There is a movement afoot for taking back our Land from those who oppose God.

You can watch this video here.
Basically it comes down to warring against the DS, those pushing the NWO.

Seems they like doing things at certain times to strengthen their (Satan's) power.

The New year (secular) coming up is 2023

Now if you take out the zero you get 223. When read backwards it's 322

Some may be familiar with this as it's the number used by secret societies.

Supposedly the propaganda about this is:

This number symbolizes idealism, vision and evolution. It also symbolizes transformation and ancient wisdom. As a blend of these influences, the number 322 symbolizes discovering and serving your soul’s path and mission in this life.

While that may be partially true we need to be aware.

But getting off track.

Please check this out and be ready to blow your Shofar or any other horn you have
@ 5 minutes to midnight tonight.

The Call of the TRUMPETS​

The Call of the TRUMPETS. This is God's Calling to us and the FINAL BATTLE FOR PLANET EARTH. Like Gideon that was the Trumpeter for GOD'S ARMY we will with FAITH and PERSEVERANCE can PREVAIL. The WAR is being waged on the Battlefield of our Hearts and Minds. And this is for our FUTURE.. and our Children and Grand Children's FUTURE. We have been conned by the Deep State with images and frequency that we can see now for what we know! Magnify the BREATH of LIFE. With the Sound of the HORN. We go to Battle together.

Colorado voting machine tampering suspect ruled incompetent

DENVER (AP) — A man accused of tampering with a voting machine during Colorado’s primary election is mentally incompetent and cannot continue with court proceedings, a judge ruled Thursday.


Judge orders competency exam for Pueblo man charged with election tampering, issues gag order

Patton, a registered Democrat, is charged with felony election tampering. He appeared in court Wednesday but did not speak.

Authorities allege that Patton pulled out a USB port and tampered with a security seal on the bottom of a voting machine in Pueblo on June 28, according to an affidavit filed against him.

Patton was arrested last week, then released on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond. He is the registered agent for Botan Investigations and Process Service LLC, according to the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. The company was created in 2019.

A shame we may never learn any more about how this came about. It's curious. Was he hired? What were his motivations?

Part-time Pastor issue....doing the bare minimum?

Before I say anything else, I want to make clear I care about and love my part-time Pastor. I do want him to succeed, do well,
be healthy, be respected, and treated with love. But here is the questions I have.

He's not a seasoned pastor/veteran. He's in his early 40s, this is his first pastoral gig, but he has experience in leading worship
and obviously having his MDiv from seminary.

His sermons are not "inspirational" but they do have its purposes in that he gives good historical and contextual information about the Scriptures.
He doesn't use any personal anecdotes that reflects or shares the works of God in his life. So he does lack that sort of inspirational content
and think of him more like a "bookworm" of the Bible. His sermons are more like lectures and seminars of bible study than say motivational/inspirational
sermons. Of course there is nothing wrong with different styles of sermons. They all have their usefulness. Sometimes too much topical sermons without
much biblical content is poor and the flipside, only giving historical/contextual info and exposition of the text but not imparting any inspiration or
revelatory transformation can become very dull and mundane.

His personality is also not the kind of pastor who greets people, initiates anyone, and in curious or inquisitive. In fact, he's the opposite. He keeps to himself,
comes to church to give the sermon and leaves with very little interaction with anyone. There is no "shepherding" or "pastoral care" per se. But then again,
he's also a "part-time" position so some might say "what do you expect from a part-time salary?" Of course it doesn't give him the license to be lazy
and uninvolved with his ministry. But he doesn't seem to do or has any interest to do anything more than his requirements which is just to prepare a sermon
each sunday, attend pastoral staff meetings and functions. That's it.

Now, I still love this guy. I care about him. I want to befriend him, get to know him more, and encourage him, but he's the pastor and I'm just a congregant.
How do we tell a pastor that maybe he's not really a good pastor but he's a good biblical scholar? Do we just tell him openly and honestly that he's just
not a good pastor and we have to let him go?
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The physics of entropy and the origin of life

How did complex systems emerge from chaos? Physicist Sean Carroll explains. 6 min — with Sean Carrol
How did life on Earth originate? Scientists still aren’t sure, and this remains one of the world’s most fascinating and mind-boggling mysteries.​
One way of approaching the question is to think generally about how complex systems emerge from chaos. Since the 1800s, scientists have known that entropy is always increasing, with everything in our Universe tending toward disorder over time.​
A more nuanced understanding of entropy is helping today’s scientists make progress on the question of the origin of life, as Sean Carroll explains in this Big Think video.​

Undercurrents in the church: The ever-widening gap

Undercurrents in the church: The ever-widening gap between the institution and laity.

Like a sofa; one size fits all. Or so it would seem.
Many "parishioners" are finding their own way spiritually in a church that is stuck on "old time religion".

I'm a Christian Universalist. There are no churches in my area that support that view. Where should I go?
The current CF topic discussion on Christian Mysticism focuses on yet another largely unrepresented segment of Christianity.
There are probably other spiritual beliefs and practices that are either not supported, or actually not condoned.

1) Does your church support your personal beliefs?
2) Have you left the church due to doctrinal, or Christian practice issues?
3) Do you have to keep your mouth shut about certain subjects at church?
4) Are you feeling alienated by the church?
5) Do you feel guilty at church about your differences?

--- EDIT ---

I imagine that personal issues like gender identity and sexual orientation will be a huge undercurrent issue in the near future.

Hands Across Time

Take your father by the hand.

Let him take his father by the hand.

Let him take his father by the hand.

Do so all the way back to the sixth day the earth had been in existence, and what do you have?

Adam, a mature human being, made from the ground.

Only six days after time itself started in 4004 BC.

Let an ape take his father by the hand, etc and so on.

What do you have?

A mature ape, made from the ground.

The Media's ridiculous amount of Cheerleading for the Avatar Sequel...

I have never seen the amount of puff pieces and other promotional articles designed to prop an entertainment franchise as what has been going with the new avatar movie for the last month. And that says a lot because there was a lot of articles designed to promote and prop up the deeply flawed "Rings of Power" series by Amazon, as well as many other woke movies and TV series like the cancelled Bat-Woman series by the CW, where journalists mention in so many words how this work is designed to not appeal to its established fanbase and somehow "that's a good thing".

Now unlike those other series and movies, the Avatar movie from what I can tell looks like it is made to appeal to fans of the 1st movie, it is just that it needs to make 2 billion dollars worldwide in its box office to break even and only a handful of films have reached that. So at least, on the business side of things James Cameron doesn't know what he was doing (waiting this long to make a sequel was very risky business wise let alone running up such huge overhead that it almost takes a miracle to make a profit).

Peter denying Christ

Is there a member or group of members that have studied Peter's fear when he was accused of being with Christ?
Perry Stone did a Mannafeast on it and I learned that Peter's having cut off the ear of a solder at the time of Jesus' arrest was punishable by crucifixion.
I had always assumed that when Scripture says that Peter began to curse and swear, it meant lots of foul language.
He swore an oath that had to be broken
As Perry points out, that's why, after Jesus was resurrected, He asked Peter 3 times if he loved Him.

CHALLENGE: deserted island top 10 Christian books

Your mission, should you be predestined to accept it:
  1. The night before flying out to the Galapagos Islands for some much needed R&R studying and banding the local iguana population, you have a prophetic dream revealing that through a series of aviation mishaps and poor decisions you are soon to be stranded on a deserted island, alone, for a lengthy period of time. The wispy apparition also instructs you to bring along a box of no more than 10 Christian (or at least spiritual/faith relevant) books. You ask how long you will be stranded, and the apparition grimly smiles and says "Don't hold your breath - maybe forever" and then vanishes.
  2. No other people will be encountered, so there will be no missionary opportunities.
  3. You will have plenty of available tropical fruit and gullible iguanas, so no need for survival manuals, iguana recipes, etc. Books should not be chosen for their pulp-nutritional value or fire-starting properties.
  4. Commentaries and multi-volume titles do not count as a single book. Want Moo's NICNT commentary on Romans? It'll cost you one book slot.
  5. Bibles in this case count as one book. Want ESV + NLT? Two slots.
So, ranked in order of importance, what do you bring?

My choices:
  1. NET Bible, Full-notes 2nd edition.
  2. Calvin's Institutes, Vol. 1, McNeill.
  3. Calvin's Institutes, Vol. 2, McNeill.
  4. The Christian Faith, Michael Horton (systematic theology).
  5. ESV Study Bible.
  6. IVP Bible Background Commentary - OT.
  7. IVP Bible Background Commentary - NT.
  8. Augustine, Confessions.
  9. A Theology of Paul and his Letters, Moo.
  10. CS Lewis, Mere Christianity.

Democrats Start new group - "Don't run Joe"

Seems a growing faction in the Democratic Party is getting very vocal.

“On behalf of most Democrats as well as our party’s activist base, we are strongly urging President Biden not to seek renomination,” said Pia Gallegos, board chair of, which is sponsoring the Don’t Run Joe campaign.​

Another quiz: Difficult Person Test (Hey, it's science-y)

I'm just now taking this, so we'll see.

difficult person test.png

I'd say the questions are reasonably written, but it's one of those things that if you have to ask "am I a difficult person", you probably are.
  • Haha
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Andrew Tate: This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes...

This Andrew Tate guy is scum imo. I’ve actually seen posts where some here actually liked him and of course were dazzled by his schtick and wealth. BTW- he is not worth 300 million. He was trolling Greta and next thing you know he is getting busted. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost.

Andrew Tate — the former kickboxing champion, internet personality and self-described misogynist — has been detained in Romania along with his brother, Tristan, and charged with human trafficking and forming an organized crime group.

Continued below.

How to have patience while waiting for a possible proposal?

A couple months ago I told my boyfriend I wanted to marry him, and... we haven't really had any talks that would count as "deliberately moving us closer to marriage."

But I mean, it's only been 9 months of dating, and I had told him before that I wanted to wait a year before getting married (I'd read that in a Dr. Dobson book lol). So the relationship is still young.

I just want to have patience. I have this frustration, and it's not healthy. I don't want to be, like, "why aren't you giving me what I want, when I want it?" I want him to lead in this; I want him to pursue me.

My biological clock is ticking though--I'm in my late 20s so the door feels like it's closing on having kids.

Any advice for being patient? Any tips for what I should do to subtly help things along? :sweatsmile:
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