Keeping the Sabbath


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I was asked this question and thought it would be more appropriate to answer here. . .

So let me ask you how you keep the Sabbath Holy. Do you do no work at all? No grass mowing, laundry, or dish washing?

No, I do not work on the Sabbath. I personally don't look at the Sabbath as to what we can't do (although I used to in times past). I look at it as holy time (communion) with our Savior on His holy day. Exodus 20:10, Isaiah 58:13 This is what God wants, we work six days Exodus 20:9 and rest in His Word on the seventh day. For me personally I do this through going to Church (holy convocation Leviticus 23:3 and the example Jesus left Luke 4:16-22). I spend time in bible study, prayer, in nature and making the day about God. God's promises blessings when we keep this commandment- I find it to be really true! Isaiah 58:13-14

My friend @Freth posted this a while back which has some really good information

Scriptures tells us what the purpose of the Sabbath is.

Exodus 20:8-11
  • The Sabbath is called a day of rest.
  • We are told to remember the Sabbath.
  • We are told to keep the Sabbath holy.
  • Why? (verse 11) "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (A reference to creation.)
Exodus 31:16-17
  • The Sabbath is to be kept.
  • The Sabbath is to be observed throughout our generations.
  • The Sabbath is called a sign between us and God.
  • The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant.
  • The Sabbath is a day of rest and refreshment.
  • Why? (verse 17) "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed." (A reference to creation.)
Isaiah 58:13-14
  • The Sabbath is called a holy day.
  • We are given a promise of rich blessings:
    • If we turn our foot away from doing our own pleasure, or our own ways.
    • If we do not speak our own words.
    • If we keep it holy.
    • If we call the Sabbath a delight.
    • If we call the Sabbath the holy of the Lord, honorable, and honor Him.
    • If we delight ourselves in the Lord.
  • Why? (Verse 14) "For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." (A reference to creation.)
Revelation 14:6-7
  • The first angel's message is a call to worship:
    • The gospel goes to the world.
    • Fear God.
    • Give him Glory.
    • Worship Him.
  • Why? (verse 7) "For the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (A reference to creation.)


If the Sabbath is...
  • A holy day.
  • A day of rest.
  • A day to remember.
  • A perpetual covenant.
  • To be observed throughout our generations.
...then the Sabbath is a day of worship. Case in point: Exodus 23:3 calls the Sabbath a holy convocation.


Regarding the argument that the Sabbath is specifically for Israel:

...then we are Israel.


If God consistently points back to creation in association with the Sabbath, then the Sabbath is a memorial of creation itself. God instituted the Sabbath at creation so that...
  • We would not forget that we are created beings.
  • We would have a day set aside to commune with God.
  • We would have a day of rest, to recharge, and to re-center ourselves with God after a long work week.
  • We would have a schedule where we could look forward to it and call it a delight.
  • We would have a clear set day of worship.
God doesn't ask for seven days of worship, He asks for one.

There is a lot more that could be written on the subject, but I think this gives a clear understanding of what the purpose of the Sabbath is.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Hi thanks.. not here to debate. I kindly disagree. Yes I do agree "allot" is left out. Generally speaking its amazing what we choose to hold on to or obey and not :) regarding the Old Testament. Yes as Issac was I am a child of promise. Had Christ ask me "show me a branch that was not originally of the vine. I am the vine you are the branches". Also being young had Him ask me "what is righteousness and how do you get righteousness".

For me in all Hes ever shown me told me.. never once did He talk about this as in I was not keeping it or got it wrong. I am have been the 1st to say "Father if I have got it wrong tell me I will make it write in Jesus name". Yet I do understand.. but I will leave it there. Its not God that has it wrong.. its man telling us "your not keeping the right day, you are keeping the right day" over and over. Has made something so wonderful so special now so confusing. We have scholars that have studied this for years we have Christian rabbis (Jewish) that don't even agree.

A woman asked Christ for her kids to sit on His right and left and what did He He said you don't know what you ask that is not mine to give. With God it always has to be a free choice. Praise GOD for the Sabbath.
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Hi thanks.. not here to debate. I kindly disagree. Yes I do agree "allot" is left out. Generally speaking its amazing what we choose to hold on to or obey and not :) regarding the Old Testament. Yes as Issac was I am a child of promise. Had Christ ask me "show me a branch that was not originally of the vine. I am the vine you are the branches". Also being young had Him ask me "what is righteousness and how do you get righteousness".

For me in all Hes ever shown me told me.. never once did He talk about this as in I was not keeping it or got it wrong. I am have been the 1st to say "Father if I have got it wrong tell me I will make it write in Jesus name". Yet I do understand.. but I will leave it there. Its not God that has it wrong.. its man telling us "your not keeping the right day, you are keeping the right day" over and over. Has made something so wonderful so special now so confusing. We have scholars that have studied this for years we have Christian rabbis (Jewish) that don't even agree.

A woman asked Christ for her kids to sit on His right and left and what did He He said you don't know what you ask that is not mine to give. With God it always has to be a free choice. Praise GOD for the Sabbath.

Sorry your post is a little confusing- what exactly do you disagree with and why?

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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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I was asked this question and thought it would be more appropriate to answer here. . .

No, I do not work on the Sabbath. I personally don't look at the Sabbath as to what we can't do (although I used to in times past). I look at it as holy time (communion) with our Savior on His holy day. Exodus 20:10, Isaiah 58:13 This is what God wants, we work six days Exodus 20:9 and rest in His Word on the seventh day. For me personally I do this through going to Church (holy convocation Leviticus 23:3 and the example Jesus left Luke 4:16-22). I spend time in bible study, prayer, in nature and making the day about God. God's promises blessings when we keep this commandment- I find to be really true! Isaiah 58:13-14

My friend @Freth posted this a while back which has some really good information

Scriptures tells us what the purpose of the Sabbath is.

Exodus 20:8-11
  • The Sabbath is called a day of rest.
  • We are told to remember the Sabbath.
  • We are told to keep the Sabbath holy.
  • Why? (verse 11) "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (A reference to creation.)
Exodus 31:16-17
  • The Sabbath is to be kept.
  • The Sabbath is to be observed throughout our generations.
  • The Sabbath is called a sign between us and God.
  • The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant.
  • The Sabbath is a day of rest and refreshment.
  • Why? (verse 17) "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed." (A reference to creation.)
Isaiah 58:13-14
  • The Sabbath is called a holy day.
  • We are given a promise of rich blessings:
    • If we turn our foot away from doing our own pleasure, or our own ways.
    • If we do not speak our own words.
    • If we keep it holy.
    • If we call the Sabbath a delight.
    • If we call the Sabbath the holy of the Lord, honorable, and honor Him.
    • If we delight ourselves in the Lord.
  • Why? (Verse 14) "For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." (A reference to creation.)
Revelation 14:6-7
  • The first angel's message is a call to worship:
    • The gospel goes to the world.
    • Fear God.
    • Give him Glory.
    • Worship Him.
  • Why? (verse 7) "For the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (A reference to creation.)


If the Sabbath is...
  • A holy day.
  • A day of rest.
  • A day to remember.
  • A perpetual covenant.
  • To be observed throughout our generations.
...then the Sabbath is a day of worship. Case in point: Exodus 23:3 calls the Sabbath a holy convocation.


Regarding the argument that the Sabbath is specifically for Israel:

...then we are Israel.


If God consistently points back to creation in association with the Sabbath, then the Sabbath is a memorial of creation itself. God instituted the Sabbath at creation so that...
  • We would not forget that we are created beings.
  • We would have a day set aside to commune with God.
  • We would have a day of rest, to recharge, and to re-center ourselves with God after a long work week.
  • We would have a schedule where we could look forward to it and call it a delight.
  • We would have a clear set day of worship.
God doesn't ask for seven days of worship, He asks for one.

There is a lot more that could be written on the subject, but I think this gives a clear understanding of what the purpose of the Sabbath is.
And the Sabbath is from Friday evening until Saturday evening. Right?
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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Yes, that's correct- Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. :)
So no doing dished, no gardening or yardwork, no house cleaning, etc. But Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was criticized. I think we can do good for others.

I have been trained since childhood to make Sunday the Sabbath.
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So no doing dished, no gardening or yardwork, no house cleaning, etc.

Yes, that is correct, its nice to leave all the stress of the world and just focus on our relationship with God. God gives us six days to do all thy work and labor, but the seventh day is holy to God and God commanded us to keep holy. Exodus 20:8-11. This is the example God left for us from the very beginning. God worked six days Genesis 1, but the seventh day God stopped working, blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Genesis 2:1-3

But Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was criticized. I think we can do good for others.
Absolutely, doing good on the Sabbath is allowed. One of the examples in scripture is if an animal is in a ditch, help it out. Jesus healed on the Sabbath and helping others in need is considered doing good. I think the most important part of the Sabbath is communion with God through His Word, prayer and fellowship. The Sabbath to me is a real blessing!

I have been trained since childhood to make Sunday the Sabbath.
I understand, most people have, I imagine it’s not easy doing something different than what you have only known. The Sabbath was changed a very long time ago and was predicted in scripture it would be changed, but not by God. Daniel 7:25 Personally I think it’s important we follow scripture where ever it leads, because we are called to worship in Truth and Spirit. John 4:23-24. I appreciate you engaging! God bless!
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For me in all Hes ever shown me told me.. never once did He talk about this as in I was not keeping it or got it wrong. I am have been the 1st to say "Father if I have got it wrong tell me I will make it write in Jesus name". Yet I do understand.. ...With God it always has to be a free choice. Praise GOD for the Sabbath.

In Matt 7 many people respond to God "you got it wrong God - we are good Christians".
In John 16 - Christ predicts people will do the wrong thing claiming God told them to do it.

The Bible says in 2 Tim 3:16 that scripture is the test of doctrine - not feelings.

But we do have feelings - and I do feel that God is saying to test all doctrine by scripture.

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

In Gal 1:6-9 Paul says "even if we apostles or an angel from heaven should come to you with a different Gospel - let him be accursed"

In other words we are always told to test everything -- even our feelings - against the Word of God for the purpose of "correction" and yes - even "doctrine".
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So no doing dished, no gardening or yardwork, no house cleaning, etc. But Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was criticized. I think we can do good for others.

I have been trained since childhood to make Sunday the Sabbath.

yes we can do work for others to rescue them from a health crisis etc. But mowing their lawn should be saved as work for some other day.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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yes we can do work for others to rescue them from a health crisis etc. But mowing their lawn should be saved as work for some other day.
Other days may not present the opportunity.
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Other days may not present the opportunity.

I am pretty sure that lawns can be mode 6 days in the week -- they are not confined so that they can only be mowed on the Bible Sabbath.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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I am pretty sure that lawns can be mode 6 days in the week -- they are not confined so that they can only be mowed on the Bible Sabbath.
But my real work schedule has its own requirements.
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But my real work schedule has its own requirements.
I know many Sabbath-keepers that quit their jobs to keep the Sabbath and God provided for them. It's amazing what God can do when we obey. I have seen it firsthand!
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Jul 17, 2020
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I know many Sabbath-keepers that quit their jobs to keep the Sabbath and God provided for them. It's amazing what God can do when we obey. I have seen it firsthand!
When I was in the Navy I became friends with a guy while we were still in boot camp. He was getting out because he was required to work on the Sabbath. His recruiter had told him that he wouldn't have to work on Saturday. I think that recruiter either lied or didn't understand what would count as work.

At the same time, I also wondered how someone could join the military and think that they wouldn't be asked to do stuff on the Sabbath. I have a memory of reading something in the law about God saying to Israel that he would make their enemies so scared of them but they wouldn't attack on the Sabbath.

I sometimes wonder what happened to that guy.
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When I was in the Navy I became friends with a guy while we were still in boot camp. He was getting out because he was required to work on the Sabbath. His recruiter had told him that he wouldn't have to work on Saturday. I think that recruiter either lied or didn't understand what would count as work.

At the same time, I also wondered how someone could join the military and think that they wouldn't be asked to do stuff on the Sabbath. I have a memory of reading something in the law about God saying to Israel that he would make their enemies so scared of them but they wouldn't attack on the Sabbath.

I sometimes wonder what happened to that guy.
You should read the book Hacksaw Ridge; I recommend the book over the movie because there was a lot of things that were inaccurate in the movie, although the gist of it was there. The way God worked through Desmond an SDA soldier/medic is an incredible story.
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You should read the book Hacksaw Ridge; I recommend the book over the movie because there was a lot of things that were inaccurate in the movie, although the gist of it was there. The way God worked through Desmond an SDA soldier is an incredible story.
Thanks, I'll check it out!
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But my real work schedule has its own requirements.

hmmm work ... or God.... work... or God... that is a hard one I have to admit. Especially if work only gives you Sabbath's off and makes you work all the daylight hours during the week other than the Bible Sabbath, and wont let you have a kid in your neighborhood mow your lawn, and you have no family or friends that can help. Yep that is a hard one.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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hmmm work ... or God.... work... or God... that is a hard one I have to admit. Especially if work only gives you Sabbath's off and makes you work all the daylight hours during the week other than the Bible Sabbath, and wont let you have a kid in your neighborhood mow your lawn, and you have no family or friends that can help. Yep that is a hard one.
So kids are example from the Sabbath law?
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So kids are example from the Sabbath law?

So you are saying your kids also work at your same job so they too can only mow on Sabbath ???

I did not realize that was part of your scenario.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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So you are saying your kids also work at your same job so they too can only mow on Sabbath ???

I did not realize that was part of your scenario.
No, but I can't afford to hire. And with rain sometimes mowing needs to be done when it can be done.
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