Mystery Babylon

May 30, 2024
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Hi @Daniel&Revelation777 .

Thanks, and you're welcome. :)

This would take a very long time to explain because most Christians are not taught the proper symbolism of the Serpent...

Revelation 12:15
"And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood."

Christians are almost always looking 'outwardly' for the answers (e.g. current events, empires, world leaders, geopolitics, etc.). They failed to seek the Kingdom of God Within first (i.e., human biology/physiology) and compare Scripture to it.

Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

That is where to find the ultimate Truth. I will show you the 'Meat of the Word' that is never taught.

The Serpent (note it does not say Dragon, there is a difference) in Revelation 12:15 represents a phallus that is casting seminal fluid out of its 'mouth'. That is what the symbolism is ultimately teaching. Words like 'waters', 'flood', 'rivers', etc. have a euphemistic meaning to them.

2 Samuel 22:5
"When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid"

Seminal fluid may contain a 'flood of ungodly men' in it that have not been conceived yet. Do you understand? Look...

Isaiah 8:7 (New International Version)
“Therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the Euphrates— the king of Assyria with all his pomp. It will overflow all its channels, run over all its banks.”

The 'mighty floodwaters' refer to the King of Assyria and his army. The symbolism is consistent throughout the Bible. For example, the Masculine Throne (Phallus) in New Jerusalem (Womb) is 'watering' or FERTILIZING the Feminine Tree of Life (Ovary) via the 'Waters' (Seminal Fluid). Why? Because it is all about becoming Born Again... literally.

Thus, the Serpent is trying to cast its 'Serpent Seed' at the Woman on the Moon. Why? The Woman is carrying Abraham's Seed. The Serpent is trying to impregnate her first so that the Woman conceives an 'ungodly man' instead of Isaac, Jacob, David, Jesus, etc. The Serpent is trying to corrupt the lineage from Abraham/Sarah to Joseph/Mary. It is a Seed War. It is describing Biology.

Again, Christians have no idea what they are reading because they are never taught the 'Meat of the Word', i.e. Adult Education. The symbolism is meant for anyone in any timeline to understand using basic human physiology as a guide.

If you are looking for the 'Milk of the Word' understanding, I will post it last.

Using the 'Kingdom of God Within' method of interpretation (as we are instructed to do first), we discover that Earth is anthropomorphized as a 'Mother'. Not just any Mother however, but the BIOLOGICAL MOTHER of the Human Race. That is the symbolism. She represents our corrupt genetics. This is why we need Salvation. It is a Biology issue.

Earthly Jerusalem therefore represents Earth's Womb. The Jerusalem Temple represents the Zygote by which our Temple Body is wrought from. That is what Scripture teaches. We are born from the 'lowest parts of the Earth' (i.e., Most Holy Place)...

Psalms 139:15
"My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth."

Again, it is euphemism. Thus, when Earthly Jerusalem (the 'Womb' of Mystery Babylon) 'sits' on a 'Mountain', it is a picture of procreation...

Revelation 17:9
"And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."

Mountains are also representative of the Male Phallus. And since you now know that the 'Serpent Heads' of the Dragon represent the Male Phallus, you can deduce what the 'Waters' are that she 'sits' on...

Revelation 17:1-2
"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

The Harlot 'sits' (fornicates) with the 'heads' (Male Member) by which proceed 'Many Waters' (Seminal Fluid) thus conceiving Seven Kings.

Again, the 'Waters' is a flood of ungodly men before conception...

Revelation 17:15
"And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."

Christians have no idea that the Peoples, Multitudes, Nations and Tongues are referring to those that she gave birth to! In other words, the entire Human Race.

There is much more of course.

Anyhow, here is something I posted in another thread...
Thank you for the very thorough and detailed explanation of this view; which is one I've never heard before. It's quite interesting and needs to be studied and analyzed further. Thanks again for sharing.
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Oct 17, 2013
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The Angel told John that the "Great City" RULES (present tense) over the Kings of the Earth. What City was ruling over the Kings of the Earth in John's day? Rome.
Jerusalem (Judaism) was the spiritual ruler of the known world at that time. The Book of Revelation was written in the 60s AD, so it was in the present tense. Jerusalem was still standing.
Was Jerusalem ruling the Kings of the Earth at that time or was it being ruled by the Romans?
Jerusalem was a Roman Province being governed by puppet Kings for the Roman Empire. Technically, Jesus wasn't crucified in Jerusalem but outside of the city at a place called Golgotha.
The Romans mostly left the Jews alone.

Jesus blamed Jerusalem for the killing of the prophets. Jesus was condemned to die in Jerusalem. It was not permitted at that time to crucify people within the city's gates.

Matthew 23-37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you murder the Prophets and stone the messengers sent to you! How often have I longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not allow it!

Luke 11:49-51 “That is why the Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them Prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,’ 50 so that this generation may be charged with the responsibility for the blood of all the Prophets shed since the foundation of the world, 51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who perished between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will have to answer for it all.

Luke 13:33 Yet I must continue to go on today and tomorrow and the next day, since it would not be right for a prophet to be killed outside Jerusalem.

The great city is being likened spiritually to sodom (a city) and Egypt (a NATION) where also Jesus was crucified. so whichever way we want to look at it, Jesus was crucified within a Roman province, which was part of the Roman Empire, of which its capital was Rome, Italy; which ruled over the Kings of the earth.

The great city was Jerusalem. Jerusalem sits on seven mountains. The OT was about the Israelites, Jews, Jerusalem and its temple, and the coming of the promised Messiah.
If you disagree, please show when in history did Jerusalem rule over the Kings of the earth prior to or after its destruction in 70 AD...
Also please explain how Jerusalem being destroyed causes the great merchants of the earth became rich from the abundance of her delicacies and how they weep and wail at her destruction because no one buys their merchandise anymore; and how the ships of the sea stand afar watching for fear of her torment?
Apocalyptic language is mostly not literal.
A spiritual ruling is what is meant. The Jews worshipped the one true God. God is actually the ruler over all.
The prominent Jews were wealthy. Their seaport/harbor was Jaffa-Joppa. The Jews imported many things from foreign countries. The smoke from the burning of Jerusalem was seen by people on the ships in this harbor, according to Josephus, the Jewish historian.

The reason the Mother harlot is called Mystery BABYLON the great, is because it was to rule over the then known world at that time JUST as ancient Babylon did when it conquered the surrounding Nations and ruled them with an iron rod. Ancient Babylon also destroyed Jerusalem. We see Rome accomplished both these feats.
Jerusalem is the harlot. Jerusalem is Mystery Babylon. Jerusalem/Jews rejected its own Messiah. The Bible is mostly about spiritual things.

Old covenant Israel and Jerusalem were referred to as a Harlot because of their wicked deeds, idolatry, and worship of false gods, they were unfaithful. In the same way, part of New Covenant Israel (The Christian Church) would also be unfaithful and become the Mother of Harlots through the Roman Catholic Papacy which mixes Paganism with Christianity, and also historically persecuted the Saints through the dark ages and the inqusition.
You are mistaken about the Catholic Church. We have had good popes and bad popes, just as Jesus had his Judas in his own time, just as the apostles had their own betrayers.

The Dark Ages weren't really dark, but that is different topic.

It is not prudent to judge previous centuries by current standards. The true history of the Inquisition isn't anything like most people have been taught, but that is a different topic.

The official teaching of the Catholic Church does not mix Christianity with paganism. Why do you think it does?
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Oct 17, 2013
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@Jan001, I want to make a correction to my previous post... I meant to say Judea was a Roman Province not Jerusalem. Also I'd like to clarify my question better: "please explain how Jerusalem fits the description about the great merchants of the earth becoming rich from the abundance of her delicacies, and how they weep and wail at her destruction since no one buys their merchandise anymore; and how the ships of the sea stand far off watching for fear of her torment?
The prominent Jews were wealthy. Their seaport/harbor was Jaffa-Joppa. The Jews imported many things from foreign countries which made these foreign merchants wealthy. The Jews provided their own goods to sell to these foreign merchants, who then re-sold them to others.

The smoke from the burning of Jerusalem was seen by people on the ships in this harbor, according to Josephus, the Jewish historian. The foreign merchants were dismayed that they would no longer be able to buy from the Jews or to sell to the Jews.
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May 30, 2024
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Jerusalem (Judaism) was the spiritual ruler of the known world at that time. Apocalyptic language is mostly not literal. A spiritual ruling is what is meant.
This is pure conjecture with no supportable scriptural evidence to back it up. The symbology of the book of revelation deals with literal historical events & their fulfillment and NOT Spiritual ruling. The 7 Mountains were interpreted by the Angel to be 7 "Kings." Do Kings have Kingdoms? Many times in the old testament Mountains are symbolic of Kingdoms/Nations: …

Jeremiah 51:24-25
Before your very eyes I will repay Babylon and all the dwellers of Chaldea for all the evil they have done in Zion,” declares the LORD.
25Behold, I am against you, O destroying MOUNTAIN, you who devastate the whole earth, declares the LORD. I will stretch out My hand against you; I will roll you over the cliffs and turn you into a charred mountain.

So scripturally, the Woman (A city) sits on (rules over) 7 Mountains, which are 7 Kings (Kingdoms).

The Angel interpreted the Waters on which the Woman sits to be peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. The book of Daniel (which is the prequel to Revelation and ties into it) interprets all of the dreams of nebuchadnezzar and Daniel's own visions to have been symbolic of literal physical Kingdoms, their Kings, and historical events. The statue represented the Literal 4 Kingdoms, the 4 beasts represented the 4 Kingdoms, The Ram and He-goat represented Medo-Persia and Greece; and on and on and on and on...

So when the Angel tells us that the Great city rules over the Kings of the Earth, he's clealry not talking about a "Spiritual ruling" as you erroneously assert (and can't prove scripturally or historically), but is talking about a City that would literally rule over the then known World. That's why it was called Mystery BABYLON the Great. It would rule over the known world just as Babylon did and would destroy the temple just as ancient babylon did.

So your theory has no scriptural foundation, but is the product of eisegeses through conjecture, red herrings, and reading into the text. This single point in and of itself disqualifies Jerusalem from being Babylon the Great and the Mother of Harlots.
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This is pure conjecture with no supportable scriptural evidence to back it up. The symbology of the book of revelation deals with literal historical events & their fulfillment and NOT Spiritual ruling. The 7 Mountains were interpreted by the Angel to be 7 "Kings." Do Kings have Kingdoms? Many times in the old testament Mountains are symbolic of Kingdoms/Nations: …
The cities of Jerusalem and pagan Rome were both literally associated with seven mountains. Yes, it can also mean seven kings.

Jeremiah 51:24-25
Before your very eyes I will repay Babylon and all the dwellers of Chaldea for all the evil they have done in Zion,” declares the LORD.
25Behold, I am against you, O destroying MOUNTAIN, you who devastate the whole earth, declares the LORD. I will stretch out My hand against you; I will roll you over the cliffs and turn you into a charred mountain.
The Book of Revelation is mostly about God's relationship with the Jews.
Jerusalem was compared to Babylon in the book of Revelation. Jerusalem was also compared to Sodom and Egypt. Please note that these are pagan. Jerusalem had sunk to the depravities of the pagans. Worse than that, the Jews rejected their Messiah. They claimed that Caesar was their king.

John 19:15 But they shouted, “Away with him! Away with him! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them, · “Shall I crucify · your king?” The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar!” and the Mother of Harlots.
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Mar 6, 2024
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Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

The seven mountains identify where the woman sits - Rome.

And there are seven kings associated with the place where the woman sits - Rome

Revelation 17 is not about "the rich history of the Old Testament and everything the Israelites went through".

You are making rookie mistakes that avoid common sense.

Mistake #1
A person cannot sit on top of seven mountains at the same time. This is something that is very obvious. She sits on them one at a time over many years, decades, centuries, etc.

Mistake #2
The Seven Mountains are symbolic of Seven Kings. They are not literal mountains. This translation is more accurate...

Revelation 17:9-10
This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings.

You chose a vague translation to somehow disassociate the Mountains from the Kings. So what if Rome has 'seven hills' or whatever. My backyard has seven hills. Your exegesis is faulty.
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Mar 6, 2024
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Thank you for the very thorough and detailed explanation of this view; which is one I've never heard before. It's quite interesting and needs to be studied and analyzed further. Thanks again for sharing.

I made a few presentations on this and other topics. They are very long because of all of the verses quoted. I will post one for future reference for everyone here.

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May 30, 2024
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"The cities of Jerusalem and pagan Rome were both literally associated with seven mountains. Yes, it can also mean seven kings."
I respectfully disagree Jan001. We don't get to pick and choose unsupportable interpretations of what the mountains represent; especially since the Angel and the old testament, already irrefutably prove that Mountains are symbolic of Kingdoms (which naturally have Kings/Kingships). So the Angel is NOT saying that the 7 Mountains are 7 literal dirt & rock mountains BUT KINGDOMS. That's why he says "They are also 7 Kings" because Kingdoms have Kings. So it's not that "it can also mean seven kings" as you erroneously claim, but it's the exact meaning: 7 Mountains = 7 Kings/Kingdoms.

If you disagree, then please explain what the Angel means when he says "5 have fallen, ONE IS, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he must remain a short time." Did 5 of the literal mounds of dirt and rock fall from their places? Was there only ONE mountain at the time John received the message? What about the one that has not yet come? It obviously wasn't there per the Words of the Angel.

We can see the absurdity of this position, which is clearly refuted by the scriptures themselves when we employ hermeneutics & proper exegesis.

The rest of your explanation is more eisegeses through conjecture.
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Oct 17, 2013
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I respectfully disagree Jan001. We don't get to pick and choose unsupportable interpretations of what the mountains represent; especially since the Angel and the old testament, already irrefutably prove that Mountains are symbolic of Kingdoms (which naturally have Kings/Kingships). So the Angel is NOT saying that the 7 Mountains are 7 literal dirt & rock mountains BUT KINGDOMS. That's why he says "They are also 7 Kings" because Kingdoms have Kings. So it's not that "it can also mean seven kings" as you erroneously claim, but it's the exact meaning: 7 Mountains = 7 Kings/Kingdoms.
You have your opinion. Not everyone agrees with you.

Revelation 17:9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings: MOUNCE

If you disagree, then please explain what the Angel means when he says "5 have fallen, ONE IS, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he must remain a short time." Did 5 of the literal mounds of dirt and rock fall from their places? Was there only ONE mountain at the time John received the message? What about the one that has not yet come? It obviously wasn't there per the Words of the Angel.
I think it was seven Caesars. The Book of Revelation was written during the reign of Nero, the antichrist.


Note that Galba did not last very long. Neither did Otho nor Vitellius. Jerusalem was destroyed by the end of 70 AD.
  1. Julius Caesar (44 b.c.)
  2. Augustus (27 b.c.-a.d. 14)
  3. Tiberius (14-37)
  4. Caligula (37-41)
  5. Claudius (41-54)
  6. Nero (54-68) The Book of Revelation was written in the mid-60s to help the Christians stay faithful in their time of tribulation.
  7. Galba, Otho, Vitellius (68-69)

We can see the absurdity of this position, which is clearly refuted by the scriptures themselves when we employ hermeneutics & proper exegesis.

The rest of your explanation is more eisegeses through conjecture.
Like I said before, this is your opinion.
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