In need of desperate help with my daughter

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Mar 17, 2019
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My daughter has always been very into Jesus, rereading the Bible, going to church every week, but all of the sudden she has stopped.

I am worried people at her school are having effects on her. She has been watching evil stuff like American horror story and such. She talks about a ‘Shane Dawson’ who apparently posts conspiracies.

She is always on her phone playing a game called BitLife. I am very scared for her and I do not know what I can do to get her back into Jesus.

Please help.


everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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My daughter has always been very into Jesus, rereading the Bible, going to church every week, but all of the sudden she has stopped.

I am worried people at her school are having effects on her. She has been watching evil stuff like American horror story and such. She talks about a ‘Shane Dawson’ who apparently posts conspiracies.

She is always on her phone playing a game called BitLife. I am very scared for her and I do not know what I can do to get her back into Jesus.

Please help.

:heart: Praying for your precious daughter, and you too. Welcome to CF, childofjesus201 (((hug)))
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Jul 23, 2010
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My daughter was going through similar things. She still has times we I see she is struggling. She is battling against the forces of this world. The only thing you can do as a parent is pray for the Holy Spirit to keep seeking her and drawer her to Him. Also, just be open with her. I'm not sure how old your daughter is, but tell her about your struggles growing up and how you dealt with them. I find that showing my daughter I was human too and struggled with some of the same things growing up helped her see that she could open up to me and I would understand. You've planted seeds of faith in her, so I believe God will keep her and direct her path through those confusing times. God bless you and your family.
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Feb 22, 2016
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My daughter has always been very into Jesus, rereading the Bible, going to church every week, but all of the sudden she has stopped.

I am worried people at her school are having effects on her. She has been watching evil stuff like American horror story and such. She talks about a ‘Shane Dawson’ who apparently posts conspiracies.

She is always on her phone playing a game called BitLife. I am very scared for her and I do not know what I can do to get her back into Jesus.

Please help.

My reply here is from the perspective of a 25 year old millenial who has experienced a childhood where technology was absent and prevalent in the household due to the sudden spike in technological advances in the early 2000s. I'm not a parent but I have been parented and became an adult in 2011 so I'm not too behind on the times.

I will say that Shane Dawson is just a youtuber that has been famous for comedy since the early 2000s but is now famous for making video series (one of them being on conspiracy theories). The conspiracy theory videos are not really serious, though he does do his research, and he does stress that they are in no way to be taken as fact. I watch them and find them interesting food for thought but that's all they are is food for thought. If your daughter has trouble distinguishing this from actual facts and reality then it might be a good idea to talk with her about them and maybe impress upon her that it might not be a good idea for her to watch them.

As a parent, you probably have some control over her phone privileges. Bitlife is a game where you basically control a simulated life from start to finish, making decisions and such without the risk of real life. It can be fun much like the computer game The Sims but I can see where it might get obsessive. You as a parent have a right to either limit your daughter's phone time (there are apps you can use to help with parental controls) or take the phone away from her. The latter I would only recommend if her being on her phone is disrupting her schooling, chores, or her obedience to you.

I understand that a lot of this has to do with technology and the internet and might be outside of your area of expertise or knowledge but I do want to stress that technology and the internet, when used wisely and correctly, are not evil incarnate and/or something you have to avoid like the plague and keep away from your child. On the contrary, our world is rapidly getting more technologically advanced and it is good for today's children to know how to work with technology in order to work and live comfortably in the future.

As for turning her back to Jesus, you won't be able to do that by force. You can make her attend church and do bible study with you but you can't remote control her thoughts, much as you might wish you were able to at times. What you can do is show her the love and understanding of Christ (and not panic or "flip out" on her) and remind her of how much God loves her and how much you love her. It's easy for teenagers to associate parental discipline with the parent not loving them (we even do that with God sometimes) but letting her know how much you love her helps. Eventually, when she's an adult, she'll come to understand why discipline and parental guidance is important.

You're doing awesome as a mom! There's many children in the world who don't have parents that care about them as much as you care about your daughter :)

TLDR; Show her God's love, show her your love, talk with her calmly and with understanding, don't freak out over the use of technology and the internet.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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My daughter has always been very into Jesus, rereading the Bible, going to church every week, but all of the sudden she has stopped.

I am worried people at her school are having effects on her. She has been watching evil stuff like American horror story and such. She talks about a ‘Shane Dawson’ who apparently posts conspiracies.

She is always on her phone playing a game called BitLife. I am very scared for her and I do not know what I can do to get her back into Jesus.

Please help.
When my daughter, at the age of 17, developed severe depression after being bullied at school, and rose to level 9 out of 10 of thinking about and planning suicide, I started a daily programme of praying for her. Many times I did not know how to pray for her in English so I asked the Holy Spirit for a spirit of intercession for her that would defeat the suicide thoughts and bring her out of the depression. Because I am Pentecostal, the Lord gave me a specific language in tongues for the purpose of intercession for her and I used that language for two years. The results were miraculous. She was addicted to codeine as well after suffering abdominal pains from that bullying spirit (witchraft). What happened was that she got into rehab, the Holy Spirit inspired me to write a very positive letter to her which effectively broke the curse on her through the bullying (which she put on her bedroom wall and read it every time she felt down), went on a methadone treatment in which she got free of that in seven months, and the pharmacist said that it was a miracle because that was the first time in her career that someone had got off methadone so quickly! She left the rehab, got half a degree in psychology, took time off university to get a gym trainer qualification, went into power lifting, gained regular employment, and is now engaged to a very supportive man and are planning to be married later in the year.

I believe that the tongues language that God gave me for her for intercession released the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat the suicide spirit, and her depression, and arranged circumstances to get her feet back on the ground and to give her a strong future hope. If I did not have that language, I don't think that I would have been able to intercede for her with the same power of the Holy Spirit.

I don't know what you believe about the baptism with the Spirit and the gift of tongues, but if you feel the need for a more powerful intercessory prayer for your daughter, ask God to show you about it and to give you an intercessory prayer language to effectively pray your daughter through to faith and victory.

I recommend looking up Derek Prince on Youtube and watching his message on how to receive the gifts of the Spirit. It is the best, straightforward teaching that I know about it.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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My daughter has always been very into Jesus, rereading the Bible, going to church every week, but all of the sudden she has stopped.

I am worried people at her school are having effects on her. She has been watching evil stuff like American horror story and such. She talks about a ‘Shane Dawson’ who apparently posts conspiracies.

She is always on her phone playing a game called BitLife. I am very scared for her and I do not know what I can do to get her back into Jesus.

Please help.

Have you talked to her?
Is her work at school suffering?

Treat her as a responsible young person and discuss her attendance at church, that she will join the family on Sunday. Why she nolonger attends the youth meetings, the effect of any on her school work of church activities and of this game and what should she do about it?

Unless you know why she nolonger goes youth church you cannot know whether there are problems.
Sit down and chat with he or take er out for an ice-cream anda chat.
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