From When I Used to Write


Call me a dreamer of the seemingly unattainable...
Aug 23, 2004
Kansas City, Missouri
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I think it was a fantasic story idea. Did you ever get any further than the synopsis you posted? I thought people posted some good feedback on it as well.

I don't think that the rape thing is over the edge. I was actually toying (probably the wrong word to use!) with an idea for a script about a girl that gets "raped" by a christian...if I remember right it focuses mostly on her in college and the mental and emotional turmoil that goes on within her, and then a christian guy falling for her. Something to that effect anyways...I didn't even get as far as you did with your story.

I really like your idea though. I think there are things that people would rather not make a movie out of and that people would rather not see, but in a way it needs to be made and it needs to be seen.

It could be a very convicting film as well.
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I agree, that story is brimming with internal and external conflict. We cristians are among the worst about living in denial over things like rape. I applaud you for adressing it and all the reprocusions that follow.
I say pull up your Red Army boot straps, dig this story out, and get it on paper. There are a lot of people who would benift from what you have to say, they need you to get it together and step up to the mike. You owe that much to this story alone.
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