How do you like to dress for church?

How do you like to dress for church?

  • I dress formally or "business casual." I believe we should look our best for the Lord.

  • I wear very casual clothes, but I make sure they are clean and in good repair.

  • I don't care what I wear to church, even if it has stains or rips.

  • Other. I'll explain in the thread.

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Too blessed to be stressed
Jul 13, 2011
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I have one other thing to say and I will shut up after this : )

In high school our youth group went on a mission trip to honduras. It was 2 weeks long. We built a house for a family in need (they were incredibly grateful) donated items in neighborhoods to family's in need, participated in free medical clinics, etc. It was a great experience. I have a god daughter from that trip : ) It hurts my heart that I probably will never see her or her family again, but in heaven.

Anyway, after "roughing it" in a 3rd world country, yet coming back spiritually charged, the mission group all went out for dinner at a really nice restaurant when we came back. We were all exhausted, waiting in the lobby for our table. Sitting there, looking at the packed restaurant we looked around us, in our t-shirts and bandanas, at a bunch of superficial people who care about looks... a lot. I know that is a judgement on my part, but it's pretty obvious. It just really hit me right there. Being a girl I was always into shopping and fashion. That experience alone changed me. I realized, that wasn't how I wanted to live my life. Caring so much how I looked. True beauty really is on the inside. If someones going to judge me, I'd rather it be on something that matters.

Sitting there, in my jeans and t-shirt, watching the world around me, I went back to the family we met in honduras. They understood what *true* joy was. Their gratitude ran so deep. Deeper than hardly anyone I had ever met in the states. What you have won't make you happy if it's completely hollow. God fulfills your life and once you have that you know what's truly important.
I hear ya pink , and agree . But now lets say a person has a lot of blessings : a house , and running water, and a shower, and lots of nice clothes. Do you think this person should dress nicely for church , or wear whatever they want to ? Such as a leather mini skirt , with red 4 inch heels ? Or a guy who wears an old wrinked football team tee shirt and baggy sweat pants ?

Personally I think its in bad taste . Now if someone is truly poor and has no good clothes , sure , I think wearing whatever is fine .
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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hi doc,

You posted: I hear ya pink , and agree . But now lets say a person has a lot of blessings : a house , and running water, and a shower, and lots of nice clothes. Do you think this person should dress nicely for church , or wear whatever they want to ? Such as a leather mini skirt , with red 4 inch heels ? Or a guy who wears an old wrinked football team tee shirt and baggy sweat pants ?

I would consider the one wearing the leather mini and 4" heels as somene who doesn't know the truth. The guy in a wrinkled t and baggie sweats, I'd want to see if I couldn't get a closer look at his heart. I think we all forget the life that people lived in the days of the early church. I'm speaking of 50-100 AD. Most common folk didn't have but one piece of clothing - a tunic. Maybe they had two. Do you think that any of them even gave a moments thought to wearing their best to go meet with the fellow believers? I firmly believe that this idea of 'dressing up' for the fellowship of believers is a relatively new and probably not very godly initiative.

I believe that all God wants is that you go with a sincere heart to worship, praise and serve Him. What you wear, so long as it's modest and presentable, isn't even on His list of things to check. The only problem with the girl in the leather mini and 4" heels is the sure disruption and distraction it will bring to the worship of Him. And, of course, the girl thinking that she's there to show off her fashion sense and not to worship her Creator. I'd also say the person who has all those blessings you mention better be down on their knees every day thanking God for them even though they don't deserve them. Be very, very careful my friend that those 'blessings' don't turn your eyes away from God rather than to Him. The easy life can be just as deceitful as the hard one.

God bless you.
In Christ, Ted
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unending love, amazing grace
May 21, 2007
United States
I hear ya pink , and agree . But now lets say a person has a lot of blessings : a house , and running water, and a shower, and lots of nice clothes. Do you think this person should dress nicely for church , or wear whatever they want to ? Such as a leather mini skirt , with red 4 inch heels ? Or a guy who wears an old wrinked football team tee shirt and baggy sweat pants ?

Personally I think its in bad taste . Now if someone is truly poor and has no good clothes , sure , I think wearing whatever is fine .

What do you mean?lol. As I've said, we should dress very nicely for church. The most appropriate thing we have. No I don't think low-cut tops on women are appropriate, but only God knows why that person dresses the way they do. I try not to let it interfere with how i view that person.
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unending love, amazing grace
May 21, 2007
United States
Oh, and one more thing. The women there in honduras of the families we helped probably did not own a closet-full of clothes like nearly everyone here does. but even still, they were dressed as modest as possible, not distracting, and were some of the most beautiful women i had ever seen in my life without an ounce of make up on. They had joy in their heart, and that was very obvious through their gratitude. I think God would be smiling down on them if/when those women go to church dressed the way they were.
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My husband drew this cartoon of me.
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Aug 13, 2007
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Yes, I'm starting to sound like a cranky old church lady myself, but I don't think people should deliberately go to church in rags if they don't have to. It's not so much the style of clothing I have a problem with. If someone comes to church in jeans and a hoodie, but the jeans and hoodie are clean and in good repair, that's entirely different from someone coming to church in a stained hoodie and torn jeans IF they can afford better. (And if they can't, by all means, help them; that's what church community is all about.) To come to church in the same clothing you would wear to paint the house or mow the lawn, when you have a choice to do otherwise, demonstrates a huge "I don't care" attitude.

And that's not just church. That's anywhere. I don't like it that people don't care about looking clean and neat anymore.
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unending love, amazing grace
May 21, 2007
United States
Yes, I'm starting to sound like a cranky old church lady myself, but I don't think people should deliberately go to church in rags if they don't have to. It's not so much the style of clothing I have a problem with. If someone comes to church in jeans and a hoodie, but the jeans and hoodie are clean and in good repair, that's entirely different from someone coming to church in a stained hoodie and torn jeans IF they can afford better. (And if they can't, by all means, help them; that's what church community is all about.) To come to church in the same clothing you would wear to paint the house or mow the lawn, when you have a choice to do otherwise, demonstrates a huge "I don't care" attitude.

And that's not just church. That's anywhere. I don't like it that people don't care about looking clean and neat anymore.

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My husband drew this cartoon of me.
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Thanks for the agreement. Now a dilemma has just popped into my head, and I'd like to make dilemmanade out of it.

So we see someone at church who is dressed in that stained hoodie and torn jeans, and has holes in their shoes. They come pretty regularly, and they're always dressed like that. How do we approach them and offer help, without making it sound like appearance is what we care about? How would we approach a visitor dressed the same way, if our intention is to help and not to criticize?
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Aug 23, 2005
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Because the other 2 choices were too Black & White, I voted
GOD sees & interacts :angel: with our Soul+Intent+Heart;
meaning you are/wear your BEST, whatever it is.

So for 28 yrs. in the previous church, I always wore a dress.
And it was clean, & ironed. And shoes & socks were clean too.
now -
having been hospitalized 3x this year, I'm lucky to even Attend church.
Let alone worry, how my Clothes look: I Apologized re my pants to leaders.
They said: Hallo! you have the brightest ;) glow about you, you radiate Love
so who are we to judge what you wear. We are just pleased :thumbsup: you visit :hug: with us whenever you can

eh, theirs is THE :angel: Attitude to have. :wave:
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi again all,

Well, some adjectives being used here are rather inflamatory regarding this subject. LBF says we should not go to church in rags. Well, I'm agreed on that for most people, but then I don't consider blue jeans and t-shirt rags. I don't consider shorts in the summer rags. I don't consider a shirt or pair of pants that might have a small hole in them or a stain of some kind rags. I might have worn the jeans or t-shirt that I'm wearing to do some painting and splattered a bit on them, but I don't consider that that makes them now rags.

Others have commented that we should wear our best. Why? Many of them don't give their best or love their best. And by 'wear our best' does that mean that each Sunday morning I should be looking through my closet and drawers and thinking, "Well, what's my best in here?" My first question is: What makes any of my clothes 'my best'. They're just clothes. Clean, yes. I don't want to offend anyone near me because my clothes smell or every time I sit somewhere I'm leaving stains on the upholstery, but that's a far cry from wearing my best.

Inappropriate, yes. For those who are already born again and have chosen to strive to live their lives as is explained in the Scriptures in all things I would be taken aback that they would come to worship in mini and 4"heels or a man in some skin tight leotard outfit or very, very short shorts or wearing a button down shirt with all the buttons open down to his mid chest or naval. But that would also give me a clue as to their spiritual condition and I'd really just want to address that issue.

You see, for me, the one who wears clothes such as these is no different than the one who sits among us, but has a problem with drugs and alcohol, or uses foul language everywhere else but worship. It's not the clothes, or the drugs, or the language that I'm concerned about. I believe if they, too, choose Jesus as Lord, that these issues will correct themselves. BTW, that's my position on abortion also. Lost people get abortions, I've been party to three myself, but rather than harp on them and block their way into clinics and demean and embaress anyone who finds themself in that situation, introduce them to Jesus. Yes, they may still get the abortion and praise God that the power of His Son's blood even covers that sin, but I'm convicted that if they truly become one of his, they won't do it again.

My cry to every believer is that when you see someone who isn't living as God has written to us, that that's a very good sign to do a check. It's time to start following John's advice and test the spirit. They are more than likely one who thinks that just being in church is what saves them or even just be in church because their spouse begs them to go or it's good for the kids to grow up in a church, and yet not really know the Lord as their Savior and Lord. Just here for the show.

God bless you all.
In Christ, Ted
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My husband drew this cartoon of me.
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Aug 13, 2007
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Hi, Ted. I agree with most of what you wrote. I am with you on t-shirts, jeans, and even shorts not being rags, but I can't get past wearing rips and stains in public if you have a choice, and I don't mean only to church. I mean anywhere in public. Call me inflammatory if you want to, but I think ripped and stained clothing are for doing yard work in, or the equivalent, not for wearing when out and about.
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unending love, amazing grace
May 21, 2007
United States
Hi again all,

Others have commented that we should wear our best. Why? Many of them don't give their best or love their best. And by 'wear our best' does that mean that each Sunday morning I should be looking through my closet and drawers and thinking, "Well, what's my best in here?" My first question is: What makes any of my clothes 'my best'. They're just clothes. Clean, yes. I don't want to offend anyone near me because my clothes smell or every time I sit somewhere I'm leaving stains on the upholstery, but that's a far cry from wearing my best.

Inappropriate, yes. For those who are already born again and have chosen to strive to live their lives as is explained in the Scriptures in all things I would be taken aback that they would come to worship in mini and 4"heels or a man in some skin tight leotard outfit or very, very short shorts or wearing a button down shirt with all the buttons open down to his mid chest or naval. But that would also give me a clue as to their spiritual condition and I'd really just want to address that issue.

You see, for me, the one who wears clothes such as these is no different than the one who sits among us, but has a problem with drugs and alcohol, or uses foul language everywhere else but worship. It's not the clothes, or the drugs, or the language that I'm concerned about. I believe if they, too, choose Jesus as Lord, that these issues will correct themselves. BTW, that's my position on abortion also. Lost people get abortions, I've been party to three myself, but rather than harp on them and block their way into clinics and demean and embaress anyone who finds themself in that situation, introduce them to Jesus. Yes, they may still get the abortion and praise God that the power of His Son's blood even covers that sin, but I'm convicted that if they truly become one of his, they won't do it again.

My cry to every believer is that when you see someone who isn't living as God has written to us, that that's a very good sign to do a check. It's time to start following John's advice and test the spirit. They are more than likely one who thinks that just being in church is what saves them or even just be in church because their spouse begs them to go or it's good for the kids to grow up in a church, and yet not really know the Lord as their Savior and Lord. Just here for the show.

God bless you all.
In Christ, Ted

Hi Ted, thank you for your post.

I agree for the most part but consider some other things as well. You compared "not wearing your best" to other sins like struggling with drugs, etc. Well, if you consider the two similar, don't you think we should do as best we can, with what is under our control? I think anyone that has more church-appropriate clothes in their closet should be encouraged to wear them, and by wearing these clothes, we encourage others to do the same, by setting that standard.

but, i don't even consider wearing worn out clothes a sin. where does it say that in the bible? but yes, once we know God, we know He has given us everything we have, and that He is so good. so naturally, we would want to look our best, for Him. "Looking our best" means taking care of ourself, the person He has created us to be. So, knowing Him, and dressing nicely go hand-in-hand, and by maintaining that standard, we encourage others to do this, too.
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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hi PP,

You posted: but, i don't even consider wearing worn out clothes a sin. where does it say that in the bible?

Well, quite frankly it doesn't say anything about our clothing at all in the Scriptures except that we should be modest in our clothing and I don't think it is necessarily mentioned that that instruction is only for worship. So all of this discussion is based on personal conviction. In fact, Jesus made, what certainly seems to me, a condemnation regarding those who would wear fine clothing, and I seriously doubt that he intended the 'fine clothing' to mean anything more than just particularly nice and dressy. After all, people didn't walk around in 3-piece suits and ladies didn't wear hoop skirts and dresses with frilly shoulder epelets in those days. I can imagine that 'fine clothing' in that day was a tunic with gold embroidery or some such.

My position is that I don't care what you or anyone else wears to worship the King. If it makes you feel good to dress up, then by all means dress up, but consider carefully why you feel so good about that and be very careful that just because it makes you feel good, don't assume that all the other believers are there to make themselves feel good about what they got on. If you are a believer. If you are born again with the Spirit of the living God inside you as your guide and teacher and you are now one of God's children, then you will have established God's instructions and commands as the lamp unto your feet and you will wear modest clothing in everything that you do. Although, I must admit that that's a tough one when we go swimming, but even then there is modest and immodest bathing attire. Speedos and tight fitting nylon trunks for men are out and particularly skimpy suits for women are also out. I often just wear a pair of old shorts and sometimes even keep my t-shirt on, though not often.

I don't think this subject should even be an issue in the 'church'. I'm convicted by the Spirit that God doesn't care what you wear on the outside, He wants to see what you got on the inside.

You know, I once knew a woman and her husband who always attended this large fellowship that I attended and always looked dressed to the nines (whatever that means). She'd have on what must have been dresses that cost possibly a hundred dollars or much more and he was always wearing fine linen and silk suits and when they walked around you could just see the oozing haughtiness in their air. I was fairly new to the fellowship at that time and a couple in our bible study group had had a grandchild and somehow I got mixed up as to who it was and walked over to them the morning I heard about it, thinking they were the proud grandparents, and congratulated them. Well, you've seen cartoons where people fall over in surprise and disbelief and I thought she was going to do that. She looked at me with somewhat of a scowl and said, "Do I look like a grandmother?" I was thoroughly rebuked by that statement. LOL!!! I noticed that very shortly after that they quit attending our fellowship and, while I don't know it for a fact, I believe that they also felt that this lowly fellowship where they were generally the best dressed in the place just wasn't worthy of their attendence. Just sayin'.

God bless you.
In Christ, Ted
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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hi again PP,

You responded: I agree for the most part but consider some other things as well. You compared "not wearing your best" to other sins like struggling with drugs, etc.

I think you may have misread that and perhaps I shouldn't have made a new paragraph. No, I didn't mean 'not wearing your best' was like unto drug addiction, etc., but that wearing the type of clothing that was being condemned in the other post about the leather mini and 4" heels. That kind of attitude in the fellowship of the believers is a sign that that person's heart doesn't understand the truth of God's word. They are, by their clothing, whether they intend it or not, causing others to gawk and talk and God's instructions are that we should not do anything that causes another to stumble. So, by the clothing worn, others in the fellowship, I can imagine especially myself and many other men might entertain ungodly thoughts and the women be thinking such thoughts as, "Well, I never!" All distractions from the purpose of our worship. So, that person probably doesn't know the Lord as their Savior.

Here's the similarity. The person caught up in drug addiction and ok with using foul language everywhere but in the fellowship probably doesn't know Jesus as their Savior either because they have not adopted God's instructions for their life either. Now, maybe they're new to the faith and are still being convicted and working on these issues and if so, I would think that over the next few weeks and months changes should be manifest, but continueing to live with any sin, same sex relations, drug addictions, foul language, inappropriate attire, etc. etc. etc. and not being under conviction for that is a clear sign that the Holy Spirit ain't in there. John wrote, "No one who continues to sin has ever known him."

If we are a child of God and we sin, then it is the job of the indwelling Holy Spirit to convict us of that sin and our hearts should desire to rid that sin from our life. Some are tougher than others, but it would seem to me that the issue of clothing should be a very easy one to overcome. Addictions to sexual sins and drugs are probably the toughest, but they are all our attempts to satisfy the lusts of the flesh.

God bless you.
In Christ, Ted
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unending love, amazing grace
May 21, 2007
United States
You said,

My position is that I don't care what you or anyone else wears to worship the King. If it makes you feel good to dress up, then by all means dress up, but consider carefully why you feel so good about that and be very careful that just because it makes you feel good, don't assume that all the other believers are there to make themselves feel good about what they got on. If you are a believer. If you are born again with the Spirit of the living God inside you as your guide and teacher and you are now one of God's children, then you will have established God's instructions and commands as the lamp unto your feet and you will wear modest clothing in everything that you do. Although, I must admit that that's a tough one when we go swimming, but even then there is modest and immodest bathing attire. Speedos and tight fitting nylon trunks for men are out and particularly skimpy suits for women are also out. I often just wear a pair of old shorts and sometimes even keep my t-shirt on, though not often.

I don't think this subject should even be an issue in the 'church'. I'm convicted by the Spirit that God doesn't care what you wear on the outside, He wants to see what you got on the inside.

That is duly noted. I don't disagree with you at all. Did you read what I mentioned about this earlier?

Oh, and one more thing. The women there in honduras of the families we helped probably did not own a closet-full of clothes like nearly everyone here does. but even still, they were dressed as modest as possible, not distracting, and were some of the most beautiful women i had ever seen in my life without an ounce of make up on. They had joy in their heart, and that was very obvious through their gratitude. I think God would be smiling down on them if/when those women go to church dressed the way they were.

I've never said we should fret about how we look.. the latest fashions.. or even trying to impress people. But I do think the women I mentioned above, if they had nice "church clothes" they would be very happy to wear them. What I've gathered from my own opinion and what other people have said on the thread is, if you have the nice clothes, it's kind of understood wearing them is the "right thing" to do, as it's out of respect for God. No, nice clothes don't get you to heaven. But sitting in pews don't make you a christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car, if ya catch my drift;) Our relationship with God comes from inside our heart and soul, and wearing church appropriate clothes is simply out of respect for God.

No one should be judged by what they wear. Whether it's because someone thinks their high heels don't match the skirt or in a complete different scenario where someone is judged for not having nice clothes for church. Neither is ok to judge the person over. Christianity is about love and beauty on the inside.
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Too blessed to be stressed
Jul 13, 2011
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We are in the year 2011 . traditions and styles and the amount of clothes we all have is far far far different than of Jesus day .

There is most definitely a dress code in church . If I went this Saturday to Christmas Eve service wearing spandex shorts and a tank top it would in very poor taste right ? If a girl wore a bikini top and daisy dukes it would be in poor taste right ?

In our present day culture , wearing stained clothes to church is a sign of disrespect for the church , and towards the other people.
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Dec 27, 2011
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It's better than not dressing at all! :cool:

Are you getting the idea I'm somewhat of a self-described comedian?

Actually, I don't like going to church in jeans, but I've done so and it didn't kill me. I used to be in choir and I dressed up then. Usually slacks and a nice shirt are sufficient, I think. God isn't nearly as concerned about our outward appearance as He is about our inner condition.

God bless.
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sounds like somebody's got a case of the mondays
Sep 29, 2006
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God isn't nearly as concerned about our outward appearance as He is about our inner condition.

That really is the key, isn't it? :thumbsup:
Thing is, our inner condition is generally reflected in our outer condition. I know in our culture that's not so easy to judge. What one person considers respectful and honouring to God may not be seen as such by someone else. IMHO Where this is a serious issue is the general lack of reverence I see in so many churches today, and that speaks to much more than just how people dress. The "come as you are" attitude has been elevated to such a level that the idea of entering into the presence of the holy creator of the universe seems lost. I'd like to see more reverence and awe, personally. We should be preparing ourselves and taking it much more seriously.
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