Mary did NOT stay a virgin.

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Feb 17, 2006
Portsmouth Ohio
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You are not in charge of our souls.
Frankly, I fear for yours. I think you have plenty to worry about dealing with your own soul.
Afterall, Jesus said if you do not eat his flesh and drink his blood you do not have life in you.
So, if you want to quote scripture and fear for folks souls begin with your own.

Tell me, how does if feel when the shoe is on the other foot and you are the one being talked to in such a sanctimoneous way? Pretty insulting, isn't it.

Now, I recommend you go stick your nose in Sacred Scripture and don't take it out until you understand what you are talking about.

I am really getting fed up with this.
I am not insulted by you miss understanding of scripture.
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Feb 17, 2006
Portsmouth Ohio
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I fear for your souls/quote]

Do you practice what you preach of fearing for souls?

Do you fear for the souls of the lost-
1. Atheist
2. Hindu
3. Muslim
4. And all the other Non Believer's.

What about them?? Do YOU help them?? Or do you waste your time speaking empty words to Christians who do not need your guidance?!

Mathew 7:4-How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your
eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

It is not your place to worry of Christians souls, and I mean every denomination, which includes Catholic.

As Christians we should focus our time and energy on helping those who are lost, not those who know the truth!

Worry about your own soul, not other Christians, which is not our place at all!
I have speak equal time with all of the above. In this forum actually, if you will go back a couple months ago, I spent more time in the Non Christian section then I did in the Christian section.
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Feb 17, 2006
Portsmouth Ohio
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I think you missed my Tongue in Cheek, comment on the end. I have little regard for "Church tradition". I am with you, the scriptures are all that we have that we can call truth. The Pope has a mighty fine hat. Beyond that I have no appreciation for him or his postion.
lol, I had to laugh at that one. It is quite big.
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Peaceful Dove

I am not insulted by you miss understanding of scripture.

Someone else here made a very good point.
If you are as sincere as you claim to be about caring for souls, why are you spending your time here, preaching to the choir?
Why aren't you in atheist forums, moslem forums, or all the other non-Christian forums on the world wide web?
Why aren't you evangelizing the folks who do not know Jesus?

Or is it a matter of you wanting to tell other Christians how much more of a Christian you are than they are?

I honestly don't get it. I am completely sincere here.
Why would one Christian give a hoot what another Christian believes.
I know Catholics who give me dirty looks when I raise my hands in worship. I don't care a whit how they hold their hands when they pray.
What is it with folks like you?
Some weird sort of bondage that requires you to live another persons life.
Do you think I care one little bit how you worship or believe? Not at all until you start stepping on my toes then I do tend to hit back. THAT isn't the Catholic in me it is the redheaded Irish in me.
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