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Hillarys defeat speech... full of hate and incitement?

mark kennedy

Natura non facit saltum
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Mar 16, 2004
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I caught a random interview with a reporter that worked on the Trump campaign. Repeatedly he said that Trump would point to the crowd and say that's how I know I will win. They all talk like that but maybe he saw something in his supporters the prognosticators missed. What he said was baring massive vote fraud he would win, I see nothing but normal abnormalities, by all accounts he was right. I think he would have conceded had he lost. I'm more concerned right now with the administrative appointments and still waiting to see who will be in his cabinet.

Hillary is irrelevant and I see nothing in her concession speech to indicate an incitement of unrest. I remember when Cruz went to the convention and lashed out, Trump said he thought Cruz might have ruined his political career but I never thought so. Cruz hadn't had enough time to heal and I think the smoldering resentment we would expect after such a contentious campaign is perfectly normal. The fact that she was poised and civil, even gracious, speaks volumes for the tradition of the peaceful transition of power in US elections.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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As Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high."

Clinton's and Obama ' s graciousness only served to make Trump appear even lower.

she called over half of his supporters racist and sexist, the fear mongering she put us through is now causing riots in cities
she has constantly talked down to the American Citizenry

both sides got pretty low in this election
the Clintons, the Obamas, and Trump, it was pretty bad all around

her speech was ok, not great
but then again she was never great with connection with people on an emotional level, one reason she lost
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Jul 1, 2007
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A more inclusive and respectful message of tollerance and respect for the rights and dignity of the christian majority by those who have been previously encouraged to unashamedly abuse riddicule mock and hate and pull down at any availible opporunity
Hillary could have peppered her speech with references to God and Jesus and the Religious Right would still despise her. Trump peppers his speech with insults and poorly veiled threats and you're upset that Hillary wasn't more "respectful" of the people who hate her most?
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Jul 1, 2007
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she called over half of his supporters racist and sexist,
We can quibble over the precise numbers, but she was right. Many of his supporters are racists and sexists.
the fear mongering she put us through is now causing riots in cities
The fear-mongering she put us through? Have you looked at the president-elect lately? Have you listened to a few of his speeches?
both sides got pretty low in this election
No, it wasn't "both sides." Only one side insinuated that the "second amendment people" may need to kill the president. Only one side proposed banning people of a particular religion from entering the country. Only one candidate proposed bringing back waterboarding *and worse*. Only one side held us "in suspense" over whether they'd concede defeat. Only one candidate bragged about groping women's genitals...
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Jul 1, 2007
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she called over half of his supporters racist and sexist,
I find it amusing that right-wingers are so deeply offended by this one comment. Out of the entire campaign, the only thing they can point to and say "That's really mean!" is this one comment she made. Whereas on the other side, on Trump's side, you have... Well, you don't even need me to start listing it, do you? But no, let's forget about all the things Trump has said because Hillary said this one thing! We're okay with what Trump said about Mexicans, Muslims, women, and everyone else... But how dare Hillary say one bad word about Trump supporters.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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We can quibble over the precise numbers, but she was right. Many of his supporters are racists and sexists.

how dare you make such an accusation
you just act like this is a fact
you defame the character of people who vote for Trump and then pretend to have the moral high ground?

she called over half of his supporters deplorable and then you pretend that her campaign was anything short of disgusting?

this was an ugly election, but it is over, we can either come together and work for national unity
or you can call people racist and sexist
if you want to be a divisive person and insult others, I can not stop you
but you do not get to call people names and then pretend to have the moral high ground
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Jul 1, 2007
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how dare you make such an accusation
you just act like this is a fact
you defame the character of people who vote for Trump and then pretend to have the moral high ground?
What do you mean "how dare I"? It's a verifiable fact. The KKK endorsed Trump, remember?
he called over half of his supporters deplorable and then you pretend that her campaign was anything short of disgusting?
See above:
I find it amusing that right-wingers are so deeply offended by this one comment. Out of the entire campaign, the only thing they can point to and say "That's really mean!" is this one comment she made. Whereas on the other side, on Trump's side, you have... Well, you don't even need me to start listing it, do you? But no, let's forget about all the things Trump has said because Hillary said this one thing! We're okay with what Trump said about Mexicans, Muslims, women, and everyone else... But how dare Hillary say one bad word about Trump supporters.
this was an ugly election, but it is over, we can either come together and work for national unity
No. You don't run a divisive campaign fueled by hatred and resentment and then say "we should come together and work for national unity." First, you apologise for running a divisive campaign fuelled by hatred and resentment, and then you ask people to come together and work for national unity.
if you want to be a divisive person and insult others, I can not stop you
Say that to your president-elect, or save it.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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I find it amusing that right-wingers are so deeply offended by this one comment. Out of the entire campaign, the only thing they can point to and say "That's really mean!" is this one comment she made. Whereas on the other side, on Trump's side, you have... Well, you don't even need me to start listing it, do you? But no, let's forget about all the things Trump has said because Hillary said this one thing! We're okay with what Trump said about Mexicans, Muslims, women, and everyone else... But how dare Hillary say one bad word about Trump supporters.

well they referred to Sanders supporters who did not get behind her as "Bernie Bros" and insinuate that they were sexist

also that was one thing, she said a bad word about Trump supporters
just normal folks who want what is best for this country
I remember Trump saying mean things about her, saying mean things about illegal immigrants, saying mean things about people in the media who were unfair to him.... but he did not attack her supporters
he did not attack the American citizens who he wanted to serve as President

so yeah, what she said was on a scale beyond anything Trump had said, and he had said some pretty bad things
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Jul 1, 2007
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also that was one thing, she said a bad word about Trump supporters
just normal folks who want what is best for this country
She explicitly distinguished the racists and sexists she was referring to from those "normal folks who want what is best for this country" and who feel left behind by the political system. If you want to criticise her properly, then at least consider her comment in its full context. This is why I said we could quibble about the exact numbers. She suggested that half of Trump supporters fall in the former category and half in the latter — a 50:50 spilt. Maybe it's 30:70, or 60:40, or 20:80. Who knows. What's beyond dispute is that some portion of his supporters are racists and sexists. They hold deplorable views, which warrant criticism.
I remember Trump saying mean things about her, saying mean things about illegal immigrants, saying mean things about people in the media who were unfair to him.... but he did not attack her supporters
he did not attack the American citizens who he wanted to serve as President

so yeah, what she said was on a scale beyond anything Trump had said, and he had said some pretty bad things
You need to readjust your scale. If you think that the totality of what Trump has said is overshadowed by this one mildly inflammatory comment that Clinton made and later apologised for, your scale is broken.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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You don't run a divisive campaign fueled by hatred and resentment and then say

you mean like Clinton?
she ran on hate and fear
painting Trump like some boogyman, horrible fear mongering, just the worst

Trump has done more to reach out to the African-American community then any Republican in over a generation, so if the KKK indorsed a guy from New York who has worked with African-Americans for decades, well it seems like they are voting outside their own best interest?
I am not in the KKK and I do not know any Klansmen so you would have to find one of them and ask them what their motivation was.

Trump attacked Clinton
Clinton attacked Trump AND his supporters, she is the divisive one
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Jul 1, 2007
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you mean like Clinton?
she ran on hate and fear
LOL. :D That's funny.
Trump has done more to reach out to the African-American community then any Republican in over a generation, so if the KKK indorsed a guy from New York who has worked with African-Americans for decades, well it seems like they are voting outside their own best interest?
I am not in the KKK and I do not know any Klansmen so you would have to find one of them and ask them what their motivation was.
Better yet, why don't you read their endorsement of him and find out for yourself? Or ask David Duke on Twitter why he is so enthusiastic for Trump?
Trump attacked Clinton
Clinton attacked Trump AND his supporters, she is the divisive one
Trump attacked Clinton and Mexicans, Muslims, women, and countless others. But you're upset because Hillary said something mildly inflammatory about his supporters and then apologised for it? How ridiculous.
she is the divisive one
"Stronger together" sounds divisive to you?
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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She explicitly distinguished the racists and sexists she was referring to from those "normal folks who want what is best for this country" and who feel left behind by the political system. If you want to criticise her properly, then at least consider her comment in its full context. This is why I said we could quibble about the exact numbers. She suggested that half of Trump supporters fall in the former category and half in the latter.

Trump distinguished that he was talking about illegal immigrants yet people on the left twisted his words to mean all Mexicans

and "quibble about the exact numbers"
she said over half
I can not think of any time in American politics that a politician has demonized over half of their opponents supporters
you can not get more divisive then that, you do not get to demonize over half of your opponents supports and then pretend like you care about national unity or fairness or anything other then the naked ambition to win at all costs
no matter how immoral they may be
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Jul 1, 2007
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Trump distinguished that he was talking about illegal immigrants yet people on the left twisted his words to mean all Mexicans

and "quibble about the exact numbers"
she said over half
I can not think of any time in American politics that a politician has demonized over half of their opponents supporters
you can not get more divisive then that, you do not get to demonize over half of your opponents supports and then pretend like you care about national unity or fairness or anything other then the naked ambition to win at all costs
no matter how immoral they may be
Once again, you are upset over a single mildly inflammatory remark that she later apologised for. In your view, this one remark overshadows every single divisive and inflammatory thing that Trump has said throughout his entire campaign. I would argue that she shouldn't have apologised so readily. Many of Trump's supporters are deplorable and they deserve to be called out for their bigotry.
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Nov 11, 2006
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Trump attacked Clinton and Mexicans, Muslims, women, and countless others. But you're upset because Hillary said something mildly inflammatory about his supporters and then apologised for it? How ridiculous.

he did not attack Mexicans, just the ones who break the law and come here illegally
Trump has never said anything bad about legal Mexican immigrants

as for women and Muslims, well Trump has a history of employing and promoting women to important positions in his companies, giving women opportunities that they would not have had in other companies in the 1970's and 1980's
and I am not sure how Trump has attacked Muslims? surely Clinton has done more harm to Muslim people by destabilizing Libya back when she was Secretary of State, she has ruined countless lives

Calling someone a racist and sexist and xenophobic is not "mildly inflammatory"
if you see this as something mild then maybe you should take racism more seriously, racism is a horrible thing and should not be treated like it is mild.
Until we understand the threat that racism has, we will never be able to come together as one nation
please, not for me, but for yourself, read more about the horrible history of racism in this country and how it has hurt so many lives
once you understand history better, you might not see the accusation of racism as "mildly inflammatory"
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Jul 1, 2007
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he did not attack Mexicans, just the ones who break the law and come here illegally
Trump has never said anything bad about legal Mexican immigrants

as for women and Muslims, well Trump has a history of employing promoting women to important positions in his companies, giving women opportunities that they would not have had in other companies in the 1970's and 1980's
and I am not sure how Trump has attacked Muslims? surely Clinton has done more harm to Muslim people by destabilizing Libya back when she was Secretary of State, she has ruined countless lives
At this point, the most charitable assumption is that you haven't been paying attention. Either that, or you are so deeply entrenched in your support for Trump that you cannot discern the obvious, or worse still, you feel the need to obscure it so that it appears at least mildly more palatable.
Calling someone a racist and sexist and xenophobic is not "mildly inflammatory"
if you see this as something mild then maybe you should take racism more seriously, racism is a horrible thing and should not be treated like it is mild.
Until we understand the threat that racism has, we will never be able to come together as one nation
please, not for me, but for yourself, read more about the horrible history of racism in this country and how it has hurt so many lives
once you understand history better, you might not see the accusation of racism as "mildly inflammatory"
The "mildly inflammatory" part comes from the numbers she offered. She suggested 50:50, which some would argue is too high — as I said, we can quibble over the numbers. But I don't think it's inflammatory to suggest that some portion of his support comes from racists and sexists. It's a fact. Had she simply stated this fact and refrained from speculating over the exact numbers, there would be nothing inflammatory (mild or otherwise) in her remarks at all. She would just have been stating a fact.
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Member of the Round Table
Nov 11, 2006
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She suggested 50:50,

she said "over half"
so that does not "suggest 50:50"
it directly says that the split is NOT 50:50 by stating it is over half

she might have meant 51:49
she might have meant 99:1
or anything in between

again, Trump NEVER said anything even close to that about over half of her supporters
he has reached out to Bernie Supporters, American Citizens of all races and religions
and now that he has won he has reached out to Democrats asking them to help him
I doubt Clinton would have been so kind to people who she openly called "deplorable"
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Stabat Mater dolorosa

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Jun 18, 2014
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She lost the election due to the FBI stunt and still she delivered a more than decent concession speak and phoned her congratulations to President Trump.

I disagree with painting this picture of her despite the fact that I rooted for Trump from the moment he got nominated.

I wouldn't been able to be as gracious as she were had I lost the election the way that she did.
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Jul 1, 2007
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What we do know is the kkk were/are the military arm of the democratic party. The history of the democratic party vs the republican party show which party is racist.
We are talking about today and recent history. In recent times, and especially under Trump, klansmen have embraced the Republican party. If you're a Republican and you don't like that, then work to change it. The first step might be to consider why the klan would be attracted to your party and in particular to its leader. It's not a mystery to the rest of us.
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