Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

O mountains

Apr 2, 2014
United States
Marital Status
I NEED to get this off my chest.

I have this online friend who was one of the people that helped bring me to Christianity but over the years our friendship has taken a turn for the worst, I'll be honest I'm pretty pathetic, self-conscious, and insecure which often leads to self-obsession but there's just so many things he's said and done that have been red flags for me ending the friendship but i just can't help wonder if I'm in the wrong and that he's the one that's in the right. To a list few things:

-He is very racist towards me and treats me inferior and belittles me. He calls me the N-word very frequently. I guess this is the main issue. At first he didn't, Until I told him that I don't care that he did and that was okay if he said it. Says I talk and ramble too much and should speak less and read proverbs. Says i should be lucky i have a friend like him that cares about my soul. Now he says the N-word in my presence very often especially when we are watching the new and world events. One time he while we were discussing something, He told me that I was just a dumb animal and that he doesn't care what some n-word thinks. He's constantly calling my race pitiful and pathetic. He has insulted everything about me, My intelligence, My heritage (he says descend and have no warrior blood inside me), My attractiveness (Calls me ugly), My height (Let's says im in the 5"10 - 6"1 range, My athleticism (I'm strong and am lean well-built and train martial arts), My friends, My appetite, My dignity, and even the size of my genitalia. Whenever i go on a date with woman, He says there must be something twisted about them to want to date me. He also gets FURIOUS if i date a woman that isn't the same race as me, and says i practice abomination, even though he is mixed race himself. He also often jokes about me being a scrub and getting prison raped, and has even joked about overpowering and raping me a few times.

-His best friend is a young adult woman that he met online when she was around 13-14 (He was in his late 20's and in fact most his friends he met when they were teenagers), and from my perspective it seems like genuinely loves her because he gives her good advice and has helped led her to christ, and he's always been listening to her and helping her with her problems, and occasionally gets her gifts. But there were some things that he's said that were sketchy like one time we were playing and game and he got very angry and started calling her a B-word and beating her up in the game to express his fury, Shouting at her until she cried then there was this one time that someone online started mocking and trolling him in a game, she started laughing, and he later told me that he wanted to strangle her. He' used to call her a demon all the time, but now that she acts more Christian he doesnt really berate or chastise her anymore. If their relationship is romantic, It's one sided because she dates other men but I dont wonder if there's a jealousy on his part and if she reciprocated his emotions, Would he date her? One time he said that the boys she dates should be thanking him because he helped make her so decent and Christian. A couple of months ago he said that she'd probably to be beheaded during the tribulation because shes too imperfect to be raptured (although he considers himself sinful too tbh)

-He's very prideful and tends to view himself as superior to other. He says he has a higher understanding of the bible than most people and believes that he was of the few Christians that fully achieved god's will, Achieved perfection, and entered the kingdom within while on earth but fell from grace. He says that he understands what love and selflessness because of the bible and that he is one of the few people that have loved and self-sacrificed to the peak and that everyone else is selfish. Every so often he'll start talking about his past, About how cool he was, How strong, brave and fearless he was, and how him and his buds were popular and got all the girls. Hes hypercompetitive, We've been playing this game recently with this other friend who's really good, Personally I dont care if im constantly losing to our skilled friend. But my friend has turned this fun game time into this dark vulgar competition like if he starts losing he gets anger and starts cursing, and his main motivation is to be better than our skilled friend or at least at his level and laughs at me for just settling for mediocrity and just wanting to have fun. He's very well-versed in alot of subjects, and likes to act like he knows a little about everything, and has perfected all the crafts he's done. He says he was always the best guy at any job he worked before he became unemployed and lived with his relative. He believes he's always right about everything because his truths are fixed on the bible, even though hes changed his opinions before. Like I remember i was talking about a job i had in security and military, and he responds with things like "yeah i worked at the gas station and i had to do a bit of security" or "yeah dude, i spent my childhood and teens training to be a cia agent but god told me killing was bad so i didn't join". He says hes not domineering because he always does what other people want to do, but he still always has to talk himself up like he's toughest, most fearless warrior on the block and despite me being military, security background, and martial artist that works out near daily, He insist im a coward because i don't act macho or confident. Despite all this, Every once in a while he downplays himself and talks about how he fails god and insist that he is humble and narcisstic, and that im the narcissist because i talk too much and start defending myself if i criticized. He's always talking about how he's so done with this world and all our problems, tired of us, and just wants to be with god. He's often brings up things like i should submit to him and he's talking always talking about being a leader.

-He can be very resistant to confrontation and is very difficult to debate with. Not sure were to begin with this.....Arguing with him is like trying to siege a fortress, His voice is often so gruff and belligerent. He'll start speaking over you so you cant get a word in. He's very good at debating and analyzing things and he's constant tripping me up. He's so aggressive in his arguing, I can just never really find footing and knock him down. He's had so much practice arguing with teenagers on multiplayer games for nearly 2 decades. I'm usually a nice guy and it takes alot to genuinely anger me but I've snapped at him so many times for insulting me and whenever I try to defend myself from his attacks or explain myself to protect my ego, He starts calling me selfish and narcissistic, and in a way he's right because i should just be able to let things go. At first I just kind of took it in stride but after a while, it just became too much and I started snapping. One time he made me so angry because he was really trying to punk me off, I exploded and told him I was going to break him and started cursing at him and I was yelling so loud i woke up the neighbors. He blocked me then he started messaging me and begging and pleading me not do anything to him and said that I was more dangerous than he was, and that was sorry, it was pretty cowardly but i also wonder if he was just nobly following jesus instructions to make peace. I've been through alot but I've never wanted to physically harm someone more than this man. He says that if he stops talking to someone its probably because theyre damned and going to hell, which has seeded the idea in my mind that if we stop being friends then i might be an antichrist. He gets very irritated if you try to pick apart or continuously disagree with what he says. He always talks about love and how great his understanding of it, but he's so HATEFUL. I dont understand! He doesn't make peace. I also wonder if this is why he doesn't really hang around other christians probably because he doesnt want to get rebuked, Most of the people he seems to hangout with online are alot younger than him and he talks to them about christianity, and they have christian tendencies but he's always in a teaching position. Definitely not enough to rebuke him. He often says "Why is it always on me to change?" when confronted about changes he should make or when he offends people. One time he cried when I got angry at him and said that all he ever wants to do is hug me when he sees me but every time i try and talk to him he treats me like im some annoyance or burden. I don't get it. Another time, He tried to insult me while we were playing with our friend then I just started ignoring him and giving him no emotional response then he just immediately laughed then left and started ignoring my messages for days.

He makes me so inconceivably furious, All the things he's said to me have just built up over the years, I know I could definitely hurt him BAD given the right amount of time but i doubt he'd ever be able to face me, I truly think god protects him from me now so i'm supposed to submit to him in some way and endure his abuse because of something i must've done in the past and perhaps i myself need more humbling or perhaps i'm being mocked. Something hectic happened a few months ago, I had invited a christian friend of mine to the group who always very peaceful, warm, positive, and loving and even tried to befriend him but he just kept pushing him away because he was a "shallow" christian with little understanding. Well, One time while I wasn't around my peaceful friend came into the group to hangout and my racist friend started shouting the nword and was being aggressive to other players while he was gaming, and my peaceful friend started rebuking him and then my angry friend got angry and hostile and told him to go away, and that he'll say the n word as many times as he wants and that he calls me the n-word, and that he shouldn't be getting rebuked by him because theyre not even friends that my peaceful friend is a hypocrite because a bit of a troll himself. My peaceful friend came back in a few days later and then he tried to rebuke him again but my angry friend muted him, then unmuted him and listened to his rebuke then he just said screw it then left and my peaceful friend said that he could hear my angry friend sounding like he was about to cry right before he left. Now my angry friend has blocked my peaceful friend, and i asked him why he hasnt forgiven my peaceful friend but he says has, but just wont talk to him ever again.

Of course, You're probably still wondering why I'm still friends with this guy, Well part of it is pride and wrath, I keep feeling if I just back down and cut him out of my life then he wins because he seems to want that any way. I feel like i'm running away from him when i try to block him out of my life. My anger and rage towards him has become obsessive, no one in my life has every brought me to this point before. No one has. I'm constantly thinking about the arguments we've had and the things he's said to me. I don't hate him at all but I truly and deeply wish to hurt him. I train martial arts, I would train a year more to ensure utter complete dominance over him. He has tried so hard to break me and undermine my confidence and self esteem, in such insidious ways with his vulgar scornful tongue.
I barely ever insulted him, and if i do it's because he's thrown shade first. I've never been this furious with someone. I strongly believe god might have also put me in his path specifically so that I might beat him into submission and violently destroy his ego with my fist. Just the sheer audacity he has infuriates me and drives me wild. I've threatened him many times with visits. I'm not a violent person and am generally peaceful, docile, and timid but he considers that weakness and steps all over me until i snap at him then im suddenly considered a selfish demon. I want so bad to just see him break either physically or mentally, i cant just walk away.

Another reason, I'm friends is because I sincerely want peace between us. I want it to be like how when we first became friends he was so friendly, gentle, and such a good listener and kinda interesting to listen to. I thought I could finally open my heart to him. I finally felt like i had found my best friend. And i think maybe im the bad guy here and maybe I am. I talk alot. Im always anxious. Flighty ungrounded. Emotional. Take things too seriously. Too sensitive. Maybe its my fault and I'm the one that just needs to change? But again, The guy is like a fortress, I try to peel his layers but its like I can't get anywhere. Maybe he is the peaceful and he's doing it the biblical way and maybe I just dont understand. And some of things he does, Just doesn't make sense for a narcissist to do like He'll cry about trafficked children, people he loves, and things related to god, and a pure narcissist would never be Christian or acknowledge god's sovereignty. I just can't leave him. I can't. I feel like there's more to him than this and I just have to crack it like its a code.

Please patient with me I know this reads like a joke but im 100% serious, This is my life now.
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Jan 3, 2014
United States
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ROTFLMBO! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

And get it off your chest you did! Wow. That's some wall of text ;). Let's assume all the perceptions expressed in the op are true and correct. If the op is correct, then the hope for "peace" is impossible (unless God rends the fabric of time and space and overturns the normal rules of creation to perform a miracle). There are huge differences between selfish and/or ego-centric people and clinical narcissists. We are all narcissistic in some way at some time. The injuries cause to our self hurt and we naturally protect them. At least that's the psychological explanation. That's an enormously different condition than the person who is so self-oriented everything everywhere is measured by them, and they are always good, and great, and correct and everyone else isn't. The narcissist is the guy (or gal) who is sitting in a windowless room with others, everyone here's a minor car collision outside, and the narcissist says, "Ha! That guy was probably looking at my new Mercedes in the parking lot," oblivious to the fact neither guy in the collision knows anyone is in the building and can't see the parking lot from the road. There is no peace with that guy once the "you're the problem" tool has been turned on you.

Walk away.

For anyone with an interest, I recommend the series of videos Christian psychologist Les Carter has on YouTube, "Surviving Narcissism." Understand the best way to survive is to walk away. There are A LOT of videos on YouTube about narcissism, but many are misleading or just plain bad. Aside from Dr. Carter's vids, I recommend those of MedCircle and Psych2go. These are made for the layperson, so the content is accessible and easily understood.

Racism is not okay. Racism is toxic. I could go through much of what you've said and critique it (an adult's best friend is an early teen?) but it's unnecessary the moment racism exists. That's not okay. Real difference exist in ethnicity (there is only one race in humanity) but to leverage a person's ethnicity to derogatorily for self-elevation is wretched.

Walk away.

Be thankful to God for the momentary entrance of that person into your life because it brought you to Christ and revealed what bad relationships look like (and how easily entered they are). Then be thankful the exit is revealed and leave with hands raised high and voice shouting praise to the only person better then you or me, our Savior, Jesus the anointed one of God.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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Walk away.

For anyone with an interest, I recommend the series of videos Christian psychologist Les Carter has on YouTube, "Surviving Narcissism." Understand the best way to survive is to walk away. There are A LOT of videos on YouTube about narcissism, but many are misleading or just plain bad. Aside from Dr. Carter's vids, I recommend those of MedCircle and Psych2go. These are made for the layperson, so the content is accessible and easily understood.

Absolutely. Totally agree. This situation has narcissism written all over it.

This 'friend' sounds, and behaves, like a narcissist.

A narcissist can do so much damage to the lives of others ...
emotional, mental, spiritual damage that can take years to recover from.

I so much agree with your advice, to walk away.
And to get informed about narcissists and narcissism, so as not to get caught in a narcissist's 'web' of deception again.
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Feb 29, 2004
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From 12 Rules for Life by Dr. Jordan Peterson:

"Here is something to consider: If you have a friend whose friendship you wouldn’t recommend to your sister, or your father, or your son, why would you have such a friend for yourself?”

“You are not morally obligated to support someone who is making the world a worse place. You should choose people who want to be better, not worse.”

“Make friends with people who want the best for you.” (Rule #3)
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Jan 25, 2004
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If this story is true, then you are in one of the most toxic relationships I've heard.

Your friend is racist, manipulative, gas lighting, narcissistic and cruel. Why you want to maintain a relationship with someone like this is beyond me. He is no champion of Christianity. Jesus said that you will know his disciples by their fruit. His fruit is putrid.

And no, God doesn't want you to beat some sense into Him. God is not violent. He says to love people, but also to walk away from those who don't listen. Learn the ways of Jesus by reading the gospels. We are to be like Jesus, not this maniac.

Somehow he has sucked you into his web, as he is trying to do with other young people. People who target the young are weak and manipulative, and do so because mature people would not fall for his tricks.

Cutting this person out of your life is the strongest thing you can do. The weakest thing you can do is to stay in this sick relationship and allow him to suck all your emotional energy away from you. You need to break this incredibly unhealthy cycle and learn what healthy relationships look like.
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Feb 5, 2002
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I NEED to get this off my chest.

I have this online friend who was one of the people that helped bring me to Christianity but over the years our friendship has taken a turn for the worst, I'll be honest I'm pretty pathetic, self-conscious, and insecure which often leads to self-obsession but there's just so many things he's said and done that have been red flags for me ending the friendship but i just can't help wonder if I'm in the wrong and that he's the one that's in the right. To a list few things:

-He is very racist towards me and treats me inferior and belittles me. He calls me the N-word very frequently. I guess this is the main issue. At first he didn't, Until I told him that I don't care that he did and that was okay if he said it. Says I talk and ramble too much and should speak less and read proverbs. Says i should be lucky i have a friend like him that cares about my soul. Now he says the N-word in my presence very often especially when we are watching the new and world events. One time he while we were discussing something, He told me that I was just a dumb animal and that he doesn't care what some n-word thinks. He's constantly calling my race pitiful and pathetic. He has insulted everything about me, My intelligence, My heritage (he says descend and have no warrior blood inside me), My attractiveness (Calls me ugly), My height (Let's says im in the 5"10 - 6"1 range, My athleticism (I'm strong and am lean well-built and train martial arts), My friends, My appetite, My dignity, and even the size of my genitalia. Whenever i go on a date with woman, He says there must be something twisted about them to want to date me. He also gets FURIOUS if i date a woman that isn't the same race as me, and says i practice abomination, even though he is mixed race himself. He also often jokes about me being a scrub and getting prison raped, and has even joked about overpowering and raping me a few times.

-His best friend is a young adult woman that he met online when she was around 13-14 (He was in his late 20's and in fact most his friends he met when they were teenagers), and from my perspective it seems like genuinely loves her because he gives her good advice and has helped led her to christ, and he's always been listening to her and helping her with her problems, and occasionally gets her gifts. But there were some things that he's said that were sketchy like one time we were playing and game and he got very angry and started calling her a B-word and beating her up in the game to express his fury, Shouting at her until she cried then there was this one time that someone online started mocking and trolling him in a game, she started laughing, and he later told me that he wanted to strangle her. He' used to call her a demon all the time, but now that she acts more Christian he doesnt really berate or chastise her anymore. If their relationship is romantic, It's one sided because she dates other men but I dont wonder if there's a jealousy on his part and if she reciprocated his emotions, Would he date her? One time he said that the boys she dates should be thanking him because he helped make her so decent and Christian. A couple of months ago he said that she'd probably to be beheaded during the tribulation because shes too imperfect to be raptured (although he considers himself sinful too tbh)

-He's very prideful and tends to view himself as superior to other. He says he has a higher understanding of the bible than most people and believes that he was of the few Christians that fully achieved god's will, Achieved perfection, and entered the kingdom within while on earth but fell from grace. He says that he understands what love and selflessness because of the bible and that he is one of the few people that have loved and self-sacrificed to the peak and that everyone else is selfish. Every so often he'll start talking about his past, About how cool he was, How strong, brave and fearless he was, and how him and his buds were popular and got all the girls. Hes hypercompetitive, We've been playing this game recently with this other friend who's really good, Personally I dont care if im constantly losing to our skilled friend. But my friend has turned this fun game time into this dark vulgar competition like if he starts losing he gets anger and starts cursing, and his main motivation is to be better than our skilled friend or at least at his level and laughs at me for just settling for mediocrity and just wanting to have fun. He's very well-versed in alot of subjects, and likes to act like he knows a little about everything, and has perfected all the crafts he's done. He says he was always the best guy at any job he worked before he became unemployed and lived with his relative. He believes he's always right about everything because his truths are fixed on the bible, even though hes changed his opinions before. Like I remember i was talking about a job i had in security and military, and he responds with things like "yeah i worked at the gas station and i had to do a bit of security" or "yeah dude, i spent my childhood and teens training to be a cia agent but god told me killing was bad so i didn't join". He says hes not domineering because he always does what other people want to do, but he still always has to talk himself up like he's toughest, most fearless warrior on the block and despite me being military, security background, and martial artist that works out near daily, He insist im a coward because i don't act macho or confident. Despite all this, Every once in a while he downplays himself and talks about how he fails god and insist that he is humble and narcisstic, and that im the narcissist because i talk too much and start defending myself if i criticized. He's always talking about how he's so done with this world and all our problems, tired of us, and just wants to be with god. He's often brings up things like i should submit to him and he's talking always talking about being a leader.

-He can be very resistant to confrontation and is very difficult to debate with. Not sure were to begin with this.....Arguing with him is like trying to siege a fortress, His voice is often so gruff and belligerent. He'll start speaking over you so you cant get a word in. He's very good at debating and analyzing things and he's constant tripping me up. He's so aggressive in his arguing, I can just never really find footing and knock him down. He's had so much practice arguing with teenagers on multiplayer games for nearly 2 decades. I'm usually a nice guy and it takes alot to genuinely anger me but I've snapped at him so many times for insulting me and whenever I try to defend myself from his attacks or explain myself to protect my ego, He starts calling me selfish and narcissistic, and in a way he's right because i should just be able to let things go. At first I just kind of took it in stride but after a while, it just became too much and I started snapping. One time he made me so angry because he was really trying to punk me off, I exploded and told him I was going to break him and started cursing at him and I was yelling so loud i woke up the neighbors. He blocked me then he started messaging me and begging and pleading me not do anything to him and said that I was more dangerous than he was, and that was sorry, it was pretty cowardly but i also wonder if he was just nobly following jesus instructions to make peace. I've been through alot but I've never wanted to physically harm someone more than this man. He says that if he stops talking to someone its probably because theyre damned and going to hell, which has seeded the idea in my mind that if we stop being friends then i might be an antichrist. He gets very irritated if you try to pick apart or continuously disagree with what he says. He always talks about love and how great his understanding of it, but he's so HATEFUL. I dont understand! He doesn't make peace. I also wonder if this is why he doesn't really hang around other christians probably because he doesnt want to get rebuked, Most of the people he seems to hangout with online are alot younger than him and he talks to them about christianity, and they have christian tendencies but he's always in a teaching position. Definitely not enough to rebuke him. He often says "Why is it always on me to change?" when confronted about changes he should make or when he offends people. One time he cried when I got angry at him and said that all he ever wants to do is hug me when he sees me but every time i try and talk to him he treats me like im some annoyance or burden. I don't get it. Another time, He tried to insult me while we were playing with our friend then I just started ignoring him and giving him no emotional response then he just immediately laughed then left and started ignoring my messages for days.

He makes me so inconceivably furious, All the things he's said to me have just built up over the years, I know I could definitely hurt him BAD given the right amount of time but i doubt he'd ever be able to face me, I truly think god protects him from me now so i'm supposed to submit to him in some way and endure his abuse because of something i must've done in the past and perhaps i myself need more humbling or perhaps i'm being mocked. Something hectic happened a few months ago, I had invited a christian friend of mine to the group who always very peaceful, warm, positive, and loving and even tried to befriend him but he just kept pushing him away because he was a "shallow" christian with little understanding. Well, One time while I wasn't around my peaceful friend came into the group to hangout and my racist friend started shouting the nword and was being aggressive to other players while he was gaming, and my peaceful friend started rebuking him and then my angry friend got angry and hostile and told him to go away, and that he'll say the n word as many times as he wants and that he calls me the n-word, and that he shouldn't be getting rebuked by him because theyre not even friends that my peaceful friend is a hypocrite because a bit of a troll himself. My peaceful friend came back in a few days later and then he tried to rebuke him again but my angry friend muted him, then unmuted him and listened to his rebuke then he just said screw it then left and my peaceful friend said that he could hear my angry friend sounding like he was about to cry right before he left. Now my angry friend has blocked my peaceful friend, and i asked him why he hasnt forgiven my peaceful friend but he says has, but just wont talk to him ever again.

Of course, You're probably still wondering why I'm still friends with this guy, Well part of it is pride and wrath, I keep feeling if I just back down and cut him out of my life then he wins because he seems to want that any way. I feel like i'm running away from him when i try to block him out of my life. My anger and rage towards him has become obsessive, no one in my life has every brought me to this point before. No one has. I'm constantly thinking about the arguments we've had and the things he's said to me. I don't hate him at all but I truly and deeply wish to hurt him. I train martial arts, I would train a year more to ensure utter complete dominance over him. He has tried so hard to break me and undermine my confidence and self esteem, in such insidious ways with his vulgar scornful tongue.
I barely ever insulted him, and if i do it's because he's thrown shade first. I've never been this furious with someone. I strongly believe god might have also put me in his path specifically so that I might beat him into submission and violently destroy his ego with my fist. Just the sheer audacity he has infuriates me and drives me wild. I've threatened him many times with visits. I'm not a violent person and am generally peaceful, docile, and timid but he considers that weakness and steps all over me until i snap at him then im suddenly considered a selfish demon. I want so bad to just see him break either physically or mentally, i cant just walk away.

Another reason, I'm friends is because I sincerely want peace between us. I want it to be like how when we first became friends he was so friendly, gentle, and such a good listener and kinda interesting to listen to. I thought I could finally open my heart to him. I finally felt like i had found my best friend. And i think maybe im the bad guy here and maybe I am. I talk alot. Im always anxious. Flighty ungrounded. Emotional. Take things too seriously. Too sensitive. Maybe its my fault and I'm the one that just needs to change? But again, The guy is like a fortress, I try to peel his layers but its like I can't get anywhere. Maybe he is the peaceful and he's doing it the biblical way and maybe I just dont understand. And some of things he does, Just doesn't make sense for a narcissist to do like He'll cry about trafficked children, people he loves, and things related to god, and a pure narcissist would never be Christian or acknowledge god's sovereignty. I just can't leave him. I can't. I feel like there's more to him than this and I just have to crack it like its a code.

Please patient with me I know this reads like a joke but im 100% serious, This is my life now.
Dump him. He is a self absorbed, narcissistic, pretentious abuser. And I will add he is also a racist and misogynist. What a toxic person. When you meet those types while they claim Christianity is extra scary. Insecure people often fall to these types of behaviors. They do not want a relationship, they want control. They have an uncanny knack for picking people that they feel have weaknesses so they can control them. You can pray for him but it’s not healthy to play into their manipulations and does them or you no favors. Do not be codependent. Cut it off. People that are always trying to be competitive, out-do others, pretentiously try to impress others, install caste systems, know it alls, are ill people that need professional help. They are very transparent to some of us and that threatens them and then the temper and true character come out. Avoid them like the plague. It is very cultish behavior with them being the leader making sure you stay in your lane. They are always claiming to be a few tiers above everyone else. Do not give him a platform to keep him feeding in to his fantasies and ego. They seek people they feel are easily fooled into their influence. They throw out a friendly hook or phony compliment and reel you in. You can spot them a mile away. It is always about them. If not, they will make it about them. And when it’s about you, it comes under the guise of an abusive life coach claiming they are trying to improve you. They are always in the process of something in their lives but it never comes to fruition. They feed off people and are another version of social climbers. Best thing to do is back off and pray for him.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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And no, God doesn't want you to beat some sense into Him.
Couldn't agree more. Let go and leave him to God. If you descend to his competitive level you only become like him.

Titus 3:10-11

"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned."

I've said a prayer for both of you.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Couldn't agree more. Let go and leave him to God. If you descend to his competitive level you only become like him.

Titus 3:10-11

"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned."

I've said a prayer for both of you.
And don't forget this one below. Seems that OP's friend is not following Philippians 2:3.

Philippians 2:3: "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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And don't forget this one below. Seems that OP's friend is not following Philippians 2:3.

Philippians 2:3: "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
I have to pray that for myself often!
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Aug 11, 2023
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I NEED to get this off my chest.

I have this online friend who was one of the people that helped bring me to Christianity but over the years our friendship has taken a turn for the worst, I'll be honest I'm pretty pathetic, self-conscious, and insecure which often leads to self-obsession but there's just so many things he's said and done that have been red flags for me ending the friendship but i just can't help wonder if I'm in the wrong and that he's the one that's in the right. To a list few things:

-He is very racist towards me and treats me inferior and belittles me. He calls me the N-word very frequently. I guess this is the main issue. At first he didn't, Until I told him that I don't care that he did and that was okay if he said it. Says I talk and ramble too much and should speak less and read proverbs. Says i should be lucky i have a friend like him that cares about my soul. Now he says the N-word in my presence very often especially when we are watching the new and world events. One time he while we were discussing something, He told me that I was just a dumb animal and that he doesn't care what some n-word thinks. He's constantly calling my race pitiful and pathetic. He has insulted everything about me, My intelligence, My heritage (he says descend and have no warrior blood inside me), My attractiveness (Calls me ugly), My height (Let's says im in the 5"10 - 6"1 range, My athleticism (I'm strong and am lean well-built and train martial arts), My friends, My appetite, My dignity, and even the size of my genitalia. Whenever i go on a date with woman, He says there must be something twisted about them to want to date me. He also gets FURIOUS if i date a woman that isn't the same race as me, and says i practice abomination, even though he is mixed race himself. He also often jokes about me being a scrub and getting prison raped, and has even joked about overpowering and raping me a few times.

-His best friend is a young adult woman that he met online when she was around 13-14 (He was in his late 20's and in fact most his friends he met when they were teenagers), and from my perspective it seems like genuinely loves her because he gives her good advice and has helped led her to christ, and he's always been listening to her and helping her with her problems, and occasionally gets her gifts. But there were some things that he's said that were sketchy like one time we were playing and game and he got very angry and started calling her a B-word and beating her up in the game to express his fury, Shouting at her until she cried then there was this one time that someone online started mocking and trolling him in a game, she started laughing, and he later told me that he wanted to strangle her. He' used to call her a demon all the time, but now that she acts more Christian he doesnt really berate or chastise her anymore. If their relationship is romantic, It's one sided because she dates other men but I dont wonder if there's a jealousy on his part and if she reciprocated his emotions, Would he date her? One time he said that the boys she dates should be thanking him because he helped make her so decent and Christian. A couple of months ago he said that she'd probably to be beheaded during the tribulation because shes too imperfect to be raptured (although he considers himself sinful too tbh)

-He's very prideful and tends to view himself as superior to other. He says he has a higher understanding of the bible than most people and believes that he was of the few Christians that fully achieved god's will, Achieved perfection, and entered the kingdom within while on earth but fell from grace. He says that he understands what love and selflessness because of the bible and that he is one of the few people that have loved and self-sacrificed to the peak and that everyone else is selfish. Every so often he'll start talking about his past, About how cool he was, How strong, brave and fearless he was, and how him and his buds were popular and got all the girls. Hes hypercompetitive, We've been playing this game recently with this other friend who's really good, Personally I dont care if im constantly losing to our skilled friend. But my friend has turned this fun game time into this dark vulgar competition like if he starts losing he gets anger and starts cursing, and his main motivation is to be better than our skilled friend or at least at his level and laughs at me for just settling for mediocrity and just wanting to have fun. He's very well-versed in alot of subjects, and likes to act like he knows a little about everything, and has perfected all the crafts he's done. He says he was always the best guy at any job he worked before he became unemployed and lived with his relative. He believes he's always right about everything because his truths are fixed on the bible, even though hes changed his opinions before. Like I remember i was talking about a job i had in security and military, and he responds with things like "yeah i worked at the gas station and i had to do a bit of security" or "yeah dude, i spent my childhood and teens training to be a cia agent but god told me killing was bad so i didn't join". He says hes not domineering because he always does what other people want to do, but he still always has to talk himself up like he's toughest, most fearless warrior on the block and despite me being military, security background, and martial artist that works out near daily, He insist im a coward because i don't act macho or confident. Despite all this, Every once in a while he downplays himself and talks about how he fails god and insist that he is humble and narcisstic, and that im the narcissist because i talk too much and start defending myself if i criticized. He's always talking about how he's so done with this world and all our problems, tired of us, and just wants to be with god. He's often brings up things like i should submit to him and he's talking always talking about being a leader.

-He can be very resistant to confrontation and is very difficult to debate with. Not sure were to begin with this.....Arguing with him is like trying to siege a fortress, His voice is often so gruff and belligerent. He'll start speaking over you so you cant get a word in. He's very good at debating and analyzing things and he's constant tripping me up. He's so aggressive in his arguing, I can just never really find footing and knock him down. He's had so much practice arguing with teenagers on multiplayer games for nearly 2 decades. I'm usually a nice guy and it takes alot to genuinely anger me but I've snapped at him so many times for insulting me and whenever I try to defend myself from his attacks or explain myself to protect my ego, He starts calling me selfish and narcissistic, and in a way he's right because i should just be able to let things go. At first I just kind of took it in stride but after a while, it just became too much and I started snapping. One time he made me so angry because he was really trying to punk me off, I exploded and told him I was going to break him and started cursing at him and I was yelling so loud i woke up the neighbors. He blocked me then he started messaging me and begging and pleading me not do anything to him and said that I was more dangerous than he was, and that was sorry, it was pretty cowardly but i also wonder if he was just nobly following jesus instructions to make peace. I've been through alot but I've never wanted to physically harm someone more than this man. He says that if he stops talking to someone its probably because theyre damned and going to hell, which has seeded the idea in my mind that if we stop being friends then i might be an antichrist. He gets very irritated if you try to pick apart or continuously disagree with what he says. He always talks about love and how great his understanding of it, but he's so HATEFUL. I dont understand! He doesn't make peace. I also wonder if this is why he doesn't really hang around other christians probably because he doesnt want to get rebuked, Most of the people he seems to hangout with online are alot younger than him and he talks to them about christianity, and they have christian tendencies but he's always in a teaching position. Definitely not enough to rebuke him. He often says "Why is it always on me to change?" when confronted about changes he should make or when he offends people. One time he cried when I got angry at him and said that all he ever wants to do is hug me when he sees me but every time i try and talk to him he treats me like im some annoyance or burden. I don't get it. Another time, He tried to insult me while we were playing with our friend then I just started ignoring him and giving him no emotional response then he just immediately laughed then left and started ignoring my messages for days.

He makes me so inconceivably furious, All the things he's said to me have just built up over the years, I know I could definitely hurt him BAD given the right amount of time but i doubt he'd ever be able to face me, I truly think god protects him from me now so i'm supposed to submit to him in some way and endure his abuse because of something i must've done in the past and perhaps i myself need more humbling or perhaps i'm being mocked. Something hectic happened a few months ago, I had invited a christian friend of mine to the group who always very peaceful, warm, positive, and loving and even tried to befriend him but he just kept pushing him away because he was a "shallow" christian with little understanding. Well, One time while I wasn't around my peaceful friend came into the group to hangout and my racist friend started shouting the nword and was being aggressive to other players while he was gaming, and my peaceful friend started rebuking him and then my angry friend got angry and hostile and told him to go away, and that he'll say the n word as many times as he wants and that he calls me the n-word, and that he shouldn't be getting rebuked by him because theyre not even friends that my peaceful friend is a hypocrite because a bit of a troll himself. My peaceful friend came back in a few days later and then he tried to rebuke him again but my angry friend muted him, then unmuted him and listened to his rebuke then he just said screw it then left and my peaceful friend said that he could hear my angry friend sounding like he was about to cry right before he left. Now my angry friend has blocked my peaceful friend, and i asked him why he hasnt forgiven my peaceful friend but he says has, but just wont talk to him ever again.

Of course, You're probably still wondering why I'm still friends with this guy, Well part of it is pride and wrath, I keep feeling if I just back down and cut him out of my life then he wins because he seems to want that any way. I feel like i'm running away from him when i try to block him out of my life. My anger and rage towards him has become obsessive, no one in my life has every brought me to this point before. No one has. I'm constantly thinking about the arguments we've had and the things he's said to me. I don't hate him at all but I truly and deeply wish to hurt him. I train martial arts, I would train a year more to ensure utter complete dominance over him. He has tried so hard to break me and undermine my confidence and self esteem, in such insidious ways with his vulgar scornful tongue.
I barely ever insulted him, and if i do it's because he's thrown shade first. I've never been this furious with someone. I strongly believe god might have also put me in his path specifically so that I might beat him into submission and violently destroy his ego with my fist. Just the sheer audacity he has infuriates me and drives me wild. I've threatened him many times with visits. I'm not a violent person and am generally peaceful, docile, and timid but he considers that weakness and steps all over me until i snap at him then im suddenly considered a selfish demon. I want so bad to just see him break either physically or mentally, i cant just walk away.

Another reason, I'm friends is because I sincerely want peace between us. I want it to be like how when we first became friends he was so friendly, gentle, and such a good listener and kinda interesting to listen to. I thought I could finally open my heart to him. I finally felt like i had found my best friend. And i think maybe im the bad guy here and maybe I am. I talk alot. Im always anxious. Flighty ungrounded. Emotional. Take things too seriously. Too sensitive. Maybe its my fault and I'm the one that just needs to change? But again, The guy is like a fortress, I try to peel his layers but its like I can't get anywhere. Maybe he is the peaceful and he's doing it the biblical way and maybe I just dont understand. And some of things he does, Just doesn't make sense for a narcissist to do like He'll cry about trafficked children, people he loves, and things related to god, and a pure narcissist would never be Christian or acknowledge god's sovereignty. I just can't leave him. I can't. I feel like there's more to him than this and I just have to crack it like its a code.

Please patient with me I know this reads like a joke but im 100% serious, This is my life now.
Man, you should ditch the racist friend (I am brown myself, Romani ethnicity), plus he is a perv for being with a young kid online. Stay away from this dude. This Bible analysis which I worked on discusses how we must abstain from evil, and as your friend has traits of evil, I recommend that you stay far away from him, my brother.

DateMay 2, 2024
Verse1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 (KJV): "Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Explanation1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 is a powerful passage that encourages believers to live holy and righteous lives, avoiding anything that may appear evil or give the impression of sin. The first part of the passage, "Abstain from all appearance of evil," means that we should not only avoid actual sin, but also anything that might look like sin or could lead us into sin. This includes not only overtly evil actions, but also attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors that are not in line with God's will.
The second part of the passage, "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," emphasizes the importance of being sanctified, or set apart for God, and being preserved blameless until the return of Christ.
Societal RelevanceIn the context of our daily lives in the 2020s, this verse calls us to be discerning and intentional in our choices and actions. Here are some modern trends that may appear innocent at first, but could potentially be evil:
  1. Social media: While social media platforms can be used for positive purposes, such as connecting with friends and family, sharing inspirational content, and engaging in meaningful discussions, they can also be a breeding ground for gossip, bullying, and the spread of false information. It's important to use social media in a way that honors God and avoids anything that may appear evil.
  2. Entertainment: The entertainment industry often pushes the boundaries of morality and decency, with movies, TV shows, music, and video games that glorify violence, sex, and other sinful behaviors. While it's important to remember that not all entertainment is evil, it's essential to be discerning and to avoid anything that may lead us into sin or compromise our spiritual growth.
  3. Food and drink: While it's important to enjoy the good gifts that God has given us, it's also important to avoid anything that may be harmful to our physical or spiritual health. This includes excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, or unhealthy foods.
  4. Relationships: Building healthy, God-honoring relationships is essential for our spiritual growth and well-being. However, it's also important to avoid relationships that may be destructive or unhealthy, such as those that involve deceit, manipulation, or abuse.
In summary, 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 calls us to avoid anything that may appear evil and to live holy, blameless lives that honor God. This requires discernment, intentionality, and a commitment to living in a way that reflects God's love and grace in all areas of our lives.
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Jan 3, 2014
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Absolutely. Totally agree. This situation has narcissism written all over it.

This 'friend' sounds, and behaves, like a narcissist.

A narcissist can do so much damage to the lives of others ...
emotional, mental, spiritual damage that can take years to recover from.

I so much agree with your advice, to walk away.
And to get informed about narcissists and narcissism, so as not to get caught in a narcissist's 'web' of deception again.
Yes, and I say these next words in reply to both the op and the many other good op-replies....

Those who find themselves captured by a narcissist must not only get away but (later) examine themselves to discern 1) the effects of the toxic relationship, and 2) what it was that made them vulnerable to that particular predation and fix it. This is NOT to blame the victim/survivor. We all bear the effects of sin and, therefore, we all find ourselves in relationships that are dysfunction in some way(s). One of the most enjoyable aspects of healthy relationship is their ability to help us grow, improve, and...... heal where needed. @O mountains, after you've walked away and put some physical, temporal, and relational distance between you and the narcissist do a little "inventory" work in prayer with God (Ps. 19:12, 26:2, 139:23-24), and (assuming you have healthier people in your life) some godly Christian whose opinion you value and respect (a pastor, elder, or close friend - Pr. 27:17 and 15:2,12; 2 Cor. 13:5; Gal. 6:4; Jms. 5:16).

I'll wager everyone in this thread can provide an account where they've learned to replace a dysfunctional relationship with a functional one - and done so by examining themselves, not just the other person. It may not have been with a clinical narcissist, but the basic problem is very common. Sinners befriending sinners is messy ;).

One more point: Walk away. Don't run. There is a huge difference between walking away in God-given self-control and running away in fear, loathing, or resentment. You're an adopted child of The Most High God, fearfully and wonderfully made and chosen by God Himself to be a member of His holy nation - a royal priest in whom God Himself dwells. You will always better remember who you are when you remember Whose you are.
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Jan 3, 2014
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Instead of judging him, purge him from your life. Turn him over to God and let go.

And do so with the right motive. Paul once told the Corinthian congregations he'd decided turn a marriage defiling man over to Satan. The purpose for doing so is often ignored. If a person can be turned over to Satan for this purpose, then how much more so can someone be turned over to God?

1 Corinthians 5:5
I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Jacob had to be humbled many times, including having a hip broken, before he finally submitted.

Malachi 1:2
I have loved you,” says the LORD. But you say, “How have You loved us?” “Was Esau not Jacob’s brother?” declares the LORD. “Yet I have loved Jacob...

Loved him enough to break his hip! :grimacing:

Ephesians 2:4-10
But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

God saves us by grace, and He creates us in Christ for works He prepared for us to perform before He saved us. One of those works for which He saved the narcissist, apparently, was to bring you to Christ. Be thankful.

And then walk away from the narcissist and toward God. Hand the Narcissist back to God and let go.

Astute thought, @Sharon Hayes.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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Just a little additional suggestion for us all to consider. We are all 'narcissists' in our sinful nature - it's why we have to deny ourselves daily, so He can love through us and direct us on our path by His Spirit. Embracing that reality enables us to love our neighbor, our enemies, and all unbelievers - because we are exactly the same as them - the only difference being that we are saved by grace and are beyond condemnation because of His imputed righteousness.

Luke 9:23

"And He said to all, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me."
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