the Bible. We need math, we need science, we need religion and we need history. IF you want to disregard science and history then you simply are NOT going to know the Bible as well. You are going to restrict and hinder your growth.
A year old? You teach children that can’t even speak about the battle of Jericho? Surely you can’t possibly expect anyone to actually believe this.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Adam and eve lived 6,000 years ago. The church age has been 2,000 years. The 1000 year reign of Christ will be one thousand years an it will be the sabbath where man will rest from his works. The Bible has many layers of meaning. The Rabbi say up to 100 layers of meaning. Every day in almost every post we talk about the RULES of Bible interpretation and I continue to be amazed at the people that want to break the rules. 2 Peter 1:20a "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.".

Interesting that the very first thing we teach our sunday school students when they are about a year old is about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. So you not believe the evidence that Jericho is a real city with history? I studied ancient history in HIgh School and the teacher was a holocaust survivor. I can assure you he took things very serious and I am very grateful for what archeology and history teach us about the Bible. We need math, we need science, we need religion and we need history. IF you want to disregard science and history then you simply are NOT going to know the Bible as well. You are going to restrict and hinder your growth.
At this point I would usually assume that someone has some sort of mental incapacity like dementia or something similar but I’ve been around people who had these kinds of handicaps and they lack the ability to use lexicons and translate Hebrew words because they can’t keep their train of thought long enough to use them and post their findings in a forum. So I can only conclude that this is intentional and willful.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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At this point I would usually assume that someone has some sort of mental incapacity like dementia
Maybe, the doctors said something about heart failure and lung failure, but I do not remember them saying anything about brain failure. In fact they did have a psychologist examine me and I do not have any sort of hormone problem so from that perspective there is nothing wrong. Maybe God has a sense of humor that he would give all this knowledge and experience to someone with dementia. Although most likely you are breaking the rules to flame me, but I well play along with your game. Even the guy giving me messages telling me he is Elon Musk. I play along with him to see just what sort of scam he is trying to pull.
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Evolution requires an earth that is billions of years old. I recently saw a video of landslips and erosion that occur simply from wave action. That's before we get into earthquakes and volcanoes. Throw in tidal action, destructive storms, tsunamis and other extreme weather events, it's hard to imagine how the earth can be so old. Cliffs are collapsing into the sea in many places, including near where I live. I don't believe that the earth is 6,000 years old as I subscribe to the pre-Adamic theory. However, the earth in its present form is a result of Noah's flood, not billions of years of existence.
No one knows how old the earth is and the people saying it’s 4.5 billion years old don’t know either. It’s based on assumptions. I don’t believe it’s only 6,000 years old though
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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A year old? You teach children that can’t even speak about the battle of Jericho? Surely you can’t possibly expect anyone to actually believe this.
I have taken four teacher training classes at the Bible college. There are lots of videos on You Tube about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. I remember when my son was one year old. The first time we took him to Sunday school. The church I was attending did not watch infants under one year of age. They had a room with a window and the parent had to stay with their child but they could see the sermon and sanctuary through the window. I remember the day very well because I had an issue with one of the ushers that day. My son is 26 now so that was 25 years ago. My other son is 46 so their is 20 difference in their age. He was 3 years old when I was saved so I have been a christian for 43. Of course dementia effects short term memory, not long term.

Of course the walls of Jericho are still there today.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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No one knows how old the earth is and the people saying it’s 4.5 billion years old don’t know either. It’s based on assumptions. I don’t believe it’s only 6,000 years old though
Being able to determine time took place on the fourth day. We are told the Earth is 4.543 billion years old. Interesting that it was not until the fourth day that we even have a way to determine what a day is. Do people think light existed before God said: Let there be light?

Genesis 1 14And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years. 15And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.

16God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well.

17God set these lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth, 18to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

19And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day

According to science a star had to go live and die to create the elements that the Bible calls Dust. We are told in Genesis 2:7 "Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Where do people think the "dust" came from? According to science (PBS Cosmos) this is star stuff or star dust.

Something has to die before we can live.

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If it's possible in the future in regard to replies to me, could you not put them in multiple posts? It makes it tedious for me to respond to everything as I have to continuously quote different posts versus just one post and break that up. If not, I get it, but thought I'd ask.

Jesus emphasized the importance of discernment and warned against clinging rigidly to traditions that may hinder understanding or growth. In this case traditions hinder people from learning what God is using Science to show us. I consider science and religion to be our left and our right hand. They need to work together, Of course people have different ideas about what religion is. I am talking about pure religion and pure science.
This is an example of you twisting something in scripture out of context to force it to agree with what you want to believe about reality for whatever reason, in this case because science through scientists, said something about reality. You speak of "traditions" without allowing for what you understand to be "traditional" to also encapsulate the musings of man about reality. Evolution, Big Bang, Millions and Billions of Years, Uniformitarianism, etc. have all been around for over 200+ years now and have embedded themselves in all facets of our society in regards to anything science related whether that be science fiction or science reality. If that's not "tradition" then I don't know what is. Yet you only seem to want to direct this accusation at "traditions" you seem to disagree with, making this entire argument either one made from cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy despite my disagreement with it.

With that said, any biblical warning about discernment or encouragement to be discerning when placed in the context of the entirety of the Bible would tell the astute believer that said discernment should be leveled at anything that would challenge what we know of God by way of the Bible. As in we should discern wrong teaching, evil spirits, deception, attempts to confuse, divide, etc. anything that goes against the guide we've been given. Hence, the whole idea that we should toss out what we already knew and embraced of Genesis, yes despite what some Old Earthers try to say about YEC being some new thing, in favor of man's modern, ever changing thoughts on reality should be greatly discerned with favoritism toward the guide that we've been given instead of favoritism toward those that don't believe in that guide (the Bible) or those who believe in changing it to make it fit current trendy beliefs.

Science is quite limited contrary to popular belief in the general populace and, yes unfortunately among some actual scientists. It can only tell us information based on empirical observation unless you get into philosophy, but even so, that is limited to human imagination (thought) and again experience (empiricism). If there are miraculous elements to reality, and as a believer and from what I've seen you post here, you believe there is (God, Miracles, etc.) then we cannot in good conscience sit here and claim on any given day that science is equal to what God has told us. Especially if/when it goes against what God has told us. Yet, that is what you seem to be attempting to do and want to "chastise" other believers for not falling in place and agreeing with you.

Adam and eve lived 6,000 years ago. The church age has been 2,000 years. The 1000 year reign of Christ will be one thousand years an it will be the sabbath where man will rest from his works. The Bible has many layers of meaning. The Rabbi say up to 100 layers of meaning. Every day in almost every post we talk about the RULES of Bible interpretation and I continue to be amazed at the people that want to break the rules. 2 Peter 1:20a "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.".
We've already been through this. I don't agree with the "100 layers of meaning" stuff. I don't believe we need to look for esoteric (hidden) knowledge within the Bible when the vast majority of it is at face value. Doing that is what overly complicates things. Yes, we could make an argument for what at that time then culture of the author may have believed about this or that or what idioms at that time mean, historical context, etc. to grasp a better understanding of something written in a time far removed from us. But that's not really "hidden knowledge" or "reading in between the lines" or whatever.

You mentioned going to Bible college. I have to wonder if you were taught proper biblical hermeneutics, because proper biblical hermeneutics would tell you that you find meaning within the text based on sentence context, then paragraph context, then chapter context, then book context, then whole bible context, and these last three can be thrown in at any order, then historical-cultural context, then linguistic (original/ancient language) context, which returns you back to sentence > paragraph > chapter > book context, and finally then author intent. Understanding scripture is not based on some hidden meanings in alphabets, between-the-lines, redefining words out of context, or whatever musings of some biblical teacher or another who fails to practice proper hermeneutics no matter if they're a Rabbi or not.

Interesting that the very first thing we teach our sunday school students when they are about a year old is about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. So you not believe the evidence that Jericho is a real city with history? I studied ancient history in HIgh School and the teacher was a holocaust survivor. I can assure you he took things very serious and I am very grateful for what archeology and history teach us about the Bible. We need math, we need science, we need religion and we need history. IF you want to disregard science and history then you simply are NOT going to know the Bible as well. You are going to restrict and hinder your growth.
I get from this that you think I'm anti-Science or anti-actual-Evidence or anti-History, etc.. I've never said any of that. I said specifically that I do not value the musings of man about reality over what God has written down (by way of a human author) in the text. I'm against taking the text out of context in favor of trying to force the text to match up with modern musings of man about reality. That simple.

Of course, I believe Jericho is a real city and of course I read about discoveries in biblical archaeology, but guess what, even though many biblical archaeologists mean well, they are simply looking at evidence after the fact and cannot get the entire picture because none of us were actually there. So, guess what that means? One, we take what they say on faith that they are well-meaning, have done the work properly, etc. Two, many will have multiple ideas of how to try to find something with explanatory power to explain what happen in the Bible or to provide evidence for it.

But what does the Bible tell us about faith?
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1, ESV). It's disturbing that primarily Western Christians or Christians exposed to the attacks of non-believers who have hijacked and used science to attack the Bible have fallen into the trap of thinking that they can only believe the Bible by way of evidentiary support. And no, I'm not saying that evidence for our Faith is worthless or that we shouldn't value that. I'm saying that it shouldn't be the crème de le crème for our belief when as I've alluded to above, the musings of men about things can and will change. Many biblical archeological discoveries of yesteryear, some that many would consider sensational, have been debunked. Unfortunately, many believers may have placed the strength of their faith in God on some of those musings and were devastated. Same with YEC musings. Even now, some of the YEC scientists, philosophers, teachers, etc. have former teachings that they discourage because further information and musings of men have debunked them. I hope this helps you get the point.

Evidence is a good commentary and support for our faith, but is not the evidence the Bible tells us to focus on. The Bible tells us to focus on the evidence given to us within it to support it. Again, this isn't a position where I'm saying to ignore science, ignore history, ignore philosophy, ignore archeology, ignore witness testimony, etc. because I don't. I use these as explanatory power for some difficult things in the Bible and when conversing with people questioning whether the Bible is real, etc. Instead, I'm pointing out the fact that God gave us the 66 books of the Bible as evidence for His existence and His plan for reconciliation. He did not give us "science." That is a human invention. It should never be placed on equal standing.

Back when we had dictionaries we saw that a word had MORE THAN one meaning. As I said a day can mean a 24 hour day, it can mean 1,000 years and in one situation, like looking at the age of the Universe, a day can be 6 billion years. Gerald Schroeder talks about this and he has a PhD from MIT. He has also written quite a few popular books about science and the Bible. Of course he is Hebrew so his perspective maybe a little different from the Christian perspective. But we have to remember where we get our Bible from and who God's Chosen people are.

I feel that you are very enamored with those of Jewish descent (Rabbis, Scientists, etc.) and seem to value what they believe over others. If I'm incorrect in this conclusion, please forgive me, but you've constantly brought up Rabbis and now Mr. Schroeder as if that will somehow deter me and my own education, investigation, and studies of this issue.

I also feel that you consistently don't take into account things already said in our conversation. I've consistently said that I am not impressed by people of letters (degrees, PhDs, etc.) and higher education. Furthermore, people who work in the realm of science just like people who work elsewhere do not always agree on conclusions. You may value Mr. Schroeder's material, but I can just as very easily give you well educated and very experienced individuals to include Hebraists and Scientists who disagree with any interpretive argument you want to give me from someone in a position you consider authoritative. Then all this will turn into is us slinging sources and authoritative figures at each other rather than us talking amongst each other on the basis of what we know, see in the text, etc.

Edited: Split up after editing to try my best to clarify some thoughts I felt were convoluted and going beyond the character limit.
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Aug 16, 2018
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I took many years and looked at a lot of evidence before I came to the conclusion I have now. We do not really enter in until we have studied the Bible for at least 40 years. I do not think anyone is qualified to even be an elder in the church until they have been a Christian for 40 years. They talk about this in Kabballah also. They say 40 years of age but nothing special happened to me when I was 40. It was not until I had been a Christian for 40 years that I entered into a deeper level of understanding. Now I am 72 and I really should not be alive. There is a reason why God is keeping me alive and I need to be faithful to Him and His calling on me and my life. To deliver the message He wants me to deliver. God watches over every word I speak and I am accountable to Him. So I really don't much care what people think about it. We are here to bring praise, honor and glory to God and to serve Him at all times in all ways.

You do realize that the Kabballah is Jewish Mysticism, right? An Esoteric belief system? A system of thought and.....traditions....not ordained by God or canonized in even the Jewish Bible?

Also, I tried to access Gerald Schroeder's link, but I'm currently at work and it's usually when I come on this site when I have down time and for some reason they are blocking his link. So, I can't really read anything there and interact with it. Sorry.

As far as everything else you say here, my friendly advice is to make sure you are actually doing, teaching, etc. what God wants and not teaching what you think or want to believe God wants you to teach. My problem with a lot of what you've said in our conversation is much of it does not stim from the actual Bible and comes from what humans have said about things. Pray on that. No matter how older we get we can also be subject to deception if we are not vigilant.

Interesting the poster mentioned solar day which wasn't even around in the beginning. Yet people apply the solar day to every day in the creation account. The heavens certainly have days in which solar days reside in like the milky way galaxy. In the day God created heavens and earth is still expanding and He's still creating.
I'm sure you've likely heard this before but in Genesis 1 a day is properly defined by qualifiers (evening, morning). Yes, even before the 4th day as Diamond7 brings up below. Thus in context, a day in Genesis 1 cannot be misinterpreted as some indefinite period of time.

Aside from this, when I mentioned a solar day, I said it in this context:
"Even from this, many physicists would say that there is uniformity throughout the universe in time in certain measurements. Whether or not these measurements changed in the past or would in the future, has been and is up for debate. However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context? No, it doesn't."

You seem to be taking what I said out of context.

Yes that is a very good point. Time from OUR perspective began on the fourth day. The Bible calendar is very different from the one we use today.

The Fourth Day

14And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years. 15And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.

Scholars long believed that the day began at sunset, according to "Jewish" tradition. "Jewish" people begin their religious holidays in the evening,1 and the biblical text mandates that the two most important religious feasts, the Passover2 and the Day of Atonement,3 begin at sunset. However, in recent years, many scholars have begun to favor a different view: the day begins in the morning at sunrise.
Again, Genesis 1:5 defines a day with qualifiers (evening, morning) in it's literary and linguistic context. The rest of Genesis 1 goes on to overemphasize this by consistently adding those qualifiers (evening, morning) to the narrative. The Hebrew word "ereb" here means simply evening or night. The word for day is boqer, which means, "morning, dawn, or the breaking through of day light." Neither of these based on their Hebrew definitions and context can be translated as "end of age, beginning of age, indefinite periods of time, long epochs, etc." This is not figurative or poetic language in Genesis 1 and anywhere else "day" is used in the Pentateuch in this fashion, it is understood and embraced as normal time within its context.

Moses did in fact use the other Hebrew words elsewhere that meant long periods of time, indefinite periods of time, and abstract periods of time in places like Genesis 1:4 (moed), Genesis 6:3 (olam), Genesis 9:12 (olam dor), Leviticus 24:2 (tamid) to name a few. Why didn't God have Moses use anyone of these words that meant long epochs of time in Genesis 1 if that was the intended meaning of the narrative? Even outside of the fact there are Hebrew words that would better work, why didn't God have Moses use the plural form of "day" (yamim) rather than the singular form in those passages alongside "evening and morning" to better indicate a vast age of creating? Why did God specifically have Moses use the words that He did if, in reality, he took vast ages to create everything rather than what the text clearly says?

Nice back flip you did. We listen to the Holy Spirit for ourselves. I spend 50 years to read, study, pray and seek after God. Then people come along with five minutes worth of effort and they think they know more than what took me 50 years to learn. Anyone can give their testimony but I would be very careful of the doctrine of people who have not been a Christian for 40 years. People can believe whatever they want to believe. Whatever they believe has no impact on us that are lead by the Holy Spirit of God. If they get it right or wrong, God well deal with them. God would not go to the extent He goes to keep me alive if He did not have a reason, plan and purpose for me. Even He tells me if I would live right, He would not need to revive me and He takes no delight in having to rescue me from my own ignorance.
#1) First, you don't know how long anyone else here has been a Christian and a student of the Bible and everything around it.
#2) Second, I didn't do any "back flips" and what I said still stands. Throughout my life I've heard a lot of people say, "God told me" or 'The Spirit Told me" or some version of it and when put against the rulebook of the Bible, things start to fall apart. This doesn't mean we don't listen to the Holy Spirit, it's pointing out that God gave us a guidebook by which to know Him and anything that veers from that should be first, severely scrutinized according to it and second, after scrutinized cast out as anti-Biblical.
#3) Third, again, this is the second time you've brought up your belief that God has kept you alive for a purpose. I'm happy that you feel blessed and given purpose by our Lord, but I'd encourage you to revisit this idea you have because if you think God's purpose is to reteach something that's already been known because humans have came along with their own ideas, then I'm going to point you back to #2.

Edited: To clarify some thoughts. Split up after editing and going beyond the character limit.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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I have taken four teacher training classes at the Bible college. There are lots of videos on You Tube about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. I remember when my son was one year old. The first time we took him to Sunday school. The church I was attending did not watch infants under one year of age. They had a room with a window and the parent had to stay with their child but they could see the sermon and sanctuary through the window. I remember the day very well because I had an issue with one of the ushers that day. My son is 26 now so that was 25 years ago. My other son is 46 so their is 20 difference in their age. He was 3 years old when I was saved so I have been a christian for 43. Of course dementia effects short term memory, not long term.

Of course the walls of Jericho are still there today.
View attachment 344466
Not a single child in that video was under the age of 5 years old, hence the running and singing. One year olds can’t do any of that. You might as well be teaching nuclear physics to a one year old because they can’t comprehend a single word you’re saying except maybe mama, dada, or no.
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He’s a Way of life
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I'm sure you've likely heard this before but in Genesis 1 a day is properly defined by qualifiers (evening, morning). Yes, even before the 4th day as Diamond7 brings up below. Thus in context, a day in Genesis 1 cannot be misinterpreted as some indefinite period of time.

Aside from this, when I mentioned a solar day, I said it in this context:
"Even from this, many physicists would say that there is uniformity throughout the universe in time in certain measurements. Whether or not these measurements changed in the past or would in the future, has been and is up for debate. However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context? No, it doesn't."
From what I’ve seen in my own personal studies the only time the word “day” is translated in reference to an unspecified amount of time like an age or an era it is always translated from the word Beyovm not Yom or Yovm. That’s because the Hebrews used the word day the same way we use it today and Beyovm means “in the day”. People mistake the usage of the word because they read Strong’s Concordance in which he didn’t differentiate between the different usages of Yom. So they thing that can choose any of the definitions given in Strong’s Concordance and apply it however they see fit. I’ve pointed this out several times here on CF and all someone has to do is do a Bible search for all the verses that contain the word “day” in the Old Testament and check which usage of the word is being used on You never see Yom or Yovm used in reference to an age or an era and you never see Beyovm used in reference to a 24 hour day.
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From what I’ve seen in my own personal studies the only time the word “day” is translated in reference to an unspecified amount of time like an age or an era it is always translated from the word Beyovm not Yom or Yovm. That’s because the Hebrews used the word day the same way we use it today and Beyovm means “in the day”. People mistake the usage of the word because they read Strong’s Concordance in which he didn’t differentiate between the different usages of Yom. So they thing that can choose any of the definitions given in Strong’s Concordance and apply it however they see fit. I’ve pointed this out several times here on CF and all someone has to do is do a Bible search for all the verses that contain the word “day” in the Old Testament and check which usage of the word is being used on You never see Yom or Yovm used in reference to an age or an era and you never see Beyovm used in reference to a 24 hour day.
Yes. It's interesting because we don't do this in our own language as I've said in earlier posts. When we use the word "day" or "days" in a way that doesn't mean a 24-hour period, we have context around it to indicate that's what we're doing. "Back in my day we used to do things differently," or "In those days we did things differently," or "There was a day and time we did things differently," etc. Yet, oddly because this is an ancient language in the Bible, people seem to think they can ignore basic linguistics, grammar, sentence structure, etc. to get it to say what they want because, as you said, they can pull it up in a Strong's concordance, which is pretty much a dictionary, and just be wild and loose with their definitions. Again, when we don't do that with an English dictionary and know that a word with multiple meanings only means something in its contextual usage.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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You do realize that the Kabballah is Jewish Mysticism, right? An Esoteric belief system? A system of thought and.....traditions....not ordained by God or canonized in even the Jewish Bible?

Also, I tried to access Gerald Schroeder's link, but I'm currently at work and it's usually when I come on this site when I have down time and for some reason they are blocking his link. So, I can't really read anything there and interact with it. Sorry.

As far as everything else you say here, my friendly advice is to make sure you are actually doing, teaching, etc. what God wants and not teaching what you think or want to believe God wants you to teach. My problem with a lot of what you've said in our conversation is much of it does not stim from the actual Bible and comes from what humans have said about things. Pray on that. No matter how older we get we can also be subject to deception if we are not vigilant.

I'm sure you've likely heard this before but in Genesis 1 a day is properly defined by qualifiers (evening, morning). Yes, even before the 4th day as Diamond7 brings up below. Thus in context, a day in Genesis 1 cannot be misinterpreted as some indefinite period of time.

Aside from this, when I mentioned a solar day, I said it in this context:
"Even from this, many physicists would say that there is uniformity throughout the universe in time in certain measurements. Whether or not these measurements changed in the past or would in the future, has been and is up for debate. However, does that negate the fact that we know a day to mean 24 hours when measured in its proper context (solar day) or when linguistically used in this context? No, it doesn't."

You seem to be taking what I said out of context.

Again, Genesis 1:5 defines a day with qualifiers (evening, morning) in it's literary and linguistic context. The rest of Genesis 1 goes on to overemphasize this by consistently adding those qualifiers (evening, morning) to the narrative. The Hebrew word "ereb" here means simply evening or night. The word for day is boqer, which means, "morning, dawn, or the breaking through of day light." Neither of these based on their Hebrew definitions and context can be translated as "end of age, beginning of age, indefinite periods of time, long epochs, etc." This is not figurative or poetic language in Genesis 1 and anywhere else "day" is used in the Pentateuch in this fashion, it is understood and embraced as normal time within its context.

Moses did in fact use the other Hebrew words elsewhere that meant long periods of time, indefinite periods of time, and abstract periods of time in places like Genesis 1:4 (moed), Genesis 6:3 (olam), Genesis 9:12 (olam dor), Leviticus 24:2 (tamid) to name a few. Why didn't God have Moses use anyone of these words that meant long epochs of time in Genesis 1 if that was the intended meaning of the narrative? Even outside of the fact there are Hebrew words that would better work, why didn't God have Moses use the plural form of "day" (yamim) rather than the singular form in those passages alongside "evening and morning" to better indicate a vast age of creating? Why did God specifically have Moses use the words that He did if, in reality, he took vast ages to create everything rather than what the text clearly says?

#1) First, you don't know how long anyone else here has been a Christian and a student of the Bible and everything around it.
#2) Second, I didn't do any "back flips" and what I said still stands. Throughout my life I've heard a lot of people say, "God told me" or 'The Spirit Told me" or some version of it and when put against the rulebook of the Bible, things start to fall apart. This doesn't mean we don't listen to the Holy Spirit, it's pointing out that God gave us a guidebook by which to know Him and anything that veers from that should be first, severely scrutinized according to it and second, after scrutinized cast out as anti-Biblical.
#3) Third, again, this is the second time you've brought up your belief that God has kept you alive for a purpose. I'm happy that you feel blessed and given purpose by our Lord, but I'd encourage you to revisit this idea you have because if you think God's purpose is to reteach something that's already been known because humans have came along with their own ideas, then I'm going to point you back to #2.

Edited: To clarify some thoughts. Split up after editing and going beyond the character limit.
Amen the Holy Spirit is not going to bless anyone with a revelation that is contradictory to the scriptures that He Himself inspired the authors to write.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Yes. It's interesting because we don't do this in our own language as I've said in earlier posts. When we use the word "day" or "days" in a way that doesn't mean a 24-hour period, we have context around it to indicate that's what we're doing. "Back in my day we used to do things differently," or "In those days we did things differently," or "There was a day and time we did things differently," etc. Yet, oddly because this is an ancient language in the Bible, people seem to think they can ignore basic linguistics, grammar, sentence structure, etc. to get it to say what they want because, as you said, they can pull it up in a Strong's concordance, which is pretty much a dictionary, and just be wild and loose with their definitions. Again, when we don't do that with an English dictionary and know that a word with multiple meanings only means something in its contextual usage.
Yeah and no one ever used the word day as an age or an era with a number value associated to it. Like the first day, or the second day, that is never used in reference to anything other than a 24 hour period. I honestly think it’s Strong’s Concordance that has caused this confusion and misuse of the word.
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Aug 16, 2018
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Yeah and no one ever used the word day as an age or an era with a number value associated to it. Like the first day, or the second day, that is never used in reference to anything other than a 24 hour period. I honestly think it’s Strong’s Concordance that has caused this confusion and misuse of the word.
That also, first day, second day, etc. Good point.
Strong's may be at fault for the average person, but believe that there are others who try to get deep into the Hebrew and still try to twist it with mental gymnastics.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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Not a single child in that video was under the age of 5 years old,
Are you calling me a liar, because maybe you are the one that is guilty of what you accuse others. You and me have been over the scriptures for this many times and you continue to accuse your brothers. Perhaps you need to answer James question: "Who are you to judge"?

James 4:11-12 (NIV):

"Do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?"
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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Are you calling me a liar, because maybe you are the one that is guilty of what you accuse others.
You have no idea what Jesus is saying in Matthew 7. I’d explain it again but it would only be a waste of time, again.
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YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
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It’s based on assumptions.
It is based on evidence that is subject to interpretation. Usually tree rings are ice core layers are considered to represent a year in time. Ice core samples go back 750 million years and tell us a lot about the earths atmosphere for all of those years. We know at the time of the dinosaurs the atmosphere was a lot more humid. They only species to survive are turtles and alligators and they still require very wet conditions. They also live a long life and get very big over time.

In Genesis 7:11 we read about how "the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.". Although I beleive Noah's flood was more of a shadow and type of the flood that took place at the time of Pandeva.

Leatherback sea turtles are the largest turtles on earth, growing to upwards of 7 feet in length and one ton in weight. The largest leatherback ever recorded was just shy of 10 feet long and weighed more than 2,000 pounds
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
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It is based on evidence that is subject to interpretation. Usually tree rings are ice core layers are considered to represent a year in time. Ice core samples go back 750 million years and tell us a lot about the earths atmosphere for all of those years. We know at the time of the dinosaurs the atmosphere was a lot more humid. They only species to survive are turtles and alligators and they still require very wet conditions. They also live a long life and get very big over time.

In Genesis 7:11 we read about how "the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.". Although I beleive Noah's flood was more of a shadow and type of the flood that took place at the time of Pandeva.

Leatherback sea turtles are the largest turtles on earth, growing to upwards of 7 feet in length and one ton in weight. The largest leatherback ever recorded was just shy of 10 feet long and weighed more than 2,000 pounds
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


YEC, OEC, GAP, TE - Dispensationalist.
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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You do realize that the Kabballah is Jewish Mysticism, right?
I should have made myself more clear that the Rabbi (usually on YouTube) are Hasidic or Conservative Judaism. They do have beliefs that differ from what we believe as a Christian. But if we want to learn from them they are willing to teach us. Also some people believe that during a 7 year tribulation period they will be God's witness and testimony on the Earth. (144,000)

In Bible school learn we the meaning of a word by context and the way that word is used. IN Hebrew we go far beyond that. The letters are more then phonics. Each letter has a meaning. We can better understand a word by looking at the meaning of the letters in that word.

Rev 7

4And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel:

5From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,

from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,

from the tribe of Gad 12,000,

6from the tribe of Asher 12,000,

from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,

from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,

7from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,

from the tribe of Levi 12,000,

from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,

8from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,

from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,

and from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.
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