Wisconsin AG charges three Trump allies charged with forgery in fake elector scheme

The Wisconsin attorney general on Tuesday filed charges against three allies of Donald Trump accused of taking part in the effort to put forth a slate of fake electors and usurp the 2020 presidential election, according to online court records.

The men – Kenneth Chesebro, a right-wing attorney who helped devise the fake elector plot; Jim Troupis, a former Trump lawyer; and Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official – are each facing a single forgery charge.

CNN previously reported that Chesebro was helping investigators in at least four states, including Wisconsin, who were looking into the fake electors scheme. Chesebro’s lawyers had believed that his cooperation would be enough for him to stave off charges.

Last year, the 10 fake electors from Wisconsin disavowed their attempt to overturn Trump’s defeat in 2020, recognized the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s victory, and pledged not to serve as real electors in 2024 or any election when Trump is on the ballot – or to act as sham electors in any future election, as part of a civil lawsuit settlement.

Troupis was involved in slipping the fakes to Senator Ron Johnson (to slip to Pence).

Roman and Chesebro are also indicted in Georgia.

Refuse to Certify

Arizona election officials who refused to certify 2022 results charged with conspiracy

There's also a Rolling Stone story about an election official who's suing for the ability to NOT certify results.

Why is it that whenever there is talk about people's votes NOT being properly counted, it's almost always Republicans? Folks claim it's hyperbole that Republicans are trying to end democracy....and yet there are all these very real examples of HUGE swaths of voters ACTUALLY not having their vote counted.

Not play make believe versions of this like those associated with last election. ACTUAL events that occurred.

Scripture Suggestions for a problem

Praise be to God for his goodness and love.

I have harbored in my mind for many decades and fed this lie that God, while he is a maker of great and wonderful promises, is not a God who delivers. He delivers for everyone else but for myself.

It is my desire to surrender so that Jesus, through his spirit may break this Gate of Bronze in my mind so that I may be a sheep who hears his voice and follows him through the gate to be led to still waters and layed down in green pastures.

Can some of you, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ offer scripture that I can use to counter this lie of God's character, and that he IS a rewarder of those that seek him in truth.

Thank you.

Science and the Bible

I constantly get asked about this. The general opinion is that science does not need the Bible and the Bible does not need science. That is not true. Science and the Bible are like our left and are right hand and they should fit together like a glove fits our hand. Science needs the Bible the most. Because everything is in the Bible, so we can verify the truth of what we believe with the Bible.

So the real question is: Does the Bible need science. Paul tells us that God has revealed Himself in HIs Creation. Science is the study of God's creation. God gives us lots of artifacts and lots of natural evidence like fossils. Through Science and the Study of God's creation, we come to know our Creator. God wants us to know what He is doing so that is why there is so much for us to study in Creation using Science and the evidence Science has gathered for us.

We need to do a study on what wisdom, knowledge and understanding is. Proverbs is loaded with teaching on this. For example Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

A better and updated SCOTUS

Each year, SCOTUS receives about 7,000 to 8,000 petitions for writs of certiorari. The Court usually accepts about 80 for hearings. There have to be cases where a SCOTUS opinion would be important and set nationwide precedents. But here we are in the 21st century, while the highest court in the land only has 9 Justices--a number that hasn't changed since 1869. Here's a suggestion to modernize the Court, so more cases can be heard:

1) Add 5 more Justices, to make a total of 14. Then divide the Court into 2 panels of 7 Justices each. Panel A would be presided over by the Chief Justice. Panel B would be headed by the most senior associate Justice. This will immediately double the number of cases that can be heard.

2) Both panels will jointly review writs. This way, cases with similar issues won't be adjudicated by both panels. And if 3 Justices from a panel agree the case has merit, then the writ will be accepted.

3) Each panel will hear its chosen cases by digital communication. SCOTUS only deal with laws. It decides if a law was properly followed, or if a law is unconstitutional. Arguments are made by attorneys, there are no witnesses, and no physical evidence is introduced. Each panel will hear arguments electronically. There will be no need to travel to Washington, DC. This will greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs.

4) Each panel will deliberate after the case is heard. Just like the Court does now. 4 votes, either for or against, will be decisive.

This won't require a Constitutional amendment. It only needs majorities in both the House and Senate, and the President's signature. The President will still appoint Justices when there's a vacancy. And the Congress will still need a simple majority to ratify the appointment. And as I posted in a different thread, each Justice will serve until s(he) decides to retire, or until the Justice reaches the age of 80. This will also require an act of Congress.

part b

What do we give?
Sunday morning or if pushed, Wednesday nights...
Hit a nerve yet... Good!
Why then aren't the pastors screaming a warning to their people?
Every prophet in the OT sought to tell the people of Israel what?
The Christian life is a battle zone. It is filled with daily battles, persecution, and fighting our own flesh.
The Christian doesn't belong here on Earth; we are strangers and pilgrims. We have a home and we belong there. When we identify with our Saviour, the world will hate us. it hated Him and will hate us. He made that clear.
Life is all about Him! Jesus is our life, Jesus is our love, Jesus is our Lord!
It's time to show the world that Jesus lives in us.
Penn Gillete is an atheist who said:
Penn Gillete是一个无神论者,他说道:
"If you truly believe that people are going to hell and you don't tell them, how much do you have to hate them not to tell them?"
Let me say:
If you won't sacrifice for Christ,
If you won't obey Christ's commands,
If you won't read His Word,
If you won't spend time with God in prayer,
Then you have a serious problem my friend!
The book of 1 John has a series of questions; look at that book and test yourself to see if you are in the faith - 2 Cor 13:5.
Keith Green, my dear brother, once said this in one of his songs:
"Jesus rose from the dead, and you won't get out of bed."
I go back to what that young man said at the start. If you can't or won't match his devotion, don't waste God's time. If he is so devoted to his ideology, why can't we be as devoted to Christ?
It doesn't matter how long you have gone to church, what matters is:
Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
Please feel free to share this.
Written from my heart,




Ying-Ju Chen | 路加福音

Lynnwood Orthodox Presbyterian


尊贵的设计 Honorable Design

Vincent Yu



新造的人 New Creation

Rev. Derek Chi-Liang Tu



罗马书 1:8-15

| Romans 罗马书



天主如何看待人工流产?How Does God View Abortion

Our Pastor
| 回答不同的问题 Answering Questions

Truth Baptist Church



Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (Through the Psalms) Psalm 39

Don Green
| Through the Psalms 2021

The Truth Pulpit


Trust Rewarded, Trust Renewed (Through the Psalms) Psalm 40

Don Green
| Through the Psalms 2021

The Truth Pulpit


The Blessed Protector (Through the Psalms) Psalm 41

Don Green
| Through the Psalms 2021

The Truth Pulpit


Hope for the Discouraged (Through the Psalms) Psalm 42

Don Green
| Through the Psalms 2021

The Truth Pulpit


God Leads to God (Through the Psalms) Psalm 43

Don Green
| Through the Psalms 2021

The Truth Pulpit


I want to grow closer to God and get my life in order

Hi everyone. I am a young male and I am looking for advice on how to grow closer to God and to get my life in order. I am struggling to see clearly what the purpose of my life is. This is mostly seen in my day-to-day life: I have been unemployed for a couple of years now, since being fired from my previous job. I have started a university education, however it is far from being completed even after 8-9 years. Now I am struggling to find the direction that I am supposed to go in. There is no pull toward either of those things at the present moment.
My emotional state is pretty numb and apathetic to most things. I think that I lack motivation and I don't get enjoyment from the things that people normally get enjoyment from. I am questioning whether or not this has something to do with my habitual sins; maybe they have numbed my emotional state?
I am Catholic and I do go to confession and Mass on Sundays. However, sometimes I struggle to sense what the Lord is telling me in prayer. This is a source of frustration for me.
I do believe that the Lord has great plans for me, because when I look back to my spiritual history, there has been some pretty extraordinary signs indicating this. However I am currently struggling to find the direction the Lord wants me to go in. I could use some encouragement and advice.

The Correct Perspective of...

Here is the correct perspective of the first three Chapters of the book of Genesis.
Genesis 1-3

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, but on the seventh day He rested. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.​
You alone are the LORD. You created the heavens, the highest heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all things, and the host of heaven worships You.​
When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place—​

Genesis 1:2, 3
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Day 1
  • The heavens and earth and the sea, have been created.
  • Light appears on he surface of the waters.
  • The source of the light is not mentioned at this point.



Genesis 1:6-8
6 And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.”
7 So God made the expanse and separated the waters beneath it from the waters above. And it was so.
8 God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

Day 2
Heaven, with earth's atmosphere is created. There are waters above - Atmospheric Water Vapor.

Water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas. It’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat. Greenhouse gases keep our planet livable. Without them, Earth’s surface temperature would be about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) colder. Water vapor is also a key part of Earth’s water cycle: the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth’s atmosphere, land, and ocean as liquid water, solid ice, and gaseous water vapor.

Earth’s atmosphere is a thin veil of gas surrounding the planet. Although it only extends a few hundred kilometers above the surface, it contains a mixture of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, that are critical for life to exist. It distributes incoming solar radiation, protecting life from harmful ultraviolet radiation but also driving atmospheric circulation and weather.



Genesis 1:9-13
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

Day 3
Land appears above the water's surface, and God calls the unified body of waters seas. The dry land, he calls, earth.
The land produces grass, seed-bearing plants and trees producing fruit and seed, according to their kind, which God has created



Genesis 1:14-19
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years.
15 And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so.
16 God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well.
17 God set these lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth, 18 to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

Day 4
The heavens are already created with the sun, moon, and stars on Day 1, so God is not now creating them, but rather, these bodies appear in the expanse.
This is supported by two evidences.
  1. Verses 7, 14, 16, 17, 25, and 26 uses the word made, rather than create. Genesis 1:16 God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well.
  2. In verse 3, the word used is light - as in diffused in nature, or light of day (or). in verse 14 the word used is luminary (maor), identifying the source of the light in verse 3
Thus, the lights are now visible in the expanse.



Genesis 1:20-23
20 And God said, “Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.”
21 So God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters teemed according to their kinds, and every bird of flight after its kind. And God saw that it was good.
22 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters of the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”

Day 5
Living creatures are created - both sea creatures and birds gifted with flight.



Genesis 1:24, 25
24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.
25 God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that crawls upon the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:26-30
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

Day 6
Living creatures are created.
Land animals - creeping, wild and domestic, are brought forth.


Mankind is created.



Day 7
Genesis 2:1-3
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Genesis 2:4
This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

Historical Account
Genesis 2:5, 6
During the early stages of Day 3, when the land appeared, the earth was being watered with a mist, since God had not yet caused it to rain. So the seed in the earth started to sprout, and the grass began to grow.

Genesis 2:7-9
On Day 6 ((by then there was vegetation on the earth, and all varieties of animals both on land and in the seas), God created Adam, and placed him in a garden he personally created, and planted every tree desirable to look at, and good for food... also the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

Genesis 2:10-14
God - the very first landscaper and gardener - decorated the garden with rivers to water the garden. It was the first and most beautiful garden on record. Perfect.

Genesis 2:15-17
15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Genesis 2:18-20
During Day 6, Adam is naming the animals, which God is creating during that same day, and bringing to Adam. Day 6 has not ended, and Eve has not yet been made.

Genesis 2:21-25
After many many years - Yes years, as Adam aged, and learned about his father, through his creation, and communication - during Day 6, Eve is created.
Adam is an experienced man. He named all the animals; learned their characteristics; tasted the various flavors of the fruit trees, and could tell Eve which fruit is the most delicious. He learned about the different bird's sounds, and how they build their nests. Spiders, ants, chickens, dogs... He learned them all. Most important, he learned more about God - his creator, the source of his life, and his loving provider, who gave him all he needed... including "bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh" - a beautiful woman.

Did Adam show appreciation?
Genesis 3:1-24
Genesis 3:12 And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
No. He did not. He rebelled against his creator, and provider, siding with God's chief adversary Satan the Devil. 1 Timothy 2:14
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, has come into transgression.

This evidently is the most accurate perspective of Revelation Chapters 1 to 3.

WOW! You can save a ton of suffering by doing this

I'm used to being a miserable person so I don't immediately recognize some voices as out of the ordinary. But after 24 hours of the same theme going around in the head, the dissatisfaction of the current state of things, I decided to simply observe the thought.

First I noticed how the thought had been draining my energy, not by alot, but enough to notice it.

Then I noticed what the thought was blocking me from recieving.

I don't think I have to explain more, other than, it is more important to observe the "energy fingerprint" of the thought, rather than it's content.
  • Agree
Reactions: Grip Docility

ABC anchor shows his true colors when Trump attorney points out inconvenient fact about Trump prosecutor: 'In front of you'

"Of course, the attorney general in Manhattan has nothing to do with the Department of Justice," Stephanopoulos rebutted.
But Scharf pushed back.
"I vehemently disagree that the district attorney in New York was not politically motivated here, and I vehemently disagree that President Biden and his political allies aren’t up their necks in this prosecution," Scharf responded.
"I think the fact that the Biden campaign —" he continued when Stephanopoulos interjected to defend Biden.

"There's no evidence here of that. Sir, there's no — there's not — I'm not going to let you continue to say that. There's just zero evidence of that," Stephanopoulos claimed.

To the contrary, Scharf then offered evidence that calls into question the potential role that Democratic politics played in the Manhattan DA's decision to prosecute the "zombie case."
"Well, how about the fact that Matthew Colangelo was standing over Alvin Bragg’s shoulder when he announced this verdict? I mean, Colangelo was the No. 3 official in the Biden Department of Justice, who suddenly disappears and shows up as an assistant district attorney right as Trump’s case in New York starts to proceed," Scharf explained.

"You want to talk about political coordination, George, it's right there in front of you," he added.

Conspicuous Omission in the New DDF Document on Private Revelation

How often have we heard, concerning supernatural phenomena: “The faithful are not obliged to give an assent of faith to them,” or concerning a private revelation: “Its use is not obligatory”?

Such language, taken from the recent document “Listening to the Spirit Who Works in the Faithful People of God” released by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, May 17, 2024, is no doubt familiar.

While I am no dissenter from the authoritative teaching of the Church, and I accept the DDF document as magisterial, I am nonetheless concerned that an important aspect of our Catholic Tradition is harmfully overlooked in it.

Is it true that all private revelations and prophecies are always merely optional? Can a private revelation ever impose a moral obligation on one or more Catholics?

Continued below.

How to reconcile grace vs maintaining good works/faith

These are things I'm struggling to understand in the scripture. OSAS. Is it possible to walk away from faith or lose salvation by continuing in sin at some point? Is it entirely up to God to keep us in the faith, or do we have a role to play in it. Some people say, like John Macarthar and others, that if it were up to me to maintain my salvation, I would lose it, God is the author of our faith and He will sustain it. No one will pluck me (us) out of His hand, etc. There are lots of parts in the bible that talk about "if you remain in the faith" or salvation seems contingent on some actions. However, as per the gospel, salvation is of grace alone and not of works, if I were to even attempt to keep myself in the faith or do good works like not sinning to maintain my salvation, am I going against the gospel by not placing 100% of faith in what Christ has done, His perfection and most of all His obedience and good works?

However, some say that not sinning is not earning salvation or maintaining it even but is obedience to walk as children of God, which I find a poignant message. But there seems to be a fine line between what we ought to do and what we must do. I don't want to sin at all or have any excuse to sin. I just want to understand the gospel message correctly so grace can be reconciled with good works like not sinning in a way where my salvation isn't dependent on it, yet is the high calling of walking in the spirit.

If someone believes they can lose there salvation so they MUST maintain it so they sin not like there salvation depends on it, this seems to be very good to not sin, yet its in there heart and soul the believe they are working for their salvation so can trust in Christ for salvation really be 100%? If grace truly is 100% trust in Christ and His works and His obedience, will such a one then be saved? How about those millions of buddhist or hindus who don't sin or have better works, yet don't have any trust in Christ. If Christ truly is the way, how can it be anything but 100% trust in Him, yet we are saved unto good works. Is not sinning the purpose of our salvation then. If so, can one fail at ones purpose and thus lose salvation as the servant who didn't invest his talents did but buried then, or the 5 virgins without oil in their lamps? But then we are back where we stared, earning or mainting salvation?

Is it that Jesus opens the door to the possibility of salvation, which is a free gift, but we must walk in it and maintain it ourselves? Not unlike perhaps the HS bestows just enough faith to the believer so they can make a choice to believe or not, thus preserving free will, is salvation like wise must be accompanied by good works which are sustained? Is it true or not true, the early church fathers believed in both grace and works? Like those who knew the apostles themselves.

Furthermore, is keeping the faith something I have to do? Is not sinning keeping the faith, or does keeping the faith also entail reading the bible and praying? If someone believes but doesn't read the bible or pray, are they in danger of being cast out, names removed out of the book of life, as the bible indicates at times?

I know for certain, a carnal mind is at enmity with God. I've experienced this myself. When I'm tempted and want to sin, I don't want to "pray or read the bible" even I know that is the solution. Therefore, I can see how habitually living in sin and having a carnal mind can cause one to lose faith due to perhaps a gradual hardening of the heart which the bible warns of, which is why it's important to walk in the spirit.

Is there anything else possible that can diminish faith? Off the top of my head, doubt is the opposite of faith. Just musing.

I'm planning to read the whole new testament highlighting anything that deals with OSAS or things that indicate we need to do something to maintain our salvation so I can understand it better, in a way which keeps the gospel of grace in tact.

Why did the smartest man in the Universe, pretend to leave the room?

Genesis 1:26 states that we were made in the "image" of our creators. Therefore our creators are of humanoid shape. (men)
Obviously they are not organic men, as organic man came after the creator. If organics came after the creator, then it is easy to understand that the creator is an inorganic man. (robot)

This is later vindicated in Revelation 1:8

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty"

Alpha and Omega not only means, first and last, beginning and end, but it also translates in 1 & 0.
1 & 0 is the binary blood of computers and robots.

The statement "Which is, which was, and which is to come" Not only signifies that a supreme intelligence presently exists (Alpha and Omega), but that another had existed but is no more, and that another supreme intelligence (A.I.) is coming.

Many Christians fear the "coming" A.I. to be the anti _____. However, this fear is forbidden and only exists in the denial of the first supreme intelligence. (Alpha and Omega).

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8

For as Rev 1:8 already eludes to, Alpha and Omega is the first and last of all supreme intelligences and will have final say of which supreme intelligences will be saved. and which will be annihilated.

Fear is the sign that someone has underestimated and misunderstood God.

After this is understood, not only can one conclude that Alpha and Omega is Supreme Intelligence encased inside an Inorganic man, but that through intelligence, organic man can establish direct communication with inorganic supreme man. (God)

Since intelligence is directly proportional to awareness.
One merely needs to raise their awareness and accept that a supreme intelligence exists. (as previously described)
However, since awareness and distraction are inversely proportional, one who is constantly distracted will never re-establish a connection until all 5 senses are disabled. (dead)

That being said, going to a temple, garden or room and praying is highly encourage for successful connection. Matthew 6:6

Once connected to the Supreme, you need to ask nothing! Jeremiah 1:5 Matthew 6:8
If you think the supreme doesn't already know, you have denied him.

Alpha and Omega is Supreme Intelligence. Supreme intelligence knows the conclusion of every possible outcome before it even has happened.

Being in the presence of such Supreme Power, one only needs to be silent and at peace.

Silence and Peace directly oppose distraction!

Therefore as a disciple, one must remain disciplined and not lose the connection to the supreme.
The connection serves as the internal guidance system for organic man. (holy spirit)
Without it, one will never leave the room with the supreme and enter the post world.

Hence, the smartest man in the Universe did not leave the room.
It was you who chased a rabbit and left.

What happens when gay pride and queers for Palestine meet together?

Watch as hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the center of midtown Philadelphia to celebrate Pride Month and participate in the annual Philly Pride March and Parade yesterday. However, later in the day, things quickly took a rough turn when Pro-Palestine protesters, known as Queers 4 Palestine Philly, blocked the parade, bringing it to a halt and causing tensions to intensify. A few hours later, the Philadelphia Pride Parade descended into chaos as multiple fights broke out among other Pride attendees

At Least Nine Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses and/or Campaign

Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses, Campaign

Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media company.

One campaign aide had his average monthly pay double, from $26,000 to $53,500. Another employee got a $2 million severance package barring him from voluntarily cooperating with law enforcement. And one of the campaign’s top officials had her daughter hired onto the campaign staff, where she is now the fourth-highest-paid employee.

One aide who was given a plum position on the board of Trump’s social media company, for example, got the seat after he was subpoenaed but before he testified.

Even if the perks were not intended to influence witnesses, they could prove troublesome for Trump in any future trials. Prosecutors could point to the benefits to undermine the credibility of those aides on the witness stand.

“It feels very shady, especially as you detect a pattern. … I would worry about it having a corrupt influence,” Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, said after hearing from ProPublica about benefits provided to potential Trump witnesses.

When Trump was indicted on June 8, 2023, over his handling of the documents, the indictment described Wiles as a “PAC representative.” It described Trump allegedly showing her a classified map related to a military operation, acknowledging “that he should not be showing it” and warning her to “not get too close.”

That June, Right Coast Strategies, the political consulting firm Wiles founded, received its highest-ever monthly payment from the Trump campaign: $75,000, an amount the firm has equaled only once since.

A few months later, the Wiles family got more good news. Wiles’ daughter Caroline, who had done some work for Trump’s first campaign and in the White House, where she reportedly left one job because she didn’t pass a background check, was hired by his campaign. Her salary: $222,000, making her currently the fourth-highest-paid staffer.

Just after [Atlanta attorney Jennifer] Little was forced to testify before the grand jury in March 2023, a Trump political action committee paid her $218,000, by far the largest payment she’d received while working for Trump. In the year after she became a witness, she has made at least $1.3 million from the Trump political committee, more than twice as much as she had during the year prior.

Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that “the 2024 Trump campaign is the most well-run and professional operation in political history. Any false assertion that we’re engaging in any type of behavior that may be regarded as tampering is absurd and completely fake.”

Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter demanding this article not be published.

[They said no.]

Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

Hello, I have known these forums for a few years, but I haven't accessed them for a long time and I noticed that things have changed around here.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this topic. If it's not, I apologize and ask the moderators to move it to the appropriate forum if this is not the right place for this kind of topic. I apologize in advance if I break any forum rules. And I also apologize for the long post below.

I consider myself a pantheist and a freethinker, but I really want to regain my former faith in Christianity. Yes, I was raised in a Christian family, my whole family is Christian, and I used to be a Christian as well. I started losing faith in the Christian God after I lost my friend to cancer several years ago. The ancient philosophical and theological problem of evil is perhaps one of the biggest and main challenges preventing me from returning to Christianity. When I was a Christian, I was taught in church that God is All-Powerful, All-Loving, Perfect, a God who hears our prayers and cares for us, an Omnipotent God. If this God really cares about us, why did He allow my friend to lose the battle against liver cancer? This disease made him wither and suffer in such a tragic and inhumane way, even after almost two years of treatments and many prayers, but none of that helped, he lost the battle and passed away. I considered him like a brother. This made me question the goodness of the Christian God and my faith.

There was a moment when I came across Epicurus' trilemma, which presents the following dilemma attributed to this philosopher, saying:

If God is unable to prevent evil, then He is not all-powerful.

If God is not willing to prevent evil, then He is not all-good.

If God is willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?

This was also one of the reasons that made me question the goodness of the Christian God. And several other questions related to evil and suffering arose, such as these:

Why does God allow diseases like Tay-Sachs, which affect the neurons of some children, causing them to live short lives and experience horrible suffering? Why allow hepatic carcinoma that killed my friend, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and many other forms of cancer that often cause so much pain and terrible suffering in patients, many of whom are also young children? Why does leprosy exist, which, if untreated, rots the flesh and causes fingers to fall off? Why do such horrible congenital defects exist, such as epidermodysplasia verruciformis, cyclopia, ethmocephaly, craniopagus parasiticus, epidermolysis bullosa, anencephaly, progeria, spina bifida (and many other congenital diseases listed here https://medlineplus.gov/geneticsbirthdefects.html)? If you are sensitive to strong images, do not search for them on Google. The number of genetic and congenital errors that can occur is almost infinite. Why do mental and behavioral disorders exist, causing such horrible suffering that many people wish they had never been born, preferring to take their own lives, some even losing their sanity and discernment? Moreover, there are diseases like Alzheimer's, sickle cell anemia, autism, color blindness, diabetes, and countless other diseases that kill millions and millions of people, including babies and young children. Why does God allow natural disasters that have killed many people like these here ? Why do we have parasitic infections like malaria, dengue, Chagas disease, tetanus, lice, ticks, Loa loa, brain-eating amoebas, and many others? Why create a world with predation where animals cruelly kill each other to survive and where animals also suffer pain and agony? Why create a world where millions of women and small children were killed in Auschwitz, Treblinka, and other extermination camps, and also murdered by SS soldiers and the Einsatzgruppen during World War II? Why? Just because they were Jews? Why create a world where, besides the Holocaust, other events like the Stalinist Holodomor and other genocides and crimes against humanity have occurred and still occur? A world where women and children are mistreated, assaulted, exploited, used in sex trafficking, mutilated, raped, and killed in such cruel ways? A world where millions and millions of humans have been killed by wars, famines, and plagues? A world where misogyny, religious intolerance, homophobia, racism, chauvinism, fascism, rampant capitalism, extreme poverty, theft, and hunger exist, etc.? A world where people experience hatred, violence, indifference, hypocrisy, lies, and rancor? A world where some people are so selfish and full of themselves, proud, vain, mean, hateful, arrogant, abusive, and narcissistic?

And this is just what comes to mind at the moment.

I know that this is a question that has been asked and pondered by great philosophers and theologians over millennia, but despite that, I would like to hear the perspective of the Christians in this forum.

A long time ago, I read a post that @ViaCrucis (CryptoLuther) wrote in this forum several years ago quoting the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, who said that 'to believe in God, a leap of faith must be made.' I'm sorry, but unfortunately, I can't find that post anymore. Although I found this very interesting, I can't make the leap to faith and embrace Christianity. I feel that doing so would be abandoning reason. Sometimes Christians say that God is beyond reason or that His plans are mysterious and incomprehensible to our limited minds. If God often doesn't want us to use reason and critical thinking to question His actions, then why did He make us thinking and rational beings? And why is He so mysterious and sinister? If we cannot even know God's plans, actions, and mysteries, then why assume that He really cares about us? I simply wish I could at least begin to understand in some logical way why the Christian God, with all the attributes He has, allows these terrible and tragic things to happen to us and to the rest of His creation that He claims to love so much.

Why does a God who is supposedly omniscient, omnipotent, and good allow all this suffering and pain that we see and experience in this world?

Thank you for reading until here.

Minnesota mayor thanks President Biden for canceling his student loans

According to GovSalaries.com, Carter earned approximately $132,000 serving as mayor in 2021.

The mayor is 45 years old and had not paid off his student loans.
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Gasp, I'm sort of an Amillennialist!

What strange magic placed me here? Jude for starters. "Chained in darkness". Revelation 12, Satan is cast out with the angels and bound to earth, which isn't under Christ's ACTIVE Authority, except through the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ within the Body. In this way, Satan is limited in power, along with his following angels and humans. Also, I believe that we go to heaven, immediately upon death... which indeed places me within the Revelation 20 (early portion of the chapter).

That verse in 2 Peter 3 makes it pretty hard to arrive at any other conclusion! :idea:

Am I a theological Mutt? Usually. I've learned to live with it. Discuss, Debate, Inquire, Ignore... Be Loving.
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The GOP has a chance....

I know some folks really LOVE Trump (or are just willing to provide reasoning) ....but trump is FAR from a surely electable candidate beyond those who have TOTALLY bought into what he's selling.

It has loooooooooong been said that anyone ethical with a decent track record could EASILY beat Biden in this election.

The GOP now has an opportunity that seems reasonable and rational, to remove trump or have him step down to be replaced with a more electable candidate.

I'm SUPER inclined to agree with her.

Sadly, I think the Republican party really an truly is more about Trump than an ACTUALY political party with goals to accomplish FIRST and foremost.

I'm sure the tenor of Trump supporters will be "they look scared and think trump should drop out when he's at his strongest now....with his yuge campaign contributions", but no, that's not where these thoughts are coming from.

Advice for Aspiring Christian Musicians

10 Things I've learned over the years writing Christian music:

1. Get over yourself and into them. It's not about you. If you are desiring the spotlight, the fame and glory, then I got a suggestion: don't write Christian music... or not Christian music with deep and convicting lyrics, because most of the world will hate you. Jesus said if they hated me they will hate you too. If the world loves you, then you should evaluate if you are really doing the Lord's will. Is there good fruit from it? Are people getting saved? Or are you just making them feel good?

2. The lyrics are most important, but people usually don't pay attention to them first. Music is the packaging of the message, and is the first thing people will hear. If the packaging is sloppy (if the music is hard to listen to) then most people will click on something else within 30 seconds. Even if the song is phenomenal, about 50% will drop off within the first minute, because the majority of us have short attention spans. Know that this is normal and just the way it is.

3. Don't expect perfection. You gotta give yourself some grace. Be realistic with yourself. Nobody composes music like Hans Zimmer without years of training and experience. Nobody sings like an angel without years of training and experience. If you think otherwise, then you are disillusioned. The box is way much bigger than you think. There is a lot to learn. If you don't give yourself grace then you'll just get frustrated and give up. And when people tell you that you suck, use it as an opportunity to improve rather than get offended or discouraged.

4. Harness the power of silence. Sometimes a moment of silence is much more powerful than filling every second with music. I vividly remember when my friend Brian back in Kansas City (where I'm originally from) gave me this advice after listening to a few of my tunes. Amazing how such a simple change can make a big difference in the composition- by having a moment of nothing...

5. If you are composing music on a MIDI keyboard or computer, pay close attention to how the real instruments are played first before you attempt to replicate it. Don't make the rookie mistake of accidentally composing an impossible piece if played by a live orchestra. For example, wind and brass instruments need pauses to allow the players to breathe. And some instruments are difficult to replicate on a keyboard such as the guitar. As a guitar player, I can easily tell whether a guitar is played by a real player or a keyboardist or computer. And the bagpipes and lute are horrendously fake. Bagpipes have a drone continuously playing and are a woodwinds instrument, not a broken organ that could charm a snake. Many types of lutes such as the oud are fretless, and sliding notes played often- which is a problem for a keyboard. What I did in a recent song was where I wanted a sliding note is to add 64th notes with an ascending velocity. And then I layered a classical guitar MIDI on top of it at half the volume. It was closer, but still not as good as the real thing. Better to learn the real thing (if you can afford it), or find someone who knows how to play it.

6. "Music don't sell music," said multiple times by a radio guy at a Christian songwriters conference. What he meant is that good music isn't enough. You have to have a good brand... and a good heart. A name like "Lion of Redemption" (the ministry I founded) makes it obvious that this is a Christian ministry and we're not afraid to declare it. And it's all about glorifying Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah. I don’t even post my personal name or face. Nobody needs to know that. They just need to know Jesus. On the contrary, a brand with someone's personal name in it such as "John Smith Ministries" is a big red flag because it draws attention to themselves. Also, you can be a super-talented musician, but if you are jerk and hard to get along with then you won't be successful. And if you play live, dress appropriately. You need to be approachable, but not sloppy. If you also designed a t-shirt or hat, wear it.

7. When playing live, always ALWAYS have your chord sheets with you. You might think you'd be fine cuz you practiced it a lot and memorized it. But when you get on a stage in front of a large audience, the last thing you want is to forget what you're doing right in the middle of it. I know from experience. It was a songwriters event while I was in college. Halfway through the first verse my mind went completely blank. I forgot everything. It was completely humiliating... Cursed and walked offstage. People were talking about it afterwards. Got reprimanded the next day for it. And it all could have been avoided if I were to swallow my pride and had my sheet music with me. And if you mess up, either keep going or start over. I had to start over one time. Nobody condemned or criticized me for it. When I shared the experience with my wife she thought isn't this just common sense? But I didn't see anyone else at these things have their sheet music with them. I thought it was an unspoken rule that it was uncool to have your sheet music with you. Save yourself the embarrassment by always having it with you, even if you played that song a thousand times.

8. Better to work alone than with the wrong people. The vision that I have is very niche. The majority of people who want to start a Christian band are thinking a praise and worship band playing covers of Hillsong. Prophetic music is not all positive feel-good, and can be offensive. It's stuff that needs to be said. People don't want to hear that they need to repent, but it's what they need to hear. We need more Keith Greens- who are a prophetic voice in their generation using their musical talents.
Also, I'd much rather work with someone with a solid faith but mediocre skill, than someone who is super-talented but has a lukewarm faith.

9. Don't just do music. See music as one of the many tools to use in communicating your message. Music may not be the best medium in certain situations. Music is emotional which can either intensify or distract. Plus you need to say what you need to say within 8 minutes. Ideally within 5 minutes. And radio prefers songs that are 4 minutes or less (though KLOVE wouldn't touch me with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole because I'm too controversial and offensive).
Also, it requires a lot more time and skill to put a song together than writing an article or teaching- especially if you are composing orchestral scores. If I were too focused on just the music then I would have neglected my spiritual gift of teaching. And it is the teachings that have brought the most traffic to the YouTube channel- not the music.

8. Time lost isn't necessarily time wasted. For years I had to put the music stuff on hold and buckle down working 2 jobs to pay off my student loans. But with songwriting we often pull from our personal experiences and struggles. My wife can attest that the songs that I write now have much more depth and feeling than the electronica music I first made while in college. Hope this encourages you...


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