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Hillarys defeat speech... full of hate and incitement?

Blue Wren

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Sep 22, 2014
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What we do know is the kkk were/are the military arm of the democratic party. The history of the democratic party vs the republican party show which party is racist.

The KKK, they are having a victory parade, to celebrate Trump.
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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We are talking about today and recent history. In recent times, and especially under Trump, klansmen have embraced the Republican party. If you're a Republican and you don't like that, then work to change it. The first step might be to consider why the klan would be attracted to your party and in particular to its leader. It's not a mystery to the rest of us.

But are they or is it just disinformation put out by the democrats?

Have you seen hillarys america?
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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The KKK, they are having a victory parade, to celebrate Trump.

Is it really the kkk or just some knoggins dressed in bed sheets pretending to be the kkk.

Are they in favour of trump or trying to discredit trump.

Like these grafiti slogans sprayed on walls saying blacks out etc... are these false flags by the rioting mobs seeking to justify their own lawlessness
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Jul 1, 2007
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she said "over half"
so that does not "suggest 50:50"
it directly says that the split is NOT 50:50 by stating it is over half
From Time:
Katie Reilly said:
Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables”characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”

“Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.
again, Trump NEVER said anything even close to that about over half of her supporters
he has reached out to Bernie Supporters, American Citizens of all races and religions
and now that he has won he has reached out to Democrats asking them to help him
I doubt Clinton would have been so kind to people who she openly called "deplorable"
Once again, I have to repeat myself:
Once again, you are upset over a single mildly inflammatory remark that she later apologised for. In your view, this one remark overshadows every single divisive and inflammatory thing that Trump has said throughout his entire campaign. I would argue that she shouldn't have apologised so readily. Many of Trump's supporters are deplorable and they deserve to be called out for their bigotry.
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Jul 1, 2007
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Is it really the kkk or just some knoggins dressed in bed sheets pretending to be the kkk.

Are they in favour of trump or trying to discredit trump.

Like these grafiti slogans sprayed on walls saying blacks out etc... are these false flags by the rioting mobs seeking to justify their own lawlessness
Trump's inflammatory rhetoric has emboldened racists and sexists throughout the country, so it's no surprise that we would see those kinds of messages scrawled across walls. They feel legitimised, so why hide it?
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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The KKK endorsed Trump. David Duke is an enthusiastic supporter.

But is he truely the kkk or just a rouge branch... is he endorsing him or trying to undermine him. Dont take things at face value always try to think of all angles.
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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Trump's inflammatory rhetoric has emboldened racists and sexists throughout the country, so it's no surprise that we would see those kinds of messages scrawled across walls. They feel legitimised.

He hasnt said anything racist its the msm the democrats who have repeated the msm narritive who have embolden any racist fools
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Jul 1, 2007
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He hasnt said anything racist its the msm the democrats who have repeated the msm narritive who have embolden any racist fools
:rolleyes: All I can do is roll my eyes. I'm not inclined to conduct a comprehensive review of all the deplorable things Trump has said which bigots would find favourable. I'm not inclined to do so because I'm almost certain that you'd respond with lame excuses for why this or that remark doesn't really count as deplorable.
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Blue Wren

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2014
Solna, Sweden
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Is it really the kkk or just some knoggins dressed in bed sheets pretending to be the kkk.

Are they in favour of trump or trying to discredit trump.

Like these grafiti slogans sprayed on walls saying blacks out etc... are these false flags by the rioting mobs seeking to justify their own lawlessness

It is really the KKK. They endorsed Trump, in their official newspaper. They are throwing the victory parade. It is why, I think Mrs Clinton, was entirely right, to say that some of Trump's supporters, they are deplorable. What was wrong, was her saying that "half" were, but, this was a comment, made 'off the cuff' for which she apologised.
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Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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she has constantly talked down to the American citizenry.
Trump's speeches were analyzed--his speeches used vocabulary at a third grade reading level!

Personally I was offended by their lack of content and bored by their repetitive sloganism.

Even after this puzzling and disappointing vote, I have enough faith in the American people to believe that Hillary ' s speeches could be easily understood by most of them.

Are you saying Americans can only understand third grade content, Rhamiel? I Longed for Trump to give REAL content so that I would know his positions--but he wouldn't.
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Stabat Mater dolorosa

Jesus Christ today, yesterday and forever!
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Jun 18, 2014
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They are motivated by love of their country--and defending the weak and vulnerable.

They know that vulnerability doesn't end at the moment of birth.

Is that why they're beating up random people assumed to be Trump supporters at the streets of Chicago?

Love is motivating them in their hate crimes, wierd.
Your reasoning and justification of anarchistic behaviour is scary and highly dangerous.
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