I get the impression that American (Evangelical) Christians are supporting Trump, but why?


Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I've been following the political situation in USA closely and it's been saddening for me to hear about how "evangelical Christians" (whatever that means) are part of the Trump-"base", and seen clips from churches in USA where people seem to be very eager to pray for Trump, despite how generally in the rest of the world Trump is being viewed as a person (to use the words that is commonly used) that lies and have no shame, have tendencies that lean toward authoritarianism, is xenophobic and really racist, rude and vulgar, creates fear, surround himself with only yes-men etc. etc. and have developed (again a word that is commonly used) a sort of cult where people no longer understand reality and believe that when Trump tell them lies then this is the truth. And basically this is the view I got too, I honestly don't understand a thing about why anyone would support such a man, and the last 4 years seem to have brought out the very worst in people living in America, have created doubt in NATO and other alliances of whether or not USA is still supporting these alliances, if they will come to the aid of democracies around the world in case of conflicts, since how he's talking about and dealing with dictators suggest to me that he's a really dangerous man, and this is something I've found explained to be true in every single book I've read, and I've read all the books of all the people that have had something to tell from the inside situation in the white house. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies talk about how white supremacy is gaining strength and how right-wing politics now is the NR.1 source of terror-attacks in USA, and the rule of law have caused a lot of those that work for Trump to end up in jail. Generals talk with worry about the current administration. Specially lately how Trump and Giuliani have spread claims of voter fraud and refuse to concede to Joe Biden, the winner of the election, and now also how people have been placed in the pentagon, and there's serious talk of a coup d'état, and that USA is very vulnerable. All around the world leaders have congratulated president-elect Biden, and where I live share jokes about Trump and talk with disbelief about this political figure, and I don't seem to be alone at all to totally failing to understand how it is that he have gotten such an enormous support, and I'm also honestly worried, since I have friends in USA and I worry how they are doing, since it's become a political issue to wear a face-mask and it's really surreal to me to see how people are cheering for a political figure that refuses to do anything to stop the virus, but just let people die, and the number is getting close to a quarter of a million, and still many people think it's a hoax.

The very worst thing for me though is that it is really saddening for me how infiltrated the churches in USA seem to have become by the Republican Party, and that when people talk with disgust about the Trump-administration, they seem to blame Christians (evangelical's - whatever that refer to) and thus blaspheme God, since they look at Christians as hypocrites that might talk of good things, but by supporting Trump are doing something evil. So I've honestly feared the end of days and really think that Trump is making the way for the Anti-Christ. And this make me fear the largest Christian community in the world, and I become confused, and I really feel that my faith is being damaged because I don't want anything at all to do with the type of politics that Trump seem to be about, clearly very far right-wing populism, since I don't see anything good, nothing constructive, and nothing that have anything to do with Christianity in this.

I want to make it very clear that I mean nothing offensive at all by this post. This is extra important for me to make clear, since I had a warning and someone reported me and I was punished with 1 point, and if I get 3 points I'll get banned from CF, and I want to stay here and specially in the prayer section, it's important for me and I need Jesus to remain strong, and perhaps others need me too.

Also I mean nothing offensive toward USA or in general I don't mean anything rude or to be bad, but the main point about this post is to ask and try to understand why Christians would support something that I look at as really un-Christian, something that make people afraid, sad and filled with hopelessness? If you understand me, then I'll do my best to try to understand you. I can only point to how extreme the joy from those that celebrated when Biden/Harris won, and personally I had a bottle of wine to celebrate, it really made me happy, since I really do hope that America can live up to the great expectations the whole world have.

It really is as if I look at a really foreign culture, and I don't understand why people say and do what they say and do with USA and Trump. I hope someone can explain this with simple English and common sense arguments.

Thanks for reading this, and I wish a good weekend for you all, and may God bless you and yours.

What you're looking at in America is cultural gang warfare.

For one side, Jesus is not their way of life, Jesus is just their gang sign.
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Politically Liberal Christian Fundamentalist
Jan 30, 2013
New Jersey (NYC Metro)
United States
Oriental Orthodox
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Do you identify with every Biden supporter?
Why would I? I'm nor a "Biden supporter", I didn't vote for Biden.

Why can't you admit you align yourself with Paula White and are theologically liberal? Just because you don't agree with Paula White 100% doesn't meam you're not aligned with her or also theologically liberal. I'm not aligned 100% with the Eastern Orthodox but I acknowledge they are theologically conservative like we are.
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Arc F1

Let the righteous man arise from slumber
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Mar 14, 2020
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Why would I? I'm nor a "Biden supporter", I didn't vote for Biden.

Why can't you admit you align yourself with Paula White and are theologically liberal? Just because you don't agree with Paula White 100% doesn't meam you're not aligned with her or also theologically liberal. I'm not aligned 100% with the Eastern Orthodox but I acknowledge they are theologically conservative like we are.

I've watched a few of her videos. Sending her money will not get you into heaven.
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