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Hillarys defeat speech... full of hate and incitement?

mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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If one takes a second look at her defeat speech. It seems there is a lot of anger in her eyes and body language.

her words could easily be heard as a vailed vile and agressive call to civil unrest

"Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years, but all the time. So let's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear."

"to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to their neighbors, posted on Facebook — even in secret private Facebook sites.

I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward. "

we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives

I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that"

Of course ever since then there has been civil unrest. So what do you think.... a intentional incitement to violence or a co incidence?

mark kennedy

Natura non facit saltum
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All due respect, she lost, leave her alone. Her concession was gracious and there is going to be smoldering resentment which is meaningless. She lost, it's time to move on.
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Blue Wren

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Sep 22, 2014
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This is quite the opposite reaction, of what most have said, about her speech! Perhaps if you hate Hillary Clinton, all you are capable of seeing from her, is through those lens. I'm not American, so I was not involved, in this bitter election process, but, of course, the world was watching. Many Europeans, deeply admired her speech, and found it to be very gracious. I thought her wearing the colour purple, which I believe represents the combining of red and blue, was very beautiful. She was inspiring, and proper. Certainly much better than the vileness Trump would have given, had he lost.
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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I am not american either but understood that in the u.k our referendum would be better placed under a trump presidency.

I dont hate mrs clinton although i found her policies such as unrestricted abortion until birth grotesc and vile.

I am not saying it was or it wasnt a veiled call to violence in her defeat speech.

But do you think these yobs heard her that way and do you think mrs clinton should clarify that she wasnt calling for civil unrest?
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
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This is quite the opposite reaction, of what most have said, about her speech! Perhaps if you hate Hillary Clinton, all you are capable of seeing from her, is through those lens. I'm not American, so I was not involved, in this bitter election process, but, of course, the world was watching. Many Europeans, deeply admired her speech, and found it to be very gracious. I thought her wearing the colour purple, which I believe represents the combining of red and blue, was very beautiful. She was inspiring, and proper. Certainly much better than the vileness Trump would have given, had he lost.

And you know what kind of speech Trump would have given..How,may I ask?
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Blue Wren

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Sep 22, 2014
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Oh, I get it..you are some kind of fortune reader and can also read people's minds?

The best prediction of future behavior, is past behaviour. Have you ever read his Tweets? Did you watch the debates? He refused to state, that he would accept the results, unless he won. He whinged, constantly, about the election being rigged, voter fraud. You needn't be a mind reader, to know how Trump would have reacted, you just need to have paid some attention.
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mark kennedy

Natura non facit saltum
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Mar 16, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
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I am not american either but understood that in the u.k our referendum would be better placed under a trump presidency.

I dont hate mrs clinton although i found her policies such as unrestricted abortion until birth grotesc and vile.

I am not saying it was or it wasnt a veiled call to violence in her defeat speech.

But do you think these yobs heard her that way and do you think mrs clinton should clarify that she wasnt calling for civil unrest?
I went back and looked at her concession speech:

Our campaign was never about one person, or even one election. It was about the country we love and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. (Hillary Clinton’s concession speech full transcript: 2016 presidential election)
I see no reason to infer a call for civil unrest.
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
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The best prediction of future behavior, is past behaviour. Have you ever read his Tweets? Did you watch the debates? He refused to state, that he would accept the results, unless he won. He whinged, constantly, about the election being rigged, voter fraud. You needn't be a mind reader, to know how Trump would have reacted, you just need to have paid some attention.

No,you are projecting how you think he would have acted.
Was Hillary's behavior during the campaign any better than his?..attacking his supporters..basically slandering them?..
Then she turned around as was gracious during her speech.
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Blue Wren

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Sep 22, 2014
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No,you are projecting how you think he would have acted.
Was Hillary's behavior during the campaign any better than his?..attacking his supporters..basically slandering them?..
Then she turned around as was gracious during her speech.

What I am doing, is being honest, and directly stating the facts, about Trump's behaviour, and what he's said, repeatedly.

Donald Trump on Wednesday refused to say he would accept the result of the presidential election if he loses to Hillary Clinton, raising the possibility of an extraordinary departure from principles that have underpinned American democracy for more than two centuries.

"I will look at it at the time," Trump said when asked during the final presidential debate whether he would concede if he loses on November 8, following his claims that the election is "rigged" against him. He added: "I will keep you in suspense."

The comments at the Las Vegas showdown marked a stunning moment that has never been seen in the weeks before a modern presidential election. The stance threatens to cast doubt on one of the fundamental principles of American politics -- the peaceful, undisputed transfer of power from one president to a successor who is recognized as legitimate after winning an election.
The Republican nominee doubled down on his comments about the election Thursday during a rally in Delaware, Ohio, where he said he would accept the results "if I win."

He spent weeks, whingeing, saying that the election was rigged. Claiming voter fraud. Did you not pay any attention, to any this? Have you read, any of his Tweets? Where he attacked the Khan family, whose son died, in battle? Where he attacked Paul Ryan, and the Republicans, who withdrew support? Where he got up, at 3, in the morning, to write a Tweet about the former beauty pageant? He has consistently shown, that when he doesn't get his way, he has a tantrum about it. It is possible, yes, that had he lost, the electoral votes, that he would have ended things, graciously, as Mrs Clinton did, but quite unlikely, considering his habits of behaviour.
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
United States
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No body truly knows how he reacted other than him...are you telling him how he would have reacted?
Hillary showed contempt for Trump's supporters...I call it a draw on the levels of slime throwing.She lost..people need to get on with their lives.
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Jul 1, 2007
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If one takes a second look at her defeat speech. It seems there is a lot of anger in her eyes and body language.

If Hillary's concession speech was full of "hate and incitement," then what was Trump's campaign?
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Blue Wren

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Sep 22, 2014
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No body truly knows how he reacted other than him...are you telling him how he would have reacted?
Hillary showed contempt for Trump's supporters...I call it a draw on the levels of slime throwing.She lost..people need to get on with their lives.

Did Hillary Clinton publicly whinge, repeatedly, that the system was rigged, and claim, that there was massive voter fraud? Did she say she would only accept the results, of the election, if she won? Can you show us some Tweets, where she had temper tantrums, for not getting her way? Trump showed contempt, for so many people, very blatantly.

Trump lost the popular vote, and people have the right to express themselves, about that. That is a part of getting on with their lives.
Mrs Clinton, she gave the speech, graciously. That, it is also a part, of getting on with hers.
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mea kulpa

Benedictine Traditional Catholic
Feb 9, 2016
united kingdom
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If Hillary's concession speech was full of "hate and incitement," then what was Trump's campaign?

A more inclusive and respectful message of tollerance and respect for the rights and dignity of the christian majority by those who have been previously encouraged to unashamedly abuse riddicule mock and hate and pull down at any availible opporunity
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