Just joined!


I am not "sad".
Feb 11, 2013
Canada, Ontario
Marital Status
I used to go to a Christian School, too. (Accelerated Christian Education, or A.C.E.) I live in a native American reservation, and the teachers were all from 'out-of-rez'. There were Baptists, Mennonites, and Non-Denomination teachers in the course of the years I've studied there. I have a deep respect for Mennonites, Baptists, and such. They taught me to grow into the God-fearing man that I am today! (even though the rules may have been strict. lol. ) I go to a non-denomational/Pentecostal church, and I am the son of the church's pastor.

I live in Ontario, by the way. It's nice to see another Canadian on the forums.

(even though I'm aboriginal, you won't see going into powwows or whatever. I do not support my culture's 'creator' that is completely different from the God of the Bible. But I do love my land, my people, and ethnicity. I want to see my people get saved, and the land cared for because we must be good stewards of what God has given us.)

With all that aside, welcome to the forums!
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