It’s getting rough out there, what would you do?

Jun 26, 2003
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A bit of background: I do not count myself as holy. I spent the first 56 years of my life in sin, even though I thought myself as Christian. I was born Catholic, left the Church came back after 20 yrs but still carried a doubtful conscience as to Church teaching. I would commit grave sin and not know it because of conscience. Somehow God had mercy, one of my deceased relatives or friends had to be praying for me, because I did not do anything, but God purified my heart and I fully submitted to Church teaching in 2019. The effect was immediate, the grave sin that would so easily beset me in the past was gone.

I looked at it and knew that if I ever returned to it, it would be mortal. It may have been grave in the past because mortal requires full knowledge. I have that now, so I rejoice in God’s grace that He gives me the strength to remain free. We all know about sins of the sixth commandment. It was not merely refraining from them, but aligning my past with the truth. I was married twice before and my current non-Catholic wife was married twice before. I was excommunicated in that I had as not allowed to receive communion until my past was reconciled to Church teaching.
I went through the annulment process and had to convince my non-Catholic wife to have her previous Non-Catholic marriages annulled as well. The whole thing took years, but I can say that if you humbly ask God for His grace, you will get it. The annulments were affirmed and my wife and I received a Radical Sanation for our current marriage.

I was able to receive communion again and we all lived happily ever after right? Wrong! There are some trials to go through first down here. Happily ever after is in heaven. I asked God for humility, because He knows I don’t have it.

My career is in the medical field and this requires me to get close to what I call pagan religious rituals, as they are anything but health care. I am speaking specifically of abortions, sterilizations, and transgender surgeries. You may say, that’s easy enough, just don’t do them.

Well the peer pressure is severe, and I am not perfect. It is only by the grace of God that I live. In my first job, I was promised that I would not have to give anesthesia for abortions, but lo and behold, looks what’s on my schedule. I had to go to the chief and ask to be reassigned, but he told me that I had to find the replacement myself. That was humiliating, but I did it.

I was Protestant at the time so I would assist with sterilizations and transgender surgeries, but there came a confrontation over this one abortion patient. I nurse wanted to ask me questions about her, and I tried to be discreet and say I cannot talk about that patient. She would not let up, so I more forcefully told her not to talk to me about that patient, still would not let up, so I lost control and said I don’t do those cases they are murder. That shut her up, but I got written up and reprimanded and told to keep my beliefs to myself blah blah blah. Didn’t last long at that job

Abortion never really became an issue for me again, but I was still performing sterilizations, and God pressed upon my heart, I have shown you the evil of contraception, how can you say you love Me when you enable others to flaunt my laws? I had my lawyer draw up a letter to give to my boss that asserted my Title VII rights to opt out of sterilizations out of conscience. The chief of anesthesia and the chief of surgery backed my right to opt out. The chief of OB/GYN was angry, but could not confront me. I was met with silence.

God was not done. He said to my heart, you are not participating in them, but you are a sell out as you enable that OR to run by your presence. I was thinking, it’s hard to get a new job and I am getting old. How shall I live? God was saying who do you love? Me or money? So He allowed my salary to be cut by 33% to give my the courage to resign. I initially resigned over money, but I told my partners, who were both Catholic, that I would stay if we as a department would refuse to assist in sterilizations. They said that they could not do that so I left.

Did not know where I would go, so I called an agency for placement, and I told them that I would work for them if they could find me a job where I was not required to assist in abortions, sterilizations, transgender surgeries or be forced to take experimental vaccines of unproven safety and efficacy. I was completely up front with them and gave my reasons according to Catholic Natural Law teaching. They agreed to help.
The first place they sent me was a beautiful Catholic hospital, and I was very happy. I don’t know if you understand agency medical work, but I was making a lot of money and the Catholic hospital had to let me go, because I was too expensive. They said they loved me and were sorry to see me go.

The next place I worked was a Lutheran hospital, but I was assured that they understood my conscience objections, but they assigned my to transgender and sterilization rooms. They prevented me from taking call, as I believe that they did tubal ligations on the weekend, but they gave some other excuse. My salary was 30 or 40% less than it would have been, so I resigned and gave notice. I worked my obligatory time and did not give them a bad review, but they hated that I quit and gave me a bad review but would not say the reason. It has become apparent now that discrimination due to religion or conscience is illegal and anything they say could be used against them in a court of law, so I was met with silence.

Next job I told my agency to make sure that they know about my conscience and was assured that they did. One day I was assigned to a case that involved sterilization and I asked to be reassigned. The chief graciously complied but asked me what I would do on a weekend when on call, and adds a tubal ligation to be done in addition to a C-Section? I explained the law of double effect in that I would be present for the baby and mother, the tubal ligation would be done, but my primary responsibility would be the
C-section. I stated that I would not perform a post partum tubal ligation as it has no medical necessity. I thought everything was fine as I told my agency ahead of time about my conscience requirements. Not so fast, the next day I was called into the chiefs office and summarily fired, citing clinical concerns. They would not elaborate and self doubt began to creep in. I am now out of work till January.

I received a bad evaluation from my last job without explanation, and now I am summarily fired from this one? A sense of doom came over me. Am I really that bad? I know I am not perfect but what am I going to do now? Everyone was silent and offered no explanation

I heard God’s voice on my heart in a dream. Come out from her my people, be not partakers I her evil deeds. I was not fired due to incompetence, but because I would uphold God’s law and not sell out for money. They were all completely silent because they know religious discrimination is illegal and anything they say can be used against them in a court of law. They will never admit what they did but would probably make up a trumped up charge if cornered.

Yes God had smacked me down in humility and forcefully corrected me. At first I was starting to like all the money and it inflated my ego, so God allowed me to be scammed out of a large chuck of change shall we say. I knew it was God, because I was not angry, but rather felt peace and accepted the Lords discipline. What the scammers had meant for evil, God meant for good, as my nonCatholic wife grew closer to me as a result. Now this firing right before Christmas , I thought my wife would become angry, but she was very comforting

My wife says that she knows I am not incompetent as she has seen me work, and other surgeons liked my work so much, they requested me personally. The hospital fired me because I would not do tubal ligations, I was a temporary emloyee from an agency and could be fired at will.

All is not lost as I have found work at a Catholic hospital that knows everything that happened, knows me and is very pleased to offer me a position in January. I will work for a Catholic hospital at a markedly reduced salary, but it’s only money. I am working for God, and His fringe benefits are heavenly.

I don’t want you to read this and think that I am bragging. I did not behave honorably along the way, but God has brought me here. I frequently wanted to lose heart and cave. I asked for strength and received the sacraments for spiritual strength. Study the word and you see take no thought of what you shall eat, what you shall wear. God knows that you need these things. I testify that He is true to His word. I don’t need money and mine will be taken away.
I have a great deal to learn because I have money. We are not rewarded in heaven by how much money you make but how we obey God.
When we pray the Our Father and say Thy will be done, we are not taking to God about some pie in the sky future when all creation obeys, but we are taking to ourselves now in real time, not my will but thy will be done. We must obey the Church and give up our desires for this world. He desires obedience rather than sacrifice. I could make a lot more money and sacrifice it all to God if I did sterilizations, but I would not be in obedience and therefore not pleasing to God
I know it’s hard to go it alone, but if my story can give you to other professionals living out their Catholic faith, than that is why I tell it


Feb 7, 2023
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The very first job I applied for in 1980 was as a receptionist for the local GP. During the interview I was asked would I be ok with dealing with referral paperwork for abortions. I was only 18 and was shocked by the question. I was very flustered and and said no I couldn't do that and the interview ended. I still get shivers 40 years later recalling the moment.
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Sep 29, 2015
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The very first job I applied for in 1980 was as a receptionist for the local GP. During the interview I was asked would I be ok with dealing with referral paperwork for abortions. I was only 18 and was shocked by the question. I was very flustered and and said no I couldn't do that and the interview ended. I still get shivers 40 years later recalling the moment.
You were blessed not to get that job.
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Jun 26, 2003
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The very first job I applied for in 1980 was as a receptionist for the local GP. During the interview I was asked would I be ok with dealing with referral paperwork for abortions. I was only 18 and was shocked by the question. I was very flustered and and said no I couldn't do that and the interview ended. I still get shivers 40 years later recalling the moment.

You were very brave at 18 to tell the truth. Abortion is evil, and no different than the child sacrifice to Molech. What many don’t think about is that contraception is the cause of abortion, because every child conceived despite contraceptive use is by definition unwanted.

Sex is linked to procreation and when society separated sex and procreation, we see the evils of lust on display. The libido is a fleshy desire that must be brought under the control of reason.

The reason is to have a child. That is righteous and chaste. Read the book of Tobit.
Sex for pleasure only outside of marriage is unchaste and mortally sinful. Contraception within marriage is mortally sinful.

Don’t believe it is sinful? Look at the fruits. Masturbation, porn, homosexuality, the destruction of masculinity, the perversion of femininity, adultery, divorce, pedophilia, bestiality and now robot sex. Sound good?

No that’s why I refuse to do tubals and vasectomies. Paul said when we leave the natural use of the woman, God gives us up to lust

Society wants us to tell them that they are ok having sex for pleasure only and will persecute us if we disagree, but disagree we must if we are to obey the commandments of God.
May God bless you abundantly for refusing that abortion referral job
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Lady Bug

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Aug 23, 2007
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The very first job I applied for in 1980 was as a receptionist for the local GP. During the interview I was asked would I be ok with dealing with referral paperwork for abortions. I was only 18 and was shocked by the question. I was very flustered and and said no I couldn't do that and the interview ended. I still get shivers 40 years later recalling the moment.
And to think that the interviewer had no qualms about it. :oops:
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Jun 26, 2003
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And to think that the interviewer had no qualms about it. :oops:
Society is being brainwashed to think that sterilizations, abortion, and transgender surgeries are healthcare

They are not healthcare, but are religious rituals that do grave harm to the soul
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