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    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Feeling Like a Failure as a Christian

Ian Grantham

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Nov 4, 2018
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I’m 58, and have professed to be a Christian for the past 22 years.

Two years ago I made a suicide attempt.

Now when I read the Bible and pray I feel condemned, as though I have failed to live up to the mark as a Christian. When I read BPD’ers are evil then this sort of makes me think I’m deluding myself even thinking that I could be a Christian. I particularly feel condemned by Jesus’s teaching that many will call out His name but he will say He did not know them.

I knew porn was wrong too but I was tempted back into it again and didn’t put up a fight. I became kind of addicted. Then I tried to excuse myself by rationalising that loads of people do it, God doesn’t really hate it. Thanfullh with his help I’ve been free of porn for two years now.

What am I looking for. Some reassurance that God sees my struggles as a sinner and that He has compassion for me rather than judgment and condemnation to eternal hell.


Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Put more faith in God through the Son Christ Jesus, it's about His power not ours. You have no struggle that is not common to man, read it carefully and believe it: 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it".
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Hi Ian, it's a battle I know well mate. God is still with you brother, still holding you, still comforting your brokenness. God---your Father is always bearing you up brother...He took all your shame upon Himself in Jesus already...ALREADY. He has removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west....He says to you Ian...your sins and your lawless deeds I will remember NO MORE....So you know what that means? That means that every time your sins overwhelm you to drown you in shame and condemnation it is NOT God doing it....it is the Accuser of the brethren, who accuses us day and night before the throne....the throne is YOUR heart, that is where God sits enthrones brother....upon the mercy seat of your blood washed heart. And the Accuser quite rightly says, "Ian has failed to keep the Law!!..condemn him God!!"....But God takes no heed to him, for every thing that was contrary to us, and that was against us He has taken away and has nailed it to the cross!!
you --IAN GRANTHAM---ARE A NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST!! OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY--BEHOLD IAN IS TOTALLY NEW...every day, every moment NEW!! His blood is always cleansing Ian..always making you new....you just need to see it...to speak it...and overcome the accuser by the word of your testimony.
Grace be with your spirit brother!
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Aug 8, 2017
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I’m 58, and have professed to be a Christian for the past 22 years.

Two years ago I made a suicide attempt.

Now when I read the Bible and pray I feel condemned, as though I have failed to live up to the mark as a Christian. When I read BPD’ers are evil then this sort of makes me think I’m deluding myself even thinking that I could be a Christian. I particularly feel condemned by Jesus’s teaching that many will call out His name but he will say He did not know them.

I knew porn was wrong too but I was tempted back into it again and didn’t put up a fight. I became kind of addicted. Then I tried to excuse myself by rationalising that loads of people do it, God doesn’t really hate it. Thanfullh with his help I’ve been free of porn for two years now.

What am I looking for. Some reassurance that God sees my struggles as a sinner and that He has compassion for me rather than judgment and condemnation to eternal hell.


Although you have done sin, you are no longer a sinner. That identity was dismissed the moment you've believed in Christ. You are now a new creature that is dealing with presented temptations like any other believer. Know that Christ himself has been tempted, but not sin (Hebrews 4:15). He conquered the stronghold at the cross for you, so that we can be able to also be free from such sentence. The same power He has, He gave to us through His Spirit.

He not only sees your struggles, But He has also been there and He definitely have compassion and love for you. Continue to bring Him in your struggles, while we still have this flesh. And know that you are never alone.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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I’m 58, and have professed to be a Christian for the past 22 years.
What am I looking for. Some reassurance that God sees my struggles as a sinner and that He has compassion for me rather than judgment and condemnation to eternal hell.

Jesus died for all your past and your future sins as well. The only way into hell is by you closing the door to God. Your trust that Jesus is larger than your sins is saving faith. When you start to think your sins are bigger than God, then you need to re-think. Think Logically, God is bigger.
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Oct 27, 2017
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I’m 58, and have professed to be a Christian for the past 22 years.

Two years ago I made a suicide attempt.

Now when I read the Bible and pray I feel condemned, as though I have failed to live up to the mark as a Christian. When I read BPD’ers are evil then this sort of makes me think I’m deluding myself even thinking that I could be a Christian. I particularly feel condemned by Jesus’s teaching that many will call out His name but he will say He did not know them.

I knew porn was wrong too but I was tempted back into it again and didn’t put up a fight. I became kind of addicted. Then I tried to excuse myself by rationalising that loads of people do it, God doesn’t really hate it. Thanfullh with his help I’ve been free of porn for two years now.

What am I looking for. Some reassurance that God sees my struggles as a sinner and that He has compassion for me rather than judgment and condemnation to eternal hell.


I was a "professing Christian" ever since my indoctrination into a mainline church as a child through 7th grade confirmation. They just told me what to believe and say and then confirmed me. Once I "graduated into church membership", I no longer was required to go by my twice-a-year attending parents and I followed their lead. I never reneged being a professing Christian, but I was certainly as nominal as they were. When I was 19, I attempted suicide, then joined the Army where I continued to act as if I was wholly of the world. When married, my wife who processed to be born again through another mainline denominational church and I went fairly regularly to church and would have told you we were Christians, but the only way you would know is that we went to a country-club church more than not and we stayed at a large church so we wouldn't be missed if we chose not to come any given Sunday. We had Bibles in our house collecting dust. We had Scriptural things on our walls. But, if you watched what we did and said, you wouldn't think we were any different than the world within or outside our house.

To make a long story a bit shorter, my now x-wife looped me into teaching Sunday school to little kids, because she was providing an opportunity for her work-a-holic husband to spend more time with his daughter. I only agreed because I was only supposed to help, because I knew how relatively clueless I was about anything regarding the faith, except the stories I learned as a kid. Neither of us realized how God was going to use this. God woke me up--something that wasn't even taught in that church. In fact, they taught the born again people were crazy! Within one month of my awakening, my x-wife was afraid I was going to become a pastor and she didn't want to be married to a pastor. Ultimately, she filed for divorce and eventually took the kids as she had threatened to do if I didn't turn away from God. So, I've been through some stuff that others, in their theology, don't understand.

I don't know what BPDers are. But, how can anyone say any particular person or type of person is evil? Weren't we all? But that is supposed to change when you come to Christ in spirit and truth. Don't confess what you were. Confess what you are. If you are born again, you are a new creation. Old things pass away. The devil is the one who wants you to believe that you are evil and can't help yourself. The devil is the one that wants you to believe "its okay, because everyone is doing it." And isn't that what we know of him: he tempts and lies to give you justification, then he turns around an accuses the very one he tempted. same MO all the time. He even tried that with Jesus more than once.

The fact that you care is a good sign. I don't believe you would try to kill yourself, if you were born again. Such an action would be contrary to your new nature. So, I don't believe you have been yet, at least not as of that suicide attempt.

I would ask you to pray and to listen to Scripture as often as possible and always while you sleep. That will help you. God's Word is living and active (Heb 4:12). God says He watches over His Word to perform it (Jer 1:12). God says His Word will never return void (Isa 55:10-11). God says that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). God says without faith it is impossible to please Him and this is faith: knowing that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6) There He confirms exactly what He told Jeremiah to tell the "residue of the elders which were carried away captives" in Jer 29:13-15.
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Apr 28, 2019
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I’m 58, and have professed to be a Christian for the past 22 years.

Two years ago I made a suicide attempt.

Now when I read the Bible and pray I feel condemned, as though I have failed to live up to the mark as a Christian. When I read BPD’ers are evil then this sort of makes me think I’m deluding myself even thinking that I could be a Christian. I particularly feel condemned by Jesus’s teaching that many will call out His name but he will say He did not know them.

I knew porn was wrong too but I was tempted back into it again and didn’t put up a fight. I became kind of addicted. Then I tried to excuse myself by rationalising that loads of people do it, God doesn’t really hate it. Thanfullh with his help I’ve been free of porn for two years now.

What am I looking for. Some reassurance that God sees my struggles as a sinner and that He has compassion for me rather than judgment and condemnation to eternal hell.


Psalm 103:14 English Standard Version (ESV)
14 For he knows our frame;
he remembers that we are dust.

Jeremiah 29:11; "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

if you were looking for a sign, you've got it. God knows you are only human and with sin cursed flesh, He has compassion for you. praise God for His saving you from sex/porn addiction.

The Holy Spirit convicts, satan however, condemns. God knows all your sins, yet He calls you by name.

Romans 8 King James Version (KJV)
8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Isaiah 43:1 ESV / 378 helpful votes
But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

pray, read scripture and keep believing God's words, even if you dont feel like it or feel that they are true, our emotions are fickle and as corrupt, dont trust emotions, they change like the wind.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2019
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Wherever you are reading that those with BPD are evil, you need to stop.
A person is not evil because of black and white thinking. A person is not evil because of unstable relationships. A person is not evil because of mood swings. A person is not evil because of fear of abandonment. And so on and so on.
BPD comes from trauma. Great thing about BPD is it’s not a chemical imbalance. Thoughts can be fixed with new thoughts. You know who has the best thoughts?? God! He gave us a whole book. You have up start fully believing what He is telling you. I know it isn’t easy. I know what it is to have that BPD label. I know the SA. I know self harm. I know at the raw painful emotions.

You need to renew your relationship with Christ. Start looking at where you are and not where you have been. The only time I look back is when I look at scars on my arms and legs and I praise His name that I’m no longer there and I’m free in Him!!!

Start focusing on who you are in Christ. Start with scripture that you can hold on to

50 Important Bible Verses About Who I Am In Christ (Powerful)

I might get slammed for recommending as many don’t like her but Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer is one of the best books I think for anyone who fights with the kind the way someone with BPD does. It helped me see what God is saying. Helped me see how I was tearing myself down every day.

Feel free to message me.
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Pray for the Persecuted
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Apr 19, 2007
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people with bpd arent evil at all they just need love and loads of it Because most of the time people with bpd has been abused by someone or had an very upsetting childhood NOT there fault they arent our to hurt anyone but themselves most are suicidal self harming and risk taking they need LOVE
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May 19, 2019
Somerset West
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Hi Ian

Do you remember the woman who was caught in adultery, in John 8? Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more". In that sentence there are two parts:

1. Jesus doesn't condemn you and nothing you have done can make Him reject you.
2. He wants you to stop sinning, because it is better for your health and happiness.

Here is a website that might interest you, it contains Christian guidelines on how to manage BPD, suicidal thoughts and addiction.


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Apr 30, 2020
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Wherever you are reading that those with BPD are evil, you need to stop.
A person is not evil because of black and white thinking. A person is not evil because of unstable relationships. A person is not evil because of mood swings. A person is not evil because of fear of abandonment. And so on and so on.
BPD comes from trauma. Great thing about BPD is it’s not a chemical imbalance. Thoughts can be fixed with new thoughts. You know who has the best thoughts?? God! He gave us a whole book. You have up start fully believing what He is telling you. I know it isn’t easy. I know what it is to have that BPD label. I know the SA. I know self harm. I know at the raw painful emotions.

You need to renew your relationship with Christ. Start looking at where you are and not where you have been. The only time I look back is when I look at scars on my arms and legs and I praise His name that I’m no longer there and I’m free in Him!!!

Start focusing on who you are in Christ. Start with scripture that you can hold on to

50 Important Bible Verses About Who I Am In Christ (Powerful)

I might get slammed for recommending as many don’t like her but Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer is one of the best books I think for anyone who fights with the kind the way someone with BPD does. It helped me see what God is saying. Helped me see how I was tearing myself down every day.

Feel free to message me.

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