Dr. Phil Me with a Side of Jesus (long post)


Active Member
May 5, 2019
United States
Marital Status
For the past few months, I have been having issues with this dog that I took in from my cousin. I’ve had him since Jan. 2021. I took him because she couldn’t hide a pit bull from her landlord. LOL.

He’s dumb, he’s stubborn, he’s disobedient, he doesn’t listen, you can’t guide him, you can’t bathe him, and when you take him places, you have to drag his 60 lb body. I’ve pulled muscles in my back from him dead weighting me. He’s rough. I can’t even let the thing outside he just freezes at the door and stares at me like “doiiiiii,” and I’m all like, “GET OUTSIDE!!!” I just can’t with him anymore. He stays outside, and he stinks up my house at bedtime because I can’t bathe him and I’m afraid if I try to make him, he will fight and maybe bite me. He’s not aggressive, but I don’t trust him because of the size and set of chops he has. Plus, he’s a pit (had a family member get killed by a sweet one) and I am trying to get pregnant via IVF in the next few months. I would never want a small child to trigger this dog (it happened with a friends pit which was a good dog too). I have put this dog in my car and gone down the highway aggravated enough to just dump him off and was well on my way to do so. I didn’t have the heart, so I made a Craigslist ad to get rid of him. I was just going to discreetly get rid of him and let people wonder where he went. Including my husband. I don’t want to hurt him by just ousting this dog. I don’t know how to even approach this with my husband. I have been so irritated with this dog for a LONG time. I took him in because I didn’t mind to take him in, but this is not the dog for me. I do NOT jive with this dog, and my husband spends 1% of his day with this dog. I made another Craigslist ad today because I thought my one from last month didn’t work, well it did and I have a contender to take this crazy dog. I am so thankful.

Tomorrow is my father-in-law’s 1 yr. death anniversary. So, my plans were not to get rid of Copper this weekend at all. My husband acts like he loves this dog, but he doesn’t take care of him at all. If we go on vacation/leave house, this dog retaliates and pees/poops a crate that I have to clean. He was even tearing up stuff outside when I left. Wouldn’t when I was at home. This dog ACTS OUT a lot! All amusing to my husband. Not amusing to me, the one who constantly has to do all the care for what he claims is HIS DOG. That’s why he laughs because it makes me mad and I have yet another chore here. He takes 0 responsibility for this dog. I had an episode with this dog last night and today and my chest just started to hurt with what he did today. Which it was already hurting. I went upstairs and laid in bed feeling bad because I have already felt bad lately. I’m pretty hormonal right now too, so I am trying to recover from that. Upstairs, I waited on this lady who wants Copper to text me back, I never got a reply. I came downstairs and left my phone on the counter. Well, she texts back and my husband sees the texts about getting rid of the dog. He comes to me from the kitchen into the living room and is talking really mean about me getting rid of the dog. He’s going on like he can’t trust me now because I did this behind his back. I only want the dog to have an owner who can deal with him, love him, and fully take care of him. I can’t. I really can’t. And he doesn’t. He made me so mad that I cussed, screamed, and left the house. I told him the dog was leaving and that I “*blankin* hate” the dog. I even hit a doorframe really hard. I’m defeated. I really don’t hate the dog, but I sure hate dealing with him and I hate that I have ran out of patience for this animal! I told my mom that I wanted to run over it. I don’t, but I really cussed. I was so mad. Not to mention, I don’t like living where we are at either. It’s free, but it’s a very limited place. It would have to be free for me to live in it. It’s his mom’s old house and buddy is it sure falling apart. I just lost a good amount of sheet rock and an entire closet due to mold- just one example. I can’t have a lot of the normal things you probably have in your house in mine due to location. I just want to function in this house like a normal person. I’ve been here almost 8 years and I am so tired of playing musical chairs with space and figuring the place out. It’s very inconvenient and abnormal. His mom wants us to live here, but she left the place too. If I go to work, it’s a good 25-40+ min drive to work and working from home would be difficult. The power goes out ALL THE TIME. The internet is in and out. I’d love to work from home compared to what I just left. You might have to get towed out of the driveway too. I have been stuck in it multiple times. When it rains, it pours here. The goal has been to leave this house for the past 4 years and it hasn’t happened and I feel like I am trapped. The dog adds on top of it. Yesterday, he bulldozed his way between a door and door frame when I was shutting the door when I was trying to get him out the door. He threw it in reverse and almost had his head hung in the door. I also ran him off from the dogfood container because he was eating out of it like a bowl. I was trying to put the lid on and he’s trying to wedge his head between the lid and container. After I told him no and he had his own bowl right there beside him and the container. This dog acts like he is my owner, not like I am his owner. It’s an every day thing.

So when I left the house/fight, I ended up driving down to a neighborhood near my house and came back. I was crying and couldn’t take being there with the drama and the dog. I was telling him I was done with being in that house. I was blowing my nose and I yelled “I swear.” LOL I don’t remember why I said that. I wasn’t swearing about anything, I think I just used it as an expression. I came back and my husband cried and even threw up a few times. I never meant for this to happen. The last thing I wanted was for my husband to remember losing his dad and then losing his dog this weekend. This is why I didn’t want to talk about getting rid of Copper this weekend, but he just happened to see that text pop up on my phone when it was laying on the kitchen counter. He ended up balling his eyes out. He said it wasn’t about the dog (it is for me) but that I would try to get away with other things in the future- which isn’t true. He said that it was an example of mistrust or something like that. Then said that I was lying. I feel like I wasn’t given a chance to really talk about it. Just fight. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to keep this to myself in the end. I would’ve ended up telling him what I wanted to do with this dog. I don’t have the heart to not say anything. Just like driving down the road with him to dump him off. I think my husband cried so hard because he dreads tomorrow. Please pray for him and his family. He has struggled with the loss of his dad. I love him so much. The last thing I was trying to do today was to hurt him. I just wanted to make our homelife less stressful with this dog that aggravates me and that he yells at. My husband is a superintendent at a construction company that is working in a gov facility. He makes a really good amount of money and is really good to me. We seem to keep having these arguments that turns into him being mean and me screaming. I know he’s under a lot of stress but he’s working with some rough guys too that I’m sure he’s always getting on to them. I feel like maybe he’s going off on me because that’s how he deals with those guys. He works nights, 60-70 hrs/wk. I don’t see him a lot. I pray he can go back to 40 hrs aw eek and day shift.

Background info about me: I just recently quit a school counselor job that almost put me in the grave. I still have chest pains daily like I did at work (a lot of the faculty did, many were sent to the hospital/home during the work day- needless to say, a big group of people left that school and school system. It was bad). I’m to the point that I can’t even go to interviews in schools without feeling like I will have an anxiety attack about to happen. I’ve had to cancel. I can’t even watch the drama about that school system I just left on the news. Yes, we made the news. I watched the latest scoop on it a few weeks after I had quit and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack right there at 11:00 pm in the living room. One of my teacher friends was placed in a hospital and diagnosed PTSD. It’s just been really hard. I just need some time off. I am working hard on a few lines of business to help out with my husband. That’s if it will do good. He has been supportive. I feel like a lot of the stress from that job has slowly worn off, but hanging out a little. I also deal with PMDD which makes a lot of things harder. I believe I am also OCD but IDK where to start for treatment. I ended up with bad TMJ and migraines from the place. I had to go to physical therapy for relief. It felt like an ear infection from time to time. I had no idea it was a jaw thing. I dreaded daily going to this school. From the teachers and students I worked with to the duties and non-duties and the hell-like things that were in that school, I felt like I was about to explode. I don’t know how I made it in that school for over 2.5 years.

Thank you for reading for so long. After all of this blew over and I left my husband alone. I repented of… (get ready for some more…)

*Hurting him since that was not my intentions period

*I told him that “Every day, in this house, I live in hell (this hit my mind hard like in a literal sense and I added…) with that dog!” I really don’t. Not literally and not as a play on words. I was just mad and said this. I felt a literal sense of saying I have hell in my home which is not true, this house is a blessing. I wanted to repent and apologize to The Lord about that because I have been blessed and it came from Him. I told Him my comparison to hell and my home wasn’t meant as literal, but it felt like it. I also didn’t mean it in a form of cussing either. I felt bad because I wasn’t paying attention to my words and said hell in that way in prayer. I explained and repented for an accident too. I was just trying to be fully honest.

*I repented of saying something about breaking things in this house (I broke a broom today and a cup last night). I said that it gives me peace. It doesn’t. Maybe “peace of mind” where I can just get relief from chucking something as hard as I can.

*Cussing. I hate it. I never get mad enough to cuss until my husband pushes me that far.

*Everything that happened this evening

*For hitting myself. I have picked up a bad habit of getting irritated where I can't explain myself, I hit myself. I want to hit something and I hit my head. I hit myself with a box of kleenex. It didn't hurt but still.

I’m not too worried about getting rid of the dog. He needs better than us. Pray for us. It’s just so hard. I am 32 years old and I thought life would be much different than this. I thought I’d be in MY HOUSE, I’d have a FAMILY (infertility is hard), and I’d be mentally stable. To top it off, I lost track of time today and missed the evening service which is what we go to now since he works nights. Well, we could’ve been at church when all this went down. Go to church, people! I need some encouragement, prayer, strength and guidance. Leave your judgments to the side. I won't take them seriously anyways. I never meant to go E true Hollywood story over here. I just wanted to vent about the dog and ended up confessing some things I did today that I am not proud of. Advice is welcome.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
United States
Marital Status
For the past few months, I have been having issues with this dog that I took in from my cousin. I’ve had him since Jan. 2021. I took him because she couldn’t hide a pit bull from her landlord. LOL.

He’s dumb, he’s stubborn, he’s disobedient, he doesn’t listen, you can’t guide him, you can’t bathe him, and when you take him places, you have to drag his 60 lb body. I’ve pulled muscles in my back from him dead weighting me. He’s rough. I can’t even let the thing outside he just freezes at the door and stares at me like “doiiiiii,” and I’m all like, “GET OUTSIDE!!!” I just can’t with him anymore. He stays outside, and he stinks up my house at bedtime because I can’t bathe him and I’m afraid if I try to make him, he will fight and maybe bite me. He’s not aggressive, but I don’t trust him because of the size and set of chops he has. Plus, he’s a pit (had a family member get killed by a sweet one) and I am trying to get pregnant via IVF in the next few months. I would never want a small child to trigger this dog (it happened with a friends pit which was a good dog too). I have put this dog in my car and gone down the highway aggravated enough to just dump him off and was well on my way to do so. I didn’t have the heart, so I made a Craigslist ad to get rid of him. I was just going to discreetly get rid of him and let people wonder where he went. Including my husband. I don’t want to hurt him by just ousting this dog. I don’t know how to even approach this with my husband. I have been so irritated with this dog for a LONG time. I took him in because I didn’t mind to take him in, but this is not the dog for me. I do NOT jive with this dog, and my husband spends 1% of his day with this dog. I made another Craigslist ad today because I thought my one from last month didn’t work, well it did and I have a contender to take this crazy dog. I am so thankful.

Tomorrow is my father-in-law’s 1 yr. death anniversary. So, my plans were not to get rid of Copper this weekend at all. My husband acts like he loves this dog, but he doesn’t take care of him at all. If we go on vacation/leave house, this dog retaliates and pees/poops a crate that I have to clean. He was even tearing up stuff outside when I left. Wouldn’t when I was at home. This dog ACTS OUT a lot! All amusing to my husband. Not amusing to me, the one who constantly has to do all the care for what he claims is HIS DOG. That’s why he laughs because it makes me mad and I have yet another chore here. He takes 0 responsibility for this dog. I had an episode with this dog last night and today and my chest just started to hurt with what he did today. Which it was already hurting. I went upstairs and laid in bed feeling bad because I have already felt bad lately. I’m pretty hormonal right now too, so I am trying to recover from that. Upstairs, I waited on this lady who wants Copper to text me back, I never got a reply. I came downstairs and left my phone on the counter. Well, she texts back and my husband sees the texts about getting rid of the dog. He comes to me from the kitchen into the living room and is talking really mean about me getting rid of the dog. He’s going on like he can’t trust me now because I did this behind his back. I only want the dog to have an owner who can deal with him, love him, and fully take care of him. I can’t. I really can’t. And he doesn’t. He made me so mad that I cussed, screamed, and left the house. I told him the dog was leaving and that I “*blankin* hate” the dog. I even hit a doorframe really hard. I’m defeated. I really don’t hate the dog, but I sure hate dealing with him and I hate that I have ran out of patience for this animal! I told my mom that I wanted to run over it. I don’t, but I really cussed. I was so mad. Not to mention, I don’t like living where we are at either. It’s free, but it’s a very limited place. It would have to be free for me to live in it. It’s his mom’s old house and buddy is it sure falling apart. I just lost a good amount of sheet rock and an entire closet due to mold- just one example. I can’t have a lot of the normal things you probably have in your house in mine due to location. I just want to function in this house like a normal person. I’ve been here almost 8 years and I am so tired of playing musical chairs with space and figuring the place out. It’s very inconvenient and abnormal. His mom wants us to live here, but she left the place too. If I go to work, it’s a good 25-40+ min drive to work and working from home would be difficult. The power goes out ALL THE TIME. The internet is in and out. I’d love to work from home compared to what I just left. You might have to get towed out of the driveway too. I have been stuck in it multiple times. When it rains, it pours here. The goal has been to leave this house for the past 4 years and it hasn’t happened and I feel like I am trapped. The dog adds on top of it. Yesterday, he bulldozed his way between a door and door frame when I was shutting the door when I was trying to get him out the door. He threw it in reverse and almost had his head hung in the door. I also ran him off from the dogfood container because he was eating out of it like a bowl. I was trying to put the lid on and he’s trying to wedge his head between the lid and container. After I told him no and he had his own bowl right there beside him and the container. This dog acts like he is my owner, not like I am his owner. It’s an every day thing.

So when I left the house/fight, I ended up driving down to a neighborhood near my house and came back. I was crying and couldn’t take being there with the drama and the dog. I was telling him I was done with being in that house. I was blowing my nose and I yelled “I swear.” LOL I don’t remember why I said that. I wasn’t swearing about anything, I think I just used it as an expression. I came back and my husband cried and even threw up a few times. I never meant for this to happen. The last thing I wanted was for my husband to remember losing his dad and then losing his dog this weekend. This is why I didn’t want to talk about getting rid of Copper this weekend, but he just happened to see that text pop up on my phone when it was laying on the kitchen counter. He ended up balling his eyes out. He said it wasn’t about the dog (it is for me) but that I would try to get away with other things in the future- which isn’t true. He said that it was an example of mistrust or something like that. Then said that I was lying. I feel like I wasn’t given a chance to really talk about it. Just fight. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to keep this to myself in the end. I would’ve ended up telling him what I wanted to do with this dog. I don’t have the heart to not say anything. Just like driving down the road with him to dump him off. I think my husband cried so hard because he dreads tomorrow. Please pray for him and his family. He has struggled with the loss of his dad. I love him so much. The last thing I was trying to do today was to hurt him. I just wanted to make our homelife less stressful with this dog that aggravates me and that he yells at. My husband is a superintendent at a construction company that is working in a gov facility. He makes a really good amount of money and is really good to me. We seem to keep having these arguments that turns into him being mean and me screaming. I know he’s under a lot of stress but he’s working with some rough guys too that I’m sure he’s always getting on to them. I feel like maybe he’s going off on me because that’s how he deals with those guys. He works nights, 60-70 hrs/wk. I don’t see him a lot. I pray he can go back to 40 hrs aw eek and day shift.

Background info about me: I just recently quit a school counselor job that almost put me in the grave. I still have chest pains daily like I did at work (a lot of the faculty did, many were sent to the hospital/home during the work day- needless to say, a big group of people left that school and school system. It was bad). I’m to the point that I can’t even go to interviews in schools without feeling like I will have an anxiety attack about to happen. I’ve had to cancel. I can’t even watch the drama about that school system I just left on the news. Yes, we made the news. I watched the latest scoop on it a few weeks after I had quit and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack right there at 11:00 pm in the living room. One of my teacher friends was placed in a hospital and diagnosed PTSD. It’s just been really hard. I just need some time off. I am working hard on a few lines of business to help out with my husband. That’s if it will do good. He has been supportive. I feel like a lot of the stress from that job has slowly worn off, but hanging out a little. I also deal with PMDD which makes a lot of things harder. I believe I am also OCD but IDK where to start for treatment. I ended up with bad TMJ and migraines from the place. I had to go to physical therapy for relief. It felt like an ear infection from time to time. I had no idea it was a jaw thing. I dreaded daily going to this school. From the teachers and students I worked with to the duties and non-duties and the hell-like things that were in that school, I felt like I was about to explode. I don’t know how I made it in that school for over 2.5 years.

Thank you for reading for so long. After all of this blew over and I left my husband alone. I repented of… (get ready for some more…)

*Hurting him since that was not my intentions period

*I told him that “Every day, in this house, I live in hell (this hit my mind hard like in a literal sense and I added…) with that dog!” I really don’t. Not literally and not as a play on words. I was just mad and said this. I felt a literal sense of saying I have hell in my home which is not true, this house is a blessing. I wanted to repent and apologize to The Lord about that because I have been blessed and it came from Him. I told Him my comparison to hell and my home wasn’t meant as literal, but it felt like it. I also didn’t mean it in a form of cussing either. I felt bad because I wasn’t paying attention to my words and said hell in that way in prayer. I explained and repented for an accident too. I was just trying to be fully honest.

*I repented of saying something about breaking things in this house (I broke a broom today and a cup last night). I said that it gives me peace. It doesn’t. Maybe “peace of mind” where I can just get relief from chucking something as hard as I can.

*Cussing. I hate it. I never get mad enough to cuss until my husband pushes me that far.

*Everything that happened this evening

*For hitting myself. I have picked up a bad habit of getting irritated where I can't explain myself, I hit myself. I want to hit something and I hit my head. I hit myself with a box of kleenex. It didn't hurt but still.

I’m not too worried about getting rid of the dog. He needs better than us. Pray for us. It’s just so hard. I am 32 years old and I thought life would be much different than this. I thought I’d be in MY HOUSE, I’d have a FAMILY (infertility is hard), and I’d be mentally stable. To top it off, I lost track of time today and missed the evening service which is what we go to now since he works nights. Well, we could’ve been at church when all this went down. Go to church, people! I need some encouragement, prayer, strength and guidance. Leave your judgments to the side. I won't take them seriously anyways. I never meant to go E true Hollywood story over here. I just wanted to vent about the dog and ended up confessing some things I did today that I am not proud of. Advice is welcome.
Hi carrico,

Nice to meet you!

Overall big advice, find a good psychotherapist, if you don't have one already.

Sounds like you don't like confrontation. People who don't like confrontation often find themselves in cycles of being very unhappy with their life and bursting out in anger.

Apologize to your husband for not telling him that you were planning to get rid of the dog, or maybe you apologized already?

But then have an honest heart-to-heart with your husband about the dog. Your misstep about not telling him your plans does not mean you then have to live with the dog.

Realistically, if he's working super long hours, he can't take care of the dog. You may have to establish a boundary such as: I can't live in the same house as the dog, make your choice.

That's not threatening divorce, just saying you can't live in the same place as the dog. Perfectly acceptable thing to say in a Christian marriage.

Just some ideas to start out with.

And may the Lord Jesus Christ to give you his peace :heart:
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Active Member
May 5, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Thank you so
Hi carrico,

Nice to meet you!

Overall big advice, find a good psychotherapist, if you don't have one already.

Sounds like you don't like confrontation. People who don't like confrontation often find themselves in cycles of being very unhappy with their life and bursting out in anger.

Apologize to your husband for not telling him that you were planning to get rid of the dog, or maybe you apologized already?

But then have an honest heart-to-heart with your husband about the dog. Your misstep about not telling him your plans does not mean you then have to live with the dog.

Realistically, if he's working super long hours, he can't take care of the dog. You may have to establish a boundary such as: I can't live in the same house as the dog, make your choice.

That's not threatening divorce, just saying you can't live in the same place as the dog. Perfectly acceptable thing to say in a Christian marriage.

Just some ideas to start out with.

And may the Lord Jesus Christ to give you his peace :heart:

Thank you so much for reading all of that. I have actually looked into counseling recently. I 'd love to talk to someone. I actually have wanted to for years. Even if it was just a church counselor. I'm not sure about confrontation. I'm ok with it but then not ok with it. I just thought I could get rid of the dong in peace. One of the last counselors I saw was one on my college campus when I was getting my masters for school counseling. She told me I just "over think a lot." I believe there is more to it. I did talk to him and he said that he forgives me and I did apologize too. He said we can get rid of him. I believe we need to agree to quit bringing dogs in the bulldog family into this house. We had to rehome an american/english mix a few years ago. She snapped at him, bit me and tore my other dog up. $135 vet bill to fix a ripped eyelid. Then he brought in a rottweiler that I was afraid of. I had to lock my other dog up and stay upstairs because it was out. No way to live. That dog actually knocked me down and was rough on me and it hurt me.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
United States
Marital Status
Well, sounds like good progress is being made. Hopefully the person you found on Craigslist will still come pick up the dog.

You might consider talking to your husband and thinking of yourselves as a No Pet household for a while. Pets can sometimes be comforting, but they also add to your stress and workload. Sounds like it would be good to reduce those things, especially if you want to bring a baby into the household.

One place that I lived offered sliding scale psychotherapists through some Franciscan sisters. Where I live now, I have some friends who are getting free psychotherapy through the county because they have Medicaid. Whatever works.

Sounds like things are looking up!
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