We Live In An Electrical Simulation


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Apr 19, 2017
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What practical difference doe sit make?

I'm sitting here in awe at the responses to this thread. It was a dead thread, lol. But it has made quite a few people uncomfortable and even angry! That amazes me.

Why does this thread do that to people? Some sound ready to fight! When I posted this thread it was posted in a light hearted way and wow it sure brought out the worst in some, lol! I'm sort of new to this idea and have been tossing it around my mind and memory and the idea was to see if I would get good questions about it (as opposed to just a fight). Maybe have a reasonable conversation about it.

This sort of idea is like anything else. We got Science, Science Fiction, Movies, Books, and Twilight Zone. But boy you better ever say that the Matrix was a documentary or you will be Lynched!
Wherein is the threat to these angry responders that they would be angered?

Ok so the possibility does exist that we do live in a simulation. Oh it's very far fetched but...if it were true then man in his infinite wisdom (LOL) would get it wrong also anyway. Our science would be wrong if not outright defrauded, we know all that.

So are the angry people those who have limited imagination? I got one? Maybe two comments that were like Science 101. Not really applicable to the subject matter and therefore wrong because I thnk the subject matter is more like Science 305.5. And so Lynch the guy who brought it up in conversation? Lol! How short sighted can one be?

Maybe it's a Carnal Science vs Spiritual Science kind of thing. And the angry ones are clearly for the Carnal Science so the best that they can muster is a drive by shooting instead of anything cohereant. That is sad and yet amazing at the same time to me.
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Apr 19, 2017
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Game, set, and match.

Is that the best you have? I could whip out a few scriptures that parrelel some of these things but if I did it woud be a waste of time because something like this would be your response?

You have no game set & match because you havent said anything. Game set match based on what? Oh. What do you think triggered you into such an emotional response about this thread?

You come across like you're sitting there all red faced and angry while you type. What's with that? What triggered you?
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Jul 2, 2023
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I can't think of how quantum physics is influential in the plot of the Matrix trilogy.

It seems rather blatant that the Matrix draws upon several religious and philosophical traditions, the Gnostic influence is very obvious--and it's been discussed by many people many times over the last couple decades.

Anyone with a working familiarity with ancient Gnostic ideas and writings can easily demonstrate obvious parallels.

Ok, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box nor will ever claim to be. I like science and was hoping to glean info but after a couple of pages all I see is put-downs Peace
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Apr 19, 2017
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Well, a virtual scientist takes a virtual electron microscope and looks at a virtual rock very closely to see what it is made of.
What does he see, I wonder?

I feel like he would see more uniformity, and not the variety of amino acids and molecules we do. I don't think you would need a periodic table of 100+ elements in a virtual world, or exact simulations of such all programmed to behave certain ways. It would be kind of a drag on the system.

Just my random thought.

Interesting. Especially the virtual scientist part. I think he would see what he expects to see. The spiritual paarrelels between the Matrix and the Bible are all over the movie. Neo is "the One" so is a type of Christ for the movie.

Neo has carried, since his conception, the Matrix's source code known as the Prime Program. This gives him the ability to freely manipulate the simulated reality of the Matrix, similar to the authority a system administrator has over a given system. He manifests these abilities as various superhuman powers. Kind of how Jesus does on earth?

You sound like you might have taken the red pill. I did too so they'll prolly yell at me for this post, lol.
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Nov 18, 2018
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Well, a virtual scientist takes a virtual electron microscope and looks at a virtual rock very closely to see what it is made of.
What does he see, I wonder?

I feel like he would see more uniformity, and not the variety of amino acids and molecules we do. I don't think you would need a periodic table of 100+ elements in a virtual world, or exact simulations of such all programmed to behave certain ways. It would be kind of a drag on the system.
Unless the world in a microscope begins to exist only when looked at and stops to exist after that.

Like in a game - a processor computes only the part of the world you use/see in the game, not the whole world all the time.
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Apr 19, 2017
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In short in matters vegetable, animal and mineral,...

That's the superficial part perhaps but the answer to my question is, Solid, Liqued, Gas, and Plasma are the four fundemental states of matter that Science recognizes now. Plasma is essentially electrical in nature.

And from what I understand now the universe is 5% seen and 95% unseen and Plasma pretty much makes up the 95% of the unseen world. That's what the scientists are saying. They can't see it all the time but they can under certain conditions.

And that's what scripture has been saying all along, lol.
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Apr 19, 2017
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Unless the world in a microscope begins to exist only when looked at and stops to exist after that.

Like in a game - a processor computes only the part of the world you use/see in the game, not the whole world all the time.

I've heard that too. When I walk out of my bedroom and close the door then nothing exists in that room until I (or someone) intends to go in and intends for there to be beds and dressers in there so it is solidified from the construct.

It was the Double Slit experiments that gave them the clue. I trying to figure out why they got a wave formation sometimes they tried to photograph which slit the proton actually went through. And this skewed the results because it knew if it was being observed or not.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Czech Republic
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I've heard that too. When I walk out of my bedroom and close the door then nothing exists in that room until I (or someone) intends to go in and intends for there to be beds and dressers in there so it is solidified from the construct.

It was the Double Slit experiments that gave them the clue. I trying to figure out why they got a wave formation sometimes they tried to photograph which slit the proton actually went through. And this skewed the results because it knew if it was being observed or not.
And the speed of light would be analogous to maximum processor speed, the big bang the start of the program etc.

However, I do not think that the energy consumption needs to be an issue. An ant can think that its impossible to provide energy for a smartphone. But we use billions of them simultaneously and many other, more energy consuming devices all the time. So, maybe it would not be such a problem to simulate the whole universe, or at least our solar system, for some higher being.
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Apr 19, 2017
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And the speed of light would be analogous to maximum processor speed, the big bang the start of the program etc.

However, I do not think that the energy consumption needs to be an issue. An ant can think that its impossible to provide energy for a smartphone. But we use billions of them simultaneously and many other, more energy consuming devices all the time. So, maybe it would not be such a problem to simulate the whole universe, or at least our solar system, for some higher being.

I bet it's not something that the Lord has to even think about. Scripture says he sustains everything Himself. He has already spoken the words of instruction to the universe long ago and His word does not pass away but continues. Remember in Genesis when He was creating everything? It doesn't say that He created all the plants. He said, let the earth bring forth plants and herbs. (so my apple seeds do not have an apple tree inside it. The apple tree is inside the earth. The seed must just tell the earth where it is to bring forth an Apple tree.

The energy consumption is meaningless like you say. God is the source and is inexhaustable. Remember the enemy loves to counterfeit God. I'd bet money that all those devices you spoke of are counterfeits of what we don't need at all. If only we can bring ourselves to believe that we are more than we think we are and do not need a cell phone to talk to our family or whatever. We probably do not need cars and trucks. (I've heard testimonies where they sais travel in heaven is instantaneous you just think about where you want to go and focus on it, and you're there.

If God decided to give us a huge interactive simulation where we might be the only real thing here on earth. We are not Human Beings on a spiritual journey, we Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey. Some famous scientist I forget his name postulated the only real susbstance that there is on earth is our thoughts themselves. All else is illusion for a massive training program.

Believe in me that you can not see and learn that what you can see is not real at all and must be discarded to find me? To bring the two types of worlds (Spiritual-Material) into a coexistance.

Proverbs 25:2
2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.../KJV

If He has made us to be Kings and Priests then there in Proverbs is our hint. Got enough faith to move mountains? Raise the dead? Heal people people?

I've never been able to move a mountain, and I've tried. (It was prolly outside the will of God!) But I woke up one night and went down for a drink, and I spied my Tomato plants outside through the window and I had the thought if you talk to your plants then they grow better, so I started talking to them through the window (I doubt they could hear me lol) and I was having faith to have good tomatoes so I was blessing them up a storm and as I did I noticed that they was moving as if blown by the breeze. So I continued to bless my plants but I continued to look around and I couldnt see any other plant life moving in a wind. So I wanted to get a closer look at this situation and went outside and walked up to them in the back yard and I kept on talking to them teling them to be blessed and grow strong and fruitful and all like that...and the Tomato plants were swaying back and forth like they was dancing or something! I figure this gave truth to those scriptures about faith (and dominion over the earth).

We don't need cell phones. We don't need Airplanes or vehicles for travel. I couldn't move a mountain because that could stir up trouble and the Lord son't do that. But He let me seee my plants dance for me because that didn't cause any damage, lol.

And so according to Proverbs, it is the world which has been pulled over our (spiritual) eyes to blind us. If we can elevate our consciousness unto our spirit alone and try to ignore the material in favor of the spiritual perspective to go towards the truth. Spiritualize everything then. That's simple to do too! It can be hard but it is simple. Pray unceasingly and study His words.

I think maybe before a miracle can happen, an accompanying act by the material flesh must happen first. We have to act out in faith. Peter could not walk on water until he (in faith) got out of the boat. Though much of the Bible is parables and stuff it doesnt matter, because even if the story is fiction it stilll carrries a biblical truth and biblical principle that is extracted and applied to our daily life.
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Apr 19, 2017
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I do not think that the energy consumption needs to be an issue.

They say now that space is not a vacuum it is plasma energy. Invisible most of the time but it can be excited and then you see things like the aurora borealis lights. SO Space is more along the lines of pure energy than nothngness or dark matter or whatever. and if it is then it can be said to be electrical in nature. So there you would have possibilities of endless control (God woud). Electric simulation.

People say, how could God allow this ir that to happen if He is a good God? But what if it was a mental exercise that seemed real? Scripture says even now we are sitting in Heavenly places with the Lord. He probably doesn't even need a fluid filled sci fi gadget, He is powerful enough to make it all done wirelessly, lol! Ok so you wasnt raped/killed/murdered whatever for real but made to think it was real to see your reactions ad judge the damage to your soul from the fall for progressive sanctification? The damage to the Human race was spiritual damage.

Does this mean that I am not yet done as far as creation of myself is concerned? The Lord created us unto life...but He seems to be introducing us to Death first, and then Life later on?! It kind of makes sense. I'm prolly wrong about some aspects of it but what do I know? lol.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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It has a lot to do with the double slit experiements with light.

I'm familiar with the experiment, I'm not sure how it relates to the Matrix.

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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Ok, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box nor will ever claim to be. I like science and was hoping to glean info but after a couple of pages all I see is put-downs Peace

Your intelligence isn't being attacked. All I was doing was offering a response. I can see the Gnostic influence on the movie--which is why using the movie as an analogy for the real world is, I believe, dangerous. It's wrong, scientifically of course; but from a theological perspective Christians ought to reject it.

Christian teaching is that God is the Creator of reality--and the physical, visible, material, observable world of our experience is the real world which God made.

The doctrine of the Incarnation means that God Himself has become united with physical matter, has become part of this created world. With skin and bone and blood, made up of atoms and subatomic particles. Jesus Christ as the God-Man means in His Person He is both God and man forever, He showed the wounds of crucifixion to His disciples, inviting Thomas to touch them, and also said, "See, a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have". He even cooked and ate fish with His disciples. That same Jesus reigns as King and Lord over all things at the right hand of the Father, and gives us His own flesh and blood as spiritual food in the Eucharist "This is My body broken for you" "This is My blood of the New Covenant" so that we partake of the body and blood of Christ through the bread and the cup (1 Corinthians 10:16), and the Lord's Table is the Mystery of our unity as the Church as the Body (1 Corinthians 10:17), by which we share in the once-and-done perfect sacrifice of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:18).

When at the conclusion of history and Christ returns, the dead shall be raised bodily, transformed (Romans 8:11, Philippians 3:21, 1 Corinthians 15:12-58) and God shall make all things new (Isaiah 65:17, 2 Peter 3:13, Romans 8:18-25, Revelation 21:1-5)

The Christian cosmic narrative is that there is a Good Creator God who made a good creation. That creation has, through our own fault, become wounded--and so all creation suffers under death and sin. God's plan and purpose for how He is going to heal His creation is the story of how He is going to save us human beings and bring healing to all creation. God's way of doing this was to choose a particular person at a particular time to make the father of a nation, a nomad pastoralist from Mesopotamia named Abraham and his wife Sarah. Isaac came from Abraham, and Jacob from Isaac, and from Jacob the twelve Patriarchs. After four hundred years in Egypt they were slaves, and so God brought them out of Egypt into the land of promise, and established a Covenant with them in the land. The people grumbled in the desert, and when they took the land, the people still grumbled. At first they were ruled by chieftans--judges--but then the people desiring to be like other nations asked to have a king (though God Himself was their King) and they complained, and so God had the Prophet Samuel choose for them a king named Saul. Saul, as he grew in strength and power became arrogant, showing the weakness of human monarchs. Instead of Saul's heir becoming the next king, God instead chose a shepherd boy, the youngest son of a man named Jesse, that boy was David. David became king, and was promised that from David would come the Messiah. David's son Solomon built a Temple to God, but after Solomon the kingdom was divided. And then the Assyrians came and destroyed the northern kingdom. Survivors of the north became Samaritans, while others fled to the southern kingdom. Eventually the southern kingdom came under the captivity of the Babylonians. But God restored the people to the land as He promised, the Temple rebuilt, but now the people were subjects of another power, the Persians. Then later the Greeks. Briefly independent under the Maccabees, then again subject to the Romans. And then, in this time of Roman occupation, an angel visited a young woman from Nazareth named Mary, that she would conceive and bear a Child without having known a man, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and this Child would be the long-awaited Messiah, the Christ.

That's the story. God made promises, and He keeps those promises. His promise to all creation is that He is faithful and good, He will do right by what He has made. And He has kept His word in Jesus Christ, who by His death and resurrection has defeated death, conquered sin, had beaten the devil and trodden down hell. So that all who are His shall never be put to shame, but have life everlasting. Even as He was raised from the dead, so shall all who belong to Him be raised; even as He lives forever so shall all who are HIs. For He gives life, He saves, He redeems, and He heals. He continues to do this while seated at the right hand of the Father, ruling over and through His Church which He called and commanded to preach His good news, to baptize, and to love the least of these--that through His Church He should be Lord of all as God continues to bring redemption to the world, saving us sinners by His grace, washing us through the waters of Baptism, calling us to the Table of Christ, to be a peculiar people, salt and light, a city on a hill. Where the hungry are fed, the thirsty receive drink, where Christ is in the midst ministering to this world in suffering and pain--looking forward in hope as God promises that all things shall reach their definite conclusion in Jesus, who will come again as Judge of the living and the dead, whose kingdom shall never end, the dead shall be raised, and there shall be the restoration of all things--new heavens and new earth.

The Christian story is the story of God's Faithfulness to creation, from beginning to end. That means the dirt underneath our feet matters. The trees of the forest, the grass of the field, the stars in the night sky--are good. God intends for what He made to last forever.

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May 14, 2014
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I'm sitting here in awe at the responses to this thread. It was a dead thread, lol. But it has made quite a few people uncomfortable and even angry! That amazes me.

Why does this thread do that to people? Some sound ready to fight! When I posted this thread it was posted in a light hearted way and wow it sure brought out the worst in some, lol! I'm sort of new to this idea and have been tossing it around my mind and memory and the idea was to see if I would get good questions about it (as opposed to just a fight). Maybe have a reasonable conversation about it.

This sort of idea is like anything else. We got Science, Science Fiction, Movies, Books, and Twilight Zone. But boy you better ever say that the Matrix was a documentary or you will be Lynched!
Wherein is the threat to these angry responders that they would be angered?

Ok so the possibility does exist that we do live in a simulation. Oh it's very far fetched but...if it were true then man in his infinite wisdom (LOL) would get it wrong also anyway. Our science would be wrong if not outright defrauded, we know all that.

So are the angry people those who have limited imagination? I got one? Maybe two comments that were like Science 101. Not really applicable to the subject matter and therefore wrong because I thnk the subject matter is more like Science 305.5. And so Lynch the guy who brought it up in conversation? Lol! How short sighted can one be?

Maybe it's a Carnal Science vs Spiritual Science kind of thing. And the angry ones are clearly for the Carnal Science so the best that they can muster is a drive by shooting instead of anything cohereant. That is sad and yet amazing at the same time to me.
Be very careful what you write as the search function will bite you in the long run.
Typing words such as "crap", "trolling" or "troll" under your username in this thread reveals who the angry poster is.
Your less than exemplary behaviour was also encapsulated in this post.

It was pointed out to you the video is pseudoscience along with the blatant lies made about mainstream science, your aggressive reaction was completely at odds to your description of treating this thread "in a light hearted way"; furthermore you are no position of claiming the refutation of the video was based on limited imagination or shortsightedness when it is clearly obvious the explanations given were well beyond your level of comprehension.

Detailed examples of refuting plasma cosmology along with the electric universe which hangs on its coattails was given in this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2023
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Your intelligence isn't being attacked.
I didn't mean you to be criticizing at all! I'm not the best writer because of my poor reading skills caused by ADHD. What I meant is I like to read about science and I didn't get much from this thread. Thank you for your explanation. Be Blessed
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Apr 19, 2017
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I'm familiar with the experiment, I'm not sure how it relates to the Matrix.


There's plenty of videos on youtube about the double slit experiement. That's where I related it from.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2017
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Be very careful what you write as the search function will bite you in the long run.
Typing words such as "crap", "trolling" or "troll" under your username in this thread reveals who the angry poster is.
Your less than exemplary behaviour was also encapsulated in this post.

It was pointed out to you the video is pseudoscience along with the blatant lies made about mainstream science, your aggressive reaction was completely at odds to your description of treating this thread "in a light hearted way"; furthermore you are no position of claiming the refutation of the video was based on limited imagination or shortsightedness when it is clearly obvious the explanations given were well beyond your level of comprehension.

Detailed examples of refuting plasma cosmology along with the electric universe which hangs on its coattails was given in this thread.

Uh, duly noted.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2017
United States
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Be very careful what you write as the search function will bite you in the long run.
Typing words such as "crap", "trolling" or "troll" under your username in this thread reveals who the angry poster is.
Your less than exemplary behaviour was also encapsulated in this post.

It was pointed out to you the video is pseudoscience along with the blatant lies made about mainstream science, your aggressive reaction was completely at odds to your description of treating this thread "in a light hearted way"; furthermore you are no position of claiming the refutation of the video was based on limited imagination or shortsightedness when it is clearly obvious the explanations given were well beyond your level of comprehension.

Detailed examples of refuting plasma cosmology along with the electric universe which hangs on its coattails was given in this thread.

I'm sorry man but you have missed the point of the entire thread. I am not making this topic dogmatic and no one is asking you to believe it. But some of us nutballs out here wonder on such things. There's things we are taught to believe and then we have eyes and mind of our own so at times we can take a peek at the bigger picture behind the illusion. This planet does have spooky things happen a lot. Many things can not be explained by worldly science. .

I'm sorry you missed the intent of the thread. You sound upset like you are looking to fight about this, but that's another whole subject. This is a different thread from the one where people may want to argue with your drivel. Please desist. I know you disagree. SO what?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2023
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It has a lot to do with the double slit experiements with light.
There's plenty of videos on youtube about the double slit experiement. That's where I related it from.
Isn't that the test where the light particles changed characteristics when observed? I kinda remember some of that when I was learning X-ray medical equipment repair years ago.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
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But it has made quite a few people uncomfortable and even angry!
Mostly you, to all appearances
Why does this thread do that to people?
Hogwash intolerance?
This sort of idea is like anything else.
An incomprehensibly dim-witted idea, but an idea.
boy you better ever say that the Matrix was a documentary or you will be Lynched!
An ever-present danger. By all means keep your doors locked and the shades drawn.
Ok so the possibility does exist that we do live in a simulation.
Just as the possibility exists that I was born rightwise king of all England, except far less likely.
I got one? Maybe two comments that were like Science 101.
Which was more than the stupid concept deserved.
the subject matter is more like Science 305.5.
If you get your "science" from fantasy movies.
And so Lynch the guy who brought it up in conversation?
You're a martyr, no doubt about it. Unfortunately you were martyred in an idiotic cause.
Lol! How short sighted can one be?
Not enough that they can't recognize rubbish when they see it.
Maybe it's a Carnal Science vs Spiritual Science
No, it's reality vs childish imaginings.

OK, you've declared your victory now, and we're all appropriately impressed. Off you go, then.
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