Pelé died yesterday

He was one of the greatest.

“Pelé changed everything. He transformed football into art, entertainment,” Neymar, a fellow Brazilian soccer player, said on Instagram. “Football and Brazil elevated their standing thanks to the King! He is gone, but his magic will endure. Pelé is eternal!”​
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persecuted church

"Men may spurn our appeals, reject
our message, oppose our arguments,
despise our persons, but they
are helpless against our prayers."
~ J. Sidlow Baxter​

AFGHANISTAN: Taliban Orders Strict Sharia Punishments​

Sources: Open Doors, BBC​

Haibatullah Akhundzada

Haibatullah Akhundzada
Photo: Wikipedia

When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August 2021, they promised moderation and justice for all. Regrettably, they have demonstrated something very different, as the rights of women, freedom of the news press, and fair treatment of religious minorities have been brutally repressed. In a recent development, Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada ordered all judges to impose strict Sharia punishments for crimes committed within the country. While the exact list of applicable crimes has not been defined, expected punishments include amputations, public lashings and executions by stoning.
For Christians, the increased enforcement of Sharia law brings renewed fears. Taliban officials have declared that there are no Christians in Afghanistan, implying that every person who doesn't adhere to the teachings of Islam is regarded as an apostate. The traditional punishment for apostasy under Sharia law is death.
Such a severe penalty for Christian converts in Afghanistan is not unique to Taliban rule. Back in 2006, an Afghan convert named Abdul Rahman faced calls for his death. Thankfully, due to issues with the investigation, Abdul was able to flee to Italy, where he was granted asylum. However, the recently renewed requirement to impose Sharia punishments is expected to increase the severity of penalties inflicted on Christian converts.
So, even in these present times, the country of Afghanistan remains to be one of the most difficult places on earth to live for committed followers of Christ. To learn more about the hardships experienced by Afghan Christians, go to our country report.
Please prayerfully uphold believers in Afghanistan whose lives are in imminent danger because of their faith in Christ. May they be greatly encouraged by the reassuring presence of the Lord, the promised "Prince of Peace." Pray that God will work miraculously in this nation, bringing about positive changes – politically on a national level and spiritually within the hearts of individual lives – for nothing is impossible with Him.

PAKISTAN: Young Domestic Worker Sexually Assaulted​

Source: CLAAS-UK​

The silhouette of a young woman standing at a window.

A Christian girl in Pakistan who worked as a domestic servant is still awaiting justice three months after she was raped at her employer's home. Even though the incident was reported to police, no action has been taken to arrest those responsible.
Samreen, who is from Faisalabad, Punjab, worked for a Muslim woman named Nasreen. On September 25th, Samreen was folding laundry while her employer went to the market. During that time, Nasreen's husband Ameen, and his cousin Waqas, came into the house and attempted to rape the young woman. Samreen managed to get away from the men, complaining to Nasreen upon her return. Instead of supporting the girl, however, the employer sided with her husband.
With the apparent approval of Nasreen, Ameen and Waqas tried a second time to assault the girl. This time, they pushed Samreen into a bedroom where they both proceeded to rape her. After the ordeal, Samreen eventually returned home to tell her family what had happened. Although an official complaint was made against those responsible, there have been no arrests to date. In the meantime, the abusers continue to threaten Samreen and her family, demanding that the Christians withdraw their accusations.
Samreen's family happens to be very poor, which is commonly the case for Christians in Pakistan. Sexual molestation, forced marriages, along with other horrific crimes, are far too common for victims belonging to a religious minority. Frequently ignored by the authorities, such crimes are not always reported because of the repercussions that tend to take place, not only by the perpetrators themselves but also by other militant members of the community. For further accounts of persecution against followers of Jesus in Pakistan, including those specifically involving innocent girls, go to our country report.
In the wake of this devastating incident, please pray for greatly needed emotional healing on behalf of this young Christian woman. Ask the "God of all comfort" to also minister His peace and hope to Samreen and her family as they continue to await justice. May the authorities deal justly by holding those responsible for this horrific attack accountable and by ensuring the legal protection of Pakistan's vulnerable young women and girls.

CHINA: Stricter Controls for Social Media Interactions​

Sources: ChinaAid, CNN​

A young man sitting on the Great Wall of China, taking a picture with his cell phone.

Starting on December 15th, Chinese Internet users can be held liable for merely "liking" a social media post that the government considers harmful or illegal. The new rules are part of the recently imposed guidelines published by the Cyberspace Administration of China, mandating that all service providers carefully monitor comments and reactions – both digitally and through "speech review teams." Any so-called "bad information" is to be reported to the Internet Information Department.
Those who post information deemed illegal or harmful will be subjected to a variety of penalties – ranging from warnings, forceful deletion of content, suspension of accounts, or other measures. The scrutinized "content" not only includes written comments but also applies to emojis and other methods of reacting.
In response to the new rules, a spokesperson for ChinaAid commented, "The promulgation of the new regulations will narrow the already limited space for Chinese citizens to speak on the Internet, and the freedom of speech of Chinese citizens will be severely suppressed." For more information on the challenges facing believers in China, go to our country report.
In light of these heightened Internet restrictions, pray that our Christian brothers and sisters throughout China will use spiritual discernment, giving careful consideration when addressing the daily issues presented on various social media sites. May they have wisdom on how to best respond in any situation. Additionally, please uplift in prayer all the evangelists in China who are endeavouring to share the Gospel in their communities and beyond. May they not be discouraged by the increased government interference but rather further inspired to seek innovative ways to conduct ministry outreach and discipleship, wisely seizing every God-ordained opportunity to proclaim the "Good News"of Jesus.


Exodus 33:14 (Berean Study Bible)

My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.

As we embark on a new year, nothing can be more reassuring than the Presence of God with us. The new year will herald new opportunities and new challenges. It may be exciting, thrilling, mundane, or downright dangerous. But in all that, the indwelling Presence of God grants us the serenity, power, and grace to face the new year.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Orthodoxy’s Divisions Offer Glimmers of Hope for Healing With Catholicism

COMMENTARY: Despite the lamentable developments in Ukraine and beyond in 2022, it’s possible 2023 could herald long-desired ecumenical breakthroughs.

Just as the disruption of war can create new circumstances favorable to peace — consider how the first Iraq war led to the Oslo peace process — so, too, can ecclesial conflicts create new circumstances for unity. At the end of 2022, divisions in global Orthodoxy have rarely been so deep. That paradoxically offers new possibilities for ecumenical progress.

The Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill, is widely considered a compromised figure, held in exceedingly low esteem both in the Christian Church and the world for his support of Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine. He has been formally sanctioned by several states, an astonishing development for the most important patriarch by population in Orthodoxy; some half of all Orthodox Christians are in Russia. And yet their patriarch is now persona non grata in much of Europe and North America.

Patriarch Kirill, even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, was a man of fractured communion. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople — styled primus sine paribus (first without equals) amongst the patriarchs — had recognized in 2019 an “autocephalous” (independent) Orthodox Church in Ukraine, no longer subject to Moscow. In response, Kirill broke off communion with Bartholomew, in effect excommunicating him.

Even prior to that, in 2016 Kirill and the Russian Orthodox Church boycotted the Pan-Orthodox Council — a meeting akin to an ecumenical council for Catholics — that had been in preparation for decades.

Continued below.

RANT: Spiritually Drained

I was chrismated August 19, 2006 in an OCA parish. I was sixteen at the time. I won't rehash me entire conversion story because it's somewhere in the sticky thread (I think I posted it in 2007? 2011? who knows). Needless to say, I've been Orthodox for a while. I've been serving in the US military for the last ten years and in that time I've had nineteen addresses across seven US states, visited close to 70 parishes of (almost) every jurisdiction, and have been a tithing member of four different jurisdictions, on both US coasts and the Deep South. Suffice to say, I've experienced a few different flavors of Orthodoxy across different parts of the USA.

Like anyone else, my faith has had some highs and lows in that time. I always knew exactly who I am: I am an American, and I am an Orthodox Christian. My family has been on this continent as far back as the 1680s, so I am as American as anyone in the Old World is Russian, Greek, Arab, whatever. Where I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, pan-Orthodoxy was the norm. Whenever Archbishop Benjamin (OCA) visited my parish in Washington state, the visiting priests were not strictly OCA priests, but also included the Greek, Antiochian, Serbian, and after 2007, ROCOR priests. At least one from each jurisdiction in the state. Likewise whenever their bishops were in town (rarely) we also sent a priest or two to represent us. We had pan-Orthodox vespers on every Sunday in Lent from Sunday of Orthodoxy through Palm Sunday. It was also normal to visit other parishes throughout the Puget Sound and the great benefit of the pan-Orthodox vespers was that whenever you visited a parish you had a friend that you could meet; someone to introduce you to the rest of the parish and ensure that you were treated like family. Despite the current schism between the Russians and Constantinople, I was told that last year's Sunday of Orthodoxy vespers was attended by both ROCOR and Greek priests, but neither one concelebrated because they did not want the other to feel excluded. They were both there because they knew that we as Orthodox are a very small minority in this country and it is more important to keep the channels of communication open, rather then closed. The Orthodoxy of the Pacific Northwest when I left for the Navy in 2012 was a region-wide family affair. In fact, when the OCA had their All-American Council in Seattle back in 2011, every single parish in the Puget Sound volunteered to help in some way. We had chalices that were lent out from every parish of every jurisdiction. A Romanian man donated his limo service to pick up bishops. A Ukrainian family donated their trucking business to bring liturgical items from the East Coast. Some of the Greeks helped cover the hotel costs. ROCOR opened up their cathedral so people could venerate the place where St John of Shanghai reposed. The Serbs, Antiochians, Greeks, ROCOR, and OCA all got together to create a Pacific Northwest Pan-Orthodox choir just for the Council.

And then I came to the Mid-Atlantic DC area a year and a half ago on military orders. Finding a parish home here has been exceedingly difficult. No longer is Orthodoxy a family affair here. Instead, one's ethnicity and job are what "matter" in order to be welcomed into a parish by the laity. No longer are there good relations here even for parishes of the same jurisdiction. No longer is Orthodoxy one big tribe, instead being Orthodox comes second to being Russian, Greek, Arab, Romanian, or convert (because God forbid we call people American and Orthodox in the same sentence). This place has been a huge test of my faith because of the ethnic chauvinism and constant one-up-man-ship of "my people suffered more then you" or "you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Heretic" or "you celebrate Christmas on January 7th? Backward barbarian." Or my personal favorite "I can't ever attend a parish of X jurisdiction because of something that Bishop Y did even though he's been dead for years". This place is completely devoid of any sense of compassion for other traditions or sense of belonging to a greater Church beyond the local parish and it is driving me up a wall. There are 25 Orthodox parishes and missions in the greater DC area (not including Baltimore) and each and every one of them acts as if the other 24 do not even exist - with the exception of the mission I attend.

For the first time in my life I am considering just quitting Orthodoxy. I am tired of the hostility. I am tired of parishes hoarding their relics and miraculous icons to themselves like the man who buried his one talent. I am tired of the ethnic chauvinism, racism, and ethnocentric Orthodoxy here where St Paul's words to the Galatians fall on deaf ears, "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3: 26-29).
I am tired of this ghetto mentality. I am tired of the paranoia. I am tired of the complete refusal to remotely identify with the land that your grandfathers willingly fled to three generations ago. I am tired of people calling English a barbarian language not worthy of being worshiped in. I am tired of the constant unending talk of politics. I am tired of Orthodox Christians basing their friendships on political party lines. I am tired of us acting like none of our neighboring Orthodox parishes exist just because the music is a little different. I am tired of being called some sort of ethnic-phobe just because I don't embrace some other ethnic group's ethnic-ness (remember, I'm an American and my family has been for 340 years). I am tired of people bashing American culture. I am tired of being told I need to learn about some other ethnic group's troubles when that same ethnic group refuses to learn mine. I am tired of the superior attitude we have about our own traditions. I am tired of people treating me like a second-class citizen just because my ancestors hailed from Western Europe. And I am tired of people acting like their jurisdiction has the monopoly on anything and everything that defines what is and isn't Orthodox and all others are "not real Orthodox like we are".
In the words of John Coffey from The Green Mile, "Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other".

Forgive me for the rant, but this is exactly why the perception of Orthodoxy is that of a regressive, oppressive Church. This is why people do not become Orthodox. And this is why Orthodoxy will always be viewed as a foreign institution in this country unwelcoming and uninviting to Americans.
There is a very short sermon that I believe was related to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourouzh, "Last night a woman came to vespers. She was a single mother and one of you ran her out because she was not wearing a headscarf. Whoever that was, her salvation is now on your soul."
How many people's salvation do we have on ours?

Forgive me.

Treasuring Christ Above All Else

Acts 4:15-17 ESV

“But when they had commanded them to leave the council, they conferred with one another, saying, ‘What shall we do with these men? For that a notable sign has been performed through them is evident to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. But in order that it may spread no further among the people, let us warn them to speak no more to anyone in this name.’ So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard’.”

Charged Not to Speak

Jesus put the old hymn in my mind, “Immanuel’s Land.” Since the language is old (not the English I speak today), I have difficulty understanding the meaning of some of these lyrics. So I decided to look for one of those “behind the hymn” stories which would help me understand what this hymn is saying. But I got a surprise when I found out the history behind the hymn. I will link it below this writing, but I will try to summarize what I learned because it fits perfectly with this passage of Scripture for today.

Evidently the hymn was written by Anne Ross Cousin in 1857, but it is “based on a collection of letters written by Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661), a Scottish pastor who was also from Roxburghshire. Many of the phrases and images from the hymn’s 19 verses come from these letters and provide a glimpse into Rutherford’s life and ministry.”

Now, as I read this, I immediately thought of the Apostle Paul and how he was frequently imprisoned for preaching the gospel, and how he wrote at least some of the epistles, which are in our New Testament, when he was imprisoned for preaching the gospel. So, in some ways, Samuel Rutherford’s life appears to parallel the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul.

Rutherford was a faithful evangelical preacher who loved his congregation dearly. He lost his wife to death in 1630 and his two children soon followed her in death, I am assuming from the same illness she had. At this time the Church of Scotland (a state church) began declining in doctrine and was seeking to impose many Anglican traditions on the Reformed churches. So Rutherford ended up being charged with non-conformity to these changes.

As the situation worsened, this led to him publishing a book in 1636 warning of the rising trend away from the truth of the Scriptures. The book offended several church leaders and Rutherford was immediately summoned to the High Commission Court at Edinburgh and charged with non-conformity and treason for his book. The court subsequently condemned and banished him, and he was forbidden to preach the gospel. And this reminds me of today’s passage of Scripture and what the apostles were facing.

Rutherford was provided with a home, which reminds me of some of Paul’s imprisonment, which was in a home, I believe. And so from Rutherford’s prison he wrote some 220 letters to friends, seeking to encourage them to persevere, just like Paul wrote to the church in various places for much of the same reasons. And eventually Rutherford was set free and he was asked to teach as Professor of Divinity at a school, and his influence grew.

Then, in 1660 he found himself again at odds with the state church and he was removed from church office, charged with treason, and summoned to appear before the British Parliament. By this time he was on his deathbed. And “in the final verse of the hymn he explains why he could not answer their summons – he had a more important call from his Lord!” Amen! And it was recorded that his dying words were, “Glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s Land.” And the hymn that came from that is “a marvelous testimony of treasuring Christ above all else in this life and the next.” Amen!

A Present Reality

In America, much of what is called “church” today is the state church. Most churches, it appears, have incorporated under the state making them state churches (businesses, really). Most of them have turned their gatherings into businesses which are being marketed to the people of the world. And so most of them (across denominational boundaries) have followed and are following marketing schemes and objectives for how to grow their “churches” and how to attract the people of the world to their gatherings.

The Lord first made me aware of this back in 1999, and it was then I began to see what was going on, although it was something I learned a little bit at a time as the Lord began giving me more and more of the true picture. And so when I read the history of this hymn, and the story of this man, I saw many parallels between what he went through then and the situation with so much of what is called “church” in America, today, including parallel experiences in my own life to what he experienced.

And by 2004 the Lord let me know that the ministry he had for me was no longer within the boundaries of the institutional market-driven state church, where I had been rejected and cast aside and treated similarly to this man Rutherford whose writings were the basis for this hymn (which follows). And the Lord had a writing ministry for me, as well, and so he placed me on the internet where I could share the truth of the gospel and where I could refute the lies of the enemy and where I could encourage the body of Christ.

And according to the Scriptures, it is only going to get much worse. Already not too many people want to hear the truth of the gospel and not too many people are preaching the truth of the gospel. But most appear to be preaching a less offensive version of the gospel which is made to tickle itching ears and to pacify people in their flesh rather than demand death to sin and living to God and to his righteousness. And the truth of the gospel is seriously under attack by pastors and fellow professing Christians.

So, it isn’t that we can’t speak in the name of Jesus, for his name today in America has become a household word, and he has been popularized by many movies and TV programs which are altering his image and which are making him out to be more like us and as someone people loved. And the term “gospel” is also being reduced to a profession of faith in Jesus which then secures heaven for you when you die regardless of how you live your life on this earth. But that is not what the Scriptures teach in full context.

So, we can speak in the name of Jesus and we can share the gospel, as long as it is the false (watered down) Jesus and gospel we speak of and not the Jesus and gospel of the Scriptures. For the goal today in many or most of these “churches” is to attract the world to their gatherings and not to do or say anything that will offend anyone, except they will offend those of us who are teaching the truth by letting us know we are unwanted and that we should go someplace else where we will be a “better fit.”

So, whether directly after Jesus died and the church was under great persecution, or at various times in various places throughout history, or in our present day and time, the truth of the gospel was and is under fire, and the biblical image of Christ is not acceptable to the masses, nor is his gospel message. And so if you are sharing the truth of the gospel, and if you are opposing the lies and the distortions of truth going on in the institutional (state) church, you are going to be rejected and even persecuted.

[Matt 5:10-16; Matt 10:16-25; Matt 24:9-14; Matt 28:18-20; Lu 6:22-23; Lu 21:12-19; John 15:1-21; Jn 16:33; Acts 1:8; Acts 14:22; Acts 26:18; Rom 5:3-5; Rom 12:1-8; 1 Co 12:1-31; 2 Co 1:3-11; Eph 4:1-16; Eph 5:17-27; Phil 3:7-11; Col 3:16; 1 Thess 3:1-5; Jas 1:2-4; Heb 3:13; Heb 12:3-12; 1 Pet 1:6-7; 1 Pet 2:9; 1 Pet 4:12-17]

The Sands of Time are Sinking
a.k.a. Immanuel’s Land

by Anne R. Cousin, 1857

The sands of time are sinking,
The dawn of Heaven breaks;
The summer morn I’ve sighed for—
The fair, sweet morn awakes:
Dark, dark hath been the midnight,
But dayspring is at hand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land.

O Christ, He is the fountain,
The deep, sweet well of love!
The streams on earth I’ve tasted
More deep I’ll drink above:
There to an ocean fullness
His mercy doth expand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land.

The King there in His beauty,
Without a veil is seen:
It were a well spent journey,
Though seven deaths lay between:
The Lamb with His fair army,
Doth on Mount Zion stand,
And glory—glory dwelleth
In Immanuel’s land.

The bride eyes not her garment,
But her dear bridegroom’s face;
I will not gaze at glory
But on my king of grace.
Not at the crown He giveth
But on His pierced hand;
The Lamb is all the glory
Of Immanuel’s land.

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Hymn Story: Immanuel’s Land – Covenant Presbyterian Church

How SHOULD I feel?

My mother is 81. I haven't spoken to her in 13 years--nor has she spoken to me or been there for me when I had surgery, when I learned my husband was cheating on me and spending us into extreme debt, when I got divorced and was left as a single parent to 6 kids still at home, when both my daughters were in surgery on the same day. Etc. She'll see me at the grocery store and turn her nose up and walk past me. Yet the family story is that I am not talking to her, that this is all one-sided. Early on, I invited her to a couple of parties for kids' events & she arrived and 'ate my meat and drank my wine' and ignored me the whole time. As a result, I quit inviting her.

I have just learned she has tongue cancer. My first thought was, if I were a writer I couldn't come up with more perfect karma. My mother TALKS. Talking is what she does. She trash talks other people. She has spent my 50+ years trash-talking my grandmother, my father's entire side of the family, the way her mother was unfair to her 65 years ago. She has trash-talked me to many other people since I was 4 or 5 (I believe because she was covering up inappropriate behavior on my father's part, making sure no on believed me) and there are people who will always think badly of me as a result, not based on who I am but on who they think I am as a result of her lies about me. She has trash-talked me literally to my high-school friends when I was in high school and walked out of the room, to my new mother-in-law the first time she met her (and I saw the permanent change that day in how my MIL treated me), to my siblings, to her friends, to people in my/our church.

She has spent hours and hours talking at me about how angry she is with the world, how much she dislikes other people. And never in those hours of her talking at me has she ever shown the slightest interest in who I am or what I think...yet she goes on to tell other people what I really think, or why I really did something, despite what I actually told her.

I give this much detail to say: she has spent her life demonstrating the Biblical principles about the power of the tongue and the evil use of the tongue, using the tongue to hurt others, to turn people against each other, to tear people down, to drive wedges between people, to break down relationships, to damage other people.

My first thought on finding she cancer of the tongue, was: KARMA. If I were an author this is how I would have written the story of someone who has continually gossipped and turned people against each other with lies and gossip.

But I also need to ask myself: What is the CHRISTIAN response to learning (from a third party because your parents won't tell you themselves) that your mother has cancer? My personal response is: Thank God maybe her gossiping and turning people against each other is finally coming to an end.

What should be the Christian response? I don't necessarily think it's evil or wrong or unloving to see the strong correlation between how she has used her TONGUE for 7 decades to divide people and having tongue cancer. But I also seek the Christian response on my own part.

Illegal Immigrants on camera attempt Break in on Texas Ranch House 50 miles from border

"The woman told Melugin that after they failed to get into her house, which she has spent $13,000 upgrading after previous break in attempts, they successfully entered her neighbor's home, but fled by the time Border Patrol responded. "

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N.Y. Rep.-elect George Santos is being investigated for lying about his past

Aside from an investigation by federal and Long Island prosecutors, at least one fellow Republican feels he may be investigated by the House Ethics Committee when the GOP assumes the majority:

A fellow Long Island Republican, Rep.-elect Nick LaLota, said he was troubled by the revelations.

"I believe a full investigation by the House Ethics Committee and, if necessary, law enforcement, is required," LaLota said Tuesday.

N.Y. Rep.-elect George Santos is being investigated for lying about his past

He's in trouble. And it looks like it's getting deeper.

Seeking Biblicaly sound church.

Hello, I live in Colorado Springs. I have been trying to find a good local church. I want one that has sound doctrin. I want one that has a good comunity. I want one where they have life groups and/or programs. I desire friendships and hopefully to one day find a partner out of the congregation.

Now so far localy I have round extremes. I don't want to go to a mega church or a small congregation either, so this eliminates many. Also I do not want a place that is heretical or a cult and this seems to be a bad issue here as well. Any suggestions?

Science and Religion: Where do you stand?

Science and religion… everyone seems to have an opinion. They’re at war. They’re at peace. They don’t overlap. It’s complicated. Take the Science and Religion Quiz and work out where you stand… and why it matters!

Welcome to the Science and Religion Quiz​

People have wildly different views on how ‘compatible’ science and religion are. However, much of what we think about this depends, in the first place, on what we think science is and what religion is. Your answers to those questions will shape – even predetermine – the answer to the question of how well they ‘get on’.​
The Science and Religion Quiz not only ‘takes your temperature’ on the overarching question – whether you think science and religion are compatible – but it also explores what you think each one is.
In the process, it tries to help you understand not only what you think on this issue, but why – and why it matters. Because ‘science and religion’ is about more than a few narrow debating issues (like the Big Bang or evolution) but touches on our very understanding of ourselves and the world.

How the questions work​

The quiz contains 40 statements. For each statement you are required to give one response out of the seven options available ranging from “Totally disagree” to “Totally agree” (as in the example below). Once you have completed all the questions on one page, click through to the next page, and continue. Once all statements have been answered, your results will be calculated and explained.​
No personal data are taken or stored as part of the Science and Religion Quiz. You won’t be asked for your name, contact information or any other details. All we keep are the quiz results themselves so we can gather a cumulative picture for how the population stands on ‘science and religion’.​

Click on the link to take the quiz​
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How well would this work?

I've been working remote for my job since July, I'm a video editor for a global TV network and if editors work remote we use TeamViewer to control our editing workstation in the office. Surprisingly there are no drawbacks or issues with this setup and I'm able to do my job just as well as if I were in my editing suite.

That being said, my goal is to move my family back to my home state on the opposite coast from my job if they'll let me continue working remote from there. Among other things I'm thinking about is that there are pockets of my town where AT&T's 5gig fiber internet is available. If we're able to get a place in one of those areas that's what I'd like to do. I know my office upgraded the internet to at least gigabit infrastructure. It has me wondering whether I could realistically build a new editing rig and use it as a workstation in my home rather than using TeamViewer to use my office workstation.

Our workflow involves editing multiple sequences per day on Avid Media Composer with dozens of raw footage clips contained on a media server that we access through Avid's "Production Management" window. We also deliver several completed video files ranging from 1-8GB in size to the control room server. Since AT&T's fiber is symmetrical, that means I'd have probably ~4,700mbit/sec upload speeds. That'd obviously meet a bottleneck in the office where AFAIK they have around 900mbit max download speed but that could still mean a 200MB/sec transfer to the server right? Assuming no significant bottlenecks in transit.

I'm just curious if it'd even be feasible to set things up this way or if I'd be better off continuing with TeamViewer.

Qōs—Edom's God

I learned about something last night for the first time. We are familiar with Yahweh, god of the Israelites, Chemosh, god of the Moabites, Milcom, god of the Ammonites, Asherah, goddess of the Sidonians, but little do we know about the god of the Edomites: Qōs. One reason we are not familiar with Qōs is that he is never mentioned at all in the biblical accounts except in the personal name of a man named Barqōs ("son of Qōs) in Ezra 2:53 and Nehemiah 7:55, an alternative to Benaiah which means "son of Yah". But based on the material record we currently do have and some written information outside the scriptures, Qōs was the Idumean structural parallel to Yahweh. They were almost identical. He had his own class of priests as well. It is believed that the name 'Qōs' means bow, and this probably refers to his role as a war deity. It may be of no coincidence if the ancestor of the Edomites was declared in Genesis 25:27 "a skillful hunter, a man of the field".

Herod the Great was of Edomite lineage, but interestingly, an associate and brother-in-law of his, Costobarus I's personal name means "Qōs is mighty", suggesting that Qōs was still recognized during the first century. It may be that the Edomites and Israelites had two different names for the same god post-exile (thus Herod's temple in Jerusalem).

Ironically, they say that Qōs has been identified with Quzah, a pre-Islamic god of weather, and may have been introduced into northern Arabian pantheon, which may have been one of the deities Muhammad despised as pagan. If true, the irony of its historical background up to its rejection by a monotheist group is funny.

I'm really curious about this god, and wonder if any of you know about this? I would be happy to learn more tbh.
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Stumbling over bible verses which appear to be contradictory etc

So I was reading the book of Numbers the other day and came across a verse about God dwelling in darkness, and remembered other verses about God being in the darkness.

However, in the NT, I think in 1Timothy it says that God dwells in unapproachable light and i recall singing a line in a song 'he wraps himself in light'.

Forgive me, I'm struggling with typing today and haven't the references to hand, but hopefully someone will be familiar with a few of those verses.

This totally confused me. Is anyone able to explain this?

Hi my name is Raidell

I just thought I should introduce myself.
I guess God wanted everyone to know.
I also wanted to share how I have faith.
I have faith in and on and around Yahshua.
I have been saved many times by Yahshua.
I learned you can have faith in a different way.
Like you can have faith in and on and around Yahshua name.
It may benefit you so much it may change everything for you.
If your are struggling with faith like I was.
I implore you to try having faith like me.

TIME used to be considered a serious, respectable publication....

But evidently not any more. Just when you think they couldn't possibly get any stupider, they pull something like this. I mean, come on. :mad:


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