What is the main reason you are single?

I'm 46 (male) with zero relationship experience.

Age isn't usually a problem with men but at 46, women might have high expectations on men like fully paid your mortgage on the house, financially stable / financially independent, setup for life.

But not always. It really depends on the woman. Not all women are looking for first-class living. There are some who are still idealists. If you can't find these women then you are looking at the wrong places or simply not available locally and you may have to consider long distance options like from another state or even from another country.

Good thing I worship a God who can work miracles and anything else He choses.

Unless God intends you to be single, and there's nothing you can do to manipulate God to do otherwise. You can still go against God's plans for your life and actually succeed at getting married.

But we know half of the marriages ends in divorce. Many Christians say theirs is a miracle but still ends up in divorce or just ends up bad. Christian marriages are no exception unless you are meant to be the parent/descendant of a great end-time prophet and we know only of few which means only an exceedingly tiny % of the Christian population would have marriage "prearranged" by God Himself.

In fact, I think Christians claim so many things are "God's favor" but are actually not. For example 1 John 2:15-17. One should be cautious. Your church might be spreading the false "prosperity gospel" without knowing it. Ofc, no church who preaches prosperity gospel would admit to it.
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Bored with the church enamored with Israel

So, what happened to

- the Body of Christ, (Head - Body) (Eph. 1: 22 & 23)

- the `New Man ` (Eph. 2: 15)

- to a perfect Man. (Eph. 4: 13)
What do you mean what happened to?
This perfecting is going on to arrive at the full stature.

That new man must be put on through transformation. And the proper environment out of
degraded Christianity is needed in His recovery of the normal local church life.

We must seek to be recovered that this prayer of the perfecting into oneness will be realized
at least for a remnant of end time saints. We must be in the Spirit in our spirit and on the ground of oneness.

That they all may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one;
I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me. (John 17:21-23)

We ought to petition the Lord that we be a part of it. For a remnant will be brought into the maturity by
the end of the church age. The greater majority will be brought in in a late and remedial way during the 1,000 years.
All will have arrived in one common inheritance by the time of the end of the millennial kingdom.

The clue of this is seen in the seven letters to the seven churches where the repeated promise to
"him who overcomes" is repeated. Or "he who overcomes" might be said.
The point is that there is the responsiblity on the side of whoever will to overcome through His grace.

The Lord will vindicate this "Gideon like" smaller army by a pre-great tribulation rapture.
The larger majority will be left to learn hard lessons through passing through the great tribulation.
But from that larger majority there also will be overcomers, martyrs, those coming up to the expected standard of "more than conquerors".

We all today have a chance to be taken up in rapturous vindication to spearhead the coming millennial kingdom.
I mean what God has to achieve through a remnant is for the sake of the whole Body.

You must go back and read the story of God selecting 300 out of many more thousands of Israelites
to win a strategic victory on behalf of the whole nation of Israel. Please spend some time before
the Lord musing on Judges chapters 6 - 7.

Now if you say "the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" only applies to Israelites,
then you should also say all the other lessons of Matthew 5 likewise are restricted.
Are you ready to do that ??

Is these following verses after verse 5 also not to be taken by any non-Israelite disciples in the same teaching?
Should the Gentile disciple dismiss these as for Israel only? Should none of these promises be considered ours as non-Israelites?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.

Blessed are you when they reproach and persecute you, and while speaking lies, say every evil thing against you because of Me.

Rejoice and exult, for your reward is great in the heavens; for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matt. 5:6-12)
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The common thread in Trump's defenders

What was the crime Trump was trying to conceal? You don't know and neither does the jury. Do you not see a problem with that?
I may be wrong but I think the crime was that act of concealing evidence of his shady payments that could have affected the election results.

He is guilty of falsifying business records in connection with a payoff to Stormy Daniels, While Trump was president, he reimbursed Cohen in a series of installments processed by Trump’s company.
He fraudulently disguised those installments as corporate legal expenses in violation of New York law.
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COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Dr. Fauci’s Transcript, Highlights Key Takeaways in New Memo

I've been trying to figure out this "gain of function" accusation...

I mean, we debate with creationists over in the creation and life science forum all the time that claim evolution is false specifically because "gain of function" isn't possible. I guess that belief is contingent on whether the person being accused of "lying" and "misinformation" is doing so for the (R)ight president and party.
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Right wing media is facing a reckoning for lying to consumers

That is not what Robert Hur's report said in his testimony before Congress.
Another example of conclusions based on false information coming from right wing media. Now all we need is an example of one of those media outlets losing in a defamation or similar case to make it on topic for the thread.
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the last trumpet.
Key word -last trumpet. All are changed at the last trumpet. So we can't have a "last trumpet" (farthest out in the Greek) and then expect the trumpet in Matthew 24 to be after the "last trumpet" We have to let the scriptures speak for themselves. We can't continue to pull verses out of context, not understand how certain Greek words are utilized in certain verses and the very definition of a word in the Greek. Many words get lost in translation.

Common sense also once again has to come into play and that includes the words "last trumpet". Paul wouldn't state it was the last trumpet if there going to be more trumpets.

The word last in the Greek -
end, last, uttermost.
A superlative probably from echo (in the sense of contiguity); farthest, final (of place or time) -- ends of, last, latter end, lowest, uttermost.

There will be no other trumps after this one. This is just one key piece of learning the timing.

Clearly, that verse is referring to 1 Th 4:16-17. Therefore, the trumpet sound in verse 16 is “the last trumpet.”
Of course it is. But they are referring to the Second and final coming (always singular, not plural as you keep posting) As I've stated there are no other trumpets after the 'last" That would be impossible. The last trumpet is the final one. Therefore we can definitely conclude that the trumpet in Matthew 24 is the last one.

Clearly, that verse is referring to 1 Th 4:16-17.
And again, you continue to ignore the original subject. You pull out verses 16/17 out of context. This subject is about what will happen with the dead at Christ's return.

Julie, not every verse has all the details about what a verse is about.

With all those details presented together, those three verses work together

Which is exactly what we've been telling you about Matthew 24 and 1st Thes 4. All the details don't have to be spelled out exactly the same to prove they are the same event. As I've said multiple times. Paul is talking about the passed away loved ones in Christ that he will "bring" with him. Christ is talking about specifically his return. But they are the same event. Paul is trying to comfort them. But you continue to gloss over this fact and say over and over again that Christ will be alone, etc but we know that by 1st Thes 4;14 that is false.

I Thessalonians 4:14 "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."

And noting the "last trump" ties everything together.

The rapture timing in 1 Th 1:10 is provably pre-Trib.

Wrath is not tribulation

John 14:2-3 promise that if Jesus is preparing a home in Heaven for you, He will come and take you to Heaven (where He is now).

It does not state he will take anyone to Heaven. Mansion in the Greek is resting/dwelling place. This chapter is all about us receiving the Holy Spirit and us abiding (dwelling) in him and vice versa

I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.

As I've also posted many times keep means to guard over, not remove from the earth. Same meaning during Christ's prayer.

s “the inhabitants of the earth.
Anyone that lives on the earth dwells there. You are inserting your own beliefs into that word. It shall come upon the whole world but as Christ states "if they say here is Christ or there is Christ, don't believe it. It's that simple. Paul states we must have the full gospel armour on to be able to stand in that "evil day" and Christ states that those who endure to the end, the same shall be saved. These sayings are being told to Christians, not unbelievers. It's going to happen to one generation of believers.
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Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

No, it isn't causing discrimination and inequality. It is naming it. It might mean that some people who were previously able to be comfortably oblivious are no longer able to do so, which might make it seem to them that it is causing it, but it is not. These things have always been with us.
Its more than naming it, its making it everything. Its making it the only reason there are differences in equality. Thats the very definition of identity politics and its well acknowledged that our society is immerced in identity politics.

Voters in west divided more by identity than issues, survey finds
How America's identity politics went from inclusion to division
How America's identity politics went from inclusion to division
Well, nobody said "all." I think Julia Gillard put it well; it doesn't explain everything, it doesn't explain nothing, it explains some things.
Exactly its only part of the explanation. But many make out that its the only reasons as with identity politics then it creates division and actual abuse which is happening now.
And are they bothering to listen, read, research, and understand? Or are they having a knee-jerk reaction to some populist propaganda?
Actually they speak from personal experiences which you deny. They speak from jail cells where they dominate, from poor education and work prospects and living that, from mental health and suicide. We don't blame other groups for their plight. We don't say Indigenous people ought to stop whinging about their suicide or imprisonment rates. No we take seriously their disadvantage.

The fact that this is not being seen as a proper disadvantage and always seen as whinging, complaining, or is propaganda is the problem. Is gaslighting. But for some reasons when it comes to men especially white men they are immune to being disadvantaged by society.

So far I have suggested that male disadvantage is a serious problem and partly caused by society, by how we treat males and so far you have on every occassion dismissed this. Which is telling.
But this is the point! Pointing out that these ideas about masculinity are not actual, healthy masculinity, but are a toxic cocktail of ideology that is deeply harmful, is exactly the point! To speak of toxic masculinity is to point out that there is a healthy masculinity which is something different from this toxic ideology.
The idea of Toxic mascullinity is a myth created by feminist. By identity politics to label males with. Its turned into memes and hash tags, shortened and comes with a range of other demeaning labels that makes it abuse of men. It certainly doesn't get the message across and is a strange way to communicate which under any other situation would turn people off and not on as soon as they hear such labelling.

Toxic masculinity is a harmful myth. Society is in denial about the problems of boys and men.
  • “Toxic masculinity” is a counterproductive term. Very few boys and men are likely to react well to the idea that there is something toxic inside them that needs to be exorcized.
  • When it comes to masculinity, society is sending a message that men are acculturated into certain ways of behaving, which can therefore be socialized out of them. But this is simply false.
  • We are tearing ourselves apart over gender issues, with the result that the problems of boys and men are left untreated.

The problem that ideologues don't understand is that even framing the problem in these terms is wrong. It comes froman unfounded assumption that gender and sex are complete social constructions and therefore whatever is deemed toxic behaviour has been socialised into males. When in reality these traits stem from a natural basis. None is completely socially constructed.

Therefore it follwos from this ideology that whatever is deemed toxic must be completely eradicated which includes the natural traits as well. The assumption is that men need to behave more like women and thus denying theiur maleness.
That would only be true if we actually lived in a matriarchy. But we demonstrably do not.
Well all I can say is the so called Patriarchy which is not completely constructed as a means to oppress but also partly natural took a long time to happen. Thus how do we know we are in the process now of cultivating a Matriarchy. Afterall we are beginning to see the very same inequalities reflected in women in the past now happening with males and its been predicted to continue and get more profound and move into other areas or society.

So the question is are we in the geginnings or fairly well underway in cultivating a Matriarchy. Certainly if society is becoming more feminised in education, health, and now work and male health and wellbeing continue to fall we may very well be well into a Matriarchy. Whos is to say. But considering males now display similar disadvantages that sparked outcries of inequality and womens movements what is different to what is beginning to happen to males and the trends that show it will only get worse.
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Right wing media is facing a reckoning for lying to consumers

How long were we told that Trump colluded with Russia and that Adam Schiff had proof?
Up to and after Trump's campaign manager went to jail for information that came from that investigation, if I have the timeline correct.
But I'm not sure if there are any specific examples of right wing media losing cases in their efforts to hide that information so it might be off topic here.
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Essential Elements of the Gospel

Matthew 7:21 - Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Notice in verse 22 that these many people trusted in their works for salvation and not in Christ alone. Jesus never knew them which means they were never saved. (vs. 23)

John 6:40 - For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. That is the will of the Father unto salvation. Sadly, many people "add" works to the gospel and end up trusting in their works/performance/external obedience etc.. for salvation instead of by faith trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Ephesians 2:8,9)

1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
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So? Someone shouldn’t have to die because someone else made a bad decision.

Should drunk driving be legal because many people die in it and people make bad decisions? No.
Don't get me wrong. I am for defending the lives of the most vulnerable, including in the womb.

But it is IMPORTANT that we try to see from the perspective of others and be charitable when imputing their motives and reasoning.

People die from other peoples bad decisions all the time. It is a fact of life.

The difference between drunk driving and abortion is that many people believe the life in the womb does not have equal moral status with the life that has been born and taken breath. Life in the womb is totally dependent on the mother and came into her without he full consent. Some argue it is an intruder and she has the right to defend herself from it. When I heard that one I was stunned. But how do we best engage with such thinking?

This thread is about cafeteria Catholics. The truth is we are all pretty selective. How many fully appreciate the Social Teaching of the Church.
The document on Faithful Citizenship Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship - Table of Contents reflects teaching from Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

How many of us are fully on board with all that? Especially all that does not align with our partisan biases.
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Full Moon Determination

Various cultures used various astronomical indicators for the starts of their months, years, and seasons. As it concerns Biblical history, most of that has to do with the Jewish new moon observances, which I am plenty familiar with.

My question concerns the full moon. Visually speaking, it's difficult to say precisely when it's full. When it waxes towards, or wanes away from, the full moon phase, you can visually discern beyond a certain point that it's not quite a full circle. But, there is a point in the waxing and waning just prior, and just after, where it's not a technical full moon, though to the naked eye it would appear to be.

Given that the Jews used full moons, at least in the instance of the Passover, as a landmark (although not a determiner) of the festival, and the Greeks used full moons to determine the Olympic games, and by extension the Olympiads, my question is whether there was a specific methodology for declaring that the moon was full. Jewish months, for example, were determined by the first sighting of the new moon crescent. That's not true new moon. The first sighting is usually at about one day old or later. Similarly, is there a specific protocol for saying, "this moon is now full"?

Up to present, the closest indicator I have found is bRosh Hash. 21a, ". . . When you see the moon ceases shining with daylight, clear away leaven [for Passover]. When does it so shine? On the fifteenth [of the month]. But we clear away leaven on the fourteenth? For them, as they had a clear view, the moon commenced to shine into the day from the fourteenth."

This is the closest visual determiner I have found as far as a fixed protocol is concerned. Does anyone have any information they can add about either Jewish or Greek practices in determining the full moon?

The Friend Zone

But, by me being a scientist, I know that logic has no place in romance.

Unless you drive a Porsche. Aren't scientists rich?

My only problem is that I cannot wear my tuxedo when I go grocery shopping.

Then wear expensive casual attire and put on a Rolex or something.

Have you tried such approach or are you pretending to be poor?

My point is not to attract gold diggers but have more dates to be able to gather info on the women you date to do some background checking to see which ones are actually good or just pretending to be sincere.
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From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

You brought it up.
Typical left-wing spin on the narrative. :tongueout:

@Chrystal-J didn't "bring up" a 20' IUD ballon at Union Station... just posted it here for our awareness.
It was the woke crowd that brought it up.
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Kid's Corporal Punishment - a Risk to Mental Health

I don't think we can know for sure.
In which case, your complaints seem rather overstated.
But I think when it comes to individual talent and gifts I think this is when the individual and not the identity group is most important. The opportunity for individuals to display their talents and gifts. I think western nations are best at this. Imagine all the talent and individual gifts in all the nations that supress people going to waste.
I'm just going to raise my eyebrows at the idea that western nations are somehow stellar at nurturing individual talents.
The literact gap between males and females is only around 6%.
That there is a literacy gap at all demonstrates the disadvantage women face.
But how about lets clean up our own backyards first where the gap is way bigger against males.
By all means. Have a look here: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/school/principals/transition/GenderPerformance.pdf Seems we have work to do around attitude formation, in particular:

"the evidence is clear that gender disparities in performance do not stem from innate differences in aptitude but rather from students’ attitudes to learning, their behaviours for learning, how they spend their leisure time and the confidence they have in their abilities as students. "
Maybe that type of work is what it is and is not a family friendly industry no matter what they can do.
Funny how you were asking why more women weren't clamouring for the roles, and then when I point out the significant barriers we face, suddenly there's nothing that can be done about them.
But that is not males fault.
No, but we can look at employers and how they set up conditions, too. Once upon a time mining was not so much FIFO and mining companies provided housing and so forth for the families of their employees. I'm sure FIFO is cheaper for them, but who is paying the price for that company efficiency?
But if there was a dirty and hard job industry close by and family friendly I don't think most women would choose this.
I don't think most people would choose this, given reasonable alternatives. (Which is why we often rely on overseas workers to fill jobs locals deem undesirable). But women will do them if they're the best option, just like men will. I had a bit of a search, and in terms of dirty and hard jobs with reasonably family friendly conditions, things like working in recycling centres came up. Now, there's still more men than women in those jobs, but there's a significant proportion of women.
Its not a slightly higher % but its even more substancial than the gap men had over women in the 70's. If that gap was deemed bad back then surely an even worse gap is a disadvantage now compared to women.
The numbers you cite are for America; the gap is smaller here. I think the reasons why are pertinent, though. The reasons why there are fewer men today, are very different to the reasons why there were fewer women in the past.
So when do we treat this disadvantage in the same way we treated that disadvantage for women in the 70's and onwards.
It's not the same, though. The causes are different. So the response will have to be different.
Men certainly didn't make up the idea of Toxic mascullinity.
Actually, they did. The term originated in the mythopoetic men's movement. They coined the phrase to describe "the social pressures placed upon men to be violent, competitive, independent, and unfeeling as a "toxic" form of masculinity, in contrast to a "real" or "deep" masculinity that they say men have lost touch within modern society." (I've lifted that quote from Wikipedia, but they cite the original sources).
So your saying that feminist, women and/or society has not contributed to degrading men with their language, and narratives.
I'm not saying there's no degrading language or narrative out there. But I'm saying specifically that the idea of "toxic masculinity," firstly, was developed by men working on self-help and therapeutic resources for men (not by women or feminists), and secondly, was not intended, and is largely not used, to degrade men. It is used to describe social pressures which are unhealthy and unhelpful, primarily for men, and secondarily for those with whom those men interact.
In that sense there can be a large difference between the most extreme and agressive or competitive males and the most anxious and neurotic females who fear agression and competition.
For most of us, though, there's very little meaningful difference attributable to gender. We're under that large middle part of the curve, where the normal distributions for the sexes overlap.
It is these differences that are most important as these are seen in situations such as abuse
No, I wouldn't agree with that. Abusers are not only people with extremely gendered personality traits.
So we have to sort out what is unjustified or not.
I'd argue that penalising women for behaviour which is perceived to be "like men," or which would be rewarded in men, is pretty darned unjustified.
What do you mean by gendered pressure.
I mean that from the very earliest ages, boys and girls are socialised differently, have different stereotypes and expectations placed upon them, are guided and advised differently, and so on. And part of this is being rewarded or penalised for pursuing what are perceived to be suitable or unsuitable interests, depending on gender.
There may still be some gendered social pressure but its not enough to negate the natural behaviours and choices coming out.
It's certainly enough to discourage people from pursuing their real interests, in many cases.
Certainly as far as work choices Scandinavian nations have no barriers and if anything more in favour of women as they are more feminised nations with high support for feminism.
And yet even so, women still face barriers to fulfilling their potential. This is about Iceland, but it's instructive: https://research-api.cbs.dk/ws/portalfiles/portal/58442105/ragnhildur_erna_Arnorsdottir.pdf

"Moreover, the social construction of gender can act as a hindrance for women aspiring for board positions. Pande and Ford (2011) claim that traditional social norms postulate that leadership is associated with male qualities and that women should not be leaders. As this view can be deeply rooted in people, men are often preferred over women based on personal taste. Similarly, Acker (2000) argues that organizational change in this regard is slow and difficult because of deeply embedded and gendered assumptions about organizational structures and processes."
We see it everywhere, males working in construction, into cars, things, building, tool sheds in backyards, the majority taking risks, advanture, 10 times as many men have climbed Mt Everest, choosing things rather than social aspects in just about everything they do.

Then we see women naturally forming social cliches, dominating social jobs, always being better at social aspects, getting together socially while males are in the tool shed lol. This is not all socially constructed. They actually relate and like doing it.
I read this, and I look around at my own context in the church, where men dominate a "social" job, and women are often excluded, and I think, this narrative of yours is very highly selective.
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SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

No there isn't, unless you are claiming both are religious in nature.
Two things don't have to be identical for there to be parallels between them.

But I can see why a post would hope to make an impossibly strict standard to make the analogy go away instead of just addressing it.
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