McCains Endorcements and Support Growing

Oct 11, 2008
United States
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Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher "Joe the Plumber"

U.S. Senators
Sen. Wayne Allard (R-CO)
Sen. Bob Bennett (R-UT) citation needed
Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) citation needed
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), former presidential candidate
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Ranking Member of Senate Homeland Security Committee
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) citation needed
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) citation needed
Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) citation needed
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) citation needed
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Senate Minority Whip
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Chairman of Senate Homeland Security Committee and Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee
Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee citation needed
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Minority Leader
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR), Ranking Member of Senate Aging Committee
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Ranking Member of Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee
Sen. John Thune (R-SD)
Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH)
Sen. John Warner (R-VA), former Chairman of Senate Armed Services Committee
Fmr. Sen. George Allen (R-VA)
Fmr. Sen. Howard Baker (R-TN), former Senate Majority Leader and Senate Minority Leader
Fmr. Sen. Rudy Boschwitz (R-MN)
Fmr. Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT)
Fmr. Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN)
Fmr. Sen. Al D'Amato (R-NY)
Fmr. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Fmr. Sen. John Danforth (R-MO) also served as Ambassador to the United Nations
Fmr. Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH)
Fmr. Sen. Daniel J. Evans (R-WA), also served as Governor of Washington
Fmr. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL)
Fmr. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA)
Fmr. Sen. Phil Gramm (R-TX)
Fmr. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum Baker (R-KS)
Fmr. Sen. Bob Kasten (R-WI)
Fmr. Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS), former Senate Majority Leader and Senate Minority Whip
Fmr. Sen. Mack Mattingly (R-GA)
Fmr. Sen. Don Nickles (R-OK)
Fmr. Sen. Warren Rudman (R-NH)
Fmr. Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN), former presidential candidate
U.S. Representatives
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL)
Rep. Michele Bachmann(R-MN)
Rep. Michael N. Castle (R-DE)
Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA)
Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
Rep. Thelma Drake (R-VA)
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
Rep. Ric Keller (R-FL)
Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL)
Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL)
Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH)
Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA)
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Rep. Chip Pickering (R-MS)
Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN)
Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Member of House Foreign Affairs Committee
Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ)
Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT)
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL)
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)
Fmr. Rep. Steve Bartlett (R-TX)
Fmr. Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH)
Fmr. Rep. Thomas Bliley (R-VA)
Fmr. Rep. Jim Courter (R-NJ)
Fmr. Rep. Joseph J. DioGuardi (R-NY)
Fmr. Rep. Charles Douglas III (R-NH)
Fmr. Rep. and Ambassador Fred J. Eckert (R-NY)
Fmr. Rep. Louis Frey, Jr. (R-FL)
Fmr. Rep. Greg Ganske (R-IA)
Fmr. Rep. Barry Goldwater, Jr.
Fmr. Rep. Van Hilleary (R-TN)
Fmr. Rep. Jack Kemp (R-NY)
Fmr. Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ)
Fmr. Rep. Steven Kuykendall (R-CA)
Fmr. Rep. Tom Loeffler (R-TX)
Fmr. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY)
Fmr. Rep. Mark Neumann (R-WI)
Fmr. Rep. Tim Penny (D-MN)
Fmr. Rep. Frank Riggs (R-CA)
Fmr. Rep. Joe Schwarz (R-MI)
Fmr. Rep. Rob Simmons (R-CT)
Fmr. Rep. Dick Zimmer (R-NJ)
Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS)
Gov. Matt Blunt (R-MO)
Gov. Charlie Crist (R-FL)
Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN)
Gov. Jim Douglas (R-VT)
Gov. John Hoeven (R-ND)
Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. (R-UT)
Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA)
Gov. Linda Lingle (R-HI)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), Chairman of the National Governors Association, National co-Chair of "McCain for President"
Gov. Sonny Perdue (R-GA)
Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX)
Gov. Bob Riley (R-AL)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA)
Fmr. Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL), brother to President George W. Bush, and son to former President George H.W. Bush
Fmr. Gov. Paul Cellucci (R-MA), former U.S. Ambassador to Canada
Fmr. Gov. Bill Clements (R-TX)
Fmr. Gov. George Deukmejian (R-CA)
Fmr. Gov. Donald DiFrancesco (R-NJ)
Fmr. Gov. Winfield Dunn (R-TN)
Fmr. Gov. Jim Edgar (R-IL)
Fmr. Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich (R-MD)
Fmr. Gov. Jim Gilmore (R-VA) Former presidential candidate
Fmr. Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR), former presidential candidate
Fmr. Gov. Thomas Kean (R-NJ), / Commission Co-Chair
Fmr. Gov. Frank Keating (R-OK)
Fmr. Gov. John McKernan (R-ME)
Fmr. Gov. Bill Owens (R-CO)
Fmr. Gov. Tom Ridge (R-PA), first Secretary of Homeland Security
Fmr. Gov. Buddy Roemer (R-LA)
Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), former presidential candidate
Fmr. Gov. Don Sundquist (R-TN)
Fmr. Acting Gov. Jane Swift (R-MA)
Fmr. Gov. James R. Thompson (R-IL)
Fmr. Gov. Tommy Thompson (R-WI) former presidential candidate
Senator McCain has been endorsed by over generals and admirals from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps , among them:
Lieutenant General John B. Conaway, USAF (Ret.) - former Chief of the National Guard Bureau
General James B. Davis, USAF (Ret.) - former Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe (NATO)
Colonel George "Bud" Day, USAF (Ret.) - Medal of Honor recipient
Rear Admiral Jeremiah Denton, USN (Ret.) - Navy Cross recipient
Admiral S. Robert Foley, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
Admiral Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command
Admiral James L. Holloway III, USN (Ret.) - former Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, USN (Ret.) - former Director of the NSA
Admiral Jerome L. Johnson, USN (Ret.) - former Vice Chief of Naval Operations
General James L. Jones, USMC (Ret.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps
General P.X. Kelley, USMC (Ret.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps
Admiral Robert J. "Barney" Kelly, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
Admiral Frank Kelso, USN (Ret.) - former Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral George "Gus" Kinnear, USN (Ret.) - former Commander of Air Force, Atlantic Fleet
Admiral Charles R. "Chuck" Larson, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command
Admiral Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe
Captain Jim Lovell, USN (Ret.) - former NASA astronaut, commander of Apollo
Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
Admiral Paul David Miller, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet
Rear Admiral Benjamin F. Montoya, USN (Ret.) - former Chief of Naval Civil Engineer Corps
General Carl E. Mundy, Jr., USMC (Ret.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps
Vice Admiral John R. Ryan, USN (Ret.) - former Superintendent of the Naval Academy
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, USA (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Central Command
Admiral Leighton W. Smith, Jr., USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe
Colonel Leo K. Thorsness, USAF (Ret.) - Medal of Honor recipient
Lieutenant General James A. Williams, USA (Ret.) - former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
Admiral Ronald J. Zlatoper, USN (Ret.) - former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
Tommy Joe Alexander of Irondale, Alabama
Carlos Alvarez of Miami-Dade County
Alan Autry of Fresno
Greg Ballard of Indianapolis
Rich Crotty of Orange County, Florida
Richard J. Gerbounka of Linden, New Jersey (I-NJ)
Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, former presidential candidate
State, local, and territorial officials
Jeffrey L. Barnhart, Member of the North Carolina General Assembly.
Peter Bragdon, State Senator in New Hampshire.
Michael Downing, State Senator in New Hampshire.
John Gallus, State Senator in New Hampshire.
Ted Gatsas, State Senator in New Hampshire.
Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr., State Senator in North Carolina.
Leonard Lance, former member of the New Jersey General Assembly and Congressional candidate.
Steven Lukan, State Representative in Iowa.
Mike May, State Representative in Iowa.
Bob McDonnell, Virginia Attorney General
Larry McKibben, State Senator in Iowa.
Michelle McManus, State Senator in Michigan.
John Pappageorge, State Senator in Michigan.
John Putney, State Senator in Iowa.
Randy Richardville, State Senator in Michigan.
Fred Smith, State Senator in North Carolina.
Pat Ward, State Senator in Iowa.
Other political figures
George Argyros, former United States Ambassador to Spain, billionaire, and former Major League Baseball owner
Debra Bartoshevich (D), Fmr. Hillary Clinton Delegate
John Rusling Block, former Secretary of Agriculture
John R. Bolton, former Ambassador to the UN under President George W. Bush
Otis R. Bowen, former Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Indiana Governor
James H. Burnley IV, former Secretary of Transportation
Fmr. Ambassador Chuck Cobb citation needed
Fmr. Ambassador Sue Cobb citation needed
William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr., former Secretary of Transportation under President Gerald Ford
Lawrence Eagleburger, former Secretary of State under President George H.W. Bush
Barbara Hackman Franklin, former Secretary of Commerce under President George H.W. Bush citation needed
Alexander Haig, former Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan
Henry Kissinger, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford.
Ann McLaughlin Korologos former Secretary of Labor, DC
Fmr. Ambassador Thomas Patrick Melady
Fmr. Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher
Fmr. Secretary of Commerce Peter George Peterson
Fmr. FCC chairman Michael Powell
Anthony Principi, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs citation needed
Nancy Reagan, wife of the late President Ronald Reagan and former First Lady of the United States
Karl Rove, former political advisor to President Bush
George Shultz, former Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan
James R. Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford citation needed
R. James Woolsey, Jr., former CIA Director under President Bill Clinton.
National figures
Francis J. Beckwith, director of the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies and an associate professor of Church-State studies at Baylor University
Robert Gleason, Chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania
John C. Hagee, founder and senior pastor of the evangelical mega-church Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas
Fmr. Treasurer of the United States Rosario Marin (CA)
Rod Parsley, televangelist and senior pastor of World Harvest Church in Columbus, Ohio citation needed

Business People
Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard
Steve Forbes, magazine publisher, former GOP presidential candidate ( , )
Deal W. Hudson, Conservative publisher.
Tom Monaghan, Founder of Domino's Pizza.
Frederick W. Smith, Founder, chairman, president, and CEO of FedEx.
Donald Trump, Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization
Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay
Stephen Baldwin, actor
Pat Boone, singer
Wilford Brimley, actor
Jerry Bruckheimer, producer
James Caan, actor
Dean Cain, actor
Jon Cryer, actor
Daddy Yankee (Ramon Ayala), musician
Charlie Daniels, musician
Robert Davi, actor
Robert Duvall, actor
Clint Eastwood, actor and director
Erik Estrada, actor
Joe Eszterhas, screenwriter
Lou Ferrigno, actor and bodybuilder
Kelsey Grammer, actor
Lee Greenwood, musician, often performs "God Bless the USA" at McCain/Palin rallies
Angie Harmon, actress
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of The View
Patricia Heaton, actress
Victoria Jackson, comedian
Lorenzo Lamas, actor
Gerald McRaney, actor
Dennis Miller, comedian
Heidi Montag, Hollywood figure
Craig T. Nelson, actor
Gail O'Grady, actress
John Ondrasik, singer
John Ratzenberger, actor
John Rich, musician
Shauna Sand, actress
Tom Selleck, actor
Gary Sinise, actor
Kevin Sorbo, actor
Sylvester Stallone, actor
Connie Stevens, actress
Rip Torn, actor
Janine Turner, actress and author
Dick Van Patten, actor
Jon Voight, actor
Hank Williams, Jr. musician, often performs at McCain/Palin rallies
Gretchen Wilson, musician, often performs at McCain/Palin rallies
James Woods, actor
Foreign entertainers
Eduardo Verástegui, Mexican actor
Athletes and Sportspeople
Troy Aikman, former Dallas Cowboys quarterback
Mario Andretti, former racecar driver
Bill Davidson, owner of the Detroit Pistons
John Elway, Hall of Fame Denver Broncos quarterback
Joe Gibbs, former Washington Redskins head coach and NASCAR team owner
Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner
Mike Helton, NASCAR President
Ken Kennedy, WWE wrestler
Robert Kraft, New England Patriots owner
Al Leiter, Former MLB Pitcher.
Chuck Liddell, MMA fighter
Art Modell, former owner of the Browns and Ravens
Jack Nicklaus, golf champion
Lute Olson, Fmr. Arizona Univ. Basketball Coach
Arnold Palmer, former PGA player
Bo Pelini, Head Coach, University of Nebraska Football Team
Richard Petty, -time NASCAR champion
Brady Quinn, Cleveland Browns backup quarterback
Dan Reeves, Former NFL Coach
Rhino, TNA wrestler
Nolan Ryan, Hall of Fame pitcher
Curt Schilling, Boston Red Sox pitcher
Jason Sehorn, retired New York Giants cornerback
Roger Staubach, Hall of Fame Dallas Cowboys quarterback
George Steinbrenner, owner of the New York Yankees
Joe Thomas, left tackle for the Cleveland Browns
Conservative Party of New York
Independence Party of New York
National Rifle Association
Republicans for Environmental Protection
Reform Party of the United States of America
Log Cabin Republicans
Other people
Esperanza Aguirre, the conservative president of Madrid (equivalent to mayor)
Morris J. Amitay, AIPAC.
Charles Krauthammer, Conservative political pundit
Michael Savage, radio host
Phil Stuhl, Camden County, NJ Republican Committee


Junior Member
Sep 6, 2008
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Okay. Bunch of Republican politicians who know which side their bread is buttered on. Lieberman, who doesn't. Right wing radio hosts like Michael Savage (big surprise here), a bevy of washed-up entertainers (Pat Boone is still alive?!), and a few disaffected Hillary-ites.

Very impressive.
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invisible trousers

~*this post promotes non-nicene christianity*~
Apr 22, 2005
Endorsements and support growing? Hardly.

Editor & Publisher keeps a running tally of newspaper endorsements. The latest shows 222 dailies backing the Obama-Biden ticket versus only 93 for McCain-Palin. Notably, at least 43 papers that endorsed Bush in 2004 have switched over to the Democrat.

Lest we forget Wikipedia's list of Obama's endorsements. I won't copy the entries because it's simply too long to list:,_2008
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Feb 10, 2008
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Half your 'endorsements' say "citation needed" on them.

You'll have to forgive me if I vote for the candidate that doesn't have a Red Sox pitcher backing him :p

To be fair, the Wikipedia mods are such a pain and are so extremely anal about everything, most of the time its not justified. I edited an entry, I forgot what it was but I think it was on a fictional character, so it would sound more neutral because whoever edited obviously favored her more over another and next thing you know it reverts back to all my heavy editing. :confused:
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Tarut keeps on dreaming
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Sep 9, 2007
From Colorado, currently in the UK
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But this is a simple fact, not a matter of opinion or neutrality. A person has either endorsed McCain or they haven't. If they have, then finding the report, press release or article where this endorsement was stated shouldn't be that difficult. Without it, the claim is invalid.
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Dec 25, 2005
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Jun 17, 2008
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Yes, it's interesting to compare these two pages:

Obama's page is a lot longer.

Obama has a lot more Republican's than McCain has Democrats, including some very prominent ones. (Search for "R-" on Obama's page, or "D-" on McCain's.)

Obama's has a lot of economists. Which is good, since the economy is on my mind right now:

McCain also has one economist:

It's kind of fun to compare the two lists!

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I Did Nothing Wrong!! ~~Team Deep State
Jan 7, 2003
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To be fair, the Wikipedia mods are such a pain and are so extremely anal about everything, most of the time its not justified. I edited an entry, I forgot what it was but I think it was on a fictional character, so it would sound more neutral because whoever edited obviously favored her more over another and next thing you know it reverts back to all my heavy editing. :confused:
What makes you think it was the "editors" who did that and not simply someone, perhaps the original writer whose work you edited, who disagrees with you? I thought the point of Wiki is that we are all editors there.

"Citation needed" is neutral.

Of all the politicians, not one I saw was a Democrat. No crossovers. Odd, that.
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It's Great to be a Championship FLORIDA GATOR!
Oct 16, 2007
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Tito the Construction Worker! :wave:

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It's Great to be a Championship FLORIDA GATOR!
Oct 16, 2007
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It's fitting he has been endorsed by Joan Baez and Communist Party USA.
That's not really funny, but it's true. Obama has some endorsers that I doubt anyone else would want to have supporting them.

The only edorsement that matters at the end of the day is the eligible voters of this country!
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