Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

I’ve already explained this. If blacks are committing more crimes than other races then more blacks will have a criminal record than other races which will result in longer sentences than other races.
You've already been given evidence, and links to it, that shows that when taking that into consideration there is still a disparity in sentencing. You asked for evidence. When it is given it is somewhat churlish to then ignore it.
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Israel-Hamas Thread II

That’s not at all accurate according to the new report that shows less women and children have died then the Gaza Health Ministry reported which is controlled by Hamas. Think about it same group that is hiding in their tunnels are feeding you these images from past wars and body counts. Luckily today we know that Hamas numbers of the amount of children and women was fabricated. (Article below)

Not to mention many of Hamas members that are killed are listed in the civilian casualties figures (Hamas doesn’t even deny this).

Sorry, CNN is less credible than 'the onion'. Basically with all the schools and camps and hospitals and aid workers and cities that Israel has viciously and mercilessly attacked, there is no longer any possible debate on the matter. They are terrorists and mass murderers and do not have the love of God in them as Jesus said. The wrath of God is coming.
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Israel-Hamas Thread II

So does Israel

It is Israel they need rescuing from. I suspect God has the cavalry coming soon
Today Gaza children are taught this at home, place of worship, their school and even by their own government. Palestinian children are being taught to hate and kill. Yet the only thing you usually focus on is the aftermath where that hate leads at the end of the road.

You must stand against the radicalization of the children of Gaza first. In Gaza children don’t have a real childhood nor a proper education. In Israel on the other hand there are protections in place so children can be children. Israelis are not perfect and there is plenty of room for improvement. But to say this is on Israel is dishonest.

Jesus was a Jew that was sent to the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24), the Bible is Jewish, the apostles were Jews, Christianity is a Jewish religion so if anyone doesn’t like Israel well you put it together as salvation came through Israel (John 4:22 first promised in Gen 12:2-3).

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Public libraries - Conservatives team with politicians to remove books & board members

The particular agenda is to simply protect children from porn (written or graphic drawings). No one is censoring the book. If you want your kid to read sexual material, you can buy it anywhere.
The argument seems to be 'Take this book put of the library because I don't trust my kids to do as they are told'. Have I got that right?
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Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

The Bible says: "And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.b" In this case "darkness was over the surface of the deep" With black holes we see a event horizon when light is able to excape due to less gravity. Newton thought gravity was an attractive force and he had a formula so his theory was considered to be true. For Einstein he believed gravity was a push. In general relativity, gravity is not a force but rather a curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. I just find it interesting that the horizon is the beginning or end of the day.
I would not get too focused on black holes and space because the whole shebang is going to vanish in a single day soon. (after the thousand year reign of Jesus on earth after He returns here) I would not even be too concerned with gravity because we will not be bound by gravity soon either.
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Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

Global government will indeed happen .... don't know when ... but it will happen ... and the bible also prophecies state there will be a unification of church and state at some point as well. It will be a great deceptive.

Revelation 13:3

And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.

Not one religion per se ... but a religious power that accepts all religions and that will be the papacy ... everyone will begin to unite under "the common good" which is humanism and Polytheism (already happening) ... there will be a small remnant that will refuse and they will be persecuted ... at some point satan will even fake the 2nd coming of Jesus and show signs and wonders and will deceive MANY, people will actually think it is Jesus. No ... when Jesus returns ... judgement has already taken place and the 1st resurrection will happen ... He does not rule on earth as some people teach.

Things that are not biblical and/or mis understanding of prophecy that people will cause people to be deceived ...

Fake resurrection ... demons will take on the appearance of past loved ones. (this will even convince atheists)**
The fake "jesus" ... will be a soft spoken and have a beautiful appearance ... appear as a angel of light

The deception thinking jesus will reign on earth people will worship this false jesus.

The two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness

** immortality of the soul lays the foundation of spiritualism (belief that departed souls can interact with the living) ... bible does not teach this ... people will be deceived.

The fourth commandment has not changed. Many if not most christians worship on the 1st day of the week instead of the 7th day sabbath. False doctrines propagated by satan (through the papacy) have successfully lead many to dismiss it ... even the papacy itself states the truth about the matter regarding the 7th day Sabbath

  • Q. Which is the Sabbath day?
    A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.
    Q. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
    A. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."
    [ The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, 1951 printing, page 50. ]

Changed modified other of Gods laws as well.

View attachment 349523

Don't be fooled by flowery words and philosophies ... the catholic belief is combined with tradition ... take heed to what Jesus said about mans traditions. Rome don't change ....

Jesus says that in history past they rejected the commandments of God so that they might keep their own tradition (Mark 7:9). He also said their traditions destroyed the effect of God's Word (Mark 7:13).

Ecclesiastes 1:9
Berean Standard Bible
What has been will be again, and what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

God is calling his people out of the apostate churches, catholic as well as the protestant ones.

Revelation 18 BSB

Babylon is falling and soon will indeed fall completely ... take heed .... know your bible .... study these things for yourself.

The 1st day is being kept our of ignorance .... it was carried over from when people came to America to flee persecution (by the church) and it had not yet been revealed/discovered by them of their error ... and this error has been being and is being ignorantly practiced.

Jesus was/is God .... Jesus kept the Sabbath .... not because He was a Jew ... but because He was God in the flesh and can not break His own law. We are called to walk as He walked ... and that walk includes remembering and keeping the 7th day Sabbath holy (set apart from all other days)

Being under the grace of God does not eliminate His law ... His law was so important Jesus died for it.

Revelation 12:17

So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went off to wage war on the rest of her children (seed), those who keep and obey the commandments of God and have the testimony (understand prophecy) of Jesus [holding firmly to it and bearing witness to Him].

Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The people who receive this spirit of prophecy in this verse are “the brethren,” which is a term Revelation later uses for prophets (Rev. 22:9). In other words, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy given to the prophets. (understanding it)

Apologize for the long post ... anyway please please please prayerfully study out these things for yourself.
Why then the “fear” of a single World Government if it hastens the Parousia?
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Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

If that's what you want you hope of salvation on, go for it.
No one said that reading His record of the future or the past saves us. Yet much of what He says to man involves those things. It is the creator that died for us and saves us. Knowing God means knowing He is the creator. If some people preached evolution as the way man got here, but also claimed to be preaching 'salvation' they would be liars. Jesus was not just a man or a wise man, He is God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. We should know who we believe in and who we come to. We are not coming to some benign spirit that oversaw the evolution of man. We come to God

He created. Stipulated.
What does that mean?
Interest? Of course. Is that where we find out hope for eternal life? No.
Knowing that He is God and His Way (Jesus) He provided for salvation gives us hope. Looking to the future also gives us hope.
The gospel isn't in the Old Testament.
The good news that God was sending Jesus into the world one day is in the old testament. They were saved by believing that He would come and we are saved by believing He did come. Same God.
He came unto His own (who knew the OT forward and backward) and His own received Him not.
The ones who did receive Him also knew the Scripture. So it was not knowing Scripture that resulted in many not receiving Him.
But they knew all about Adam and Eve, and the Creation. And hollered "Crucify Him" when the time came.
Mary and Joseph and Zechariah and John the Baptist etc also knew about Adam and Eve. That did not make them yell crucify Him
Chuck it out? The OT? Nope. I'm a History geek.
His word is living and full of lessons and promises and communication from God for us. Not just history.
The NT? The's the Testament of our Risen Lord, the Author and finisher of our Faith. It's the Gospels, and the miracles of the Church. It's The Bible from a Christian standpoint.
The old testament also told how He would die and rise again. There were miracles there also. Hundreds of prophesies about Jesus.
The OT is interesting. The NT is the Center of the Universe. Some folks don't seem to understand the difference.
The same God wrote it all (using men) that is all we need to understand.
Nice try, homeboy. I'll give you one like it. Your lot want to have nothing but historical trivia that challenges no one, and saves no one.
What an absurd false accusation. The lessons and examples in the old testament are for our benefit. Not 'trivia'
You want "Bible stories" that you can built irrelevant doctrines on, nattering on about whether we ought to eat prawns and pork chops, or how long God took to create the universe. Serious stuff, oh yeah.
He gave us the many stories in the bible old and net testaments. He did not consider them irrelevant doctrines.
Even the Pharisees. Do tell! Anything we ought to concern ourselves with? Or is knowing the 10 Commandments the main thing?
If we know God we know He created us. That God. The One that came into the world to save us. Knowing that God means we cannot be deceived by doctrines of devils like evolution. Knowing Jesus is God adds to us wanting to be saved, it does not take away.
Wait, what about oysters? Can have them if they're fried?
Dietary laws for Jews of old are not any concern.
What people would those be? Any here present? If so, who?
Anyone that does not believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth and man.
Ifthey came up frm worms, it's because God decreed it so.
Even allowing for that possibility shows direct rebellion against God.
Oh, but God couldn't have done that,because the OT tells us each and every step God took in the creation, in the very minutest detail.
No he did not make us from worms, sorry. Yes the old testament gives the record of actual beginnings.
And mostly because God couldn't have done that!
Right, He cannot lie! He said how it was done.
Your lot really like laying down rules for things that God just couldn't have done. You have nothing to back it up, of course, but you just know, right?
He told us what He did. There is no need to fantasize about how He could have done it another way. None at all. Pretending He is weak because He did it the way He said He did it is insulting Him and His word.
And in fact, you actually know nothing about either subject. Better hope that's not what your salvation is riding on.
No more than your salvation rides on a worm.
Show me the "24 hour" references.
Show us where there is no morning and evening mentioned?
Y'all seem to set more store by the prediction of what our Lord would do than His actually doing it. So did they, which is why they yelled "Crucify Him!"
He taught us that He fulfilled the Scripture. There is plenty more to come! There is more about the next coming than the first one! And both are well prophesied in the old testament as well.
I'm gonna go eat some fried oysters.
Not sure why you feel a need to post your supper menu on a discussion forum.
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Free will and determinism

I don't need to dismantle your argument if you're not going to present a compelling reason to accept its premises.
The premise is that all events have a cause. If you don't accept it, then you need to give a reason. If you don't then there's nothing for you to discuss.
My comment implies no such thing, I may assume there is a cause but that doesn't constitute knowledge. If I can't identify a cause, it very well may not exist. It's ambiguous. Maybe you could tell me how I might distinguish between an effect without a cause, and an effect without an identifiable cause to remove the ambiguity? How would they appear different to me?
Why you need an example is beyond me. But...if you see me throwing a brick through a window then you know what caused the window to break. If you didn't see me do it then you have no identifiable cause. But the fact that you have no idea what it was doesn't lead to the ridiculous 'Well, there can't have been a cause'.

If something happens and you don't know why, it's stretching my patience with this conversation very thinly indeed to suggest that it happened for absolutely no reason at all. Please tell me that that is not the point you are making. Because 'If I can't identify a cause, it very well may not exist.' sounds an awful lot like it to me.
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Side Hustle Central

I've had some thoughts for awhile about trying to sell some artwork I've made. The difficulty is that there are so many others selling hand made items and art. I'm considering trying to offer some unique hand painted jewellery. I'm looking at a very small scale venture. Something that allows me to continue to make things as my hobby and also provide me with a little extra cash.
Yeah. I used to do art and it's heavily saturated.
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The common thread in Trump's defenders

I am still trying to find out what Law Trump Broke

Whoever did his finances, used a pul down menu on the software they were using, and picked the one which said expense paid to his lawyer for his lawyers work.

1. Thats what it was
2. There is no proof trump did this, and not someone else
3. its not a crime, it actually fit exactly what trump paid the liar who again lied on stand, to do.

so again

Why is clinton ok with doing it, But trump a whole different standard.
Going to the appeals court with
Our ledger software didn’t include a drop-down that included ‘repayment of illegal campaign contribution’,
would likely make the Judges’ day, right there.
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Pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University confront Jews ‘to push them out of camp’

Jews have no right to establish the State of Israel in Palestine. It is a privilege, not a right, granted to them by the Western powers that overthrew the Ottoman Empire.
What are you talking about, the Jews have occupied that land for nearly 3,500 years. Palestine was not even a people up until the 20th century. If anything the League of Nations and allies created Palestine.

Otherwise where do the people of Isreal live, where do they have their nation like the Palestinians want. Or do you support the idea "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" and just create a State of Palestine while eliminating Isreal as a destinct people. Probably the most destinct people in history.
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Israel-Hamas Thread II

Israel has never given the Palestinians an opportunity to have a sovereign state. How can they build one if they Israel doesn't allow them to have one?
Remember Hamas planned a war for over a year knowing what the response would be. In that time they stored rations in tunnels but not for the people of Gaza. They hide in tunnels as their citizens die above ground. They have generators in their tunnels as hospitals lose power.

The government of Hamas has been using their money/effort on bombs, military tunnels, and attacks on Israel, instead of making their own lives and their citizens lives better. Think about it the leaders of Hamas have billions of dollars and don’t use it on their own people. The head of Hamas doesn’t even live in Gaza. That’s their problem as they are choosing to go to war and make their peoples lives miserable.

This is who the people of Gaza elected. Israel offered peace and two state solution so Palestine could exist many times over which Hamas rejected. Now that’s off the table. Hamas said that this would happen genocide what we witnessed October 7th again and again. Does Israel have a right to defend its people? Hamas is clearly an obstacle from peace.

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What is freewill?

As an ontological question, there is no consensual answer to this among philosophers. In practice, however, I know I have my freewill. I can sense it. OT mentions it in Exodus 35:

The Bible assumes the existence of freewill. 1 Corinthians 7 talks about freedom and will:

A similar concept is expressed in (BSB) Philemon 1:

On the other hand, Paul talks of God's influencing our will in Philippians 2:

Ephesians 1:

Our free will is a faculty/organ in our brain that makes choices when presented with alternatives. It is up to us to choose. The term freewill, however, is a bit misleading as if it is totally free from all external factors and influences. Alternatively, instead of "freewill", one can speak of "sovereign will" or "independent volition". I have my volitional faculty. That's what I call my freewill.

Is there freewill in heaven?

Yes, I will still possess my own volitional faculty or independent volition.

By my definition, the volition organ is part of the soul, and the soul is formed when God's breath (spirit) interacts with the body. According to this definition, AIs do not have a freewill unless God breathes on them.

See also

I'd like to participate in this discussion @tonychanyt.

The term "Will", as in "The Will" is a noun. Freewill means voluntary and it's an adjective or adverb, not a noun. It describes a certain type of choice/decision.

You said, "I know I have my freewill. I can sense it". But it doesn't make sense to say, "I have my voluntary". Perhaps you mean free will?

The only definition of a free will I have ever found to be coherent, is the will that is free from sin. That is to say that the definition of free will that I can base sound reason upon is in the moral/immoral paradigm.

So, if you're saying you know you have a free will you can sense it, what are you saying your will is free from?
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Where do Democratic and Republican Party Legislatures Rate in the Liberal vs Conservative Scale?

Vermont’s Bernie Sanders is a relative conservative in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. And self-styled socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is hardly the hardest-Left House member.

The Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Legislative Analysis made these and other discoveries after reviewing 58 Senate votes and 133 House tallies in 2023. It then rated lawmakers from zero (most liberal) to 100 (most conservative). ILA figures confirm that Capitol Hill Democrats are almost uniformly left-wing radicals while Republicans are more moderate than even GOP voters imagine.
Number 4 in the Senate on the Conservative side is one, Tommy Tuberville, who, as memory serves, single-handedly snafued the Pentagon’s hierarchy (for something like 15 months), by placing a “hold” on the promotions of thousands of people in the armed services, which is hardly what a “small-government” conservative (which seems to be the only metric involved in this “ranking”), would likely do.
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The left do think of themselves as being on moral "high ground" and it's a vain thing. But they certainly are on higher moral ground than right wing Christians in this country who have abandoned even a pretense of moral compass. I give you--just as an example--the Christian leaders who were proud of themselves for showing enlarged pictures of the President's son Hunter naked and having sex with a prostitute on live TV during prime family viewing hours. I give you the growing number of Christian clergymen who have begun to preach against the Sermon on the Mount as inappropriate behavior for a Christian, and so on. No, there is no moral high ground for anyone.
Ok well I don't follow the US news. But this is what is now going to happen in this tit for tat war thats been created. It would probably be in the interest of the Right to bring up any indescretion by the Left to show 'hey the Left does exactly what they hounded Trump doing". But they are doing the same as the Left.

I don't think you could call any polititians Christian if the reject the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes. They speak of love, compassion, and selflessness, to love your enemies, forgive others, and to care for the poor and marginalized. The core Christian values and teachings.

That would be like saying a polititian who the core Democrate truths and values is a Democrate. Like a wolf in sheep clothing.
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Can Christians Still Support Trump after the Guilty Verdict?

Saying I'm a Christian doesn't make me a Christian.
Didn’t say it does. But if Trump believes in God and Jesus and says he is a Christian, then u would have to be accusing him of lying or using a no true Scotsman fallacy.

Furthermore, if he can put forth more Christian policies and point people towards God, he’s better than Biden for the job.
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Israel-Hamas Thread II

I should mention that the people you are referring to are Palestinians that you are asking to join the Israeli forces, and the group you are referring to is Hamas. I can only assume that your misspelling of their names was intentional and as pointless as your proposed actions. I wonder what you feel about Palestinian Christians? Maybe that is who your "Never Mind" was directed to!?
Do you know that nearly 20% of Israel population are Arab Muslims? Many Arabs and Muslims can rise to any position like Lucy Aharish who was first Muslim-Arab news anchor or Dr. Shadan Salameh first Arab woman to lead the ER In Israel or even a Supreme Court Justice is an Arab by the name Khaled Kabub. In Israel 2 million are Arabs and 1.7 are Muslims. In Israel Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, gays all can live in peace.
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I'm a 35-year-old man from India

When we expect a specific outcome, we automatically set in motion a chain of cognitions and behaviors to produce that outcome, even attributing our success or failure to its cause. So, whether it’s deliberate or unintentional, suggestion plays a much larger role in our lives than we might realize!

A lot of people see no difference between the Bible and the laws of attraction. This is the belief that positive energy returns positive results. In the same way negative energy or negative thoughts can return negative results.

Recently I was recovering form surgery and came to realize I had a negative attitude. I started to be a lot more positive and my recover got a lot better as a result of that. There is just a lot of healing in positive energy.

It is difficult to prove a God that goes beyond this. Although a lot of people do not know how to do that because they do not know God. I do not know how people can attend church and NOT know God, but we do hear that happens. We have to want to know God and seek to know God. If not than we can at least be positive and reap the rewards for that.
Thanks so much for your detailed reply!

I used to be on an Atheist Forum, but it was a depressing void as the only thing the members used to do was mock religion. :D
I then joined a Mental Health Forum but left it as several of my innocuous posts were deleted or censored.
Honestly, I joined this forum as a last-ditch attempt at making friends, as I probably don't have much in common with Christians. That said, I have read the Bible at least once and have a vague idea of its contents, although we may disagree about the veracity of its stories.
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Israel-Hamas Thread II

I disagree as does most of the planet

When 35,000 plus are killed, mostly women and children, of course it is deliberate.

Baloney. Quoting Jerualem Post? You might as well quote Mein Kamph

And in my analysis whoever said that is either bought off, from Israel, or out of their gourd or lying.

Yet the USA enabled and abetted the genocide. Elevating some shrill hypocritical doublespeak, where they speak out of both sides of their mouth to get votes means nothing. Actions count.

Trying to

When you bomb an apartment and estimate it was mostly combatants, you do not fool as many as you thought.

There are tens of thousands starved and killed actually. Your wish to demonize them and label them combatants is worthless.

No wonder they support Israel then!



They also shot aid workers, stopped most aid and etc.

Other nations have guilt as well, that does not justify the terrorism and mass murder of Israel.

IDF news? Ha

My wish is that they repent today actually. Like God I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

Jerusalem does have trouble but His return does not depend on that.
That’s not at all accurate according to the new report that shows less women and children have died then the Gaza Health Ministry reported which is controlled by Hamas. Think about it same group that is hiding in their tunnels are feeding you these images from past wars and body counts. Luckily today we know that Hamas numbers of the amount of children and women was fabricated. (Article below)

Not to mention many of Hamas members that are killed are listed in the civilian casualties figures (Hamas doesn’t even deny this).

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SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

So a trans woman who does not believe she believes she is a real woman is deluded, because she actually does believe she is a real woman, even though she is not aware of it.
So transwomen don't believe they are women? I think you'll have to support that.
Because I believe it. And if you don't want to offend me you have to say it too. You know, to be polite. You do t actually have to believe it, just say it
my personal experience of trans people they are open about it so it is already known that they are trans*. Of, course, I may have interacted with some and not known about it, in which case I would have no reason to denounce her, having no idea whether she was deluded into not believing she was a real woman or not. Or something. How do you find out that people really believe something that they don't think they believe? It sounds like you have some kind of sinister mind reading superpower.
That's not what I asked. You said they already know they are trans. If course they do. Do they believe they are a woman?
What is a trans woman?

If they asked you if you believed they are a woman, what would you say?

Trans Women Are Women. This Isn’t a Debate.

If a transgender woman was assigned male at birth, are they still a male? If so, then why do they want to change their birth certificates to.indicatw they are female. And what is a female?
What is a woman?
What is a transwoman.
You claim they are not women, but would affirm they are women. It's a double minded position.

trans woman (short for transgender woman) is a woman who was assigned male at birth.

Trans woman - Wikipedia

A trans woman is a woman who is trans. They were assigned a masculine sex and gender at birth and have since transitioned to a feminine gender.

What Does It Mean to Be Transgender?

  • A transgender woman is a woman (lives as a woman, identifies as a woman) and was assigned male at birth.
  • A transgender man is a man (lives as a man, identifies as a man) and was assigned female at birth.
Trans 101

You see the claim is they ARE men or ARE Women despite what they were born as.

You dont believe they are women. But you are.willing to lie to them about it? Confirm to them they are a woman?

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