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Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
United States
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In Relationship
I made an account specifically to ask this question, though if it goes well, I'm hoping to return to this site in the near future for further advice and such.
I'm too terrified to ask a pastor about this in real life. Truth be told, "Martha Joyce" isn't even my real name, and the same goes for my age. I wanted to get that off my chest before the guilt of it began to weigh me down.
Buckle up, fellow Christians. This is going to be a long and bumpy ride.
I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember. There have been times when my faith has been confronted--and temporarily shaken--but for the most part, my struggles have only strengthened it.
But lately, I've begun to question everything.
I'm not gay. Never have been. And therefore, I am unaware of the struggles homosexuals face in their day-to-day lives. I always wondered why they were to so protective of their sexuality if it was "so obviously" just a temptation rather than a genetic predisposition.
But as of late, I feel I'm beginning to understand.
I currently have a boyfriend, and we've dated for quite a few years, now, and we've known each other since childhood. I truly feel like he's the one God has planned for me to marry. He's kind, compassionate, loving, understanding, and basically every other wonderful thing one could find in a partner. We're extremely compatible; we just... click. I've dated many guys in my time, but he is the only one I've ever been convinced that I truly love. It's gotten to the point where I would likely even die for him. He's my best friend, and probably the most trustworthy person I've encountered. We have open, healthy communication, we don't keep secrets, and he is willing to wait for as long as it takes for me to be comfortable with sex.
But there is a serious problem that I (irrationally) fear may destroy everything we've built together.
I am fictosexual.
I told him this recently, explaining what it was, and there was a long pause at the other end of the line. I could nearly feel him squirming in his chair, and the rest of our conversation was filled to the brim with tension--and not the positive kind.
He said that he loved me and would accept me for who I am, regardless, but I could tell it definitely bothered him.
Fictosexuality is the sexual attraction towards fictional characters.
(Not all characters, obviously; gay men aren't attracted to all men.)
Yes, I do feel the same type of attraction toward said boyfriend, but it's not nearly as strong, as the only reason I feel lust for him at all is because I've... trained myself, to put it lightly. And it worked. But it didn't mask the fiery passion for a selective few guys (and one girl) that I'd found in books, television shows (almost always cartoons), video games, and--more recently--podcasts.
And before anyone asks, NO, I was not sexually abused in any way as a child. In fact, I'm still a virgin.
I've been vaguely dissociated and immersed in fantasy for my entire life. My parents used to scream at each other and throw things in front of me when I was a baby/toddler/etc., so I would watch cartoons to escape, and I would begin to make up stories in my head with these characters, usually with them interacting with me directly and comforting me when I felt unsafe.
As to whether I was born with a natural feeling of closeness with fictional beings or if it was a result of aforementioned childhood trauma, I remain unsure. But I do know that my love for and eternal fascination with fictional worlds/people in general is deeply engrained into my identity as a whole. Considering I also suffer from MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder), visualizing imaginary scenarios for fanfiction and the like is practically effortless, if not completely involuntary and subconsciously compulsive at this point.
I've spoken to my Christian therapist about my stronger bond with them than real people, but he's been relatively dismissive of it, as there are larger issues in my life that I honestly am not comfortable with providing details about at the moment that he is currently focusing on. (I've been waiting to "focus on" it for far too long.)
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that my feelings are inescapable, and never, in the entirety of my existence, have I felt attracted to anyone the way I am to these certain characters.
Said characters aren't flawless; in fact, the ones I'm attracted to are, in one way or another, criminals, and likely/canonically have attempted/committed murder. My boyfriend is the complete and total opposite, but I would choose him over any of them in a heartbeat. And yet...
Criminals in real life scare the absolute crap out of me. I could never imagine being five feet from one, much less in a relationship.
But there's something about the ones on the screen/audio/pages/etc. that intrigue me more than the most complex of human beings. They're all extremely dominant, jerky, and, frankly, *staff edit*. (Note: only one out of the bunch has ever been sexualized intentionally (and no, none of them are from anime) by the animators.) They're mysterious, intricate, and I'm ninety percent sure they can all be diagnosed with some kind of severe mental illness.
Did I ask for this? No. Do I enjoy it? Yes. Do I feel such an insane amount of guilt over something that I can't control that it's slowly ripping me apart from the inside out until my brain goes into the usual, "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL. YOU'RE GOING TO HELL. YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" loop and I have a panic attack? Most certainly.
As much as I hate to admit it, my faith is often the main cause of my anxiety disorder spiraling out of control.
My leftist friends tell me that if my religion is causing me so much psychological distress, I should just drop it and "open my mind" and that it's unhealthy to suppress my sexuality, and my buddies on the right tell me it's temptation and that I need to fight it for, apparently, the rest of my life.
I feel so torn and betrayed by my Creator.
Why would God do this to me? If I'm truly under demonic influence, then my entire sense of self must be jumbled and twisted and mangled and backwards and nothing about me has ever been real or pure. It's like I was destined to be scorched in a torturous inferno for infinity, and nothing good I've done or may do in the future will ever save me from it, despite my feelings having virtually zero effect on the outside world.
I've tried talking to Him about it. Numerous times. Since I discovered this aspect of myself in the eighth grade. Same with others' homosexuality. Same with the trans community.
And when I ask those controversial questions, I receive strangely warm, positive answers for a guy that threatened to smite people for thousands of years for eating shrimp. (No offense.) And so I'm left wondering if He really is talking back or if it's just my mind making things up so that I feel better about myself.
When I DO see wonderful things in the Bible, now, it feels like it only applies to ultra-strict conservative folk (I'm an independent libertarian) because they're the only ones that fit into the box that the Old Testament has carved, and everyone I thought He loved regardless is sliced from the picture, including me.
I used to be fully convinced that He was an unconditional, all-loving Father who would do anything for His creations. But based on what I've read and researched, it seems like the opposite.
Every night now, when I pray to God before I fall asleep, I wonder if he even listens or cares about me anymore. I feel like I've ruined everything He's been planning for me to be. I sometimes ponder if I was doomed from the start, and none of my efforts have mattered in the first place, and that even if I saved thousands of starving children, I would still be condemned to my flaming fate.
As I sit here in my office chair at 4 in the morning, nearly in tears now, I'm not even sure what I want anymore. I'm so confused and afraid.
Please, someone, anyone, get back to me as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance.
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Taking a break from CF
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Oct 18, 2016
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It sounds like the evil forces behind some of the fiction is having and impact on your spirit.

Sexual sin and temptation is very difficult once you allow the evil to get a foot hold, but with God's help He's managed to get me through my temptation and I've become more and more controlled because of Him.

Basically it comes down to "do you love Jesus Christ more than the lustful fantasies?"

Do you repent of the lustful fantasies? Do you want them? do you want to be cleansed and purified in Jesus Christ?

Do you want a Godly marriage?

Do you want to learn what God intended sex for?

Lust will lead to more and more depraved fantasies, there is no freedom when in bondage to sin.

Only in Christ Jesus is there freedom from the bondage sin causes.

He will set you free and forgive you, ask Him in repentance.

May God bless you sister.

Remember satan perverts the truth.

The attraction to more evil in fantasies is an indication the sin is getting worse.

Flee from the enemy, take refuge in Jesus Christ.
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Sarah G

Pro-peace, anti-war, anti-violence.
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Jun 29, 2017
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God loves you. You are forgiven for your sins. Try to keep Jesus at the centre of things. Don't try to be perfect, none of us mere mortals are perfect.

Accept fictosexuality as part of yourself but put Jesus first in everything, always. The more we fill ourselves with love the less important the other things become. Jesus edges everything else out unless we ignore Jesus. I say just accept yourself and accept that Jesus loves you. Wrestling with the issue is what is causing the disturbance. Sit with it. It is what it is.
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Quid est Veritas?

In Memoriam to CS Lewis
Feb 27, 2016
South Africa
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Lust is a difficult thing to overcome.
From my perspective, the nature of your lust is not so strange. People role-play all the time, so is it really so different to use fictional characters? In fact, I would think it quite common to do so. I see no reason why it could not be incorporated into your relationship with your boyfriend if he is amenable to it. You aren't lusting after other men, but simulcra of men, which could just as easily be redirected to your actual partner. It is after all story, or narrative, that you are looking for here.

Be careful though, "You may have no other gods before Me". First and foremost must be your relationship with God, and He will lead you further. He will remake you into the image He wants, if you let Him.
We are all sinners and frequently we will be led down the path to sin again. Just let God pick you up, ask for forgiveness, and try again. God is a loving Father, who heard the prayer of the Publican more than the Pharisee, who welcomed home His prodigal son. He will be there for you if you let him, even if we sometimes struggle with it, for what we want isn't always what is best for us.
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John 3:16
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It sounds like the evil forces behind some of the fiction is having and impact on your spirit.

Sexual sin and temptation is very difficult once you allow the evil to get a foot hold, but with God's help He's managed to get me through my temptation and I've become more and more controlled because of Him.

Basically it comes down to "do you love Jesus Christ more than the lustful fantasies?"

Do you repent of the lustful fantasies? Do you want them? do you want to be cleansed and purified in Jesus Christ?

Do you want a Godly marriage?

Do you want to learn what God intended sex for?

Lust will lead to more and more depraved fantasies, there is no freedom when in bondage to sin.

Only in Christ Jesus is there freedom from the bondage sin causes.

He will set you free and forgive you, ask Him in repentance.

May God bless you sister.

Remember satan perverts the truth.

The attraction to more evil in fantasies is an indication the sin is getting worse.

Flee from the enemy, take refuge in Jesus Christ.

This is so true and very wise advice.
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Taking a break from CF
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Oct 18, 2016
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Maybe they do, maybe they don't. On the godless websites I visited while searching "christian forums", the godless members do laugh about it every day,
and how much they can stir 'Christians' up with fake posts - often going on for weeks or months with the original 'poster' not even needed to continue the debacle - there is such a great lack of discernment/ appraisal the threads may continue for months all based on an initial mockery of 'Christian sites' with a fake post.

They get entertainment without the fear of God.

When they meet Him, there will be no escaping the fear that will overcome them if they die in their sins without Christ Jesus.

God is not mocked and He will bring justice to all.

May we all believe Christ Jesus, for no one can stand righteous before Him.

God will use their evil for good, for those who love Him.

So a post that is fake can be used to teach His way and will.

So we need not worry what those who are perishing do for fun against God.

Instead we should pray for them.

P.S. I don't believe this OP is fake.
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Jun 23, 2016
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Said characters aren't flawless; in fact, the ones I'm attracted to are, in one way or another, criminals, and likely/canonically have attempted/committed murder. My boyfriend is the complete and total opposite, but I would choose him over any of them in a heartbeat. And yet...
Criminals in real life scare the absolute crap out of me. I could never imagine being five feet from one, much less in a relationship.
But there's something about the ones on the screen/audio/pages/etc. that intrigue me more than the most complex of human beings. They're all extremely dominant, jerky, and, frankly, sexy as hell. (Note: only one out of the bunch has ever been sexualized intentionally (and no, none of them are from anime) by the animators.) They're mysterious, intricate, and I'm ninety percent sure they can all be diagnosed with some kind of severe mental illness.

It's funny my first crush when I was little was on a comic book character who turned a little villainous too. Later in life I discovered Nausicaa who wasn't sexualized or a villain but if she were real, I would probably take a bullet for her. The character was of a spiritual nature that touched me deeply and stayed with me all my life.

Sounds like you've got some fantasies playing out lightly in the fictional world where it's 'safe'. The fictional characters are powerful, dangerous, and that's attractive to you. Surrendering to them is part of the draw. Same thing for a man who might want to be seduced across a line. It's form of lust idolatry. We want to worship and surrender to things, we like the sense of powerlessness (for a while anyway) and tell ourselves it excuses our own responsibility (even though we asked and wished for it). The characters aren't necessarily mysterious and intricate (their creator hasn't filled in the holes, so your mind is filling them in or anticipating that they will be filled in in a way that is exciting you). They probably have no questions or qualms, never worry about paying the bills. There's nothing mundane about them to dis-attract you because the author simply never put that in. Why would they? It's not mysterious or intricate. lol. It's cheating.

Let me ask you a question which I think will be telling, when was the last time one of them prayed, or are they all 'their own Gods'?
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 13, 2016
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I believe the OP is real. There are people who experience sexual attraction to fictional characters, as odd as that may sound.

I think it has to do with control. The OP said she sought refuge in cartoons as a kid to escape her parents' fighting. It was her way of dealing with a situation she couldn't control. Fictional situations and characters provide an escape from reality and a safe place to "let go," to surrender the need for control. Also, sometimes when children find a way to cope with scary situations, the source of comfort they rely on later brings sexual pleasure because it is familiar and safe. It makes sense, but it clearly has to be dealt with because it's causing some cognitive dissonance now.

Ultimately, while I think the fantasizing should be avoided, I don't think it will ever stop until the OP deals with the causes - the need to escape life and the prioritizing of fantasy over reality. It's not fair to her future husband if she puts animated characters before him. This won't be overcome easily, as it's deeply ingrained, but I think the OP has to confront her uncomfortable feelings about her childhood head-on. I think that's the key to moving on and being able to experience healthy intimacy with her future husband. The fictosexuality has been preventing her from fully committing to her boyfriend because she is afraid to do so. Full commitment brings with it vulnerability and the possibility of loss, which people have to accept before they are able to have a mature and healthy marriage.
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Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
United States
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In Relationship
Maybe they do, maybe they don't. On the godless websites I visited while searching "christian forums", the godless members do laugh about it every day,
and how much they can stir 'Christians' up with fake posts - often going on for weeks or months with the original 'poster' not even needed to continue the debacle - there is such a great lack of discernment/ appraisal the threads may continue for months all based on an initial mockery of 'Christian sites' with a fake post.

Forgive me, but if this were a fake post, would I really go to all the trouble to type that ENTIRE page? It took me almost three hours, and that includes editing. I'm on this site because there is currently nowhere else for me to go. Please don't be one of the people who refuse to help me just because my issues seem less realistic than yours. I assure you, this is not a troll.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Forgive me, but if this were a fake post, would I really go to all the trouble to type that ENTIRE page? It took me almost three hours, and that includes editing. I'm on this site because there is currently nowhere else for me to go. Please don't be one of the people who refuse to help me just because my issues seem less realistic than yours. I assure you, this is not a troll.
No worries. You came back.

Many never show up again after a post.

The healing and nurturing and training and truth is available from God through Jesus, and in His Word,
including freedom from most all the troubles of the flesh and world and spirit world.

On an open to the world forum like this, it's hard to tell if anyone is ever helped or not - a lot of posters have questioned this, and there's been few positive responses.

Realize most visitors are not in line with the Bible at all, and it is not a requirement to be in line with the Bible in order to post; so most posts are not helpful. Everything must be tested, perhaps verified more than once, before believing it or trusting anything.

God's Word is tried, proven, tested and true. He is faithful and healing is found in His Word, and in all who follow Jesus. (in truth)
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Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
United States
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In Relationship
It sounds like the evil forces behind some of the fiction is having and impact on your spirit.

Sexual sin and temptation is very difficult once you allow the evil to get a foot hold, but with God's help He's managed to get me through my temptation and I've become more and more controlled because of Him.

Basically it comes down to "do you love Jesus Christ more than the lustful fantasies?"

Do you repent of the lustful fantasies? Do you want them? do you want to be cleansed and purified in Jesus Christ?

Do you want a Godly marriage?

Do you want to learn what God intended sex for?

Lust will lead to more and more depraved fantasies, there is no freedom when in bondage to sin.

Only in Christ Jesus is there freedom from the bondage sin causes.

He will set you free and forgive you, ask Him in repentance.

May God bless you sister.

Remember satan perverts the truth.

The attraction to more evil in fantasies is an indication the sin is getting worse.

Flee from the enemy, take refuge in Jesus Christ.

That makes sense. Thank you. I guess I'm debating about whether it actually is a sin or if this is just who I am. I suppose it's difficult from an outsider to understand, but I don't recall ever being attracted to anyone in real life. Would this not indicate that I've been attacked with this temptation before I was given to chance to discover the alternative?
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Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
United States
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In Relationship
No worries. You came back.

Many never show up again after a post.

The healing and nurturing and training and truth is available from God through Jesus, and in His Word,
including freedom from most all the troubles of the flesh and world and spirit world.

On an open to the world forum like this, it's hard to tell if anyone is ever helped or not - a lot of posters have questioned this, and there's been few positive responses.

Realize most visitors are not in line with the Bible at all, and it is not a requirement to be in line with the Bible in order to post; so most posts are not helpful. Everything must be tested, perhaps verified more than once, before believing it or trusting anything.

God's Word is tried, proven, tested and true. He is faithful and healing is found in His Word, and in all who follow Jesus. (in truth)

Thanks for replying.
I know this is going to sound out of line for a Christian, but I honestly find it difficult to believe that all of His word is "tried, proven, tested, and true." From my experience, the majority of my beliefs are a result of faith, as I have been debating with people, including my own father, about the legitimacy of the Bible. I suppose the whole "if-you-do-a-thing-that-in-no-way-affects-anyone-else-but-I-want-to-micromanage-it-anyway-and-I-say-it's-bad-you-should-be-put-to-death-and-then-cast-into-a-boiling-lava-pit-forever" thing has sort of put me through a tailspin recently. I know this is an arrogant statement, but I feel this site is the best place to challenge my perception of God, the world, and overall reality against those who likely have more knowledge of this than I do. I guess some clarification or an opposing viewpoint would comfort me a bit, which you have provided, so thank you. But my questions still remain.
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Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
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What is the simplest, overall question you have, if it can be narrowed down to one ?

Why am I like this?
Why did He allow this to happen?
What did I do to make Him so angry with me as a child that I can't feel what is supposed to be natural attraction to my lover?
Why can't I just go about a normal life without this interfering and making me question if I'm going to Hell every five minutes?
I've been diagnosed with anxiety on the same level as someone twice my age, and this burden of mine is most certainly NOT helping.
Just... why?
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
What did I do to make Him so angry with me as a child
He sent His Son Jesus to be born a man in the midst of an evil generation where He was tempted in every way as all men are.

His Purpose is to seek and to save the lost, as many as will come to Him.

He heals all who come to Him - only He can.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Just... why?
He might heal you years before you ever find out "why?" it all happened.

He knows how, perfectly. A few of His children know how to heal you also, as Jesus has trained His disciples, in line with His Word - simply (not complicated).
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Why am I like this?
Why did He allow this to happen?

If it is any comfort - everyone starts out dead in sin and trespasses, literally slaves of sin and of unrighteousness; perhaps a few seeming exceptions sanctified by a believing parent.

Basically, you're not going through something unique - many have been through the same temptations, trials, and doubts.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Martha Joyce

Jul 28, 2017
Austin, Texas
United States
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In Relationship
I believe the OP is real. There are people who experience sexual attraction to fictional characters, as odd as that may sound.

I think it has to do with control. The OP said she sought refuge in cartoons as a kid to escape her parents' fighting. It was her way of dealing with a situation she couldn't control. Fictional situations and characters provide an escape from reality and a safe place to "let go," to surrender the need for control. Also, sometimes when children find a way to cope with scary situations, the source of comfort they rely on later brings sexual pleasure because it is familiar and safe. It makes sense, but it clearly has to be dealt with because it's causing some cognitive dissonance now.

Ultimately, while I think the fantasizing should be avoided, I don't think it will ever stop until the OP deals with the causes - the need to escape life and the prioritizing of fantasy over reality. It's not fair to her future husband if she puts animated characters before him. This won't be overcome easily, as it's deeply ingrained, but I think the OP has to confront her uncomfortable feelings about her childhood head-on. I think that's the key to moving on and being able to experience healthy intimacy with her future husband. The fictosexuality has been preventing her from fully committing to her boyfriend because she is afraid to do so. Full commitment brings with it vulnerability and the possibility of loss, which people have to accept before they are able to have a mature and healthy marriage.

This is, by far, probably one of the most comforting responses I have received. So thank you.
I'm a huge psychology buff, and believe it or not, I have definitely read into this. The only problem is that I've been searching for the answers, and I've actually figured a lot of it out. (That is why I included that paragraph in the first place.) But these feelings feel like like an invading force and more like a... part of me. Like they always have. I don't know what this means, or where I will end up because of it, but I have confronted my parents and my own emotions about my past. As expected, they all have completely different stories. I feel like I've been severely damaged by what happened-- I have many emotional issues, and it is very likely I am suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder, which is caused exclusively by trauma-- but my parents say it really wasn't that terrible, and that I'm exaggerating for attention and the like. But how else can any of what i'm thinking or feeling be explained? There are so many mysteries, and I've been repeatedly abused by many of my family members, all extremely manipulative people underneath the surface of their smiles. It makes me sick. I've been searching for so long, and it's been nothing short of exhausting, and at this point, I wonder why I have to be digging into what I should have left behind a long time ago instead of moving into my future and forgetting about it. As childish as this may sound, it just doesn't seem fair.
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