Your view on gaming overall?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United States
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The way games are designed now, are designed to keep making you come back. Back in the older FPS games like Call of Duty, Halo, on Xbox and Xbox 360, there used to be a max rank you can reach, or you can optionally choose to start over. But at least you can finish. Now games are designed to be "never-ending", advertised as Free to Play, full of micro-transactions.

It's kind of a sad state. Older games that did have a final/top rank, it would almost feel like an accomplishment to reach top rank in a game, whether it was just be XP earned or skill-rank achievement (Halo 2/3 came to mind). Now games have "seasons" every couple months where rank is reset.

Modern games to me are a mirror to secular society - a never-ending pursuit of empty "happiness" that millions continue to get fooled by today. Happiness being the top rank that doesn't exist.

Every once in a great while, I play a trucking game called American Truck Simulator or European Truck Simulator. It's non-competitive single-player truck driving game with a progress system, and you literally just drive trucks.
Yeah, exactly. I was just thinking this the other day & is a big reason I gave up video games almost completely from about 2010 to 2020. It really is a 'virtual world' designed to take you away from the real world - the world God created & the world you're intended to do things for real. I caved & bought a Switch this year finally but do good at playing it only a couple hours or so max each week. Anything more than that, I find it controls me rather than I control it. All I want to do or all I think about is the video game. Makes it hard to enjoy other things. & it's never-ending so you always feel you have to return to it. It's not even like other forms of entertainment where you put in a 2 hour movie & it's all done after 2 hours. (all tho now-a-days people binge-watch 40 episode shows in a day. I never liked that either, I'm ready to do something else after a couple episodes no matter how good the show it).

As I have gotten older, my interest in gaming has steadily decreased, and I've promised myself that the Nintendo Switch I have now will be my last console. I typically prefer older games to the newer ones, which are just too complicated for my taste.
Me too. I prefer older games too , my interest in them has gone way down, & I promised the Switch is my last system. But I say that every system. Usually what happens is friends & family insist I get the new system & I eventually cave right when the next system's about to come out. I just bought a Switch June 2023 due to peer pressure & promising the 3DS was my last system.

I find them too time-consuming & it feels more like a chore to play them than real fun or relaxation, but I think it's okay to play a couple hours a week or so, or w/ family & friends. Anything more than that is just not healthy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United States
Marital Status
As I have gotten older, my interest in gaming has steadily decreased, and I've promised myself that the Nintendo Switch I have now will be my last console. I typically prefer older games to the newer ones, which are just too complicated for my taste.
This is me. I prefer older games too , my interest in them has gone way down, & I promised the Switch is my last system. But I say that every system. Usually what happens is friends & family insist I get the new system & I eventually cave right when the next system's about to come out. I just bought a Switch June 2023 due to peer pressure & promising the 3DS was my last system.
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