Homosexuality is Slavery!


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Jan 12, 2008
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That is a creepy yet defining statement "for our times."

OBVIOUSLY, there are any number of scriptures (teachings from 2000+ years ago) that would not be applicable for we today of our particular culture. It really DOES stand to reason, Polycarp_fan, come on! The 'creepy' thing is that you would seem to prefer a culture that commands you 'not to seethe a kid in its mother's milk (Deuteronomy 14:21)'. You know, I can't remember the last time that I was tempted to boil a kid in its mother's milk.

Not marriage though. Also, gay sex "for believers" was opposed for good reasons by the Apostles.

You know what? You keep saying the same thing over and over again as to the Apostles apparently having debated this particular issue among themselves and having decreed that it ('gay' sex) is a grave sin. There is NO such evidence in the scriptures that such a debate EVER took place and CERTAINLY NOT in regard to the main gist of this subforum which refers NOT to sexual promiscuity but to one's inate sexual orientation and, much of the time, committed 'gay' relationships. If anything, there are one or two scriptures made by one or two individuals that COULD be making reference to certain aspects of same-sex sex but the facts are that NO ONE KNOWS precisely WHAT they mean! They are speculative and CERTAINLY open to interpretation. You are using deception here, Polycarp_fan, to bolster your own agenda.

Agenda? Hmmm ...where have I heard that word before ...?

The world and its ways has embraced gay sex, the world and its ways does not trump the Church on anything.

While I realize that this IS a subforum that concerns itself with homosexuality, would you say that you're overly obsessed with this issue, Polycarp_fan? Would you say that the so-called 'other' abominations to God, such as lying, profaning the Sabbath, etc. etc. are FAR less 'grave' than what you believe homosexuality to be? You really do appear to have an unhealthy focus on one's sexual preferences and I can't help but wonder why. I'll go out on a limb here and say that it has NOTHING to do with the Bible. Am I correct?

Jesus and the Apostles disagree with your position on many things that have now been forced into the Church, that they fought against and gave their lives for.

Such as having discarded the Creation Sabbath and replaced it with a RCC 'holy' day', for instance?

Jesus said that there would be people that would alter the faith for personal feelings and false teachings "Wolves in sheep's clothing, NOT sparing the flock." The Apostles expounded on that reality. It was the cause for their writing what they did.

Do you know that what you stated above has NOTHING to do with homosexuality? Not to mention the fact that you persistently tend to give the scriptures your own personal slant and make then say what YOU want them to say. If anything, I would suggest that you be careful how fanatical you become on this issue. A 'wolf in sheep's clothing' would more aptly describe a malicious person in a harmless or benevolent disguise. This is NOT a homosexual. Nor is it someone who is defending another for a sexual orientation that they never asked for.

Be careful what you post, Polycarp_fan, or it could come back to bite you.
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I So Hate Consequences!!!!
Dec 24, 2004
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Thanks for your concern but there are many gay Christian people out there who find happiness in the joy of the creator while having a commited monogamous same-sex relationship too. If the OP is true, and gay people are meant to bottle up their sexuality, never knowing love, never being able to share their lives with someone they care about then God is simply a monster not worthy of worship.

Here is the root of the problem, misuse of "Love" ex. "you have to love someone to marry them"

marriage is sex, love comes later.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Here is the root of the problem, misuse of "Love" ex. "you have to love someone to marry them"

Is there some kind of a Litmus Test on 'love'? Who determines who is 'misusing' love?

marriage is sex, love comes later.

What does that mean precisely?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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OBVIOUSLY, there are any number of scriptures (teachings from 2000+ years ago) that would not be applicable for we today of our particular culture. It really DOES stand to reason, Polycarp_fan, come on! The 'creepy' thing is that you would seem to prefer a culture that commands you 'not to seethe a kid in its mother's milk (Deuteronomy 14:21)'. You know, I can't remember the last time that I was tempted to boil a kid in its mother's milk.

I can't remember a time when the prophets condoned gay sex. Or the people that "did" it.

You know what? You keep saying the same thing over and over again as to the Apostles apparently having debated this particular issue among themselves and having decreed that it ('gay' sex) is a grave sin.

I confidently assert that, yes. Jude is a good place to start.

There is NO such evidence in the scriptures that such a debate EVER took place and CERTAINLY NOT in regard to the main gist of this subforum which refers NOT to sexual promiscuity but to one's inate sexual orientation and, much of the time, committed 'gay' relationships.

Bunk. Paul for starters is more than clear about gay sex, and it not being OK for believers. Gays do not ever preach a message on sexual morality anything close to that the Apostles did. Jude literally had to stop his letter and deal with these kinds of people.

If anything, there are one or two scriptures made by one or two individuals that COULD be making reference to certain aspects of same-sex sex but the facts are that NO ONE KNOWS precisely WHAT they mean!

The Romans killed sevearl of them because they (the Romans) knew exactly what these Christians were opposing.

They are speculative and CERTAINLY open to interpretation.

The Apostles wrote about San Francisco morality and condemned it. This is why heretics like Mel White (Soulforce) do what they do, in fighting for gay rights in Christian clothing.

You are using deception here, Polycarp_fan, to bolster your own agenda.

You are completely wrong. I am staing my postion with Apostolic truths. My agenda is the same one as "Contending for the faith."

Agenda? Hmmm ...where have I heard that word before ...?

The commision of the Apostles by Chris Jesus I believe.

While I realize that this IS a subforum that concerns itself with homosexuality, would you say that you're overly obsessed with this issue, Polycarp_fan?

I came here at a request of a friend, as the gay agenda being perpetrated on the Church is a dire threat to Christians. I need to keep up on the latest gay tactics. So far there has only been a few people that are willing to try to support their gay case with scripture. The gay plague on the Church is nothing new, but it is very malevolent in its scope to what it does to youth.

Would you say that the so-called 'other' abominations to God, such as lying, profaning the Sabbath, etc. etc. are FAR less 'grave' than what you believe homosexuality to be?

You are comparing wrongs, as if that will make gay sex OK? That IS what you are doing. I'll agree with your orthodoxy all day long, when you want to use it.

You really do appear to have an unhealthy focus on one's sexual preferences and I can't help but wonder why. I'll go out on a limb here and say that it has NOTHING to do with the Bible. Am I correct?

Wrong. I have shown over and over again that it has very much to do with the Bible. Scripture is important for doctrine and truth. Your comeback exists in gay debae tactics to scare away dissent. Look at how the Sodomites talked to Lot?

Such as having discarded the Creation Sabbath and replaced it with a RCC 'holy' day', for instance?

You keep comparing wrongs. This continues to prove that gay sex for Christians is wrong behavior and has no support for it "in the Bible."

Thank you.

Do you know that what you stated above has NOTHING to do with homosexuality? Not to mention the fact that you persistently tend to give the scriptures your own personal slant and make then say what YOU want them to say.

Jude, James, John, Peter and of course Paul, have many things to say that are very relevant to those that promote gay sex in the Church. I love the way Jude puts it. That, is why I keep refering to his letter. It could have been written about Soulforce yesterday.

If anything, I would suggest that you be careful how fanatical you become on this issue.

How do you call a liar a liar nicely? They know you are calling them a liar. The Apostles that were murdered weren't mudered for being quiet.

A 'wolf in sheep's clothing' would more aptly describe a malicious person in a harmless or benevolent disguise. This is NOT a homosexual.

I obviously have an opposite view about that than you do. I see people that promote sin and encourage others to sin as the very definition of malevolent. I have yet to see a gay or lesbian encouraging anyone not to engage in gay sex. Yet, I have literally seen thousands of men urge other men not to engage in adultery, even though those men were all adulterers. Though contrit about their past sexual behaviors. BIG difference from what we see and hear from the gay community "even" within the Church. I oppose those kinds of people very definatley.

Nor is it someone who is defending another for a sexual orientation that they never asked for.

Defending a sinner to continue sinning is antithetical to Christian truth.

Be careful what you post, Polycarp_fan, or it could come back to bite you.

I have heard this threat many times before from the gay, pagan and atheist/humanist side. It usually follows, when the self-loathing gay guy thing, or the, hater, troll and homophobe labels don't work to silence my position. I have yet to post anything that is of "a bearing false witness," action. I know full well the power of gay laws meant to harm the Christian that dares challenge the gay agenda. They are being honed as we write.

Unless you can find any scripture that promotes gay sex "FOR" Christians to engage in, my assertions have merit.
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You are using deception here, Polycarp_fan, to bolster your own agenda.
Actually that’s what you are doing and you should be reported for it as all can see Polycarp fan’s claim that he is stating his postion with Apostolic truths is backed up by the scriptural references. It is you who has their own agenda and you are doing the same with me on threads, no scriptural evidence to bolster your views.
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Aug 10, 2008
South Africa
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It is you who has their own agenda and you are doing the same with me on threads, no scriptural evidence to bolster your views.

I would use a different tactic from the KCKID's. I would argue that not all scripture can be taken literally (for example, witches do not exist, and have never existed). Being homosexual and engaging in consensual homosexual sex are not immoral per se, if by immoral you mean 'causing harm to others'. Therefore there is no reason to take literally the verses of the Bible that condemn/appear to condemn homosexual sex.
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To Andreusz,
I would argue that not all scripture can be taken literally (for example, witches do not exist, and have never existed).
Ok why can one not take all scripture literally, bearing in mind of course that some is poetry and some is parable story? If one didn’t take the parable literally how would one know what the parable was trying to say. I suspect what you are trying to say is when the Bible says something you don’t like you don’t want to have to accept it means what it says.

Being homosexual and engaging in consensual homosexual sex are not immoral per se, if by immoral you mean 'causing harm to others'.
Well that’s your view again, no scripture to support your idea. There is nothing in the Bible I can see that refers to people ‘being’ homosexual, that’s your idea and even science cant fully agree with you there, and sexual sin is where harm is done to ones own body 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

Therefore there is no reason to take literally the verses of the Bible that condemn/appear to condemn homosexual sex.
And you can see from the Bible citations I have given what you take from the Bible is contrary to what the Bible says you should.
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Thanks for your concern but there are many gay Christian people out there who find happiness in the joy of the creator while having a commited monogamous same-sex relationship too
If many are commiting suicide that makes it right?

What about people who are celibant? Are they ALL not happy?

Who can quarantee a happy monogamous relationship? no qurantees here...either...if the percentages from heterosexual couples apply it is fifty fifty...and according to some statistics homosexual couples have lesser chances...of stayin together longer..the average is mcuh lower.
. If the OP is true, and gay people are meant to bottle up their sexuality,never knowing love, never being able to share their lives with someone they care about then God is simply a monster not worthy of worship.

First of all knowng love through sex is not always acurte snce love can be exprienced without sex... between friends and relatives. Love is not only sexual... One can love his neighbour and experience love.
God is not a monster and he is not without wisdom he is more wise than you and me and when he created man he also created a woman and put them together.... he did not create man for man or woman for woman...period.

We do not worship a god that we make belief .... God is all wise what makes you think you can "create" him... ;)? Rather he created you.... Except if you prefer to live in your own created reality.

Here is the root of the problem, misuse of "Love" ex. "you have to love someone to marry them"

marriage is sex, love comes later.

You have to be in love to marry but love takes more than just sex. It takes more work to work in that relationship and should be more deeper than an ephimeral love, one feels in his twenties.... :)
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Jun 10, 2008
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精神的な名誉;48228908 said:
Those who are homosexual and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

Those who are liars and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

Those who are vengeful and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

Sin is sin yo.

Preach it Preacher!

No cane (ing) for you. Well said.
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Jun 10, 2008
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KCKID: You are using deception here, Polycarp_fan, to bolster your own agenda.
Actually that’s what you are doing and you should be reported for it as all can see Polycarp fan’s claim that he is stating his postion with Apostolic truths is backed up by the scriptural references. It is you who has their own agenda and you are doing the same with me on threads, no scriptural evidence to bolster your views.

You better watch your back pal. These neo-neighbors of Lot are as hysterical to dissenters as the old version were.
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Jan 12, 2008
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KCKID: You are using deception here, Polycarp_fan, to bolster your own agenda.

You better watch your back pal. These neo-neighbors of Lot are as hysterical to dissenters as the old version were.

Ah, that is so nice. You've found a friend. :)

My intent on this subforum, believe it or not, Polycarp_fan, is to promote everyone getting along with everyone, especially within the Church. I somehow feel that that is what would be pleasing to Jesus. Don't you think so?
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Jan 12, 2008
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精神的な名誉;48228908 said:
Those who are homosexual and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

Boogey man stuff. Superstitious nonsense.

精神的な名誉;48228908 said:
Those who are liars and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

As above. (Insert 'Twilight Zone' theme music for added effect)

精神的な名誉;48228908 said:
Those who are vengeful and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

Sin is sin yo.

And 'what' is YOUR sin, 精神的な名誉? The biggest 'sin' that I see on this subforum is 'the sin of pride' which ABOUNDS! If you're the Bible-believing Christian that you believe yourself to be, 精神的な名誉, then you will either walk away from the 'perceived sinner' with your head hung low or you will cast the first stone at them.

Which is it to be?
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Jun 10, 2008
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My intent on this subforum, believe it or not, Polycarp_fan, is to promote everyone getting along with everyone, especially within the Church.

You will get tolerance, that is a Biblical truth taught, but you will never get the affirmation you demand. I don't see why the need to push gay activism onto Christians. It's seems just unholy.

If you come in to the Church and promote gay sex and gay culture then that deserves to be opposed. It may happen on a website, but in reality, Christians do not promote sin and unrepentant sinners. Not in any hymn book, sermon, or in Church life, whether it be themselves or others. What Bible-believing Christian would alow a copy of The Advocate, next to Christianity Today in any Bible-based Church on earth.

I somehow feel that that is what would be pleasing to Jesus. Don't you think so?

Unity seemed to be pleasing to Jesus. He commanded us to love one another and that that would show the world the group of believers that has come to be known as The Church.

OTOH, people that desire homosexual sex, and have labeled themselves "Gay, Lesbian, and Bi-Sexual," are doing what no other sinners in the history of the Church, OTHER THAN heretics/false teachers, have done, they, are demanding that not only are their sins to be ignored, but also approved of by every single person on earth, Christian or not. Again, if I am wrong, than I am missing something in the gay activist message. It seems the exact same thing, in the secular, or, as you seem to prove here, it's the same message in The Church. I don't see how the gay message carries any love for others, except those that enjoy or support gay sex. And, I only mean (in) "The Church."
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Homosexuality is slavery. Period. Those who are homosexual and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

People who are gay...

Well, first, let me clarify. The verb "to be" is inappropriate. "I am gay" is a wrong statement; it does not define who I am (or you, or them, whatever). Saying "I/You struggle with same-sex attraction and passions" is more appropriate.

Anywho. Being gay in and of itself is not wrong. The bible makes it pretty clear that it's wrong... If anyone really needs me to point out that common Scriptures in "debating" homosexuality, I suppose I will. I am sure they have been thrown around plenty enough, however.

Acting upon these same-sex passions, however, is very sinful. Same with opposite-sex passions--they must abstain from lust and other such. However, "homosexuals" struggle even moreso, unable to marry or date or any of that. Acting upon one's "gayness" is slavery in its highest form. Acting upon it means you are giving in, submitting to the Devil, and allowing him to place shackles on you and tie you down. This is slavery, with same-sex passions or with any other sin. It's pure slavery.

Jesus will set you free! Live a celibate life in secular society or in a monastery! Seek God! The cross we "homosexuals" bear is surely heavy, but God will give us nothing we cannot bear!

(/Edited in) I do not say these things out of malice, but out of love. All too often I seek the false happiness and desire to fall in love with a man. But I cannot escape the reality of God, and I try to seek true happiness and true joy found only in Christ. I pray that y'all seek it as well.(/)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit, Amen.

Lord, have mercy.


Ahhh, yes, I finally see the light and understand...

Hail satan??
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Aug 10, 2008
South Africa
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To Andreusz,
Ok why can one not take all scripture literally, bearing in mind of course that some is poetry and some is parable story?

The world did not come into existence in a period of six days, but over billions of years. Bats are not birds. There are no witches.
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Aug 10, 2008
South Africa
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Homosexuality is slavery. Period. Those who are homosexual and act upon it are chaining themselves up to the Devil and to the world.

People who are gay...

Well, first, let me clarify. The verb "to be" is inappropriate. "I am gay" is a wrong statement; it does not define who I am (or you, or them, whatever). Saying "I/You struggle with same-sex attraction and passions" is more appropriate.

I do not struggle with my same-sex attraction. I am gay. You seem to be saying that all of us struggle, and that's just not true.

Anywho. Being gay in and of itself is not wrong. The bible makes it pretty clear that it's wrong...

??? Contradiciton. Unless you're saying that the Bible isn't the arbiter of what's good and bad (with which I would agree, but you're a Christian).

Acting upon these same-sex passions, however, is very sinful. Same with opposite-sex passions--they must abstain from lust and other such. However, "homosexuals" struggle even moreso, unable to marry or date or any of that. Acting upon one's "gayness" is slavery in its highest form. Acting upon it means you are giving in, submitting to the Devil, and allowing him to place shackles on you and tie you down. This is slavery, with same-sex passions or with any other sin. It's pure slavery.

Jesus will set you free! Live a celibate life in secular society or in a monastery! Seek God! The cross we "homosexuals" bear is surely heavy, but God will give us nothing we cannot bear!

(/Edited in) I do not say these things out of malice, but out of love. All too often I seek the false happiness and desire to fall in love with a man. But I cannot escape the reality of God, and I try to seek true happiness and true joy found only in Christ. I pray that y'all seek it as well.(/)

The idea that God allows people to have a certain sexuality, but forbids them to act on it, is truly one of the most repulsive ideas I've ever come across. You say it's not malice, but as far as I'm concerned, it'll do until malice comes along.
This kind of arbitrariness on the part of the biblical god is one of the many reasons I could never be religious.
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Jan 12, 2008
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God is not a monster

How do you explain the Book of Joshua? (I am genuinely interested in finding an answer to this question.)

You have every right as a thinking human being to question the God of the Old Testament, Andreusz. He DOES appear to be a monster at times ...MANY times, in fact, throughout the OT. Up until two years or so ago I felt an inner need to believe implicitly in 'God's word'. This meant that I was willing to forego reason and common sense and instead try to justify to myself that, although those 'cruel God' actions go against the grain of every decent human being, God MUST have a valid reason for having done them even though I don't understand why.

It's only in relatively recent times - particularly since joining this forum - that I've really started to question the Bible as being the professed 'word of God'. I'm not happy about my recent scepticism because I still have that inner need to believe in a deity who cares for us and who has planned for us a glorious life for evermore. Illusory, pie in the sky? Perhaps, but I cannot believe in non-existence after death. My logic tells me that there HAS to be more beyond this life. Nothing else makes any sense.

Having said that I cannot reconcile a God who seems to flaunt rape, murder, and pllage with that of a 'loving' God who would also make us sit up and take notice of an alleged command that forbids homosexuality. SURELY, even hard-line, died-in-the-wool, blind-faith followers of God can see why some of us would question these things ...? Why are we to condemn homosexuality simply because a God who is quite alright with rape, murder, and pillage tells us so? Sorry. I just can't buy into this at all.

I'm with you on this one, Andreusz. And, like you, I'd like some answers that MAKE SENSE! The thing is, I would guess that no one has any answers that make sense.
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