Christian Responsibility VS Constitutional Rights


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Christian Responsibility VS Constitutional Rights

Most people claim their Canadian or American rights and privileges, and even their constitutional rights, when speaking their convictions and opinions about certain things. They claim their "freedom of speech" and their "freedom of expression". As a Christian I do NO SUCH THING as I voice my beliefs or my disgust at certain lifestyles.

As Christians we have a responsibility and a zeal for Truth and Righteousness, as founded and based upon the Word of God, the Bible. We do not apologize or seek to soft-soap the Truths and Principles of Life we stand for.

We understand that they are for the good of man-kind and the glory of God's Kingdom, and need only God's approval and commission to propagate such eternal fact.

We look to the infallible Word of God as recorded in the Bible as the basis of our beliefs and the source of authority in which we speak. When the Scriptures say "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Or "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13), then this is what we boldly declare as obvious Truth and the way God sees things, and upon which His judgments are still based.

The world likes to think that we are "homo-phobic", but the Truth of the matter is that our uncomfortableness and disgust at this filthy lifestyle is a "God-given, healthy hatred of perversion". It has nothing to do with "fear", but rather an honoring of cleanliness and the way God ordained relationships to be, the way God created LIFE to be.

Another thing worth seriously considering is "you had better be careful who sanctions your lifestyle, and whose approval you look to" because God is the final Judge, and He will judge all things according to His He always has. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

Woe unto those luke-warm Christians who cringe at the threats and lawsuits of the homosexual community, when they propose to sue individuals and demand apologies for us speaking and standing for the Word of Almighty God!
Certainly we could stand on our constitutional rights and our right to express our preferences just as freely as they do, but that is not our commission! Our commission and authority comes from God, and He has given us His Holy Spirit to stand boldly in the face of the heathen world and "hold forth the Word of Life."

Seriously, think about it, do you want to be heard based upon your "constitutional rights" or based upon the authority of God and His eternal Word. We are not here just to have our "fair share" of speech and free expression. We're here to declare the Word of Almighty which all things will be judged!

Did you ever consider that if you choose to vote over an issue, that you are in fact choosing to abide by the rules of voting and the out-come of the vote? So if the homosexual agenda wins a majority decision, and you voted...then you are obligated to settle with that decision. SINCE WHEN ARE CHRISTIANS CALLED TO VOTE?!!! Are you kidding, man!!! Where do you see that in the early Church in the book of Acts?

The Christian community and the Kingdom of God is not based on democracy, but on THEocracy! God ruling! And "God ruling" through His people. "Know ye not that ye shall judge the world, and judge angels?" (1Cor. 6:2,3)

Remember these things, saints of God, as you are faced with the deception and filth of this age, and seek God for a fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit, if need be, but DO NOT deal with the world on the worlds terms. These Truths and Godly principles of Life are NOT open to discussion, nor are they negotiable.

God's Word is "forever settled in heaven!" God Bless.
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Jan 12, 2008
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Gee, is that all the feed-back I get? It is good though when the Truth leaves us speechless. Truth which cannot be resisted! Amen.

What do you expect from the same old archaic pap? You didn't just invent the wheel y'know. Your OP is reminiscent of hundreds on this board. There is no creativity at all.

What I would like from you is PROOF that the Bible is the word of God. It's my understanding that NONE of the Bible was written by the finger of God. Why so?
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Christian Responsibility VS Constitutional Rights

Most people claim their Canadian or American rights and privileges, and even their constitutional rights, when speaking their convictions and opinions about certain things. They claim their "freedom of speech" and their "freedom of expression". As a Christian I do NO SUCH THING as I voice my beliefs or my disgust at certain lifestyles.
uhmm I think you're confusing the two different things. :sorry:

As Christians we have a responsibility and a zeal for Truth and Righteousness, as founded and based upon the Word of God, the Bible. We do not apologize or seek to soft-soap the Truths and Principles of Life we stand for.
Ok,I understand you so far. :)

We understand that they are for the good of man-kind and the glory of God's Kingdom, and need only God's approval and commission to propagate such eternal fact.
We look to the infallible Word of God as recorded in the Bible as the basis of our beliefs and the source of authority in which we speak.

Oops! You lost me there. If it was so easy to base everything on the Bible then why do so many Churches disagree? You hold a belief based on the Bible, someone else has another belief (totally the opposite of you) and yet you both are convinced it's based on the Bible. :confused:

When the Scriptures say "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Or "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13), then this is what we boldly declare as obvious Truth and the way God sees things, and upon which His judgments are still based.
you can hold that belief all you like...of course there are others who also have somewhat different views of those same scriptures. Why should people believe you're right and they're wrong? :scratch:

The world likes to think that we are "homo-phobic",
uhmmm because some of you are indeed homophobic? Not all, but some are. :wave:
but the Truth of the matter is that our uncomfortableness and disgust at this filthy lifestyle is a "God-given, healthy hatred of perversion". It has nothing to do with "fear", but rather an honoring of cleanliness and the way God ordained relationships to be, the way God created LIFE to be.
Ahhh the famous "Hate the sinner and everything about them!" school of Christianity? Tell me, do you find a lot of people respond well to being told "You have a filthy and disgusting lifestyle filled with perversions!" :confused: Or after you've told them you "Only honor cleanliness and Gods way, none of which you gay perverts would know anything about!" is that when people start accusing you of being homophobic?

Another thing worth seriously considering is "you had better be careful who sanctions your lifestyle, and whose approval you look to" because God is the final Judge, and He will judge all things according to His He always has.
Well, again historically that's not actually what the Church has taught. I know you think it is, but that's a fairly recent invention.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
You're right, we should always try and help the poor and not oppress strangers. That's a good reminder for us all. :thumbsup:
Woe unto those luke-warm Christians who cringe at the threats and lawsuits of the homosexual community, when they propose to sue individuals and demand apologies for us speaking and standing for the Word of Almighty God!
I actually agree with this, I don't like "hate speech legislation" I'm for free speech. That's why I support the ACLU. Of course you wouldn't have a problem with people who support gay rights coming and talking to people as they leave your Church, right? :wave:

Certainly we could stand on our constitutional rights and our right to express our preferences just as freely as they do, but that is not our commission! Our commission and authority comes from God, and He has given us His Holy Spirit to stand boldly in the face of the heathen world and "hold forth the Word of Life."
There's that mixing the two again, maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying but I don't see what the one has to do with the other. :sorry:

Seriously, think about it, do you want to be heard based upon your "constitutional rights" or based upon the authority of God and His eternal Word. We are not here just to have our "fair share" of speech and free expression. We're here to declare the Word of Almighty which all things will be judged!
...and again. :confused:

Did you ever consider that if you choose to vote over an issue, that you are in fact choosing to abide by the rules of voting and the out-come of the vote? So if the homosexual agenda wins a majority decision, and you voted...then you are obligated to settle with that decision.
...that's not true. Why do you believe that? :confused:

SINCE WHEN ARE CHRISTIANS CALLED TO VOTE?!!! Are you kidding, man!!! Where do you see that in the early Church in the book of Acts?
People find it's a lot more fun to vote for who's to be President then to cast lots? I don't think people trust it as much as the Apostles did. ;)

The Christian community and the Kingdom of God is not based on democracy, but on THEocracy! God ruling! And "God ruling" through His people. "Know ye not that ye shall judge the world, and judge angels?" (1Cor. 6:2,3) you're FOR a Pope to head up the Church? :confused:

Remember these things, saints of God, as you are faced with the deception and filth of this age, and seek God for a fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit, if need be, but DO NOT deal with the world on the worlds terms. These Truths and Godly principles of Life are NOT open to discussion, nor are they negotiable.
God's Word is "forever settled in heaven!" God Bless.
This is also something I agree with. I'm just not convinced any one person or book or group has all God truth. ;)
tulc(going to dinner be back later) :wave:
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I'll stop being an active homosexual when one of two things happens...

A. Someone provides me with overwhelming evidence that God actually condemns homosexuality. If this occurs, I won't even ask for a reason, I'll follow God's commandments utterly.
B. Someone can explain to me, in a logically consisetent and coherent fashion, why homosexuality should be considered immoral. No, just pointing to various Bible verses doesn't cut it. Morality can be determined without Biblical references through application of the Golden Rule. Using this method gets us a logical condemnation of murder, rape, theft, adultery, tax evasion, etc, but as yet, no one has been able to show me a logically consistent way to get a condemnation of homosexuality out of the Golden Rule.

So, there you have it. No big speaches or shouting required. These are my standards. Either/or. Nothing less will get me to renounce my homosexuality, but, given the importance of sexuality to humans, I don't think I'm being unreasonable in my request.
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Christian Responsibility VS Constitutional Rights
You are new here…I’ll go easy on you

Most people claim their Canadian or American rights and privileges, and even their constitutional rights, when speaking their convictions and opinions about certain things. They claim their "freedom of speech" and their "freedom of expression". As a Christian I do NO SUCH THING as I voice my beliefs or my disgust at certain lifestyles.
What lifestyle? :confused:

The black lifestyle?
The Jewish lifestyle?
The Amish lifestyle?
The Japanese-American lifestyle?

As Christians we have a responsibility and a zeal for Truth and Righteousness, as founded and based upon the Word of God, the Bible. We do not apologize or seek to soft-soap the Truths and Principles of Life we stand for.
And how do you personally respond when the truth conflicts with your personal beliefs?

We understand that they are for the good of man-kind and the glory of God's Kingdom, and need only God's approval and commission to propagate such eternal fact.
That’s nice. What about all the Christians who dare to disagree with you. How exactly do you claim you personally have God’s approval but they don’t?

We look to the infallible Word of God as recorded in the Bible as the basis of our beliefs and the source of authority in which we speak.
But sadly you use your personal interpretations …which is anything but infallible

When the Scriptures say "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Or "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13), then this is what we boldly declare as obvious Truth and the way God sees things, and upon which His judgments are still based.
Do you follow all the laws of Leviticus?

I doubt it
Do you cut your hair?
Wear clothing made of different fabrics?
Allow people with glasses to attend your church?
Keep slaves?
Eat shellfish?

It is interesting how those who don’t follow the laws of Leviticus are so willing to inflict cherry picked verses out of this book to attack a minority and defend prejudice and discrimination.

Even though you personally do not follow the many laws of Leviticus yet you do not seem to have a problem using Leviticus laws to attack a minority. Why?

Using Leviticus to justify prejudice and discrimination has many issues

First – we live under a new covenant. Jesus did away with the law and put in place his commandment
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

Promoting or justifying discrimination against a minority is not loving. And no matter how one tries to twist the justification it is an act of hate.

If any one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20

A further problem is one of translation. Leviticus has many injunctions against engaging in sex – specifically carnal knowledge. However carnal knowledge is not used in either Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 the word that is used is shakab. It is popularly translated to mean to lay (lie) with but there is a problem with that translation. Shakab is used 52 times in the old testament and is always used to a sexual encounter typified by deceit or force, in other words, some type of rape.

Shakab Means "Rape" not copulation, not carnal relations…rape.

Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 means that a man shall not force, or in any way coerce, another man to have sex, in the way that a man is allowed to force sex upon his wife. In other words, man is not allowed to rape a man, it is an abomination.
A man raping a man is no more a description of homosexuality than a man raping a woman is a description of heterosexuality.

The world likes to think that we are "homo-phobic", but the Truth of the matter is that our uncomfortableness and disgust at this filthy lifestyle is a "God-given, healthy hatred of perversion". It has nothing to do with "fear", but rather an honoring of cleanliness and the way God ordained relationships to be, the way God created LIFE to be.
You do realize that homophobia has nothing to do with a psychological anxiety disorder like claustrophobia or agoraphobia don’t you?

FYI homophobia means: an irrational fear of, aversion to or discrimination against homosexuals. Things you are displaying in your post here. If you don’t like the label you might want to consider what you are posting and how your own words lead to that application of homophobe to you

Another thing worth seriously considering is "you had better be careful who sanctions your lifestyle, and whose approval you look to" because God is the final Judge, and He will judge all things according to His He always has.

again what lifestyle are you talking about?

The black lifestyle?
The Jewish lifestyle?
The Amish lifestyle?
The Japanese-American lifestyle?

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.
As tulc pointed out it is good to remember the sins of Sodom and strive to not engage in such behavior in our lives.
“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16:49-50

Woe unto those luke-warm Christians who cringe at the threats and lawsuits of the homosexual community, when they propose to sue individuals and demand apologies for us speaking and standing for the Word of Almighty God!
Can you reference some actual lawsuits in North America where Christians were sued for giving their personal opinion on what the bible says?

You know….ones actually filed by this “homosexual community”

Certainly we could stand on our constitutional rights and our right to express our preferences just as freely as they do, but that is not our commission! Our commission and authority comes from God, and He has given us His Holy Spirit to stand boldly in the face of the heathen world and "hold forth the Word of Life."
Again, your opinion is your opinion. But I don’t see anyone stopping you form giving it

Seriously, think about it, do you want to be heard based upon your "constitutional rights" or based upon the authority of God and His eternal Word. We are not here just to have our "fair share" of speech and free expression. We're here to declare the Word of Almighty which all things will be judged!
So are you saying you don’t want others to have the same rights to speak their beliefs?

Did you ever consider that if you choose to vote over an issue, that you are in fact choosing to abide by the rules of voting and the out-come of the vote? So if the homosexual agenda wins a majority decision, and you voted...then you are obligated to settle with that decision.
Hey just like civil rights!

SINCE WHEN ARE CHRISTIANS CALLED TO VOTE?!!! Are you kidding, man!!! Where do you see that in the early Church in the book of Acts?

The Christian community and the Kingdom of God is not based on democracy, but on THEocracy! God ruling! And "God ruling" through His people. "Know ye not that ye shall judge the world, and judge angels?" (1Cor. 6:2,3)
However we both live in countries that are constitutional republics, not theocracies. And both our countries say that the majority cannot discriminate against minorities…sorry
Remember these things, saints of God, as you are faced with the deception and filth of this age, and seek God for a fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit, if need be, but DO NOT deal with the world on the worlds terms. These Truths and Godly principles of Life are NOT open to discussion, nor are they negotiable.

God's Word is "forever settled in heaven!" God Bless.
And that is why I reject prejudice and discrimination. Neither are from God and both go against the very teachings of Jesus
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Take it easy on me? I wouldn't let you come near me.

Look in the mirror and repeat your user name over and over.

The Word of God is my refuge and my buckler...against perversion and filth!

I don't even communicate with certain individuals lest I validate their existence. Rebuke is all I have for some. Which God's Word IS to the defiled and unclean. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak!
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To all "wolves":

Take it easy on me? I wouldn't let you come near me.

Look in the mirror and repeat your user name over and over.

The Word of God is my refuge and my buckler...against perversion and filth!

I don't even communicate with certain individuals lest I validate their existence. Rebuke is all I have for some. Which God's Word IS to the defiled and unclean. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak!
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Sep 22, 2008
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To all "wolves":

Take it easy on me? I wouldn't let you come near me.

Look in the mirror and repeat your user name over and over.

The Word of God is my refuge and my buckler...against perversion and filth!

I don't even communicate with certain individuals lest I validate their existence. Rebuke is all I have for some. Which God's Word IS to the defiled and unclean. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak!
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Sep 12, 2006
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Take it easy on me? I wouldn't let you come near me.

Look in the mirror and repeat your user name over and over.

The Word of God is my refuge and my buckler...against perversion and filth!

I don't even communicate with certain individuals lest I validate their existence. Rebuke is all I have for some. Which God's Word IS to the defiled and unclean. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak!

I feel the Christian love.
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Jan 12, 2008
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I don't debate Truth...I declare It!

It is the TRUTH which you shall be judged by!

You think I'm scary...My God is a consuming Fire! To the enrepentant and defiled.

There are all kinds of truths in the Bible. I've lost count. Some truths appear to okay slavery, rape and genocide while others command us to keep the 7th-day Sabbath or die. Yet others tell us not to stand in judgment of our fellow man lest we be equally judged. Would you generalize 'truth' for us?
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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Take it easy on me? I wouldn't let you come near me.
uhmmm...ok. :sorry:

Look in the mirror and repeat your user name over and over.
Should we stand in front of a mirror with a candle at the same time? "tulc, tulc, tulc." (suddenly a cup of coffee appears in the mirror!) :eek:

The Word of God is my refuge and my buckler...against perversion and filth!
I don't even communicate with certain individuals lest I validate their existence. Rebuke is all I have for some. Which God's Word IS to the defiled and unclean. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak!
...which individuals would that be? :confused:
tulc(wonders why your post is on here three times?) :scratch:
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


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Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His Eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse...."

Vrs. 26-27 "For this cause God gave them up unto VILE effections...women with women men with men..."

vrs. 28 "...God gave them over to a reprobate mind..."

When men and woman spurn the obvious and turn even nature into a perversion of filth, allowing their consciences to be seared...He gives them over to indulge in their vile activities and reap the corruption, desease and death due them.

That's the main reason so many practicing gays and sympathizers are on these try and soothe their shame and guilty conscience. But the content of Truth from the Bible continues to slodify the judgement forthcoming and justifies God in His destruction of all "dogs and whoremungers" .

Rev. 22:15 "For without are dogs (homosexuals), and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie."
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