CF Singles Prayer Chats

Unofficial Reverand Alex

Pray in silence...God speaks softly
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Dec 22, 2017
The Mystical Lands of Rural Indiana
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Hey, FollowTheStar, if praying for a guy/girl is a sin, then I've spent years setting myself up for Hell. I highly advise you to read the book of Tobit; it's not well known, because it's only in Catholic bibles and protestant bibles with Apocrypha, but the book begins with a man praying for a wife for his sun. Most people are called to the married life, and the desire to be united with a son of Christ is a natural, Godly, and healthy want. Honestly, selfish or not, praying for anything is a good thing. I used to spend my evening prayers before Christmas praying for the Christmas gifts I wanted. Selfish? Yes. But it turned me towards God, by getting me in the habit of praying; He works in mysterious ways. If nothing else, pray for insight, pray for the wisdom to know what is and isn't selfish. Try praying something like this: "Lord, I know not the time, nor the manner that you wish to bring me to my future husband, but You know how badly I want to be with one of Your sons. I submit myself to You--please guide me as you know will work the best." In the meantime, take advantage of this season of singleness, and prepare yourself for your husband. Study the Theology of the Body, to deepen your understanding of why God designed us the way he did. Look up Jason Evert on YouTube or Amazon, and Chastity Project on your favorite search engine; they all have great answers on relationships, dating, sex, etc.; they've proven to be immensly helpful for me. I actually never was very religious; I went to church and Sunday school because I had to, but wasn't really 'into' my faith until a few months ago, as an incoming college freshman in search of a girlfriend. I had a little mustard seed of faith at this point, but decided, due to catastrophic previous experiences, that I would pray to God for leading me to the right girl. I gave up on myself, decided that only God could make this work, and without realizing it, completely gave a central part of myself to God. From there, he completely transformed me, from a kind-of Catholic to someone who voluntarily goes to daily mass and wants to be a theology professor. Never fear your prayers; the fact that you're praying is the most important part. Talk about the situation with God, and He'll guide you; "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." (James 4:8).
Put yourself out there, dress modestly, and trust in God; He'll take care of you.
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