• FreeinChrist
    The left recognizes the constitution. I wish MAGA did more. About free speech...
  • B
    Their failure to address that point is certainly a ringing endorsement for state churches. But I think the problem will be with the...
  • AlexB23
    AlexB23 replied to the thread Milky Way last major collision.
    Thanks for the info. We do not live in an electric universe. Goes to show how humans are fallible, and many are anti-science.
  • AlexB23
    AlexB23 replied to the thread Milky Way last major collision.
    Well, God bless your endeavors. I am an OEC (Old-earth Creationist), so we both believe on that.
  • iluvatar5150
    Yeah, well, take that up with the right-wing media that pumps out lie after lie in service of their gilded leader. And yet it's not all...
  • AlexB23
    We will have to use discernment a lot more nowadays.
  • Whyayeman
    This might be one of the illustrations objected to. A lady is holding a leaf over the bit that is causing the outrage:
    • 1717887694546.jpeg
  • AlexB23
    Ooh, Herbie is a classic. Disney began slipping a lot with movies such as Soul, in 2019, and remaking classics during the late 2010s. By...
  • Apple Sky
    Yes I am, I also want to be a better Christian as I have a tendency to backslide. I was bought up church of England by good parents so I...
  • Pommer
    And yet there are none now, going back to how it was 245 years ago must be some super ultra-conservative yearning.
  • Fervent
    Fervent replied to the thread Thoughts on the "Wrath of God".
    A couple of quick observations, we can't project our emotions onto God. So when we speak of God's wrath, we're not speaking about an...
  • Pommer
    I guess Hunter’s lawyers would have sought to quash the laptop solely on the basis of the chain-of-custody unless the data was...
  • Whyayeman
    Perhaps you should. Otherwise people might think you don't really know what you are talking about. These 'red flags'. Do you know who...
  • FreeinChrist
    One of the reasons for the 25th Amendment is that one President, Wilson, suffered a severe stroke paralyzing one side of his body. The...
  • Hammster
    At the time of writing of the constitution, there were state churches. Ten states (I think) had official state churches. The...
  • Whyayeman
    Well, this is the first 'science' I have encountered that starts by asking for donations! (I have already pointed out that you can find...
  • CoreyD
    CoreyD replied to the thread The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond.
    Can you show me where that is writen in scripture? Can you show me where that is writen in scripture? You were not referring to the...
    Maybe TrumpFans wouldn’t go on so many tirades if they weren’t given so much ammunition. Politically motivated is all that really needs...
  • B
    I'm familiar with the theory Basically, that God is not able to change people I doubt that is an accurate sight myself or conversely...
  • Hammster
    And they have been shown to be wrong in the past, too. It’s been an abused amendment.
  • sjastro
    sjastro replied to the thread Milky Way last major collision.
    A few words about Halton Arp. I contributed a few images to a book on his catalogue of peculiar galaxies. The book also contained a...
  • AbbaLove
    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17? (*not to be taken literally or even as a metaphor) Is the OP referring only...
  • Pommer
    Pommer replied to the thread GUILTY.
    Will these cases interfere with Trump’s desire to become only the second president to win two split terms? Prolly. Are these cases...
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