[open] Do you know any PK's?[open]


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Sep 20, 2006
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My mom is a PK and I know a bunch of them too. I don't think they have a *holier than thou* attitude. Too many put PKs/MKs on pedestals and expect them to live a certain way from birth JUST because they was born in a pastor's house and that isn't fair or right. :sigh: They are no different from the rest of us *born sinners* who has the choice to accept/reject Christ. The sad thing is that PKs/MKs gets to see the more negative stuff about members/other christians and is a big turn off cause of they hypocritical attitudes/beliefs/lifestyles. Pastors are expected to be on call 24/7 when you don't find that in the majority of jobs. Members are always finding ways to take/need the father's attention for their own issues. Sometimes PKs feel totally cheated cause of it and expected to accept it no matter what. If you're not praying for/encouraging your pastor's family, then you should start. :)
totally agree with you,red.
that's the awful experience.
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Mar 24, 2005
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hi heron,why is it u want to be in malaysia right now??
Dreamer... sort of shallow reasons. Different climate, different vegetation, cultural variety... but mostly because it looks like this right now at home...

[pictures edited]

Instead of this.

[pictures edited]

I'm off topic!

Red -- the families definitely need more breathing room!
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more music - dance our troubles away
Jan 25, 2004
I roll with the foxes and hunt with the hounds
Christian Seeker
My mom is a PK and I know a bunch of them too. I don't think they have a *holier than thou* attitude. Too many put PKs/MKs on pedestals and expect them to live a certain way from birth JUST because they was born in a pastor's house and that isn't fair or right. :sigh: They are no different from the rest of us *born sinners* who has the choice to accept/reject Christ. The sad thing is that PKs/MKs gets to see the more negative stuff about members/other christians and is a big turn off cause of they hypocritical attitudes/beliefs/lifestyles. Pastors are expected to be on call 24/7 when you don't find that in the majority of jobs. Members are always finding ways to take/need the father's attention for their own issues. Sometimes PKs feel totally cheated cause of it and expected to accept it no matter what. If you're not praying for/encouraging your pastor's family, then you should start. :)
aw that's beautiful, somebody give that girl some love! That's so completely true ....too true, honestly.
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Pray for President Barack Obama
Oct 26, 2005
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Members are always finding ways to take/need the father's attention for their own issues.

Boy, did you nail that one on the head. Sometimes I felt like telling some people to GROW UP so maybe I could have some airtime with my own parents. :mad:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
Thibodaux, Louisiana
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Sometimes I felt like telling some people to GROW UP
and ya know what, doesn't it seem like most of the "issues" were just really childish things that could wait or that they should have just gritted their teeth and dealt with, not called the pastor in the middle of dinner or something, sheesh
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more music - dance our troubles away
Jan 25, 2004
I roll with the foxes and hunt with the hounds
Christian Seeker
and ya know what, doesn't it seem like most of the "issues" were just really childish things that could wait or that they should have just gritted their teeth and dealt with, not called the pastor in the middle of dinner or something, sheesh
oh yeah! life is very ironic like that.
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Okay, so I -am- a preacher's kid. And let me tell ya'll... *shakes her head* I'm 24, so I'm not much of a kid anymore, but I have a few insights as to why preacher's kids act the way that they do.

My father became a preacher when I was seven years old. Up until that time, I had lived in one house, which was ours to do with as we would, and my family life was private.

When dad became a preacher, we had to sell our house. Next thing I know, we're living in my grandmother's house like paupers while waiting for the church to give my father his first assignment. I was at that school for three months. Then, we were moved to another town, forty minutes away.

Well, we move in, to be told that we don't even have the rights of renters. Our house was subjected to random, unnanounced inspections, including my and my younger brother's rooms. Our playroom was looked on in disgrace by the church-goers, because it was messy. We were held to ridiculously high standards both inside and outside of the church setting. In public, we were supposed to be perfectly dressed, perfectly behaved little angels. Hello? I was eight years old? Of course I'm not going to wear the cute little dress and sit quietly and talk politics with the grown-ups. I ran and played like a boy, often known to come stumbling through the door, covered in dirt and bleeding from a bike wreck.

Oh, and how the rumors did fly through the church. We were moved a mere two years later, three hours away, where I lived six miles from the nearest neighbor. Do you know how BORING it is when the church won't even allow you to have television in your house, because it is "The Devil's Work", and you live six miles from anyone? I was now ten or eleven, so just at that age where you want to play, but have no play buddies. My little brother was all the company I had on long summer days. I remember once, at this location, we had a blizzard and the power went out. We had no heat, no water, nothing. It was two weeks before someone from the church bothered to inform the national guard that their preacher probably needed rescuing. It was another week before we were rescued. Four feet of snow.

We were moved again when I was fourteen. We moved to a little town on the New River. Okay, by this point, I had COMPLETELY given up on making friends. I mean, what's the point in having friends when you're just going to be moved again in three years? Let me tell you a few rules of church-life: Once you are transferred from a parish, you're never allowed to go back. Not you, not your wife, not your kids. Can you imagine how much this hurts a child? "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, I know you want to see your old friends, but the Chruch says that you're not allowed to see them anymore."

Okay, enough ranting. Basically, in this town, we lived in a historic parsonage. Try to imagine this: a fifteen year old girl, with a twleve year old little brother, having to stand before a church committee and ASK PERMISSION to hang up a poster in their room? People from this church wouldn't even knock. They would just walk in and announce "Parsonage Inspection!" at the top of their lungs, and start poking through all of our things.

So, all of you who are wondering why preacher's kids move out as soon as they can, and don't go to church anymore, you have your reasonings above. I haven't gone to church since I moved out when I was 18. True, I'm still a Christian, but to actually go to church simply carries too many memories of being slapped upside the head in the middle of service by a man I don't know for "fidgeting", or having my braid grabbed by a woman who wasn't my mother and being yanked off a bike because "proper christian women don't ride bicycles". Or, the best yet, everyone, EVERYONE in the church assuming that I provide a free babysitting service because my father is a preacher. Do you have any idea what it's like to have ten three year olds dropped off at random points throughout the day, and you're supposed to feed them, take care of them, and teach them Bible stories for six or seven hours, only to be told "Thank you" or "Bless you, child" when they're picked up, never seeing a cent? I mean, come on, I should have been doing my homework, not watching other people's kids!

All in all, I've given a mere summary of my life as a preacher's kid. I attended 14 different schools through 12th grade, making straight As. I never failed a grade. I lived in 9 different towns. I had friends I wasn't allowed to visit anymore scattered from one side of this state to another. I may sound whiney to you guys, but it was terribly hard and frustrating on a young girl.

So, please, treat your preacher's kids nicely. I know I'm jaded from it, but it doesn't mean that every other preacher's kid out there has to experience the same things I did growing up.
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Just Your Ordinary Average Everyday Sane Psycho.
Nov 18, 2004
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Wow- that was quite an experience. I know that each denomination does things differently, but I had no idea how restricting they can be! I'm sure if we all had experiences like that we'd of all walked out as well. There is no way I would have tolerated someone poking through my belongings whenever they felt like it, how horrible!
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Wow- that was quite an experience. I know that each denomination does things differently, but I had no idea how restricting they can be! I'm sure if we all had experiences like that we'd of all walked out as well. There is no way I would have tolerated someone poking through my belongings whenever they felt like it, how horrible!

Oh, it was beyond aggrivating. One time, it was like 8 am on a saturday. I was still in my pijamas, along with my little brother, playing a video game and home alone, when two people from the church just walk in without knocking. When they yelled "Inspection", I screamed, because they scared me, and our dog bit the one who yelled! He starts cussing and screaming (yes, a representative of the church using words I've never heard before), swearing how he's going to have our dog put down... then he looks down and realizes the dog that bit him weighed only seven pounds. She was holding his pant leg and whipping her head around, trying to attack him, but I mean, she's a teacup poodle!

He took it before the church committee to have her put down because she was dangerous, and when the committee saw the size of the dog and heard how they'd walked in without announcing themselves, they told him "Why don't you try knocking for once", which led to this six-day-long arguement about how the church owned the house and thusly any member of the church could do whatever they wished in the house versus those who realized two full grown men who I didn't know walked in on fifteen year old and twelve year old when no one else was home, and the dog was only doing what she was supposed to do --protect the children.

We ended up being transferred two months later over this.
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Just Your Ordinary Average Everyday Sane Psycho.
Nov 18, 2004
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*shaking head* My goodness. Out of all the homes I've had only 2 belonged to the church, but no one ever thought that they had the right to walk in unannounced/uninvited much less "inspect" the way we lived. There is no way that would have been done.

Pretty funny about your dog trying to attack that guy...good thing he didn't get his way!
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more music - dance our troubles away
Jan 25, 2004
I roll with the foxes and hunt with the hounds
Christian Seeker
That's just tradgic that ppl can be that insensitive, because I'm sure those same ppl would think twice about allowing such a strict policy to be placed on them as church members ...so why they think they can do that to a pastor's family is way beyond me. I've heard story like this before, but it's just so ridiculious I can't even imagine.

I've lived in 4 different houses that have belonged to the church and in 2 of those the basement was used for church events or meetings, that alone was awkward enough. I never appreciated ppl coming into my house because they had a schedule, and yet had no time to be thankful or build some kind of relationship with ppl who lived in that building! But even at that, at least we knew when the ppl were coming over, and usually they tried to be polite about their entering or walking through. but still awkward.

From one PK to another: I'm sorry that you had a terrible time.
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From one PK to another: I'm sorry that you had a terrible time.

*shrugs* it was just a series of bad events. I don't blame the church, just the "Churchies"... and you know you get treated badly when your father (the preacher) is the one who comes up with a term to describe "people from the church". If it weren't for the hypocrites and the people who treated me badly as a kid (not saying all christians are hypocrits, but seriously calling those I knew to be hypocrits hypocrits), I'd probably go to church more than once a year.
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more music - dance our troubles away
Jan 25, 2004
I roll with the foxes and hunt with the hounds
Christian Seeker
My best friend is a PK. she hates it.
That's understandable, especially as a teen it can be a real struggle.
Actually I've always found making friends in the church to be hard as a PK in the way that they'd still look at me as the PK and introduce me as the PK. ...and all I really wanted to be was another kid who was their friend. I even had a boyfriend like that when I was 16, I couldn't believe that I was still the PK to him too! But I have had a 2 really good friends that never much mentioned me being a PK and have never introduced me as the PK [or former PK, now], but they actually used my name and called me their friend. Wow! *laughs* It's not really a big surprise, I'm only ever surprised by the ppl who can't get past the title/label. Maybe that just goes to show good friends are hard to find!

-Sorry, random storytime there.-
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:hug: Hugs to all your PK'ers

The most important thing as a pk, is not to let it color your vision of God. We need to keep our eyes on him instead of people cause they too often fail us.
Each person will have to answer for every word & deed we do here on earth. We won't have to answer for others but our own. :bow: We won't have a good enough excuse for not doing what God expects from us personally. God is keeping record & will make all things right. :)
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