I am Tired of arguing...


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May 6, 2020
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It's fairly easy.
If a theology contradicts scripture it is incorrect.
if a theology uses scripture to prove something, but disregards scripture, it is incorrect.
if a theology pits scripture A vs Scripture B it is incorrect, and tends to lead to one of the classic heresies.
if a theology says nothing changed when Jesus died on the Cross, then it is incorrect.
if a theology when applied results in fruit that is the opposite of what is explained in scripture as "the right fruit" .. then the theology is incorrect.
if a theology results in idolizing the theology or the bible, it is incorrect.
if a theology contradicts God when He is speaking directly in scripture, they need to read the bible again.
Is this the conclusion you've come to or are you making fun of people who think like this?? (satire??)

If there were a giant book that explained everything perfectly, we'd still misunderstand it haha
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Oct 15, 2011
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...tired of debate, tired of defending and critiquing.

Maybe it is time to practice a poverty of opinion.

There is always a good chance that I am misinformed, mistaken and in the wrong about most everything.

Mea culpa
Billy Graham famously observed, "Theological understanding is the booby prize because many Christians have just enough spirituality to inoculate them against the real thing." By "real thing" Billy meant an actual life-changing relationship with Christ that produces marvelous experiences and spiritual gifts. At age 16 I was disillusioned with my Pentecostal church and its doctrines and I decided to give God one last chance at a Pentecostal campground at Pelikan Lake, Manitoba. There I went on a 7-mile walk, promising God I'd serve Him with all my heart if He'd only make Himself real to me. When I returned to the campground, I fasted for the evening meal and put the money in the collection plate in the evening outdoor amphitheater service.

After that service, I dutifully came forward to kneel in prayer at the altar, with no expectation of blessing, with a heart that felt like stone, and with a determination not to succumb to emotionalism through wishful thinking. Then it happened; I felt a breeze which I initially thought came off the nearby lake, but it was the wind of the Spirit filling me and forcing me to speak in tongues at the top of my voice. Wave after wave of liquid love surged through my being, each more intense than the last, until I was terrified by the feeling that my frail ego was about to be absorbed in God mind!

A few spectators sat in awe at what God was doing in my life. Afterwards, I asked one of them (Doris) why she was staring at me. She replied, "Don't you know? Your face was glowing in the darkening amphitheater!" A Lutheran minister approached me to say, "I don't believe in speaking in tongues, but I can tell God is doing something special for you." I just touched him gently on the forehead and He just exploded in other tongues. That one experience so transformed my mind that I began to excel in school and won many college scholarships. I don't think I'd still be a Christian, were it not for that incredible experience, the memory of which daily nourishes my faith.

So take the focus off the fine points of doctrinal systems and replace that with a deep hunger for more of God in your life experience.
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Daughter of God
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May 28, 2017
United States
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...tired of debate, tired of defending and critiquing.

Maybe it is time to practice a poverty of opinion.

There is always a good chance that I am misinformed, mistaken and in the wrong about most everything.

Mea culpa
I agree with this. I usually try to stay away from debates but I did start and get involved in some arguments in the past. It wasn't good for me. My mental health was at its worst during that time, people judged me and assumed things about me that weren't true, I made myself look foolish and I wasn't exactly being a good Christian myself.

I've learned that unless you genuinely enjoy debating, there isn't much point to it. People aren't going to change their minds just because you challenge their beliefs and opinions.
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