
  1. Sondog

    Everyday opportunities...

    Are your eyes open for everyday opportunities to bless and help people? Sometimes, all you have to do is slow down and look around… https://loonwatchman.wordpress.com/
  2. TheLostCoin

    Question Regarding the Orthodox Church(es)?

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, My name is Matt, and right now I am a Catholic (born and raised) who is considering the possibility of converting to the (Eastern) Orthodox faith. However, even though the answer may be "it isn't relevant", I can't help but bring up a question regarding the...
  3. GirlandTheWord

    How to Be a Great Friend

    A Great Friend Listens Ah, yes. It’s the old “listen before you speak” spiel. Except without the speaking. When you’re there to listen, genuinely engage. Don’t listen half-heartedly while you silently conjure up a clever response. Listening takes a lot of humbleness and humility. It is the act...
  4. GirlandTheWord

    How to Share the Gospel

    With a topic as broad and touchy as sharing the Gospel, it’s no wonder why so many Christ followers recoil when it’s “their turn” to share the Good News to others. One common view of this, which I don’t recommend, is to look at people as sales pitches. Yes, you’ve read that right. If you haven’t...
  5. Daniel Keeran


    SHARE FREELY TO START THE CONVERSATION https://www.academia.edu/28209757/Claims_of_Jesus_of_Nazareth_fridge_poster_
  6. Daniel Keeran

    Jesus the Messiah

    for thoughtful conversation........ please print and place everywhere https://www.academia.edu/28209757/Claims_of_Jesus_of_Nazareth_fridge_poster_
  7. TaiKamiya720

    Why do street preachers use harsh ways to evangelise?

    I just went on a vacation to Washington DC. When I got to see the White House for the very first time in my life, I saw this crazy guy with a bullhorn and signs saying things like "Repent or Perish" and "God is going to judge you", screaming about Hell, judgement, things like how people loved...
  8. Whereismysalvation

    Evangelizing to your classmates and teachers

    Hi, Can someone please share their evangelism experiences in college? I know that I have to be patient and wait for opportunities to speak up for Christ. Thank you and may Jesus bless you.
  9. Sondog

    Slow down, ya move too fast...

    look around today. all the lonely people. in cubicles and kiosks. on corners and in lines. hiding behind their faces. trapped in their hearts. dare to slow down. to reach out. past your comfort zone. you have good news for them. REALLY GOOD NEWS!!! https://loonwatchman.wordpress.com/
  10. Servatude

    When do we no longer have to Obey our Parents?

    I am 23 years old. Don't get me wrong, I want to obey my parents because we are commanded by God to obey our parents. (Eph 6:1) But where do we draw the line? I feel like obeying my parents has really been affecting my spiritual walk in Christ. My parents don't want me to evangelise, nor go...
  11. M

    New Study on "The Evangelical Pattern"

    This was my first time hearing about the "evangelical pattern". Have you heard about this before? What do you think of this article? Apparently MIT did a study on good epidemics and said: "The research showed three different ways beneficial epidemics spread, and one of them was so similar to...
  12. M

    "Study Shows Christianity is Contagious"

    In 1910, there were 600 million of us. In 2010, there were 2 BILLION! So exciting to see how the good word has grown! What do you think of this article?
  13. I

    A few questions...(fasting before communion/hats/lack of evangelism)

    Hi My name is Israel and I'm a non-denominational Christian. Recently I have been drawn to Orthodox Christianity by its beauty and claims of being the direct descendants of the apostles (which so many different sects claim). But I would really like to know the answer to these questions that I...