
  1. BobRyan

    Apostle Peter gets "schooled" on the subject of evangelizing the world

    This thread is about evangelism. The Apostle Peter in Acts 10 is at that point a; --Holy Spirit filled --God directed --Heaven appointed evangelist. Yet in that chapter he is about to get "Schooled" on a key detail he was missing in his evangelistic outreach. He was about to learn via symbols...
  2. TCB Christian

    Best Books on Evangelism

    Hey guys, I was wondering what your favorite books on Evangelism have been? I've read a few that I found really interesting. Here's my list: Chasing The Dragon (Jackie Pullinger) Capturing a Town for Christ (Elmer Towns) Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis) Changing the World Through Discipleship...
  3. C

    Hi from Dubai

    Hi Everyone My name is Chrissie, I am a South African living in Dubai. I have been a Christian for many years and am the founder of an evangelism and discipleship ministry (www.jrevolution.net). I have never joined in any type of Christian forum before, but I am looking forward to connecting...
  4. Jackson Posey

    Frank Hogan, AKA John 3:7 man

    Frank Hogan, one of Ireland's most famous sports fans, passed away earlier this month. He was best known for his giant, yellow sign, which simply read "John 3:7." I'm a writer, considering writing a book on halfhearted Christianity, and his story has really jumped out at me the past few days. If...
  5. M

    The Mandate for Mission is over

    Jesus instructed His disciples to go to all nations and preach the gospel and then the end would come. They did go to all the nations and so the end could come (in their lifetime.) In Acts 2:5 Peter preached to "devout men from every nation under heaven." Luke lists the nations this included...
  6. M

    The Nations were all reached

    Jesus instructed His disciples to go to all nations and preach the gospel and then the end would come. They did go to all the nations and so the end could come (in their lifetime.) In Acts 2:5 Peter preached to "devout men from every nation under heaven." Luke lists the nations this included...
  7. A

    Evangelism Survey

    Hey guys! I made a survey about evangelism and if you have a few minutes to fill it out, I'd really appreciate it! I'm just curious about how strong people are about sharing the gospel and what some reasons are for not being more proactive in that. Thanks in advance! Missions
  8. Pavel Mosko

    Confrontational Evangelism

    A Facebook Friend posted a pithy little meme like statement that I think summarized most of my inner attitude on Evangelism etc. Sometimes getting at things we occasionally even see on this board. Of course, being pithy it is probably a little over simplistic for the nit pickers etc...
  9. Ryan Setliff

    What are some good books on Evangelism?

    I posted a half-dozen books that are among my favorites on my personal web site, under the evangelism section, including J.I. Packer's Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God.
  10. BobRyan

    Why discuss Calvinism vs Arminianism in Evangelism? Starts with Definitions

    This thread is not intended to be so much a round-and-round debate (though that could happen) but rather to "get the definitions on the table". Essentially it is the issue of whether the Gospel invitation is for all - and "whosoever will" or is it a "selection" system where God "Selects" some...
  11. BobRyan

    Does the recently confirmed existence of UfO's pose a threat to Christianity?

    Sept 2019 the U.S. Navy confirms existence of UFOs with hard evidence including visual sightings over a period of years -- and also tracking them on radar as well as engaging them in arial maneuver (dog fights) where they are not firing on anything just trying to follow/track it. Does your...
  12. Greg Merrill

    Going Fishing With Jesus

    Mark 1:17 says "And Jesus said unto them, follow me and I will make you to become fishers of men." Do we have to go "door to door"? No. Do we have to speak to people "face to face"? No. Do we have to know the Bible real well? No. Do we have to leave our home? No. Does it have to be...
  13. Lords Man

    Knock, Knock.....who's There?

    Revelation 3:20 does NOT speak to evangelism. The Lord Jesus Christ does not stand at the door of an unsaved person's heart, hat in hand, knocking, knocking, knocking, calling, calling, calling, hoping, hoping, hoping, only to be disappointed in many cases! Why? Because He knows that the person...
  14. mindlight

    What worked for you?

    I am preaching a sermon on Luke 5:1-11 this Sunday. It has gotten me thinking about what works when it comes to evangelism. Jesus was incredibly seeker friendly, using a fishing boat to preach to a fishing community and using a big catch of fish to convert fishermen in to fishers of men. He...
  15. Hazelelponi

    Young Man's Invitation To A Life Of Sacrifice

    I wanted to share this video with some of the young men here. My love to you all, and I pray for God's blessings upon you as you watch this video. I've transcribed the first small portion of the video so that you know what the teaching is about. "I'm not really from the blogging, internet...
  16. D

    Instagram and Facebook blocking Christian website links trying to spread the Word

    I am a volunteer at a non-profit Christian bible study group called "biblestudyforall.org" We opened up an instagram account and started posting verse illustrations as a way to reach out to other believers and encourage people with the Word. But when we tried to link our website to the...
  17. JenniferLeigh

    I've lost my passion to witness/pray since becoming a Calvinist

    I'm seeking help from Calvinists in particular who can help me understand my loss of passion in evangelism since becoming a Calvinist, not by persuasion, but by studying the Word. I've also lost my passion in prayer. I know I need to do both things because the bible says so, but I no longer...
  18. dzheremi

    LDS Mormon Outreach to Muslims: Muslim & Mormon Relations in S. California

    So I found this interesting video when I was looking just now for a YouTube channel that I had heard about that is run by a young woman who had been born Mormon, converted to Islam, and then left Islam to become some kind of atheist or agnostic (she was featured on a podcast I listened to the...
  19. Photos Taken During T. L. Osborn's Great Evangelistic Crusades In The 20th Century

    Photos Taken During T. L. Osborn's Great Evangelistic Crusades In The 20th Century

  20. Episaw


    I recently moved house to a smaller one than what I had. This meant that a gallon would not go into a pint pot. So I had to go through a lot of "stuff" and get rid of it. I sold some but gave most of it away. God told me to get rid of the past to prepare for the future. One of the reasons for...