
  1. judson1982

    Is revival still relevant to today's culture?

    I'm referring to multi-day meetings where an itenarant evangelist (or pastor from a nearby church, more common where I live in MS) preaches sermons (usually containing "fire and brimstone" and coming from the KJV) urging the lost to come to Christ--followed by an endless singing of a song like...
  2. Lybrah

    Not Preaching for fear of being fired--a viable excuse to the Lord?

    I made a thread about this before, a long time ago. I am a teacher in a public school, and I am not allowed to talk about Jesus, ever. The other day, we were learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. One of the questions was "Who inspires you?" and some of the quotes in the lesson were by MLK...
  3. insurchoftruth

    Evangelism – Do Not Give Pearls to Pigs-Mark 6:11

    Bible Study Evangelism – Do Not Give Pearls to Pigs-Mark 6:11 Sometimes, we as a Christians, are trying to convince non-believers, to believe in God, and accept Jesus as their Savior. I believe, that we are called to share the Gospel with non-believers, but it is up to them, to believe it or...
  4. ThinkOneWeek

    Test & feedback for The Valule Of Life Quiz

    Dear brothers and sisters, I have made a little ("evangelism")quiz and I would really appreciate some feedback on it. The link to the quiz is https://www.thinkoneweek.com/value-life-quiz Any input is welcome (text corrections, extra or modified questions, better answers). I'm really curious...
  5. ThinkOneWeek

    Evangelise through Social Media

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I'm helping on a project called ThinkOneWeek. It is an internet evangelisation website that explains the Gospel in a simple way to non-believers. If you are looking for a simple way to share your belief with your Facebook-, Instagram- or Twitter friends...
  6. O

    Why we should share the Gospel

    It is a short video, what are your thoughts?
  7. O

    3 Reason to share the Gospel

    it is a short video, what are your thoughts?
  8. G

    Selective Evangelism

    Hi All, Im a Millineal Christian thats what they've call us at our church. And im always wondering why i dont know if this is happening in your place but our church encourages us to evangelize people who is in schools, workplaces, coffee shops etc. but didnt even mention once evangelising...
  9. Mark Corbett

    How a Muslim Holiday can Help Your Muslim Neighbor Understand the Gospel

    This Thursday evening (August 31, 2017) is the beginning of the Islamic holiday of Eid Al Adha. This holiday provides an excellent opportunity for you to share the gospel with your Muslim friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Muslims receive friends (including non-Muslim friends) for several weeks...
  10. Raphael Jauregui

    Can syncretism be a way to communicate the gospel? How far is too far or not far enough?

    Back in June of 2013, four years ago now, the Church of England, via its Church Mission Society, said it was exploring what it would mean to offer a church space that would appeal to New Age and Pagan seekers. The article title calls this a 'pagan church', but, more accurately, it is a church...
  11. ByTheSpirit

    The Reason

    What reason do we have for not sharing our testimony? It is a common theme among Christians that they have a hard time sharing the gospel because of: Fear Ignorance Uncertainty Untrained Fear We like to yell amen when the preacher asks: Who has the joy of the LORD today? We love the feels of...
  12. Uber Genius

    How Do You Represent Atheists?

    Recently I read an article by a Christian philosopher, Randal Rouser. He is an interesting Canadian chap who engages atheists in a friendly manner. He has written a 20-page scholarly paper entitled, "The Atheist and the Antitheist:
A Critical Analysis of the Rebellion Thesis." I have shortened...
  13. U

    Social Media in Sharing the Gospel Around the World

    Use this thread to post ideas for how to use social media to share the gospel. Maybe you are using Facebook or Twitter to share the gospel. I would like to let people know about an app called Chatous that allows users to chat with strangers from around the world. I have been surprised how many...
  14. Uber Genius

    Tricks Theists Play (Part 2)

    Warning: This video will be offensive due to its manipulative nature and use of fallacy. In the, "Evolution vs. God," movie, Ray Comfort treats us to an intellectual trick. He started by showing us various people claiming to believe in the theory of evolution. He then presents the following...
  15. Sondog

    You can only export what you have.

  16. Sondog

    Kingdom stuff...

    Find a way to do Kingdom stuff every day (sharing the Gospel, praying with people, interceding for the lost people in your life, etc.). It will bring Joy to the heart of Jesus! Even little things are significant… “His Master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful...
  17. robert skynner

    John 10:30 I and the Father are one: does NOT prove Oneness Pentecostalism!

    ‘I and my Father are one.’ (John 10:30, KJV). ‘ego kai ho patar ev esmen: (John 10:30: The Nestles Greek text). ‘I ((Subject)) and ((conjunction)) my Father ((object)) are ((verb 1st-person-plural)) one ((adjective)).’ (John 10:30, KJV). Oneness people would need to explain the use...
  18. robert skynner

    Do Apostolics (Oneness Pentecostals) deny the Son of God?

    “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning. I have many things to say and to judge of you: but...
  19. Sondog

    A short, contemplative video I made about the joy of evangelism!

    A short video I made, filled with scripture, quotes and encouraging images about the joy of evangelism. Hope it blesses you!
  20. U

    Evangelism and Number of People Saved

    We know from 2 Peter 3:9 that God desires that everyone believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is a good thing if the greatest number of people are saved. It would seem that believers should try to witness to as many people as they possibly can. We know from reading The Bible that God does not...