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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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Episode 1: The New Recruit

“Samus was in her Gunship”…this paragraph was going to include a sentence about how “it had been quiet…too quiet” in the galaxy after there were no distress signals for weeks, but I forgot to add it. Instead, I added a similar sentence to Samus’s thoughts at this point in Metroid: Mission Alpha: Dawn of a New Mission, the comic based on episode 1.

The reason I had Samus go without her Power Suit while exploring Lavolca in was because I wanted Alpha to meet her as how she actually looks instead of covered in armor. I also thought that she would probably appear less intimidating to him that way.

I had the Greblai (and Silhouites) speak their own language to make them more unique, but later on I regretted that decision because they I could not have them communicate much.

How Master Greblai (and Master Silhouite) knows so much about Samus is unclear. It’s likely that he heard of her from other creatures while traveling with Master Silhouite.

Episode 3: Lavolca Infiltration

“Catching onto us, are you?”…When I wrote episode 3, Master Greblai was still going to be an actual villain. I considered having him say “Tough as always, are you?” instead, but changed it to this. Perhaps he was trying to hide his real intentions.

Episode 4: Lavolca Infiltration, Part 2

The written version of episode 4 says that there were two shadows chasing Samus and Alpha and looking at computer data at the end. This is inaccurate since Master Silhouite is the only Silhouite who frequently goes after Samus and Alpha. This was fixed in the typed version.

Master Silhouite apparently escaped from the explosion in the lab since he was not injured there.

Episode 7: Electrified!

Though Master Greblai doesn’t list the electric waves from Eleterna as something dangerous that Master Silhouite lied to him about in episode 48, it is likely that they were included.

Episode 10: Constellation Chaos

The part where Samus and Alpha are in the building with an alarm going off and a reading showing the distress was actually inspired by real life. I was inside a store one time and an alarm went off inside by accident, giving me the idea.

Originally, I considered having Samus’s confusion return slightly inside the Gunship and having her tell Michael she had failed to complete a different task from what she was sent to do, but I scrapped that idea.

Episode 12: On To the Jungle!

“Samus? How can you possibly be alive?!”…Master Greblai’s reaction to Master Silhouite’s words in this short paragraph is a clue to his true intentions.

“Alpha ran through the jungle alone for a minute”…I drew the events of this paragraph, as well as the next three after it, on paper in November 2016, a few months before writing this episode.

Episode 13: Trouble in the Temple

“Suddenly, Alpha stopped and whimpered.”…I drew the events of this paragraph, as well as the next six after it, on paper in November 2016, a few months before writing this episode.

Episode 17: Danger of the Dark

Episode 17 was inspired when I read a book of scary stories. It was originally meant to be a scary episode, but ended up as more of a long battle instead. That’s why it takes place on a dark planet with a dangerous evil creature.

Episode 23: Return to Venine

Episode 23 is where I began to write more descriptively, from the advice of a friend.

The reason Master Silhouite injured Michael is likely because he wanted the Interspace Federation in general out of his way, not just Samus.

Episode 25: Mystery of the Ruins

“It’s as if it was sent to help us. Do you think…?”…I’ve left it up to the reader to decide what he or she thinks Samus means by this.

Episode 39: Cold as Ice

I meant for the battle near the end of this episode to be longer, but ended up adding so many other events that I had to shorten it.

Episode 43: A Continued Battle

“Samus fell back”…The events of episode 43 from this paragraph on were drawn on paper in January 2017, over a year before writing this episode. Because I hadn’t thought up as much for what happened in the episodes leading up to these events at that point, some of the events didn’t make much sense had to be changed in the actual episode:

In the drawings Michael tells Samus, “Samus, I’ve discovered Master Silhouite’s location!” but this wasn’t something he was looking for right then, so I changed it to “Samus, any news on Master Silhouite?”

The drawings show several other Silhouites with Master Silhouite when he has Alpha in the Energy Absorb machine; this is inaccurate because Master Silhouite is the only one who knows that his goal is to harm Snacanids. The actual episode states that only Master Silhouite is there with Alpha.

Episode 45: Alpha in Peril!

The part from episode 45 where Samus and Carol are trying to calm down a confused Alpha was one of the first events I thought of for this series, though I didn’t think of why Alpha was confused or how he was cured until later.

The sentence Michael says, “The Chozo were immune to the powers of the Greblai and the Silhouites…if only we could somehow use Chozo power, maybe we could cure Alpha" was included in some info I typed about the Chozo necklace shortly after making it. This info also described the details of the Chozo necklace that were described in episode 46. It called the Energy Absorb machine the “Energy Drain machine”, but I changed it to match Master Silhouite’s words at the end of episode 43, “So…energy absorb, activate!”

Episode 46: Samus’s Secret

At first, I was not sure what Samus was going to need to cure Alpha or where she would go to get it. I considered having her explore a cave to find a plant or stone that would cure Alpha. Then I had a dream where Samus was holding a blue necklace called the Chozo necklace, thinking about the Chozo’s fate while a tear dropped onto the necklace. I added this event to episode 46 and that’s where the Chozo necklace came from!

Episode 46 is the only episode where Alpha does not make an appearance.

Episode 47: Hope

“Michael and Carol, still awake, paced through the halls”…this paragraph, as well as the next ten after it, were drawn on paper in January 2017, over a year before writing this episode. Like the drawings from episode 43, I had to make a few minor changes in the actual episode.

“It looks like we acted just quickly enough to prevent any brain damage” was “It looks like we all acted just quickly enough to prevent any brain damage.” I changed this slightly since Samus was the main one who acted to heal Alpha.

“Our next objective should be to destroy their machinery before they can capture any more Snacanids!” was “Our next objective should be to destroy their energy-draining machine, before they can capture any more Snacanids!” I changed this slightly since all of their machinery would need to be destroyed to stop their plans, not just the Energy Absorb machine.

Episode 49: The Final Battle

I was originally going to have Samus, Alpha, and Master Greblai go to HQ to tell Michael and Eta about the upcoming battle before going to Venine with them, but decided that was unnecessary.

I intended to make the final battle longer than it is, but I had to shorten it because of all the other events that happened in this episode. I was also going to have Master Silhouite simply be defeated, but decided against that so as not to make Silhouess a widow.

I considered having Psi and Omega be born at the end of episode 49, but decided on episode 50 since this one is so eventful.

Every episode of Metroid: Mission Alpha was first written on paper and then typed in Microsoft Word. The written versions were made to be between five and six pages long each. Besides the changes mentioned in the “Events” section here, I sometimes made slight changes to the typed versions to improve grammar and make sentences flow better.

Each story was written on three different days. Most of the time I’d write two stories a month, about one every two weeks. However, there were a few times early in the series where I’d only write one in a month due to lack of ideas. I took a break from writing the series in December 2017 so I’d have more time to focus on Christmas stuff.

The written versions of episodes 1 and 2 contain chapters. I was originally going to give every episode chapters, but after forgetting to add them in episode 3 I decided to scrap that idea.

I hesitated sharing this series at first because of the differences from the real Metroid series. I typed part of episode 1 shortly after writing it and posted that part as its own story, but quickly changed my mind and deleted it. In January 2017 I decided to resume typing the series, and in May 2017 I shared episode 20 shortly after writing it. Then, by request, I posted the series with each episode as its own chapter.
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Part-Time Breatharian
Sep 13, 2011
Moe's Tavern
Dr. Moe's


Every Single
Down in Singles-ville
Liked Christmas a lot...

But the MehGuy
Who lived just north of Singles-ville,
Did NOT!​

The MehGuy hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be he thought that atheism was the best.
It could be, perhaps, Christmas jingles put his patience to the test.
But I think the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.​

Whatever the reason,
His atheism or the jingles,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the singles.

Then he got an idea!
An awful idea!

"I know just what to do!"
The MehGuy laughed in his throat.
And he made a quick Santy Claus
hat and a coat.

And he chuckled, and clucked,
"Would you look at that!
"With this costume
I look just like that guy who is fat!"​

He called his dog, Wayholka.
Then he took some red thread
And he tied a big horn
On the top of his head.​

He loaded some bags
And he hitched up old Wayholka
Then the Mehguy said,
"When we get down there we'll have more gifts than Oprah!"

Then the MehGuy said, "Giddap!"
And the sleigh started down
Towards the homes where the singles
Lay a-snooze in their town.​

All thier windows were dark
Quiet snow filled the air.
All the singles were dreaming sweet
dreams without a care
When he came to the first little
house on the square​

Then he slid down the chimney.
It was all hot and dry.
But, if Santa could do it, then so
could the MehGuy.​

Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile
most unpleasant,
Around the whole room, and
he took every present!

Bibles, X-Boxes!
DVDs, Drums!
board games, Playstations!
Popcorn! And plums!​

Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee.
"And NOW!" grinned the MehGuy, "I will stuff up the tree!"​

And the Mehguy grabbed the tree, and he started to shove
When he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove.​

He turned around and saw a small girl.
It was little Multifavs,
who was no higher
than the MehGuy's calves.

little Multifavs said,
"You must be an elf!
You are far too short and skinny
To be Santa himself."​

She stare at the MehGuy and said,"Little elf, why?"
"Why are you taking our Christmas tree, WHY?"
But, you know, that old Mehguy was so cunning and bewitching
He though up a lie to stop Multifavs from snitching.​
Then Multifavs' neighbour Anthony7 awoke from his sleep,
He saw her lights on,
So he decided to peep.

He looked through the window and saw the MehGuy and Multifavs talkin'
So he opened the door and casually walked in.​

The MehGuy told them both not to tell anyone,
Or else it would ruin all the fun.​

Then the MehGuy left through the open door
So he and his dog Wayholka
Could go stealing some more.​

Then Anthony7 decided to be brave,
He decided to be bold,
He asked Multifavs to marry him
Multifavs replied, "Boi, we're both two years old!"

The MehGuy found a man standing on a roof.
The Mehguy said, "Who?"​

"I am Santa Claus
And I put the postal service to shame.
I deliver billions of presents in one night
So put some respeck on my name!"​

But the MehGuy showed Santa no Respeck
He walked up behind Santa
And karate chopped him in the neck.​

You're a mean one Mr MehGuy.

The MehGuy put Santa's unconscious body away.
Then he stole Santa's reindeer and sleigh.​

The MehGuy stole from everyone's homes,
He stole from them all,
Including Jim Carrey's
Who was there for a role.​

It was quarter past dawn...
All the singles, still a-bed,
All the singles, still a-snooze
When he packed up his sled,​

Up the mountain the reindeer were accelerating,
While Wayholka himself was straining and struggling.

Three thousand feet up! Up the side
of Mt. Crumpit,
He rode with his load to the tiptop
to dump it!​

"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
"Then the singles down in Singles-ville will all cry BOO-HOO!"​

That's a noise," grinned the MehGuy
"That I simply MUST hear!"
So he paused. And the Mehguy put
his hand to his ear.​

And he did hear a sound rising
over the snow.
It started in low. Then it
started to grow...

But the sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded merry!
It could't be so!
But it WAS merry! VERY!​

Every single down in Singles-ville, the tall and the small,
Was singing! Without any present at all!​

He HADN'T stopped Christmas from coming!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!​

And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the MehGuy thought of something he hadn't before!

"Maybe Christmas," he thought,
"doesn't come from a store.
"Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!"

And what happened then...?
Well... in Singles-ville they say
That the Mehguy's small heart
Grew three sizes that day!​

He brought back the presents!
And all the food, including the plums!
And he...​

... HE HIMSELF...!
The MehGuy celebrated Christmas on Christian Forums!

Rejected Ending 1

And what happened then...?
Well... in Singles-ville they say
That the MehGuy's small heart
Grew three sizes that day!

...And then the MehGuy died cause someone's heart growing three sizes is abnormal...

Rejected Ending 2

He brought back the presents!
And all the food, including the vodka!
And he...

... HE HIMSELF...!
The MehGuy carved the roast Wayholka!
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Redeemed Resident Italian
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Jan 25, 2014
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Then Anthony7 decided to be brave,
He decided to be bold,
He asked Multifavs to marry him
Multifavs replied, "Boi, we're both two years old!"
Did @Toro put you up to this? :p ^_^
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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I've written the prologue to Metroid: Mission Alpha! :) The epilogue will come soon.

Warning: This chapter contains spoilers for Metroid Fusion.

As you can tell, this prologue begins immediately after the events of Metroid Fusion and immediately before the events of Metroid: Mission Alpha, my Metroid fanfiction series. Even though I haven't completed Metroid Fusion, I did see the parts I never got to in a video walkthrough. This prologue will explain why things are so much different in my series from how they are in the Metroid games.


Metroid: Mission Alpha Prologue

Samus stared at her ship’s control center. She could hardly believe what had just happened. After a mission on the former home planet of the Metroids, SR388, she had been infected by a deadly X Parasite. On her way back from the mission, she lost consciousness and crashed her Gunship into an asteroid belt.

While her trusty ship and all its contents were destroyed in the crash, Samus was ejected just in time and was not harmed. However, the infection was taking its toll, and she was given little hope of survival by the Galactic Federation’s medical team. Then, one medical member created a vaccine from cells of the Metroid hatchling Samus had once brought to HQ. Since Metroids were a predator of the X Parasite, Samus was cured.

At first Samus had lost her suit’s abilities, was sensitive to cold, and was able to absorb X Parasites to regain energy, side effects of the vaccine. But after defeating and absorbing an X Parasite copy of herself containing her original genetic code, her DNA returned to normal.

However, some things were still different. Samus’s Power Suit had had parts removed by the medical team. She now controlled a purple ship that differed from her old one. Worst of all, the Galactic Federation was angry with her.

It all seemed so crazy, but it had really happened. The first and only organization Samus had been a part of in her life, the one she had so faithfully carried out numerous missions for, had betrayed her. It turned out that the Federation was using the Metroid hatchling’s DNA to revive the extinct Metroids so they could study them; but those were dangerous and could have been a threat to every living being if they escaped.

The Federation also used the removed parts of Samus’s suit to make more X Parasite copies of her-which could very well have killed her-in order to prevent her from discovering their plan. When Samus learned of all this, she was appalled. How could the Federation do something so absurd? Even so, she knew she had no choice but to destroy SR388 and all the Metroids and X Parasites on it before the Federation members came. Despite the wrong they had done, Samus was willing to sacrifice herself in order to prevent them-and possibly the entire galaxy-from becoming prey to the fearsome creatures.

Fortunately, even in spite of enemy ambushes, Samus was able to make it back to her ship after activating a self-destruct mechanism; she escaped before the entire planet was obliterated in a massive explosion. She had protected the galaxy once again, but had to disobey orders to do so. Now she was in trouble with the Federation.

Samus sighed as she began to steer her ship through the vastness of space. She couldn’t go back…but where would she go now? She glanced back at the three Etecoons and two Dachoras napping peacefully. The friendly and intelligent creatures were being kept on SR388, where Samus freed them. They had then proceeded to her ship, miraculously avoiding crossing paths with any X Parasites. They even saved Samus’s life by bringing her ship to her during the self-destruct sequence. Now that the creatures were safe, Samus needed to find somewhere to release them.

Suddenly, Samus caught sight of a planet. It couldn’t be…Planet Zebes? The last time she had been in this area, Planet Zebes appeared to be exploding. It was thought to have been destroyed. But when Samus moved closer, she could see that it had not been heavily damaged but not destroyed. The ruins once built by the Chozo as their city, where Samus had spent most of her childhood, were turned to rubble. However, the natural areas were beginning to recover. Grass, small trees, and plants were growing. Creatures that survived the explosion by hiding deep underground scurried about.

Samus landed her ship in the growing forest and stepped onto the planet. Waking from their slumber, the Etecoons and mother and baby Dachoras sleepily followed. Everyone gazed at the scenery. “You can return home now,” Samus said softly to her companions, “Ridley, the Space Pirates, the Metroids, the X Parasites…all are no more. You can live safely and in peace once again.” The five creatures looked at her for a moment, chattered cheerfully, and then ran off to return to their normal lives. Samus stood watching.

Suddenly, Samus saw a mysterious light in the sky, and the spirit of a Chozo she recognized as the Chozo elder appeared to her. “Samus…” he spoke in an echoing yet wise voice, “you have done well. You have grown into a strong and brave warrior. But you still have more missions coming that will require a more protective suit. That is why we have come to help you.”

The ancient Power Suit symbol Samus remembered seeing in the Chozo city as a child and when she first gained her fully-powered suit appeared in the sky. Samus closed her eyes when light flashed from the symbol like lightning. When she opened her eyes, her Power Suit was back to normal and she was alone. The Chozo spirit and symbol were gone.

After leaving Zebes, Samus steered her ship gently through space, unsure where to go next. Then, she caught sight of a planet she’d never been to before. The ground was covered in grass and there were some bodies of water on its surface. A large building sat in one spot, telling Samus that there were inhabitants on this planet.

When Samus approached the building, a camera looked at her for a moment and then the front door opened. A man slightly taller than Samus, with short black hair and hazel eyes, came out. He wore glasses and a white lab coat. “Aren’t you Samus, the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, from the Galactic Federation?” he asked, “What are you doing out here?”

After going inside the building, Samus told the man about her situation. “I can’t believe the Galactic Federation would do such a thing,” he said, “Their plan was dangerous and could have threatened the whole galaxy! By the way, my name is Michael and I’m the research leader of our organization. We’re known as the Interspace Federation and our work is similar to that of the Galactic Federation. You’re welcome to join us, if you’d like. We could certainly use your help.”

Michael introduced Samus to Tim, a man her height who had short brown hair, brown eyes, and wore a red hat on his head. He was the mechanic leader. Samus also met Carol, a woman shorter than her who had long red hair and green eyes. She was the medical leader. After seeing the Interspace Federation’s HQ and members, Samus knew joining them would be a good idea, so she agreed. As time passed, a new Gunship similar to her old one was built, the purple ship was returned to the Galactic Federation, and she completed missions with her new comrades. Life was basically back to normal for Samus.

Meanwhile on the planet Venine, a Snacanid named Alpha was roaming in his home, the Canyon area. He was wolf-like with dark grey fur and red eyes, with unique snake-like features-four fangs, a forked tongue, and a green scaly tail. All of a sudden, a huge creature, black as night with red eyes, four long tentacles and spikes on his body, appeared in front of Alpha. In fear he yelped and attempted to run, but the shadowy creature grabbed him with one of his tentacles and vanished.

The next thing Alpha saw was a room containing more shadowy creatures, along with some that were bipedal, a dark yellow color, and scaly with spiky tails and red eyes. With a burst of energy Alpha leapt out of his captor’s grasp and dashed out of the room, but three of the scaly creatures followed him. The events triggered a life form reading to Michael that piqued his interest…

Find out what happens next in “Metroid: Mission Alpha”!

The End
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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This thread is back! :ebil:

Okay, so what I'm going to post here next will be finished episodes of "The Silver and Web Series". It's about Silver the Hedgehog from the Sonic series and Web the Spider, my Sonic OC. Other characters and OCs also make appearances and join in later. This is an old series and so it might seem a bit different from my newer ones. The first 15 episodes were done when I was only 13 and not as skilled at story-making, so the later ones will probably be better. Some parts of the old episodes might not make a lot of sense, so I'm going to make some notes about them to help you understand them, in spoilers.

This series was originally inspired after I watched a playthrough of "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games" for Nintendo Wii, using Silver. The Events Celebration in the first few episodes are based on, but not quite the same as, that game. That's why there are Mario characters there as well. The rest of the series is not based on that game. Also, the original episodes are illustrated on paper, but I'm also typing them up so you can see them. I will make some minor changes to the old episodes but will try not to change them too much.

All right, let's get started!
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 1: X-Bot’s Chase

It was the morning of the first day of the Events Celebration, a wintertime competition among multiple characters. Silver the Hedgehog got up, left his room, and went to the main room where everyone was having breakfast. “Good morning, Silver,” Cream greeted him cheerfully while pouring a glass of orange juice. She handed the glass to him. “Here you go.”

“Thanks!” Silver said.

An Events worker came in with breakfast. “Okay, everyone! Here’s breakfast! It’s perfect for this,” she said.

“It will give you enough energy and health to get through the events!” Cream added as the competitors began to eat.

After breakfast another worker announced, “The events are about to start!”

But before Silver could even find out what the first event would be, he heard a voice loudly call out his name, causing him to jump in surprise. He hurried over to where the voice had come from to see Toad standing there with a worried expression. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“It’s terrible!” Toad exclaimed, “Someone tore up a room!” He led Silver through the hall.

In the middle of the hall stood a tiny round black spider with four arms and four legs. He was wearing yellow shoes and had light blue eyes. When he saw Silver coming right at him, he let out a shout. Silver stopped and looked down to see who it was. He knelt down to get a closer look. “Don’t step on me!” the spider cried out.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Silver reassured him, “I’m Silver the Hedgehog.”

“I’m Web the Spider. Dr. Eggman is after me!”

Silver placed Web on his head, between two of his quills. “I’ll keep you safe. Just stay there!”

Just then, Web said, “He’s coming!” and hid behind Silver’s quills.

“You have Web with you!” Dr. Eggman smirked as he walked up to Silver.

“Web?” Silver tried to appear clueless.

Dr. Eggman was not fooled. “He’s behind your quills.” Knowing there was no other choice, Silver turned and ran. “Get them, X-Bot!” Dr. Eggman shouted, sending a square robot after him.

Silver came to a wall and stopped, glaring at X-Bot. The robot used its x-ray vision, seeing Silver and Web’s skeletons right through their bodies, as well as the boards through the walls and floor. Placing its cursor on Web, it labeled him as a target. It fired a laser, but Silver ran out of the way and escaped up a staircase.

On the higher floor, Silver hid behind a wall to catch his breath and watched X-Bot pass through another room. “Phew, we lost it!” Web said. Then he noticed a room nearby that caught his interest. “Hey! Look at that room!” he jumped off Silver’s head and started to run toward the room.

Silver quickly grabbed Web. “Be careful! It might see you!” Both of them heard a Vrroom... and looked over to see X-Bot charging right at them. The wind caused by its speedy movement sent Silver and Web flying into another room.

“Silver! Are you okay?” Web asked his new friend.

“I think so…” Silver replied.

Web ran into the room that had caught his interest, and Silver walked after him. “Now let’s look at that room!” the spider said. He saw a rectangular decoration hanging from the ceiling, grabbed onto it, and swung around. “Wheee!”

“We need to be careful. That robot could still find us here.” Silver looked around for any sign of X-Bot. Then he heard a Vrroom! again. “It’s coming!” he warned. He dove under a table and Web hid behind the decoration.

X-Bot entered the room but did not look in Silver and Web’s direction at first. When it turned around, Silver grabbed a blanket that was lying on the ground near him and flung it over himself to hide himself. Unfortunately, this did not work well. X-Bot turned around and noticed the blanket with a large bump in it; when it used its x-ray vision, it could see Silver’s bones right through the blanket. It leapt at him, but fortunately he saw it coming and sent it flying with a psychic blast. Silver jumped up, grabbed Web, and ran out of the room.

“Are we going to get away?” Web was worried.

“I’ll try. Just hang on,” Silver answered. X-Bot chased after him.

“Look, there’s the stairs!” Web pointed ahead at the staircase.

Silver raced down the stairs and came to the skating rink. But when he moved onto the slippery floor of the rink, he slipped and fell, landing in a sitting position. “Whoa! This floor sure is slippery…” he said.

“How are we going to get across?” Web wondered.

“I know! If we can’t walk, we’ll float!” Silver got to his feet.

“Huh?” Web was confused.

Silver began to levitate over the slippery floor. “I have psychic powers, so I can float,” he explained.

“We made it!” Silver and Web said together after they came outside.

Unfortunately, Silver didn’t see that there was a ledge ahead and he fell off. “Oh, no!” he exclaimed.

Web knew just what to do. He created a spiderweb just above the ground that caught Silver safely. “Look! X-Bot’s stuck in the snow!” he pointed to a large slope in the distance where X-Bot was struggling to move. Soon, it became overloaded and exploded.

“You’ll pay for this!” Dr. Eggman shouted as he flew away in his machine.

Web hugged Silver. “Thanks for saving my life. You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met!”

“Aww, it was nothing!” Silver blushed at the compliment.

Just then, Cream found the two of them. “Silver! Web! You’re all right!”

“Without Silver, I don’t know what would have happened to me,” Web said, “He showed me he has a BIG heart!”

Later, as an event was about to begin, Web was cheering for Silver from the stands. “Silver! I’ll be rooting for you!” he winked.

Silver winked back. “Thanks. I’ll do my best!”

(from February 16, 2010)

Originally, the only food anyone is shown eating in the Events is apples. I guess I couldn't think of anything else because that wasn't very creative. In this typed version I just changed it to "breakfast" where they're eating other things. Also, I didn't name any of the Events workers...I was really bad at naming people back then.

Cream and Toad are like referees in "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games" so they have a similar job here. Also, I'm not sure what happened with Toad leading Silver to a torn-up room...

Silver has the power of telekinesis, which allows him to float and move objects with his mind. Web can use spiderwebs for different purposes, such as giving Silver a soft landing in this episode.

Unfortunately, I left a lot of things unexplained in my old stories! I try to do better now.
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 2: Silver’s Creature Trouble

Silver suddenly found himself surrounded in darkness, all alone. “Web, where are you?” he asked, finding no trace of his friend.

“Silver, is that you?” said an unfamiliar voice, masculine and rough-sounding. Silver turned to see a creature he had never seen before. He was a tall bipedal creature covered in black fur with long pointed ears, red eyes, and wings that were dark blue at the tips. He had a green cloud-shaped marking on each hip, a forked tail that glowed purple at the tip, and claws. “What? Who are you, and how do you know my name?” Silver asked in surprise.

“That doesn’t matter right now,” the creature replied, “But I will see you again…soon!” A mysterious purple light came from his hand that enveloped Silver…

“Silver! Wake up!” The next thing Silver was aware of was Web jumping on top of him to wake him.

He sat up. He was in his room, the sun was shining through the window, and it was another day of the Events Celebration. “What? I’m still in this room…”

“Let me guess, you had a dream?” Web said.

“You might say that,” Silver scratched the back of his head sheepishly, then looked more serious, “It was a strange one, though…a creature appeared to me and told me he would see me again soon.”

“Well, don’t worry, dreams can’t come to life. Come on, let’s go meet the others,” Web replied.

Just before breakfast, Cream said, “Good morning, Silver and Web. Did you have a good night?”

“Yeah, except for a dream,” Silver replied.

“Oh, a lot of people here have bad dreams when the events are going on,” Cream said as she poured some juice, “They’re nervous about how they’ll do.”

“Time for breakfast!” announced an Events worker.

After breakfast, Web looked content. “We sure are lucky! We get food and a place to sleep, and we’re not even at home!”

“And you’re not even in the Events!” Silver added. Web and he left the room and were walking through the hall when suddenly, for a moment, Silver saw a strange darkness like what had been in his dream. “AAH!” he shouted, jumping back in surprise.

“WHOA!” Web shouted as Silver landed right on top of him, “Silver, could you get off me please?”

Silver pulled himself up. “Sorry…”

“What happened?” Web asked.

“Uh, nothing…I guess.”

I think there’s more to this than that, Web thought with concern.

Later, Silver knew he could not continue with the events as long as strange things were happening to him and reluctantly told one of the Events workers. Unfortunately, this particular worker was very unkind and selfish. “What?! You’re telling me you can’t be in the Events anymore?!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah, because of something going on,” Silver answered.

“You know I will not allow that!”

Now Silver was angry. “You don’t even care about me! You just want to win! That’s awful!” He got up and ran out of the room.

“Come back!” the worker shouted after him, but he kept on going.

He’s so selfish! But what’s happening is so strange! Silver thought.

A short time later, another Events worker noticed Silver’s hurry and knocked at his door. “Silver, are you in there?” He opened the door to find Silver sitting on his bed sadly, unsure what to do. “What’s wrong?”

“Well, it’s just that…that…”

Before Silver could try to say any more, a clock chimed from the hall, signaling that night had arrived. “Oh, it’s getting late! I’ll see you tomorrow,” the worker said before he left.

That night, Silver woke up when he heard an odd moaning sound. “Huh? What’s that sound?” he said to himself. Then, something even odder happened. Silver’s eyes began to glow and his pupils dilated; he was unable to move and his mind was a blank.

Web, who had woke up when Silver spoke, went in front of him. “Silver, did you say something-AHH!” he shouted when he saw Silver’s current state. “Wake up!” he jumped up and down on Silver’s head, snapping him out of his trance.

“What happened?” Silver asked Web.

“I don’t know, but it was strange!”

The next morning at breakfast, Cream noticed that Silver had not touched his food and was staring down sadly. “What’s wrong, Silver? Aren’t you hungry?” she asked him.

“Well, not really…” Silver got up and walked away, worried about what was happening to him.

“I wonder what’s wrong? This isn’t like him,” Cream said worriedly.

“He’s been acting like this since yesterday,” Web replied, “I wonder if that dream had something to do with this…”

As Silver walked through the hall, he had one more idea. “I wonder if the doctor would know anything about this…”

However, even the Events doctor did not have an answer. He found nothing out of the ordinary when he examined Silver. “Hmmm, I can’t find anything wrong…and I don’t really know what was happening earlier,” he said.

Afterward, Silver walked away sadly. “I guess I’ll never find out what this is,” he sighed.

Just then, a mysterious creature appeared in front of Silver. She looked somewhat like the creature from Silver’s dream, but her fur was white, her ears curvy, and her eyes blue. She had green and pale yellow markings on her wings, a red heart shape on each hip, a heart-shaped tail tip that glowed pink, and a light yellow ball of light above her head. “Hello, Silver. I can help you,” she spoke in a feminine, gentle voice.

The creature placed one hand, glowing with pink light, on Silver’s forehead. “Aha! Just as I thought! It’s a creature!” Silver was puzzled. “Well, the reason all the strange things happened is because the creature is in your brain. It appears to be the same creature from your dream.”

“What?! But how did he get there? I don’t understand this!” Silver said.

“It is hard to understand. But he will be gone soon.”

Right then, Silver put his hands on his head in pain. “Ugh…what’s happening now?”

“I’ve defeated the creature and he’s starting to leave you. Just stay calm.” Silver’s psychic energy strengthened, causing his body to glow light blue. Then the creature from his dream flew up into the air and vanished into darkness with a shout. “There, you’ll be fine now. Goodbye!” the white creature smiled and then vanished.

When Silver came back to Cream and Web, he told them what had happened. “Everything’s been fixed!” he said cheerfully. Back to normal now, he ate his breakfast.

“It’s great to see everything normal again!” Cream smiled.

(from February 18-19, 2010)

The two creatures' names will be revealed later.
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 3: Who’s To Blame?

Silver woke up when the morning sunlight shone on him through the window. He sat up and yawned. “It’s another day of the events,” he said, then he looked down and saw that someone was missing. “Where’s Web?” He left his room and headed to the main room.

“Silver, I’m over here!” Web waved from one table, “I already ate my breakfast. I was waiting for you.”

After breakfast, Silver and Web walked to the skating rink, where they found many other characters enjoying practicing their ice-skating. “Wow, everyone’s in here!” Silver said.

“Let’s join them!” Web said, running to a bench. Silver and he attached ice-skating pieces to their shoes and then began to skate around. “Wheee!” Web exclaimed.

Unfortunately, the unkind Events worker was watching from outside the room and had an evil plan. Later, when Silver and Web were running about outside in the snow, he threw a spring onto the snow near them. With no time to avoid it, Silver found himself launched far away by the spring. “Whoa!” he shouted.

Web heard Silver’s shout and stopped but did not see him anywhere. “Silver?” he asked, but there was no reply. He ran back inside to the lobby where Cream was. “Cream! It’s terrible! Silver’s missing!” he exclaimed worriedly.

“Oh, no!” Cream said. She went back outside with Web to look for Silver.

When the two of them came into the woods, they found Silver lying in the snow there. Web immediately climbed onto his head and attempted to wake him. “Silver? Wake up!” But the hedgehog did not respond.

“I’ll get help!” Cream said. She hurried back to the lobby, where one of the Events workers was with Yoshi. “Something terrible happened!” she explained.

“Okay, lead us to it,” the worker replied.

Cream flew in the air and led the worker, who rode on Yoshi, through the snow. The unkind worker was hiding in the bushes nearby, and when Yoshi ran past, the snow he kicked up covered the man. “AAH!” he shouted.

“Here we are!” Cream said when they came to Silver.

“Oh, my! What happened here?” the worker asked.

“I don’t know. We just found him this way,” Web answered.

The worker knelt beside Silver and checked for a pulse. Then he carefully lifted him and stood up. “Well, he’s alive, but I don’t know if he’s hurt or not. I’ll take him back inside.”

Everyone went back the way they had come, and the unkind worker found himself covered in snow again. “AAH!” he shouted, “I’ll get you for this!”

Upon arriving back at the lobby, the other worker looked around for a place to put Silver until he woke up. “We’ll have to put him somewhere safe…” he said. He gently placed Silver on a couch and turned to Yoshi. “Now we need someone to guard him. Can you do that?”

“Yoshi!” Yoshi agreed.

For a while there was no trouble, but then a bipedal cat-like creature suddenly appeared in the room. She had orange and white fur with light brown stripes and green eyes. She wore a pink bow in her hair and a pink dress with a red collar and shoulders and a red bow around the waist. She grabbed Silver and then disappeared. Yoshi tried to stop her, but it was too late. He growled.

“What? Where am I?” Silver soon woke up and found himself trapped by a wall in an unfamiliar place.

“What does it look like?” the cat-like creature, who was a Calata, said from the other side of the wall, “You’re trapped by a glass wall. That’s where you’ll stay ‘til you die…which won’t be long! Haha!”

After the evil Calata left, Silver glowed with psychic power. “I don’t know how I got in here, but I know how to get out!” He used his powers to remove the glass wall from its place and ran away.

An alarm went off and a mechanical voice announced, “Alert! Alert! Someone is escaping!”

“That can’t be! Everyone is sealed by a glass wall!” Calata was angry. When she looked at the screen in front of her, she saw Silver running through the halls. “It’s the one I just captured! He will pay for this!” She picked up a sharp black and grey arrow-like weapon.

Silver came to a halt when he came to a wall and heard a voice shout, “Hold it right there!” There in front of him stood Calata, pointing her weapon at him. “Don’t make a move! This will be quick…so prepare for your death!” But Silver knew what to do. His body began to glow, and then Calata and her weapon both glowed and were thrown backward.

“AAH! How did you do that?!” Calata said angrily.

“It’s simple. First, I have a psychic power. Second, you underestimated me.”

“Humph! I don’t care what power you have, I can defeat you!” Calata jumped up and shot a beam at Silver, but he jumped aside to dodge it. He tried to send the beam back at Calata, but she created a barrier around herself that absorbed it. “Ha! What do you think of that?” she said.

So they fought for a while…Silver had no choice but to dodge Calata’s attacks until he was out of breath. “What’s wrong? Tired already?” Calata taunted.

I’ve had enough of this! Silver thought, and he used his most powerful attack, which surrounded him in light blue light and sent a blast of psychic power at Calata.

“Whoa!” Calata shouted. The attack was very strong! It defeated the evil Calata in one hit! …But it also drained Silver’s energy. He barely had the strength to walk into the other rooms and free everyone else who was captured. But a kind Calata who was very thankful healed him and teleported him back with his friends.

Web, Cream, the Events worker, and Yoshi were very happy to see Silver. “Silver, you’re back!” Web said.

“What happened?” Cream asked.

“It’s a long story…but at least it had a happy ending!” Silver replied.

(from February 22-23, 2010)

Calata is a Creature I made up.
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 4: Halfway Point

One morning, Silver woke up when he heard Web calling his name. “Silver! Silver! Are you awake?”

He looked at the clock and discovered that it was already later than usual. “AAH! I overslept!” he exclaimed.

“Silver! We’re going to be late!” Web kept calling for him.

“I’m coming!” Silver replied. He got up and left his room, where Web was waiting for him.

“Come on!” Web said. He dashed toward the main room.

Silver chased after his spider friend. “Hey! Wait for me!”

In the main room, one of the Events workers was standing at the podium. “Hello everyone. As you may know, today marks the halfway point in the festival.”

Meanwhile, the unkind Events worker was watching from just outside the room. Hmmm, this plan should work, he thought with a smirk. A huge quadrupedal creature named Darkswirl came up behind him. Darkswirl was covered in purple fur with tan paws and turquoise eyes. He had large furry ears, a short furry tail, sharp fangs, and a round black gem on his forehead. Following the worker’s command, he charged forward into the room and roared at Silver and Web. They tried to run, but he grabbed them.

Silver saw the unkind worker standing there and glared at him. “So you’re the one behind this! You don’t deserve to be in the Events!”

“Don’t you dare talk to me that way! Darkswirl!” Darkswirl tightened his grip on Silver, but he managed to free himself using his psychic power and sent a beam at Darkswirl. But the creature merely absorbed the attack and shot a beam from the gem on his forehead. Web created a spiderweb that wrapped around the beam, evaporating it. Then he escaped from Darkswirl’s grasp.

Silver, who was using his powers to float in midair, caught Web. “Are you all right?” he asked him.

“I’m fine,” Web answered.

Another beam came straight for the two of them, and Silver dropped back to the ground to evade it. “Run away,” he told Web, letting him back onto the ground, “I can handle this myself.”

But Web was reluctant. “Don’t do it! You’ll get hurt!” he said.

“Just leave!” So Web obeyed and ran away.

“All right, you’re asking for it!” Silver said to Darkswirl as he began to glow. He sent a beam at him, but his psychic power appeared to have no effect on the creature.

“Ha! You are no match for me!” Darkswirl taunted. He shot a beam, but Silver used his powers to stop it in its tracks. Darkswirl changed his direction and began to charge at the Events worker, who rode on Yoshi.

“You can’t do this!” Silver jumped onto Darkswirl’s back in an attempt to stop him. The creature roared and flailed, but his uninvited rider held on tight. So he began to glow, sending Silver flying off his back. Silver landed on his feet and noticed that Darkswirl was now surrounded in light. “What?!” he exclaimed in surprise.

When Darkswirl stopped glowing, his appearance changed and he became even stronger. Now he had larger ears, a longer tail, a green gem on his forehead, reddish-pink eyes, claws, and wings with yellow markings. He stood on his hind legs and roared.

This is going to be a tough battle…but I can do it! Silver thought with determination. Darkswirl shot a powerful beam at him, and he shot a beam right back. But Darkswirl’s beam was more powerful and disintegrated Silver’s beam. The hedgehog used his psychic power to stop the beam but struggled under its immense strength. When he managed to evaporate it, he was sent backward by its force. This creature is really strong! he thought, My only hope is my most powerful attack. But it drains my energy, which is already running low…I can’t waste it!

So Silver tried to send blasts of psychic power at Darkswirl, but he jumped right over them and smiled evilly. Silver fell to his knees, glowing less brightly. “Ugh…my psychic power…is weakening,” he panted, “I can’t…fight much longer!”

“Silver!” a voice called out right then.

Silver looked over to see Tails standing beside him. “Tails!” he said.

“Use this!” Tails tossed a purple cone-shaped jewel to Silver, who caught it, “It’s a Magic Jewel. It’s like a Chaos Emerald, but it’s from Capia.”

“Capia…?” Silver looked at the jewel with curiosity. The Magic Jewel glowed, restoring Silver’s energy and making him more powerful, allowing him to overcome Darkswirl. And so, the creature was defeated with the help of the Magic Jewel. The rest of the Events went peacefully. Soon came the last day…

“I’m sorry, Silver, but you didn’t win because you didn’t do some of the Events…” Cream looked sad at first, but then she smiled, “but you did win this, because you did so many brave things.” She placed a medal with a picture of two wings on it around Silver’s neck.

Silver took a look at his medal and smiled. “Thank you, Cream. I’ll never forget this. And thanks to Web too!”

“Actually, I should be thanking you,” Web said, “Without you, I would have never made it!” And so, the Events had a happy ending.

(from February 26-March 2, 2010)

I made Darkswirl, Capia, and the Magic Jewels. Capia is a magical and unique world which actually appears in multiple series I've written. More will be revealed about it and the Magic Jewels later.

The reason I did not show much about the second half of the Events is because by the time I finished this story, it was already March and so the time for wintertime Events was about over.
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 5: Mystery Downstairs

The Events Celebration had just ended, and Silver and Web left the building after saying goodbye to Cream. “Now we can finally go home!” Silver said, carrying his new medal that he had earned by showing his bravery during the Events. He was glad to go back home after being away at the Events for a while, and Web decided to stay with him for the time being.

That night, Silver and Web were awakened by a sudden crash from somewhere in the house. They sat up in alarm. “I’ll go see what that was,” Silver told Web, “Stay here.” When he came near the basement door, he heard a strange giggling sound. He listened carefully. It’s coming from in there! he thought.

Silver opened the door and started down the stairs. The giggling continued. “Hello? Is there anyone in here?” But there was no response except for more giggling. “I know there’s someone in here, so show yourself!” When he picked up a flashlight and turned it on, he saw only the contents of the basement. “There’s no one here!” he exclaimed. Then, his flashlight suddenly turned off, turning the room dark, and a white light appeared in the air. “What?!” Silver was so surprised that he dropped his flashlight.

From the light came a small white ghost with red eyes, blue pupils, and arms separate from its body. “Hee hee hee!” it laughed.

“A…ghost?!” Silver exclaimed. Before he could make a move, the ghost began to glow and grabbed him. “Hey! Let go of me!” he tried to struggle free, but it was no use.

Web, who had become worried and decided to see what was going on, came to the doorway. “Hey! Bring him back here!” he shouted. But it was too late; the ghost disappeared, taking Silver with it. “Silver…” Web felt tears come to his eyes with worry. Now what would happen to his friend?

Meanwhile, the small ghost had taken the unwilling Silver to a mysterious palace, where he saw a huge ghost. He looked like the smaller one except for two yellow moon shapes and purple circle on his forehead and a gold crown on his head. “So, you’ve brought another one?” he said to his minion, then looked down at Silver, who the smaller ghost released, “And who might you be?”

“I’m Silver, and don’t you forget it!” Silver crossed his arms bravely.

“My, what an attitude! Well, Silver, you’re now in the place where we turn life forms into ghosts…including you!”

“Hold it right there!” a voice called out. The friendly Calata who Silver had rescued from the evil Calata appeared atop a platform in the room. She looked like the evil Calata except she was not wearing a bow or dress and her eyes were blue instead of green. She jumped down between Silver and the huge ghost. “You’ll have to get through me first!”

“You’re the Calata who helped me when I freed you!” Silver said to Calata.

“Yes. Web told me you were in danger, so I came right away.”

Unfortunately, Calata was not watching the ghost while speaking to Silver. “Watch out!” Silver cried out, but it was too late. The ghost gripped Calata.

“Whoa!” Calata exclaimed, and then the ghost hit her with a beam from the designs on his forehead.

“Calata!” Silver exclaimed, “All right, you’re going to pay for that!” He began to glow and charged at the ghost, but he created a barrier that knocked Silver back. He fell to the ground, and before he could continue to fight, a case-like machine came down and surrounded him. He tried using his psychic power on the machine, but it had no effect.

“Ha ha! Your powers won’t do anything to our machines!” the ghost laughed.

“Web…Calata…” Silver fell to his knees in despair.

The ghost went over to a large button and pushed it. “Okay, magic machine! Turn this life form into a ghost!” An electric beam appeared at the top of the machine, but before it could come down, Calata appeared in front of Silver.

“Calata, what are you doing? It’ll kill you!” Silver said.

Calata looked back at Silver seriously. “Silver, your life is more important to me than my own. You saved mine, and now I shall save yours!” The electric beam came down, striking Calata. The force of the beam knocked Silver back and shattered the machine. Then the beam stopped and Calata dropped to the ground.

Silver rushed to Calata’s side. “Calata! Wake up!” he tried to shake her awake, but there was no response.

“Haha! Looks like-” the ghost started, but Silver cut him off.

“I’ve had enough of your nonsense! Let’s finish this now!” Silver shouted with fury in his eyes and his body glowing brightly.

But before he could attack, a glowing, floating Calata with blank red eyes appeared in front of him. “Not so fast!” it spoke in an eerie, echoing voice.

Silver stopped in surprise. Calata’s…ghost? he thought. What will happen to Silver? Has Calata died? Is this really her ghost? Find out in episode 6!

(from March 7-10, 2010)

The original story shows Silver using a lantern to light up the basement, but I think a flashlight is more up-to-date.

I forgot to mention Calata's pronunciation before - it's pronounced kuh-lat-uh.
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 6: Battle For Friendship!

Last time, Silver was captured by a ghost, who took him to the palace of its leader. The leader ghost trapped Silver in a dangerous machine, but his friend Calata saved his life by taking the hit from the machine’s electric beam. Now, a mysterious and evil ghost Calata is ready to fight Silver…could this be the ghost of the same Calata?

“Come on, why are we standing around? Let’s fight!” the ghost Calata said.

“I can’t fight you! You’re Calata…aren’t you?” Silver said.

The ghost Calata ignored him and frowned. “No more fooling around! I’m starting this!”

Silver felt tears come to his eyes, but he tried to gather his courage. “Calata would never do this! I’ll just have to gather my strength and fight!”

The two opponents used their powers and charged forward at the same time. They crashed into each other and fell back. “Hee hee!” the ghost Calata snickered, “Don’t you know? The power of living things is no match for that of ghosts!”

“Oh yeah? Well, I can still defeat you! Go back to Calata!” Silver sent a blast of psychic power at the ghost Calata, “It’s time to return!” The powerful blast caused his opponent to vanish.

“Hey!” the leader ghost said when his new helper was gone.

Silver’s emotions energized him and he glowed brighter than ever. “You hurt my friend…you will pay!” He shot an enormous beam at the two ghosts.

“Hey-AAH!” the leader ghost yelled as the blast of psychic power caused his minion and him to vanish.

Silver’s glow dimmed before it faded, but he still had the energy to go on. “Calata…” he looked back sadly at his friend and then picked her up, “I have to find the Creature doctor!”

Carrying Calata, Silver raced to the Creature doctor’s office. “Creature doctor!” he called out.

The doctor opened the door. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“This Calata was hit by a beam!” Silver replied.

After examining Calata, the doctor made a conclusion. “It appears the Calata was hit by a beam of electricity,” then he looked sorrowful, “But her survival-there’s not much of a chance-10%. She’ll most likely…die.”

“No! I won’t let that happen!” Silver cried out. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

Later, Silver sat in the waiting room sadly. I wonder if Calata will be all right… he thought.

“Silver!” a familiar voice called out. It was Web, who had seen Silver hurrying to the Creature doctor’s office. “You’re…crying! What’s wrong?”

“It’s…Calata! She…she only has a 10% chance of living!”

“What?!” Web exclaimed.

“She was hurt by a beam of electricity! She was trying to protect me! It’s my fault!”

“Silver, calm down! I’m sure she’ll be all right!” Web tried to reassure him, but he wasn’t sure if Calata would be okay either.

“But…my friend is dying!” Silver exclaimed.

Just then, the Creature doctor came in the doorway. “You can see Calata now,” he said.

Silver and Web went into the room where Calata was lying on a bed inside a glass chamber to recover. She was awake now and saw Silver come up beside the glass. “Silver, it’s you…” she said weakly.

“Calata!” Silver said, “She’s so…weak…”

“Silver, please try to calm down a little,” the doctor told him, “I’ll do what I can for Calata.”

When Silver and Web went back to the waiting room, the same white creature who had helped Silver at the Events appeared in front of them. “It’s you!” Silver said.

“Yes. My name is Miracle, and I sense your friend will be all right.”

At that moment, the Creature doctor called out, “Silver! Web! A miracle has happened! Calata is fine!”

“Hmm,” Miracle said to herself cheerfully and winked.

Silver and Web rushed to the room where Calata was and found her standing up and back in good health. “Calata! You’re all right!” Silver said with joy.

When Silver, Web, and Calata left the Creature doctor’s office, they ran about happily, rejoicing over Calata’s miraculous recovery. Miracle had been right! She flew overhead and watched the three friends, smiling. “Looks like it’s a happy ending!” she said.

(from March 12-13, 2010)

I changed the wording in a few parts of this story because I don't really like them in the original or they seem unnecessary.

Miracle first appeared in episode 2.
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 7: What is Capia?

One night, Silver lay awake, lost in thought. His mind was on something that he was curious about…the Magic Jewels. He sat up and gazed at the purple jewel that sat beside his bed. Tails said Magic Jewels are from Capia, and like Chaos Emeralds… he thought. “I need to find out more!” he said to himself.

Silver got up and went to Tails’s house. “Tails? Are you home?” he called out, but there was no answer. Then he caught sight of movement in the sky. Tails was flying his plane, but was too tired to pay attention and was swiftly heading toward the ground. “He’s going to crash!” Silver exclaimed.

Tails was surprised when his plane suddenly began to glow, stopped in place, and then slowly moved down for a soft landing. “Are you all right?” Silver asked him, running up to his plane.

“Yeah. I think I fell asleep…” Tails said sheepishly.

Silver held up his Magic Jewel. “Well, I actually came here about this, and Capia.”

“Well, I’ve been to Capia but I don’t know a lot about either one,” Tails replied, “But I do know someone who does.” Silver got into the plane and Tails, more awake now, said, “This time I’ll try not to fall asleep!”

After flying to the proper destination and then landing the plane, Tails led Silver to a white heart-shaped gate, which mysteriously opened on its own. While Tails already knew about the gate, Silver wondered why it opened by itself when they approached. Then, inside the gate, yellow griffin-like creatures and white Pegasus-like creatures were visible playing in the immense, beautiful forest. Silver was amazed. “Pegisan and Leaga? Those are a legendary Pokemon and a rare Creature!”

“This is the Forest of Wonders. A lot of unusual things happen here,” Tails explained.

Tails led Silver into a cave, where a griffin-like creature sat. She had dark green fur with light green wings, light green fur on her tail tip, yellow markings on her wings, belly, and paws, an orange beak, black eyes, and pointy ears. She was a legendary Pokemon called Leagon. “Hello, Tails. I see you’ve brought a friend with you,” she smiled.

“Hello,” Tails replied cheerfully.

“I’m Silver, and I wanted to know more about Capia,” Silver added.

“Well, you’ve come to the right place. Let me begin,” Leagon replied, “Capia is a world, its own planet, that can only be entered or exited through a portal in this field or a portal in Capia. It was discovered thousands of years ago by an explorer who was a Creature known as Purlon. Eventually a fight suddenly broke out; soon after, the Purlon is said to have mysteriously become extinct. There are many creatures in Capia that only live there and can’t be found anywhere else.” She looked at the Magic Jewel Silver held. “There are six Magic Jewels; they are very powerful. But you must never go to Capia with your jewel. It’s very precious to Capians and they will attack you if they see you with it.”

“So they’ve lost this Magic Jewel?” Silver asked.

Leagon looked down seriously. “Yes. They will search for it.”

“Well, thanks for your help,” Silver said.

Once Tails and Silver left the cave, Tails yawned. “Let’s go home,” he said.

Tails flew Silver back to his house, and the two of them said goodbye to each other. Tails flew off in his plane and Silver went back into his room. He set his Magic Jewel back on the table by his bed and looked down at it with a smile, his curiosity satisfied for now. Looks like there’s more to these Magic Jewels than I thought! he thought.

Just then, Web came into the room. He had not noticed that Silver had been gone because he had been sleeping in another room, but he was awakened when Silver came back. “You’re still awake?” he asked.


“Come on, let’s go to bed.”

“Okay,” Silver replied, and he sat on his bed while Web sat at the foot of the bed, “And now I finally know more!”

“Huh?” Web was puzzled.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Silver replied. But before he went to sleep, he thought, But I’m still glad about it!

(from March 16-18, 2010)

Not sure why Silver had to visit Tails in the middle of the night or why Tails thought it was a good idea to fly his plane while falling asleep...I guess I thought it would add more to the story somehow!

Pegisan and Leagon are two legendary Pokemon I made up. At the time this story was made, Leaga was also a legendary Pokemon I made up and was one of my over 800 made-up Pokemon. But a year later, I cut my made-up Pokedex down to 188, and Leaga was one of the ones I took out, so now it is just a rare Creature.

Yes, there are Pokemon in this series. In the past my series used to be somewhat mixed-up with characters who did not belong appearing in them. The Silver and Web Series is one of the last series to do so.

Sorry I did not describe Pegisan or Leaga much; I have never decided on their exact coloring yet so it would be hard to accurately describe them. I'm also not sure why Silver hides his adventures from others so much in this series; I guess it's because the episodes would be too long if he always explained them.

Leagon normally isn't able to speak so I guess the one in this story is unique.


Capia - kayp-ee-uh
Pegisan - pej-ee-sawn
Leaga - lee-guh
Leagon - lee-gawn
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 8: A Special Easter

One beautiful day, Silver was standing outside, taking in all the sights of the season. The grass was green, the trees were growing leaves and blossoms, and flowers were growing in the grass. “It looks like spring has finally arrived,” he said.

“Silver, it’s almost Easter!” Web called out from nearby.

“Oh yeah, we need to get ready for it,” Silver replied.

Just then, there was a commotion a short distance away. A dark grey wolf-like creature with red eyes and a furry tail and ears, called a Drowa, was chasing a purple bird-like creature called a Colova. The Colova had a pink stripe on its head, back, and tail, light and dark blue wingtips, a lavender belly, and a green tail tip. Its beak and legs were yellow-orange with a band of red on each knee, and its eyes were yellow. “It’s a Colova!” Silver said.

“And a Drowa!” Web added.

“It looks like the Colova’s in trouble. Let’s help it!” Silver used his psychic power to throw the Drowa backward, and it growled.

Grateful, Colova flew over to Silver and Web. “Colova!” it said. You saved my life!

“Buneary!” said a cheerful voice. Silver, Web, and Colova turned to catch sight of a Buneary hopping through the grass, carrying a basket of Easter eggs. “The Easter Buneary?” Silver said. Then, a beam came from behind and hit Web and him. “Whoa!” he said.

“AAH!” Web shouted. The two of them looked ahead to see Drowa glaring at them and growling angrily. Growling loudly, it stood up on its hind legs and surrounded itself with dark power.

But Colova was ready. “Colova!” it surrounded itself with light power, and both Drowa and it attacked at the same time. Their attacks collided, and then Silver hit Drowa with a psychic beam, sending it flying. When it landed, it ran away.

“We did it!” Silver cheered. Web and he had stopped Drowa and made a new friend.

The next day, Web got up in the morning and found two filled Easter baskets. “The Easter Buneary came!” he exclaimed.

Silver came and picked up his normal-sized Easter basket, while Web picked up a tiny Easter egg from his miniature Easter basket. “It looks like this is a special Easter!” Silver said.

(from March 31-April 7, 2010)

This is a pretty short episode because I remember not having a lot of ideas for what happened in it. Also, it was actually finished after Easter...I remember being sick over Easter that year, which explains why this episode took so long.

Colova and Drowa are Creatures I made up. Drowa, like Leaga, was originally a Pokemon but is now just a Creature. Also, Buneary is a good Pokemon for Easter, right? ^_^

Colova is pronounced kuh-loh-vuh and Drowa is pronounced droh-uh.
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 9: New Place and Adventure

One day, Silver looked down at his purple Magic Jewel, still curious about the land it had come from. “I know about Capia now, but I wonder what it’s like…” he said. He had an idea. I’ll go there and see what it’s like! Following Leagon’s advice not to take his Magic Jewel with him, he set it aside and ran outside. Then he went to where he remembered seeing the heart-shaped gate, which opened by itself again when he came near. He went into the Forest of Wonders and eventually found a purple and green swirling circle, which he knew must be the portal to Capia.

Leagon saw Silver standing by the portal. “Silver? What’s he doing here?” she wondered. “Silver, wait!” she called out as the hedgehog jumped into the portal, but it was too late. “He’s in Capia now. I hope he’ll be all right.”

Meanwhile, Silver found himself surrounded by a purple and green swirling design. “What is this place? It looks so strange…” The odd design soon faded and Silver landed on the grass. This must be Capia, he thought. The landscape itself looked no different from his own world so far.

Suddenly, Silver felt something brush against the back of his head. “Huh?” he looked back, but no one was there, “There’s something here, but I can’t see it!” A bright light came from in front of him, and a beam came from the light that knocked him back.

From the mysterious light came a huge purple lion wearing a crown on his head. He glared at this new visitor who he thought might have bad intentions, but he made the mistake of moving behind Silver. The hedgehog, flying back from the beam’s impact, crashed right into the lion. “You will die!” he roared, revealing his sharp claws.

Luckily, before he could attack, a huge purple lioness raced to the scene and grabbed onto one of his front legs, stopping him. “King, stop it!” she said.

The king of Capia looked over at the lioness and his anger disappeared. “Queen!”

“You should be ashamed of yourself. You scared this poor creature!” the queen of Capia looked over at Silver and gently helped him to his feet. “I’m sorry, the king has a very short temper. What’s your name?”

“I’m Silver, Silver the Hedgehog. I’m from outside Capia,” Silver replied.

Meanwhile, Leagon rushed out of the Forest of Wonders towards Silver’s house. I have to find Web! she thought. When she found the spider standing in the front yard, she stopped worriedly. “Web, Silver went to Capia!”

“What?!” Web exclaimed.

That night in Capia, the queen let Silver stay in an extra bedroom. “Try to get some sleep. We’ll see if we can get the portal back,” she said as she walked out the door to the room and closed it.

Silver noticed a book lying open on a table at the foot of the bed and took a closer look. On one page was an image of six glowing jewels, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The open pages read:

Magic Jewels

Magic Jewels are very powerful magical jewels from Capia; there are six total. The Magic Jewels not only give power to Capia itself, but they also can give extra power to all living things. One who possesses all six jewels and is good will become immensely powerful once reciting this line:

Magic Jewels, unite! Fill my heart with your power!

After reading these pages, Silver remained curious about the Magic Jewels’ power. I wonder if I’ll get all six Magic Jewels… he thought, I’d better get to sleep.

The next morning, Silver sat up and yawned while the queen opened the door to the room. “I see you’re awake!” she said.

“Heh heh…” Silver laughed nervously.

The king also came into the doorway. “Good news! We’ve found the portal!” he said.

So the queen and he led Silver outside to the area where the portal had appeared. “Goodbye!” they said together when their new friend stood by the portal.

“Goodbye!” Silver said, and he jumped into the portal, waving to his new friends. The three of them were sad to leave each other, but they were also glad that Silver was going back home.

When Silver arrived back at his house, Web came to greet him. “Silver, you’re back! What happened in Capia?”

“Well, it’s a long story…but it all turned out okay!” Silver replied. Web, Leagon, and he were glad that things were fine.

(from April 11-12, 2010)

Not sure how Leagon knew Web or where he was staying...I guess some things like them meeting each other must have happened between episodes. :p

I changed the wording of the writing on the pages of the open book because the original didn't sound right.
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 10: Silver and Web’s New Friend

One lovely spring day, Silver was relaxing on the branch of a tree. Web looked up at him from the ground. “Silver, what are you doing up there?” he asked.

“I’m just relaxing,” Silver looked down at his friend and then at the clear blue sky, “It’s a beautiful spring day. It’s perfect for relaxing.”

Suddenly, a voice cried out from nearby, “Chinon! Chinon!” A creature that looked somewhat similar to Silver was running frantically toward the tree. He had a tan spiky shape floating behind his head, small tan quill-like wings, whiskers, and claws and was smaller than Silver. A large bird-like creature with brown feathers on its body, white feathers on its head, brown eyes, a yellow beak and legs, sharp claws, and a short tail was flying after him. It was a Bomb Bird.

Silver sat up and Web climbed up to the branch to get a better view. “It’s a Silver Chinon!” Silver said.

“It’s in trouble!” Web added.

Silver knew what to do. It was time for a special move that Sonic characters could use to combine their powers with their respective Character Chinons. “Communication!” he raised his arms and glowed and the Silver Chinon also began to glow, becoming aware of the special move. Both of their psychic powers combined and created a powerful beam that struck the Bomb Bird, who flew away in retreat.

The grateful Silver Chinon ran over to Silver and Web. “Chinon Chinon Chi!” he said. Thank you for saving me. My name is Sil-Chi!

“I’m Silver, and this is my friend Web,” Silver replied.

“Chinon Chi!” It’s nice to meet you!

A moment later, Silver used his psychic power to float back up to the tree branch. “Time to go back to the tree!”

Web used a spiderweb to go up the tree and Sil-Chi flew up to the tree branch. “We wanted to relax too!” Web laughed, standing on one of Silver’s quills. Sil-Chi sat beside Silver, who petted him.

Meanwhile in Capia, an evil scheme was being planned. The evil Calata who had once trapped Silver and many other creatures stood next to a slender winged creature with purple fur and white on his face, belly, and wing tips. He had white fins on his head, around his neck, and on his tail; his neck fins had blue diamond shapes on them. His eyes were yellow, his nose round and black, and he had claws on each paw. He was Lenarok, and his goal was to become a leader of Capia so he could carry out all his evil plans with ease. “This plan will work, I’m sure!” he said.

“Let’s awaken him,” Calata said.

The same black creature who had caused trouble for Silver at the Events was unconscious and suspended inside a machine in a strange liquid. When the liquid was drained, he immediately opened his eyes. “What? Where am I?”

“You’ve been asleep for about two months,” Lenarok answered.

The creature remembered what had happened to him last and looked angry. “Oh, yeah…Miracle took me out of Silver’s brain…I will get them both!”

After a little while, Silver noticed the sun beginning to set. He told Web and Sil-Chi, “It’s getting late. Let’s go home.” As they came down from the tree and walked home together, he thought, It looks like we have a new friend!

(from April 16-17, 2010)

A drawing I made about this episode one time has it titled "The New Friend" instead. I'm not sure why that is.

Chinon is a Sonic Creature I made up that is similar to Chao (though they look quite different), with many different types. The Character Chinons are rarer, special Chinons that resemble different characters from Sonic and have similar powers.

Bomb Bird is a Creature I made up, but it's actually supposed to be from Bomberman. Like I said, I often had characters appear in the wrong series in my old stories.

Chinon is pronounced chee-nawn and Lenarok is pronounced leh-nuh-rawk.
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Aug 19, 2015
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I wrote this for a writing prompt called: "What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?" It was supposed to be silly over the top humor, but I went a bit silly and dark with it.

The scientists eagerly watched the world around them coalesce into being as the intelligent time machine halted at the moment it had deemed was a few moments before the extinction of the dinosaurs. At last they would know the truth about what had happened! They watched in amazement as they saw the creatures they called dinosaurs roaming in the well-watered plains before them. So transfixed on the glorious sight that met their eyes, they failed to notice the sky behind them folding and waving as reality began warping in the wake the time machine had made. The time machine sensed the disturbance and let of a ding! of warning. One scientist was able to tear his eyes away from the dinosaurs to look at the readout.

"Warning, imminent danger!" the readout blared in blinking red block letters.

Frowning, he looked around, and was filled with horror. His scream of anguish caused his fellow scientists to turn around and they beheld a scene so horrific they collapsed from the unspeakable approaching doom.

Fast forward to the scientists day, and their coworkers were rushing about the lab in a panic. The intelligent time machine had sent them a message from the past.

"All dead. Attempting to return. Danger approaching."

As the warning flashed desperately on the screens, the scientists dashed about pulling levers, punching buttons, and crying in dismay.

The warning changed. "Paradox initiated, unable to rectify."

"What have we done?" One scientist screamed, falling to the ground in despair.

The ceiling above where the intelligent time machine once was, was now warping and waving, the air folding in on itself. The two time eras were now connected in a way the intelligent time machine could not control. It wanted to return to its time, but it was stuck in the time stream. The energy from the straining machine built up until the warping, folding space-time energy exploded in a blinding flash of light.

In both time eras an explosion rippled across the planet, killing the majority of life almost instantaneously.

Eons later, the dominant life form of the planet Earth wanted to know what had wiped out the human civilization. Some theorized it had been a huge meteor, others argued that volcanoes and tsunamis had destroyed them, and yet others insisted that the humans had wiped themselves out in war. Their scientists built a time machine. At last they would find out the truth!
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 11: Sil-Chi’s Discovery

“Silver, you sure are up there a lot!” Web looked up at Silver, who was napping on the branch of the tree.

“Chinon Chinon!” a voice sang. In the field, a Silver Chinon named Silvy was skipping about cheerfully; she looked just like Sil-Chi except she wore a pink bow on her head. Hearing the voice, Sil-Chi looked out from behind a bush curiously. When he saw Silvy, his eyes and the shape floating behind his head turned into hearts.

“SILVER!” Web shouted out, waking Silver and causing him to jump.

“Whoa!” he said. He nearly fell off the tree branch, but was able to grab onto it.

“Sil-Chi is in love!” Web announced.

With hearts still in his eyes, Sil-Chi leapt at Silvy, but she saw him coming and began to run away. “Sil-Chi, stop it!” Silver said, but Sil-Chi did not listen. He stopped for a moment and cried, but then went back to chasing Silvy. Silver sighed.

“Welcome to the strange world of Sil-Chi!” Web said, watching the chase taking place ahead.

However, soon Silvy looked over, seeing that Sil-Chi was actually in love with her. She stopped and turned around, her eyes and the shape floating behind her head becoming hearts. “Chi!” He likes me! She ran over to Sil-Chi and gave him a hug; he blushed happily.

“Ha ha…” Silver laughed, “looks like everything turned out all right!”

(from April 23-26, 2010)

This is one of the shortest episodes so far. I guess I didn't have a lot of ideas for its events.
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Daughter of God
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The Silver and Web Series
Episode 12: Trouble in Capia

One day, Silver, Web, and Sil-Chi were walking outside when they caught sight of something green and sparkling in the grass. “It’s a Magic Jewel!” Silver picked it up and Web and Sil-Chi took a closer look.

In Capia, a slender, elegant creature with white fur and pale yellow on her face, belly, paws, and wing tips was standing at the communication device in the Capian Palace. She had white fins on her head, around her neck, and on her tail; her neck fins had lavender oval shapes on them. Her eyes were blue, her nose round and black, and a yellow halo floated above her head. She was a leader of Capia, who worked to protect the planet and to make sure that the Magic Jewels were kept safe. “Capen! Come in, Capen!” she said, pushing a button on the device.

Capen, a huge green creature with short curvy ears and blank black eyes, appeared on the screen. She was the most powerful leader of Capia and incredibly wise and knowledgeable. While she did not live in Capia but at a place in space known as the Teleporter, she still was able to keep an eye on Capia and protect it; despite her unique and expressionless appearance, she was really very calm and caring. “Lelenar? What is it?” she asked.

Lelenar looked worried. “It’s awful! Two Magic Jewels are missing!”

“That can only mean one thing…” Capen replied, “Someone is collecting them. The jewels seem to be finding the collector themselves. That means it must be for a good purpose!”

“But Capia cannot survive without the Magic Jewels!”

“I know…we’ll just have to see what happens.”

What are we going to do? Lelenar thought with concern, Capia and all its inhabitants are at stake! “But the Magic Jewels’ collector…what if their heart is filled with evil?!” she exclaimed.

“Lelenar, those jewels know more than any living creature-even me! They can see the near future. They can see into their collector’s heart. Just don’t worry.”

Lelenar sighed. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop worrying so much.”

Meanwhile, Silver told his friends, “Let’s take this Magic Jewel home where the other one is.” Then the three of them walked home, glad to have found their second Magic Jewel.

(from May 1-3, 2010)

Another short one. :p

Lelenar is pronounced lel-eh-nawr and Capen is pronounced kayp-en.
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