Pre-Trib Only High rapture watch?


not a holier than thou
May 9, 2022
United States
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There is only the 2nd coming of Jesus. The very first thing He will do is gather the church in the sky, then various plagues on the Antichrist and his kingdom, then it ends when Jesus appears with the armies of Heaven and defeats the Antichrist. One event, several stages. The pre-trib rapture is absent from the Bible as it was made up by John Darby around 1830. Scripture for a post-trib rapture,Matt 24, 2Thess 2. Rev6. The pre-trib rapture is based on the idea of telling people to reject what they read and believe a lie. Folks wake up, Jesus described a post-trib rapture in Matt 24.

greatest evidence for the rapture is genesis 18. read if you like. Blessings
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not a holier than thou
May 9, 2022
United States
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Have you ever read past 1st Thes 4? The subject doesn't change. Everyone is so quick to post 4:17 as proving a rapture and never read past into 5 where the subject continues. There were no chapters in the manuscripts. These are letters. If you had read past 4 into chapter 5, you would see that Paul names the very event of 1st Thes 4:17 -the day of the Lord. That takes the mystery out of it. It's not a secret rapture. If you read all of the verses together to not lose context you would see that he only comes like a thief to those not watching for the signs and seasons. And if you had read further into 2nd Thess you would see that he had to tell them not to be confused or shaken in mind that the day of Christ was at hand (iminent) it wasn't. Certain events have to unfold. One being the son of perdition sitting on the throne proclaiming to be God. I used to believe in a pretrib rapture but it's not biblical. And tribulation and wrath or not the same thing.

Christ will return at the 7th trump and not a moment sooner. Many things will unfold before that happens, including a falling away/apostasy -meaning many will depart from the truth. We have to heed the warnings by both Christ and Paul about deception. And it it happens to one generation, they have to have full gospel armour on and be able to stand, having done all to stand. (in that evil day) Christ states those that endure to the end, the same will be saved.

Part of Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians was to address their confusion on "our gathering back to Christ". He states it will not happen....until certain things unfold. He said don't even be confused by his letter (1st Thess) The subject is when Christ returns. And if a pretrib rapture were possible Paul would have said something to them. They were waiting on the return of Christ as well like many are today so why would Paul bypass a pretrib rapture if it were true?? Why the warning? That's because it's not true. But people would rather believe a lie than accept the love of the truth.

The reason he was comforting people in 1st Thess 4 was because he was talking about their dead loved ones. That was the original subject.

In 2nd Thess why wouldn't Paul have stated during their confusion, don't worry Christians will be taken away? Instead he states don't be deceived by any means. Sadly that deception is off the charts even today after Christ and Paul, later John laying it all out there.

Evidence for rapture is in gen 18
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Ohio US
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Evidence for rapture is in gen 18

Again, tribulation and wrath are not the same thing. Gen 18 does not prove a pretrib rapture.

We are to heed the warnings laid out by Christ and Paul on this subject.
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