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How Old Is The Earth


Dispensationalist 72
Nov 23, 2022
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"What is highly esteemed among men" is an undefined value. It is like a fill-in-the-blank. "____________________ is an abomination to God."
I would say most of what people do for money is an abomination to God. For example I would never want to work in a quick store where they sell junk food, alcohol, cigarettes'. You are making a living helping people to harm or even destroy themselves.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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I'm confused. Luke gives the genealogy from Jesus all the way to Adam (Luke 3:23), not stopping at Abraham. Am I missing your point?

Best wishes,
Man I completely forgot about that genealogy, I stand corrected. My apologies and that’s for pointing that out.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
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King James says hills not mountains.

Genesis 7 19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Come on are you kidding me? Are you trying to be dishonest in the discussion here? What does verse 20 say in the KJV?

”And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭7‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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May 26, 2021
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We have a rough idea of the speed of light but we do not have an exact number. There can be a bit of variation. As Einstein said time is relative. Quantum entanglement is faster than the speed of light. Not only can two particles anywhere in the universe communicate,, anywhere in history they can communicate. So partials that are 13 billion years apart can communicate with each other in real time. ... With a quantum computer you could communicate with everything everywhere in the universe in real time. ...
Off topic perhaps, but looking into this area is a separate interest of mine. I understand why you have written what you have, but I think this common way of thinking is wrong. Let me explain.

Quantum theory postulates a wave function and equates the quantum particle (e.g. photon or proton) with the wave function. So if one starts with entangled photons and sends these to separate ends of the universe, quantum theory states that these particles are in a state of superposition until the measurement occurs. And it is at that point that the particles "collapse" into reality. The process of measuring one particle on the "left" side of the universe, forces the particle on the "right" side to become the complementary particle. So if the spin on the "left" side is found to be "up", than this information has to be transmitted instantaneously, at faster-than-light speed, to the "right" side such that the other photon can be found to be spin "down." This is what Einstein objected to, calling it "spooky action at a distance."

A key piece of evidence that led to this theory is the double slit experiment, where particles, e.g. photons or protons, fired at a double slit demonstrate an interference pattern such that it is a wave that interferes with itself, **even if the particles are sent through one at a time.

So formulas derived from this quantum theory are very accurate at predicting outcomes from experimental evidence. The problem is the INTERPRETATION of quantum theory. This page from Wikipedia lists 13 different interpretations. The most commonly taught one is the Copenhagen interpretation, which is behind what Diamond7 has written (though I think he has a few important parts incorrect after faster-than-light information transmission). My favorite is the De Broglie-Bohm theory, also called pilot wave theory. Veritasium had a eye-opening video about this here.

In pilot wave theory, the state of the two particles was already determined as soon as they were separated. Like taking a pair of mittens or gloves, putting the each in a box, and mailing them to separate ends of the country. Each box contains either the left glove or the right. Until the box is opened, one would not know which was which. But as soon as the first box is opened, the state of the second box is known -- as if this information was instantly transmitted at great distance. Now this idea that each box holds the state of the glove (or particle) even before measurement is called a "hidden variable", and the idea that there actually was a state before measurement is called "realism". And the idea that position has meaning is called "locality."

Dr. John Bell wrote a paper in 1964 where he proposed what became known as "Bell's Inequality" which attacked the idea of hidden variables. It is widely quoted that Bell's theorem rules out hidden variables. But if one pays close attention to the details, it may be learned that Bell's theorem only rules out LOCAL hidden variables. It says nothing about GLOBAL hidden variables. And so, with pilot wave theory, as shown by Veritasium's video(here) one can have a global wave that carries individual photons, replicating the double slit interference pattern. This global wave is the global hidden variable.

In summary:
  1. Quantum theory accurately predicts experiment outcomes, but the interpretation is debated
  2. The most common interpretation is the Copenhagen interpretation which I think is wrong and leads to problems (not discussed here).
  3. De Broglie-Bohm theory is an alternate theory that explains the facts, and includes realism and allows for global hidden variables.
  4. Bell's rule excludes local global hidden variables, but does not rule out global hidden variables.
I'm not a physicist and I likely got stuff wrong here. Sabina Hossenfelder does a much better job here.

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Dispensationalist 72
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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Veritasium had a eye-opening video about this here.
I was doing something that I thought was random and I noticed a pattern was forming. Then I realized I could control that pattern and what I am making they are calling art. Some call it sacred geometry. Even though I am just working with stones. It turns out that there is a huge connection between math and art because the same part of the brain processes both. Look at Da Vinci & D'Angelo. They gave us an understanding of proportions. They both were interested in the Human Hand. But plastic surgeons today use what we learned from art as they try to make the perfect person. Which I think has to do with the on off switches in the DNA as we are being formed in the womb. Then of course you have Van Gogh that did quantum physics in his art.

You cannot divorce art and math. You cannot divorce science and the Bible. People think of math as being boring when it is just the opposite.

I do not know what gravity has to do with the way a river forms a stone but they are very easy to balance and it is like playing with building blocks. But I have always been good and doing creative things with scrap materials.

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Jul 14, 2020
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Can you elaborate? What is it that is measured in the laboratory?

Basically we can only measure the round trip speed. Direct light (dl) + reflected light (rl). We make the assumption the dl and rl have the Same speed. What’s the furthest planet that we can see? That we Actual can see the planet
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Mar 7, 2024
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I am amazed that more people do not seem interested in the 2000 year university of the church. There was a LOT of commotion back in the year 2,000. Everyone thought it was the end of the world. It was 206 or 2007 before people started to get over that. Everyone was looking at who was still here to see if they had gotten left behind.

There was more than usual panic and worry regarding the Y2k scare. I still don't believe that computers would have caused technology throughout the world to return to the no electricity century, and believed it less when some said that they were tech knowledgable enough to know for sure that it would.
It sounded to me just as unlikely as what some said would happen during or shortly after the eclipse 4-8-24.

I've learned to be cautious and not get caught up in the emotional stir caused by unknown people who I have no reason to trust.

The vids have proven that preachers or prophets with predictive tendencies get carried away and announce unlikely things just to get people to click their video. Granted a percentage is because of the algorithim system on YT.

But, I've noticed that a number of Christians made videos claiming that they died and visited heaven and spoke to some biblical or other wise important person there.. But none of them have talked with the apostle Paul yet, there are some places in his letters that I'm puzzling on.

Then I noticed that more and more vids were popping up on that visiting heaven topic.. then even unbelievers were making similar videos of claiming to have died and gone to hell then returned to tell us they talked to Hitler or some other person there.

My bible says that those who die and go to hell can't come back. Or else Hitler would have returned.

We all have to exercise discerning a lot more than before.

I've learned not to listen to prognosticators who I don't know by regularly listening to their Bible teachings, nor do I listen to those who fancy themselves to know things that God never told the rest of the boc. Such as when the rapture will happen.

In actuality God reveals the same thing by His Spirit to more than one person, especially in matters that is for the entire boc.

Those who have a private (lone wolf) interpretation of the rapture, or of the end of the world that no one else has, is puffing themselves up and heading for an embarrassing fall when what they predicted doesn't happen. I've seen it happen several times since 1980 so far.

It will always be proven false because Jesus said that no one knows the day or hour of His coming..

And, Revelations (of endtime events) does not teach an end of the world but rather the end of the age. The planet is going to exist forever because it was created by God who exists forever.
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Dispensationalist 72
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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There was more than usual panic and worry regarding the Y2k scare.
A lot of that was Bill Gates wanting to put money in his pocket. He laughs about how easy it was to sucker people out of their money.
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Dispensationalist 72
Nov 23, 2022
United States
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But none of them have talked with the apostle Paul yet,
I talked to the apostle Paul. For about 12 seconds. He quoted David on being good vs being just and I wanted to ask him about the old and the new covenant. He wonders how people today receive his teaching from almost 2,000 years ago.
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, while the universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old.

There are very slow processes we see in nature that do not fit into any young Earth theory.

This has been good.
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Jul 14, 2020
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Only in your view.
It’s what the Bible teaches us! And the timeline of recorded History supports it. Why do you have a problem accepting it? Is it because Adam was created by God instantaneously instead of by evolution?
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Akita Suggagaki

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Jul 20, 2018
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Why do you have a problem accepting it?
I don't accept a literal account of Genesis because it is more figurative than historical. But I am not here to argue that with you. Believe what you like. I think natural history as we have so far come to understand it says more awesome things about God than a literal read of Genesis.
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