Bede Griffiths: Catholic Ashram


catholic artist
Nov 30, 2013
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Here is an interesting article:

John J. Mulloy

and a quote:

"It is too easily forgotten that two principal sources of our Western Christian civilization were Greece and Rome and that the philosophical heritage derived from these two centres has played absolutely no part in the cultural development of the East. It is our duty to bring the truths of Christianity to the great peoples of the East and to do so effectively means divesting the original Hebrew thought of Our Lord of its rationalist Greek dress. The attempt to teach Orientals to see Christian Truth through the eyes of Aristotle and Plato is doomed to failure, and we ourselves miss much by restricting our field of vision and excluding from our viewpoint the ancient philosophical systems of China and India.... "
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Dona Quixote
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Jun 11, 2005
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I know that Bede Griffiths was instrumental in developing centering prayer.

I haven't read any of his books, but I have read a little Anthony DeMello, SJ.

DeMello was born in Bombay and was a psychotherapist as well as a Jesuit.

Anthony de Mello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

His books are thoughtful and beautiful. I think that as Catholicism is filtered through different cultural perspectives, our traditions are enriched.

I know several people who have grown very close to God through DeMello's writings, and they were especially comforted by them while they were hospitalized.

There needs to be a definite balance between too much rigidity and too much speculation, but since there has been too much rigidity between the Council of Trent and Vatican II, and an effort to restore rigidity between 1980 and 2013, I don't think we have put that balance anywhere close to jeopardy yet.
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